Gold Rush

The epic finale of Golden Pro Wrestling’s first season is here!

The Pure Gold Championship tournament comes to an end with finalists Violence and Golden Ben Miller. Their LADDER MATCH is punctuated by a deep-seeded hatred originally stemming from Violence injuring GBM’s close friend, Cory Stenson at Gold Strike 1.

PLUS Flip Costa and Reject culminate their rivalry over GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano. If Flip wins, Reject must never bother Vicky again… but if Reject wins, Vicky is his forever.



Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…







What's At Stake

“The Sound” by Switchfoot fades out and the Golden Pro Wrestling logo dissolves to black. A narrator’s deep voice begins to speak while “Disco Science” by Mirwais rhythmically plays underneath.

Narrator: First, there were sixteen…

Footage of the Pure Gold Championship tournament first round action fades onto the broadcast. It features epic moments including Flip Costa hitting the Flipoff on Jumpstart, Golden Ben Miller dropping the Golden Knee on Saga, and ending with a blurry screen followed Violence standing over Cory Stenson’s brutalized body.

The screen goes back to black.

Narrator: Then there were eight…

Second round action fades onto the screen with highlights of Violence and Shotcaller exchanging blows, Golden Ben Miller clotheslining Corbin Fiscal, Dr. Dean hitting an elbow drop on the Draconian, and Big Buddha with a leg drop on Flip Costa.

The screen returns to black.

Narrator: It was then down to four…

Memorable moments from final four matches flash across the screen with Violence lifting Big Buddha onto his shoulders for the Blur Out, and Golden Ben Miller delivering a big boot to Dr. Dean’s face.

The screen dissolves to black again.

Narrator: Now it is down to TWO.


It's Finally Here!

The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and entire lower level of the arena.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen, then transitions to Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcers.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK! to GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is the living crime against comedy, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Well, GPW fans, GOLD RUSH IS HERE! All belts are on the line including the culmination of Violence and Golden Ben Miller’s feud, and the future of Vicky Cogliano hangs in the balance between Flip Costa and the always-miserable Reject.

DeShawn: I, for one, need the sweet release of climax here!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! That is disgusting if interpreted incorrectly but I choose to not do so! Anyways, folks, there is a full slate of action, and every match has implications that will shape Golden Pro Wrestling’s second season.

DeShawn: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! We have to make this moment last as long so that everyone is satisfied.

Rudy Mac: Again, DeShawn, I choose not to participate in your debauchery!

DeShawn: Aw, Rudy, I’m just trying to give the fans oral pleasure here!

Rudy Mac: I apologize on behalf of DeShawn here, folks. But what I DON’T apologize for is, the exciting matchups to come… which kicks off with a dog fight for the GPW Hardcore Championship!


King Crab Mack vs. Sicko

Single Fall, Hardcore Rules

Suddenly, orange pyrotechnics blast off the stage and “Slit Wrist Theory” by 36 Crazyfists pounds out of the speakers. The crowd lets off a huge pop of excitement when the Bering Sea Badass comes walking out on the stage carrying an enormous crabbing hook.

Rudy Mac: King Crab Mack is here, and he’s been in total control of his matches since day 1.

DeShawn: Yeah, but he hasn’t had to deal with this opponent yet!

KCM, with his hook resting against his shoulder, takes his place in the middle of the ring.

The ominous drumline of “Deadman” by Karnivool hits the sound system, and the crowd oohs and ahhs when the mysterious Sicko emotionlessly appears. Dr. Dean and the Orderlies walk cautiously a few steps behind.

DeShawn: Rudy, do you think Sicko ever cares that he has the Psych Ward constantly watching his every movement?

Rudy Mac: I think they’re doing it for our protection, so I don’t care how it makes Sicko feel!

The two men begin the Hardcore Championship match by slowly circling each other. King Crab Mack has his hook, but Sicko opts to start the match barehanded.

Sicko dodges KCM’s first hook swing and hits a swift kick to the crabber’s face forcing him to drop the hook. The first couple of minutes of the match are largely weapon-free with KCM hitting a couple of power moves and Sicko returning the favor with a few of his own.

King Crab Mack finally picks his hook up again, but Sicko smiles and ducks out of the ring. From beneath the ring apron, Sicko pulls out a chair and beckons King Crab Mack to join him.

