The Fountain of Youth Pt. 6

The fallout from Bryan’s fight leads Charlene to Glen.

September 1967

Memphis, Tennessee

Bryan got into Glen’s car while holding his nose and rubbing the side of his head. Aaron Ulrich had done an embarrassing number on him, but luckily, he had his best friend to bail him out.

Glen got into the driver’s seat and looked over to his buddy. Glen felt conflicted because he knew he had had to step in and save Bryan, but it also came at the cost of humiliating him simultaneously.

Glen started up the car and began to drive out of the school parking lot. Surely the rumors would start to make their way around about Glen Miller played big brother for a wimpy Bryan Griggsby.

“You didn’t need to do that Glen,” Bryan said with a bitter tone.

There wasn’t a hint of thanks, or apology to Glen for making him break at least one knuckle when he punched Aaron Ulrich’s face. Glen was unsure what to say, so he let Bryan continue.

“This isn’t like we were little kids, man. I don’t need you taking care of anyone who picks a fight with me… I can take care of myself.”

Bryan’s nose was still bleeding from the first Ulrich punch.

Glen felt like telling Bryan that he actually couldn’t take care of himself, but that’s not what he was there to do. Glen just did what a best friend should do and became understanding, “Yeah, you’re right. I just saw him going after you, and…”

Bryan finished his sentence, “And you thought I couldn’t defend myself. You thought I couldn’t handle it.”

Glen didn’t respond because he didn’t want to hurt Bryan more emotionally than he already was physically.

“Listen, Glen, I’d rather get my butt kicked than have you bail me out. Okay?”

Glen remained silent and continued driving through the neighborhood that housed himself and Bryan.

“Let me out.”

Glen looked over at Bryan who still had blood running down his hand from off his nose, “C’mon Bryan… this isn’t a big deal.”

“Stop the damn car!”

Glen obliged him and slowed down Bryan’s car until it stopped about three blocks from Bryan’s house. Bryan climbed out quickly and briskly walked to the sidewalk where he continued even faster.

Glen didn’t know what to do. He had helped his best friend when he seemingly needed him the most, but now their friendship was splitting apart.

Later that night Glen was sitting at home doing homework and keeping an icepack on his knuckle when the house phone rang.


“Hello?” Glen’s mother picked up before Glen could get to it. “Yes, just a second.”

She went to hand the phone to him and winked, giving him the signal that it was a girl.

“Hello?” Glen’s voice was deep as usual, but right now it was more monotone. There was a hint of sadness that came across as a result of what transpired with Bryan.

“Hi, it’s Charlene.”

Her honey-sweet voice immediately brought a smile to his face.

“Oh, hi, Charlene. How are you doing?” Glen tried to be cheerful, but Glen knew this call was about Bryan.

“Not too good, Glen; I want to talk to you. You want to go out to ‘the point’ for a little bit?”

Charlene’s request was more of privilege to him, and he quickly said yes. Within a minute, Glen had grabbed his leather jacket and headed out the door.

The car ride with Charlene was quiet and depressing, and Glen could sense Charlene’s somber mood because she no doubt had heard of her boyfriend’s fight at school.

As he parked the car, he looked over to her and asked Charlene what exactly it was that she wanted to talk about. The question was needed, they both knew the subject of the conversation, but it gave it a start.

“Glen, tell me what happened with Bryan and Aaron Ulrich after school today,” Charlene asked desperately, searching for an honest explanation.

Whenever Glen had to speak about something he really didn’t want to, he gave a signature clear of the throat.

“Well, Aaron was saying some stuff in the locker room earlier and Bryan took some offense. Marco told Bryan to stand up for himself and fight him after school… and Bryan got the courage to do just that, and it was arranged.”

Charlene nervously interrupted, “What did Aaron say Glen?”

“He said… that if he kicked Bryan’s ass, you would be too embarrassed to date him…”

Charlene gasped; she didn’t know what to think as feelings and emotions floated through her head.

Glen continued, “And when they fought, Aaron got the upper hand. I didn’t think that Bryan could get himself out of it… so I stepped in and took care of things. Then when I was taking Bryan home, all he could talk about is how he didn’t want or need my help.”

A tear was rolling down Charlene’s cheek, “I know, he told me what he said. He’s just…”

Charlene was becoming frustrated by the swelling of her throat that kept her from speaking clearly.

Glen leaned over and pulled Charlene into his arms. His tree trunk arms surrounded Charlene and gave her comfort, something that Bryan seemingly hadn’t been able to provide. Charlene sobbed into Glen’s leather jacket, but it was unknown which particular aspect of the situation was making her cry the most.

Was it the embarrassment of Bryan’s loss in the fight? Did she just feel so sorry for Bryan, and her feelings were beginning to slip? Glen couldn’t tell but he held her even tighter.

After a couple minutes of quietly crying into Glen’s chest, Charlene looked up into his clear sky-blue eyes. Nothing was said Glen lowered his head to her and their lips met.

They kissed.

This kiss was passionate, forbidden, and romantic.

Their lips moved with each other’s, and they kept their eyes closed, savoring every second. Every sense they possessed; sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound were focused on the other.

The night sky loomed overhead the star-crossed lovers, and gentle winds stirred against his car.

Through all the passions of their kissing, they didn’t Bryan’s car sneaking up behind them with its lights off. It crept right up behind them and when Bryan switched his lights on, it illuminated the embrace of his girlfriend and his best friend.

Glen and Charlene jolted their heads up to look out the rear window and see Bryan sitting in his car. Bryan’s hands were shaking against the steering wheel and his teeth were audibly gritting. Letting his tires spin, he threw his car into reverse and headed off down the dirt road that brought him here.

With wide eyes, Glen looked down at Charlene who simply told him, “Would you take me home, please…?”

Glen knew he had just destroyed any sort of friendship he had with Bryan, and most likely he would never get to speak to Charlene again.

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