Rudy Mac: This may start getting real now!

At ringside, Sicko attempts a chair shot, but KCM blocks it with his hook, who then uses the weapon to slew foot Sicko. While on the ground, King Crab Mack lifts his hook and SLAMS it down on Sicko’s stomach, which sends him rolling away in pain.

A little bit away, Dr. Dean and the Orderlies watch closely.

DeShawn: I wonder if their presence alone will be an issue for KCM!

Indeed, KCM points his hook at the three allies of Sicko and gives a warning look, which is just the distraction Sicko needed. The Psych Ward inmate picks up the chair and delivers a brutal shot to the back of King Crab Mack’s head.


KCM goes falling to the ground.

1… 2… NO!!!

Sicko grabs the chair again, and as KCM gets to his feet, he delivers three more shots to KCM’s back.


1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: We’re really starting to see what King Crab Mack is made of!

Suddenly re-energized, KCM rises to his feet and grabs Sicko by the neck and TOSSES him into the ring.

DeShawn: That’s some strength you can only build while hauling crab!

Back inside the ring, KCM picks up Sicko and holds him vertically in the air…


1… 2… NOOOO!!!!

KCM lifts Sicko up one more time, who is now bleeding profusely from his head.

Rudy Mac: I think we’re about to see that jumping backbreaker!


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: He’s done it! KCM is the FIRST Golden Pro Wrestling Hardcore Champion!

DeShawn: Remind me to never train to become a wrestler, get good enough to be signed by GPW, enter the hardcore division, and end up in a match against King Crab Mack.

Inside the ring, the referee straps the Hardcore Championship belt around King Crab Mack’s waist while Orderlies wrangle Sicko’s beaten body. Dr. Dean looks disappointed as he heads back up the ramp.

Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion:

King Crab Mack via The Full Pot


Where is Shotcaller?

The camera fades backstage behind the curtain leading out to the ramp. GPW Commissioner Parker Meloche and company accountant, Corbin Fiscal, are waiting. Parker looks annoyed, and even worried.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and glances at the screen.

Corbin: Yo, I’m telling you, he ain’t gonna show.

Parker: He has to. Do you know what I pulled to get him to come out to Memphis?

King Crab Mack returns through the curtain holding his title belt.

Corbin: Congrats, Mack!

Parker: Very impressive, great work!

KCM gives them a brief nod in thanks and continues on backstage. However, Parker’s face then returns to sour, and he begins to tap his foot. He gives Corbin a nervous look.

Parker: Where the hell is Shotcaller? He’s next!

Corbin: Don’t know boss… if he doesn’t show, then I guess I get the Silver Championship title shot to start season 2?

Parker: No, no, no… this is Gold Rush! If Shotcaller isn’t going to show, then I have another wrestler who deserves this chance!

Corbin: Ha, alright then. I’ll head on out and wait… find me someone good!

Golden Pro Wrestling’s accountant bends over and reaches down to his toes and stretch while Parker Meloche runs off down the hallway to find Shotcaller’s replacement.


Corbin Fiscal vs. Jumpstart

Single Fall, Silver Championship #1 Contender Match

“I Chase Paper” by Plies hits the speaker system the crowd gives a warm cheer for Corbin Fiscal, who comes out pointing to the fans.

Rudy Mac: As always, DeShawn, we should probably say a few nice things about Corbin Fiscal.

DeShawn: Corbin is by far one of the most competent accountants we have ever worked with, and it’s an absolute honor and privilege to call him our coworker.

Rudy Mac: Well said, DeShawn. And thank you, Corbin, for your accuracy in cutting our paychecks!

DeShawn: Word!

Rudy Mac: Now, almost as important is what’s at stake in this match… a shot at the Silver Championship to start off season 2!

DeShawn: Now, Corbin is supposed to be taking on Shotcaller… but the word is that Shotty ain’t showin’!

Corbin Fiscal climbs into the ring and stretches against the ropes while waiting to find out who Shotcaller’s replacement is…

“Destruction” by Joywave begins to the play and the crowd POPS for a key veteran on the GPW roster.

Rudy Mac: Oh boy! Jumpstart is back and he’s got himself a big opportunity!

DeShawn: Woohoo! I hope his knee is ready this time!

Jumpstart makes his way down to the ring with a proud smile and expresses confidence to the fans.

The two wrestlers square up and the match kicks off with a series of fast paced dodging, ducking and reversals. Jumpstart gets the first advantage by nailing a cross body block, then following up with a bulldog.

Corbin Fiscal then gets the upper hand and eventually hits a tornado DDT on the experience Canadian.

1… 2… NO!!!

Jumpstart shakes off the DDT, then lays out Corbin and hits a spectacular moonsault.

Rudy Mac: This is vintage Jumpstart!

1… 2… NO!!!

Jumpstart expresses a little frustration and quickly scales up to the top rope. He launches off looking for his signature Shooting Star Press…


At the last moment, Corbin jumps up, catches Jumpstart mid-air and nails him with his reverse brainbuster.


Rudy Mac: My GOD, did you see that!?

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Holy… how was that possible?!

Rudy Mac: Corbin is as excellent as an athlete as he is a bookkeeper.

DeShawn: And he can count his money while he waits for season 2 and his shot at the Silver Championship!

In the ring, Corbin helps Jumpstart get up and gives him a respectful handshake before heading back up to backstage.


Corbin Fiscal via The Cash Out


Cory's Back

The broadcast switches to a shot of the inside of the back entrance door. The crowd’s buzzing instantly switches to cheering when the doors open and Golden Ben Miller walks through.

Another HUGE pop comes from the crowd when he is followed by hometown kid Cory Stenson.

Rudy Mac: He’s back! Cory Stenson has officially returned to the FedExForum!

DeShawn: So much potential for this kid. Reminds me a bit of myself!

Cory stops and takes a deep breath after walking through the door, and GBM turns round to give him a pat on the shoulder.

GBM: It’s time, Cory. You’re here because you need to be, and… because I need you to be here too.

Cory: Thanks, Ben. It’s good to be back… you got this tonight.

The two large men turn, smile at the camera, and walk down the hallway so that Ben can prepare for his main event match up against Violence.


Endgame vs. Your Captains

Single Fall, Tag Team Championship

Inside the main arena, “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis begins to play, and the duo of Phaser and Ryan Rogue make their way out. The crowd gives a decent pop for a team that has shown good sportsmanship and solid wrestling.

Rudy Mac: We are now set for the Tag Team Championship match, and Endgame is here to exact some revenge on their opponents.

DeShawn: I wouldn’t normally say this, but I actually just enjoy their straightforward approach… NOT! These guys are boorrrriiinnngggg!

Rudy Mac: We’ll see if they can liven things up!

Phaser takes his spot in the middle of the ring, and “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins hits, which draws boos from the fans. Captain Derek and Captain John come running out into the arena with their arms stretched out like airplane wings.

DeShawn: Now THESE guys are where it’s at!

Rudy Mac: I’ll admit, their asshattery and skill are a scary combination. Let’s remember folks, Your Captains bested Endgame earlier this season, so Endgame is looking for some payback.

Captain Derek climbs into the ring and begins the faceoff with Phaser. The two wrestlers, already familiar with each other, exchange several combinations of dodges, quick strikes, and reversals. Phaser gets any early chance for a cover after delivering a spinning back kick.

1… 2… NO!!!

Phaser tags in Ryan Rogue, who gets to work by lifting Captain Derek straight up and dropping him with an air press. To show off some strength, Rogue tries it again, but Derek slips out and rolls Endgame’s big man down on his head.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Ryan Rogue better be careful, or his showboating is going to cost them!

Captain Derek makes the tag up to Captain John, and he comes in FLYING with a huge leaping clothesline to Ryan Rogue. Rogue hits the mat hard, and Captain John scales up to the top rope.

Captain John leaps and NAILS a 360 Frog Splash.


1… 2… … NO!!!

DeShawn: I would have just let him get the three-count for that out of respect!

Your Captains continue to hold the momentum, but Ryan Rogue hits a quick knee to Captain John’s gut, and then PLANTS him with a sidewalk slam. Surprisingly, Rogue tags in Phaser.

Rudy Mac: Excellent restraint by Ryan Rogue!

Phaser gets to work by laying in a number of deft moves, finishing with a facebuster onto his knee. He finally gets Captain John into his signature Camel Clutch…


Rudy Mac: We’ve seen other men tap out to this!

Captain Derek attempts to run into the ring to interrupt the submission, but Rogue cutS him off. Ryan Rogue lifts Captain Derek up and hits his full-nelson DDT!


With Captain Derek out of commission, Captain John final slaps his hand down to the mat repeatedly.


Rudy Mac: Payback! Payback! Endgame took down Your Captains and are Golden Pro Wrestling’s first tag team champions!

DeShawn: I don’t know which of the captains will be hurting tomorrow more! Congrats to the new champs!

Your Captains roll out of the ring while the referee puts the tag team belts around Endgame’s waists. The crowd give a great reaction to their victory and the match itself.

Winner and NEW Tag Team Champions:

Endgame via The Final Phase


Yes, I Dance

Backstage, Vicky Cogliano is standing with her microphone ready to interview Dr. Dean. The leader of the Psych Ward is flanked by his trusted employees, The Orderlies.

Vicky:  Hi folks, up next is the Silver Championship match between Big Buddha and this man, Dr. Dean.

The crowd’s boos can be heard down the backstage hall, which causes Dr. Dean to furrow his brow and the Orderlies to clench their jaws.

Vicky: Dr. Dean, to get to this stage, you defeated Fuse Makoto and the Draconian, but ultimately fell to Golden Ben Miller in the final four. What are your thoughts on the journey to this point?

Dr. Dean: Ah, well, after easily dispatching my first two opponents, it took interference to ultimately knock me out from the Pure Gold Championship tournament. Of course, he only cheated me out of the finals because he was afraid of my prowess.

Vicky: And how do you feel about your opportunity tonight against Big Buddha to win the Silver Championship?

The head of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Ward strokes his goatee with an index finger and thumb.

Dr. Dean: I find it a very compelling opportunity, indeed. You see, I believe my opponent, Big Buddha, is suffering from an acute case of endorphin overload. This renders him quite docile and easy to defeat, so I have no worries for what is to soon come.

Vicky: Thank you so much, Dr. Dean!

Dr. Dean: And one more thing, dear Vicky. Do not think I have not heard about your… side job. Do know that I support such endeavor and may even like to hire you for a… personal performance.

GPW’s reporter Vicky Cogliano begins to blush, and Dr. Dean and the Orderlies leave the room. Before Vicky can sign off, Flip Costa enters from off-camera.

Flip: Sorry, but I couldn’t help but overhear. What was he talking about?

Vicky: Flip, I can’t tell you… if I do, you may not think I’m worth fighting for.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s most handsome wrestler smiles softly.

Flip: Babe, any girl as hot as you is worth fighting for.

The crowd cheers at the compliment.

Vicky: There have been some rumors about me… that I’m a professional dancer.

The Pretty Boy from Pensacola smiles and nods.

Flip: Ah, the ballet.

The crowd laughs.

Vicky: No… exotic.

His eyes go wide, and he gently puts a hand on Vicky Cogliano’s shoulder.

Flip: No way! Babe, that’s totally okay with me. In fact, that only gives me extra motivation…

Vicky: Why?

Flip: Because if Reject wins, that means the entire world will be denied the privilege of your bodacious ta-tas. Don’t worry, I won’t let that happen.

Vicky Cogliano smiles, and Flip gives her a soft kiss on the cheek before winking to the camera and walking off. Vicky looks back at the camera one last time.

Vicky: Fans! The Silver Championship match is up next, then we’ll finally get to see if Reject is going to pay for his behavior this season… I know he will!


Dr. Dean vs. Big Buddha

Single Fall, Silver Championship

The broadcast fades back into the main arena and the crowd livens up.

Rudy Mac: And here we go folks, the Silver Championship is NOW on the LINE!

“Down With The Sickness” by Disturbed kicks in, and the booing begins before even the first chorus starts. A moment later, Dr. Dean and the Orderlies head out onto the stage and begin to walk down the ramp.

DeShawn: It may just be the Mad Dog 40/40, but I feel like this match is HUGE for GPW!

Rudy Mac: That’s right, DeShawn! The winner here will be a top name in the promotion!

Dr. Dean begins to stretch out in the ring, and the music changes to “Four Vows” by Chris Burrows. The lumbering large man from Tibet slowly makes his way out to the top of the ramp.

Rudy Mac: And Dr. Dean’s opponent, Big Buddha, is quite the immovable object!

DeShawn: Mind over matter, as Dr. Dean would say!

Big Buddha gives all four corners of the crowd a solemn Buddhist bow, and then turns his attention on Dr. Dean. The match begins slowly!

Dr. Dean finds a way to outsmart Big Buddha and hits him with a couple of nice moves. However, when he thinks he has the advantage, Big Buddha grabs him and hits a scoop slam!

1… 2…  NO!!!

The match rolls on, and Dr. Dean gets Big Buddha into a rear naked choke hold.

TA.. TA.. NO!!!

Big Buddha breaks Dr. Dean’s arm out from around his neck.

DeShawn: If he was squeezing me, I would just QUIT!

Rudy Mac: I know you would, DeShawn!

The next minute is entirely the big man’s, which include several stomps and finally a HUGE leg drop across Dr. Dean’s neck.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: That would have been enough guillotine for a French revolution!

Dr. Dean finds his way and hits a bulldog on Big Buddha, and then climbs to the top rope…

Rudy Mac: Major elbow drop!

1… 2.. 3…NO!!!!

Big Buddha kicks out and keeps the match alive, although it’s obvious Dr. Dean is in control tonight. However, Big Buddha kicks Dr. Dean in the stomach and nails a DDT…

1… 2.. NO!!!

Big Buddha, nearly frustrated, lets Dr. Dean come at him again.

Rudy Mac: It looks like the big boy from Tibet is playing with an angry bull!

Dr. Dean nails a vicious spear into the soft midsection of Big Buddha, sending him down to the ground.

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: He did it!

Rudy Mac: He did it! New SILVER Champion… and it’s Dr. Dean!

DeShawn: Not how I saw this season playing out, and he’s got his hands full going into season 2!

Rudy Mac: Very astuste, DeShawn. He has to defend this new championship against Corbin Fiscal next season… but he deserves to feel good for tonight!

Inside the ring, Big Buddha comes to his senses and bows to the new Silver Champion. The Orderlies come in and raise Dr. Dean’s arms, who looks like he has never been more surprised or shocked by an accolade in his career.

Winner and NEW Silver Champion:

Dr. Dean


Violence Is Coming

Inside a dark arena hallway, the camera comes into focus.

It’s the same hallway that we have seen before… with the same man we’ve seen before. This is becoming his safe space…


The camera softens as the large Canadian wrestler looks up and straight to the fans.


Violence: I’ll keep this short because I know these Memphis folks don’t have much brain muscle…


Violence: I’m just going to lay out some simple facts here…

He raises one finger to the camera.

Violence: One… I hospitalized one of his friends simply because I wanted to.

He raises another finger.

Violence: He couldn’t do shit about it, so he jumped me after a second-round match.

He raises a third finger.

Violence: He nearly loses to Dr. Dean, so I have to save his ass.

He raises a fourth finger.

Violence: Must I go on…? I have played this little boy all the way right into my hands at Gold Rush. He literally wouldn’t be here if I didn’t DECIDE for him to be here!


Violence: Hate me? I don’t give a shit. Want me to die? Get in fucking line. Tonight, this is about me and REACHING the TOP!

The camera fades to black.


Reject vs. Flip Costa

Single Fall

The broadcast switches back to inside the FedExForum and the camera pans the arena. It’s evident how many more fans are attending tonight versus the beginning of Gold Strike 1.

Rudy Mac: Hi folks, we’re down to two matches remaining tonight, and it starts with an epic grudge match that has been brewing ALL season!

DeShawn: I don’t think anyone had this storyline on their radar when Golden Pro Wrestling kicked off.

Rudy Mac: They certainly did NOT! We all knew our lovely reporter, Vicky Cogliano, would draw attention, but Reject’s obsession with her was over the line. Enter Flip Costa, who stood up for her like a true gentelman.

DeShawn: And what kind of thanks did he get!?

Rudy Mac: First, Reject screwed him out of the tournament, and THEN he did the unthinkable… he disfigured and disgraced Flip’s amazing beauty!

DeShawn: War crime, I say!

Rudy Mac: Now, we’re left with the unimaginable. If Flip Costa defeats Reject, he has agreed to cease all contact with Vicky… but if Reject wins, Vicky belongs to HIM!

“Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists begins to play, and the crowd unleashes its torrent of boos. The masked incel, Reject, walks out onto the stage and spits at the fans in his own disgust. He marches down to the ring and climbs in to wait for his opponent.

The crowd pops BIG when they hear “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory, and they pop AGAIN when they see the beautiful man come out. Unfortunately, fans are saddened by the sight of various stitches resulting from Reject’s barbed wire bat.

Rudy Mac: We won’t focus on those cuts and injuries… it sounds like Flip’s surgeon will be able to repair them.

DeShawn: Thank God… for everybody!

The two wrestlers stand face-to-face in the middle of the ring, and when the bell rings, they immediately exchange blows. The first few minutes of the match are primal and chaotic, with each delivering body shots, head shots and straight-up anger to each other.

Reject gets the first advantage and hits a series of disorienting German suplexes.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I didn’t realize Reject had traditional wrestling moves!

Flip Costa begins to turn the tide and nails his own hurracuranna from the top rope!

1… 2… NO!!!

Reject recovers and gets Flip Costa pinned down into the corner and delivers kick after kick after kick to Flip’s face, which re-opens one the cuts. Flip manages to duck out of the corner and DRIVE Reject’s face into the corner.

When Reject stumbles out of the corner, he’s PLANTED by a Flip Costa DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Flip Costa is wrestling desperate tonight!

DeShawn: About as desperate as Reject on a dating site!

The two men again stand tall in the middle of the ring and exchange blows and a series of moves. Reject throws Flip Costa against the ropes, but when Flip returns to the middle of the ring he strikes Reject with a beautiful spinning back kick.

1… 2… NO!!!

Flip begins to look frustrated and Reject snakes his way back into the match with a hard fist to the back of Flip’s head. Flip takes a few stuttered steps before Reject pulls him in and lifts Flip up…


Rudy Mac: Double knee gutbuster… delivered!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Reject looks incensed that his finisher didn’t end the match. He gets up, and emotionally stomps around hitting himself in the head.

Flip senses his moment and grabs Reject by the back of the head and drops him down with a bulldog. The Pensacola Pretty Boy climbs to the top rope, jumps and delivers a SPECTACULAR Senton elbow drop!



1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: He did it! Reject is done! Vicky is free!

Rudy Mac: Leave it to FLIP COSTA to give us a beautiful ending to that match!

The crowd’s cheering continues as Flip’s arm is raised by the referee but Reject rolls out of the ring visibly crying. He covers his face with his hands as he frantically runs up the ramp and back through the entrance curtain.


Flip Costa via The Flipoff


Shattered Hearts

Backstage Vicky Cogliano stands patiently, flanked by security guards and GPW Commissioner Parker Meloche. Reject bursts through the entrance apron and stops still when he sees the love of his life standing there with a cold expression.

He sheepishly wipes the tears from his eyes and puts his head down.

Reject: Vicky… please… I love you.

The GPW reporter just shakes her head and looks down, while the security guards take a protective step forward.

Commissioner Meloche also steps forward and puts his hand up as if to stop Reject from going any further.

Parker: Reject, you know the rules. From here on out, you are barred from any further contact with Vicky. If you cross paths backstage between matches, you are ordered to turn around and go another way. And, if you don’t, your contract with Golden Pro Wrestling with be terminated.

In a fit of emotion and pain, Reject walks off. But before leaves the room and turns around one last time.

Reject: I’ll never forget what we had, Vicky.

After Reject leaves, an exhausted, triumphant Flip Costa returns through the ring apron, as well. His intro music dies down in the background.

Vicky rushes and jumps to hug her savior and hero.

Vicky: Oh, Flip, I knew you could do it!

Flip: Sure thing, babe. Now, you go out there and you give the best lap dances the world has ever had.

The GPW reporter looks confused.

Vicky: But, Flip, doesn’t this mean we can be together?

Flip: Sorry, babe, no can do. I’ve got three girlfriends back in Pensacola who would be pissed if they found out about you.

Parker: Wait… but this is all on television and is the whole reason you’re famous. Won’t they watch this?

The Pensacola Pretty Boy takes a moment to think about it.

Flip: I guess… I don’t know… whatever! See you guys around in Season 2!

After Flip Costa walks off, Vicky looks stunned and hurt, and a moment later, she runs off with tears in her eyes.

Parker is left with his hands on his hips just shaking his head.


So That's Where He Is

Parker Meloche, left by himself backstage, feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out and puts it to his ear as if answering a call.

Parker: Mhm. Okay. Oh, God damnit! Jail!? Again?

The GPW commissioner puts his head down and shakes it in frustration.

Parker: I told Shotcaller that if he didn’t stay out of trouble, then he is now mine!


Return of the Golden God

The broadcast transitions to back inside the arena, and the camera pans across the packed lower level of the FedExForum. It then cuts to the announcer’s table where Rudy Mac and DeShawn Brannon look incredibly excited.

Rudy Mac: We are down to just one match remaining in Season 1, and this one is for ALL the marbles!

DeShawn: It’s here! It’s here!

Rudy Mac: But first, I have it on very good authority that a VIP guest has made his way here and is currently sitting in a suite.

The camera cuts to premier suite at the top of the lower level and sitting inside is a man every Memphis wrestling fan would recognize.

Golden Glen Miller.

The crowd POPS HUGE!

The old wrestling legend and GPW founder smiles broadly and waves to the crowd.

Rudy Mac: Everyone in the building tonight, and across the greater town of Memphis, owes this man a debt of gratitude. He has delighted generations of wrestling fans, and then gave his hometown the gift of Golden Pro Wrestling!

DeShawn: No doubt this puts an extra amount of pressure on Golden Ben Miller to step up and take the Pure Gold Championship.

The camera cuts to the entrance ramp.

Rudy Mac: It’s on now…. GBM. Violence. Pure Gold Championship!


Golden Ben Miller vs. Violence

Pure Gold Championship Ladder Match

The crowd buzzes in nervous anticipation of what’s to come, and then they elicit a MAJOR cheer when the music hits.

“My Hero” by Foo Fighters.

The well-known drum line pounds through the speakers and the tall, blonde Golden Pro heavyweight emerges from backstage. He takes a moment at the top of the ramp and looks out at the cheering fans.

Rudy Mac: Golden Pro Wrestling’s war horse, Golden Ben Miller, is HERE!

GBM makes his way down to the ring and climbs in. He examines the folded ladder in the middle of the ring, and then looks up at the Pure Gold Championship belt hanging above. He turns his attention away and spends a second at the top of each corner to raise his right fist into the air.

DeShawn: Finally, GBM has a chance to deliver TRUE justice to Violence!

Just as GPW’s color commentator said Violence’s name, “Halo” by Soil begins to rage through the audio system, and the crowd’s boos drown out what’s left of the building’s airwaves.

Violence comes stomping out to the ramp with a look of disgust and anger on his face, he throws to middle fingers in all directions, and then continues into the ring. Without even looking at GBM, he examines the ladder and gives it a small kick with his foot before looking up at the dangling Pure Gold Championship belt.

Rudy Mac: Violence is inspecting the belt, and I’d say it’s going to live up to his expectations.

DeShawn: My expectations are that I’m going to have an extra Mad Dog after this!

The two men in the ring step forward and measure each other up. The bell rings to start the match, but neither man moves.

Rudy Mac: These two men are just soaking up this opportunity, but you know fireworks are about to begin!

Suddenly, the two begin to trade punches and the crowd POPS for the start of conflict. The first few minutes of the match are relatively even. GBM hits a gutwrench throwaway suplex onto the ladder sending Violence rolling away holding his stomach.

Violence recovers and manages to PLANT Golden Ben Miller’s head onto his knee, and then snap Miller back onto the ladder. The loud crash shocks the fans, and GBM is left holding his back trying to get to his knees.

Rudy Mac: It’s back-and-forth so far, and neither has even bothered to try and unfold the ladder!

Golden Ben Miller is clotheslined down onto the ladder in the middle of the ring, and Violence quickly scales up the corner turnbuckle. He leaps…


The crowd oohs at the pain GBM must be enduring. Sensing weakness, Violence pulls Ben up to his shoulders and begins to initiate the Blur Out.

Rudy Mac: A Blur Out onto the ladder would be DEVESTATING!

At the last moment, GBM slips off of Violence’s shoulders and pushes him toward the corner. By the time Violence turns around, Ben Miller picks up the ladder and SMASHES the top end into Violence’s face!

Violence, holding his face, stumbles off. Ben unfolds the ladder and places it under the belt, and then begins to make his ascent.

DeShawn: He HAS to know Violence is going to try and get up there, too!

Indeed, Violence shakes his head and sees Ben climbing, and then begins his own attempt to reach the belt on the other side of the ladder.

GBM is finally at the top of the ladder and reaches up for the belt…

Violence strikes Ben in the side with a punch, which stings GBM and brings his arm back down to his side. The Canadian Asshole, by virtue of being lower on the ladder, begins to try and get GBM into another set up for the Blur Out.

Golden Ben Miller obliges by reversing the move and NAILING Violence with a boot to the face, which sends him flying down to the mat. The crowd begins to cheer realizing that Ben needs to only reach up and grab the belt now.

Rudy Mac: Go, Ben! It’s yours for the taking!

Ben reaches up…

But then stops and looks down at Violence, who is still laying on the mat.

Rudy Mac: Ben, no, what are you doing!?

DeShawn: Just get the belt!

GBM looks out to the crowd and smiles before leaping…


Rudy Mac: My god! My god! The Golden Knee from 12 feet up!

Ben slowly sits and gets to his feet. He grabs hold of the ladder and begins to climb again, however the impact on his knee appears to have hobbled him.

Rudy Mac: He’s not climbing so fast after dropping his knee of Violence’s head!

Meanwhile, Violence begins to roll over and get to his feet. He shakes his head and looks up to see Ben making his way to the Pure Gold Championship belt. With a new burst of energy, Violence begins to climb the opposite side and catches up with GBM at the very top.

Rudy Mac: Here we go again, the two men are at the top of the ladder… it could be anyone’s night now!

The two men reach up for the belt simultaneously, but despite GBM having the height advantage, Violence is a step up and slightly closer. GBM attempts to throw a punch at Violence, but Violence quickly grabs hold of Ben’s arm.

Using Ben’s arm as leverage, Violence displays an incredible amount of strength and snags GBM from around the ladder and up onto his shoulders…

Ben’s face shows a look of true shock before the television broadcast begins to become blurry…



When the broadcast becomes viewable, the ladder tips over from the shockwave of the impact. The crowd goes into a massive frenzy of booing and cheering.

Violence sits up with a devilish look on his face, and then gets to his feet. He unfolds and positions the ladder again underneath the dangling belt… and begins to climb.

DeShawn: Wake up, GBM!

By the time Violence is nearly at the top of the ladder, GBM is coming back to life off of the mat.

Rudy Mac: This could be the moment!

GBM looks up just in time to see…

Violence pulls down the Pure Gold Championship!

Rudy Mac: It’s over! It’s over! Violence is the Pure Gold Champion!!!

Violence pulls down the belt and marvels at his reward. He takes a moment and begins to laugh while looking upward at the FedExForum’s rafters. He turns and looks out at the crowd before raising a middle finger, and slowly displays it to all 360 degrees around him while holding the belt in his other hand.

Rudy Mac: Good God, what has happened!?

Winner and NEW Pure Gold Champion:




The crowd relentlessly boos while Violence’s theme song “Halo” by Soil belts through the air. He climbs down the ladder with the Pure Gold Championship slung over his shoulder while laughing.

Ben Miller stands at the bottom with a blank, emotionless face. He looks shocked and aghast at what just happened.

The Canadian asshole, Violence, points to Ben to get out of the ring.

Violence: Get the fuck out of here! This is my moment, you Golden FUCK!

The referee comes over and puts a hand on Ben’s shoulder and nods, ushering him out of the ring.

Rudy Mac: What a sick ending to such an amazing first season of Golden Pro Wrestling!

The camera cuts to the FedExForum premier suite where Golden Glen Miller can be seen shaking his head and leaving.

Back in the ring, the referee positions the belt around Violence’s waist and snaps the buttons, which secures it to the large torso.

DeShawn: I think I’m gonna be sick!

Rudy Mac: This is it, folks! Violence is the new Pure Gold Champion, and we’ll just have to see who can dethrone him! Thank you for joining us and see you soon for SEASON TWO!

Violence looks directly into the camera one last time… raises his hand, lifts his middle finger and smiles.

The broadcast fades to black.

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