Gold Strike 1

Golden Pro Wrestling is NOW!

The inaugural episode of Gold Strike kicks off with Commissioner Parker Meloche’s introduction to Golden Pro Wrestling and the Pure Gold Championship tournament.

PLUS one Golden Pro leaves the ring on a STRETCHER!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and first ten rows of the arena stands.

As the camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

The camera switches to a shot of the two commentators behind their ringside table with headsets on.



Rudy Mac: WELCOME to GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is local funny guy, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: We are THRILLED to have you at the very FIRST episode of GOLD STRIKE! We have an amazing slate of action for you including the arrival of a special group of community members representing the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute.

DeShawn: Absolutely CRAZY we have these psychopaths on the roster! It’s completely NUTS but it sounds like we’re COMMITTED to an INSANELY good time!

Rudy Mac: Please tell me that’s not your opening material, DeShawn!

DeShawn: Best I could do!

Rudy Mac: But first, ladies and gentlemen, we have the treat of opening remarks from Golden Pro Wrestling’s commissioner, Parker Meloche!


Dawn of the Golden Age

“E.I.” by Nelly begins to play and the crowd turns their attention to the intro stage where strobing gold and white lights begin to pulse.

On the large screen above the stage, the Gold Screen, features rotating headshots and pictures of a handsome young, businessman with the name Parker Meloche appearing in random intervals.

Out from behind the curtains walks in Parker Meloche who waves and smiles to the crowd on his way down the ramp to the ring. The response is fairly warm, possibly just from the excited of Golden Pro Wrestling getting underway.

Parker Meloche finally climbs the stairs of the ring and ducks between the ropes casually and picks up the microphone already laying on the mat.

As he raises it to his mouth, a chant kicks up organically from the crowd.


The commissioner raises his right hand in the air to the crowd, smiling and attempting to break the chant so he can begin.


The chanting finally trails off and the crowd continues to buzz waiting for the first words of the Golden Pro Wrestling head man.

Parker Meloche: Hello Memphis, and WELCOME to GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING!

Another large pop from the crowd.

Parker Meloche: Thank you all for being here for the first event in what we expect to be the GOLDEN AGE of wrestling in Memphis, brought to you by our local legend, Golden Glen Miller!

The crowd pops off again at the mention of their hometown hero.

Parker Meloche: Now, what does GPW have in store for you tonight? Well, first we need to establish some ground rules of this first season – and if you haven’t gotten your season tickets, we have a special offer up on the website after the event – so let’s dive into how this is going to work.

The crowd release a small cheer.

Parker Meloche: The most interesting question that any new promotion faces is how to determine their first champion. Now, I put this entire roster together and I know the ins and outs of every Golden Pro. I could pick a couple of the bigger names and throw them a quick title shot… but that just didn’t seem fair.

The commissioner pauses to himself, and then acts like he just had a moment of brilliance.

Parker Meloche: But I had a better idea! How about a sixteen-man tournament over the ENTIRE season leading to a Pure Gold Championship match at our season finale, GOLD RUSH!

A larger pop emanates from the fans.

Parker Meloche: Of course, GPW’s second-most prestigious award, the Silver Championship will decided between 3rd and 4th place tournament finishers. Elsewhere, we also have to figure out our Hardcore and Tag Team divisions, too. For those, we’ll be holding round robin matches throughout the season to see who the cream of the crop is. Those titles will also be determined at Gold Rush!

The crowd responds enthusiastically.

Parker Meloche: Now, don’t let me steal the show here. We’re about to get underway with tournament quarterfinals including Trickster vs. Shotcaller, Abel Unstable vs. Corbin Fiscal and The BIGGEST of tonight’s matches – Violence vs. Cory Stenson!

Despite not being familiar with the roster, the crowd let’s out an optimistic cheer.

Parker Meloche: Elsewhere we have both hardcore and tag team action… sooo… let’s go!


Psych Ward Release Forms

The camera fades to the back parking lot of the FedExForum where wrestlers and staff arrive at the arena. A white van arrives and parks in front of the entrance doors, on the side of the van is the words Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute.

The doors of the van open and out climbs two tall, strong looking, serious men in blue scrubs. Behind them exits a particularly intelligent man in professional clothes and a long white doctor coat who is holding papers.

Dr. Dean: Alright gentlemen, I need you to take these and begin collecting signatures from the Golden Pro Wrestling staff. This includes security guards, medics, production crew and other event personnel – if they don’t sign it and they are attacked by one of our patients, there may be liability concerns.

The doctor splits up his stack of papers and hands half to each orderly along with pens.

Dr. Dean: Any questions?

Orderly Summers: Yes, doc. What if they won’t sign?

Dr. Dean: You can tell them that if they don’t sign, we may not intervene to help them in a worst-case scenario of being attacked. I have a feeling they’ll sign. But don’t take too long, one of our patients will be appearing relatively early in the show.

The two orderlies nod with grim expressions and leave with their papers.

The doctor then proceeds around to the back of the van and looks through the steel reinforced windows of the tailgate.

Dr. Dean: Sicko, Abel! I hope you’re excited for your opportunity! I know you may get bored back there, but you both will be appearing tonight. Just wait patiently and Orderly Summers and Orderly Caruso will be letting you out 1 by 1.

The doctor gives the van tailgate door a peppy double smack and smiles to himself as the camera fades to black.


Trickster vs. Shotcaller

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm hits the arena speakers and a puff of smoke appears on the intro stage. When it disperses it reveals a man standing with his arms stretched out wide.

Rudy Mac: Our first Golden Pro is here – the man known as Trickster is supposedly sneaky good and able to catch his opponents off guard through through, well, trickery!

DeShawn: I don’t know about you, but I have a feeling his opponent is more interested in the tricks that ladies provide.

After Trickster enters the ring, “Ambitionz Az A Ridah” by 2Pac plays out the arena speakers. From behind the curtains, a tall athletic black man emerges.

On his way down to the ring, he throws ‘W’ symbols with his hand to the crowd, who don’t seem particularly impressed.

Rudy Mac: This young man from LA, Shotcaller, is a serious clash with our fine, southern culture here in Memphis.

DeShawn: I don’t want to say it, but I will – intolerance is a problem… and I just hope this guy finds a way to accept the Memphis people. Anti-Memphis bias has no place in today’s world.

The bell rings and the first official Golden Pro Wrestling match begins!

After circling each other and gauging their opponents, the two wrestlers spend a few minutes throwing each other around and showcasing a variety of athletic reversals. Trickster eventually slides between the legs of Shotcaller, and when Shotcaller turns around to face him…


Rudy Mac: That superkick has to be lights out for Shotcaller!

1… 2… NO!!!

Several more minutes are spent before the ‘G’ from LA finds Trickster with a running, jumping neckbreaker.

Rudy Mac: That one’s called the Drive-By Folks, and I think it’s going to be enough.

1… 2… 3!!!


Shotcaller via The Drive-By

Shotcaller pulls himself up and smiles before throwing ‘W’ to the booing crowd on his way up the ramp.


Release the Sicko

The camera fades in again to the rear entrance of the FedExForum where the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute’s white van was parked.

At the rear of the van stands the Orderlies with their arms crossed, while Dr. Dean paces back and forth with his phone in hand. Dr. Dean suddenly reacts excitedly to his phone and lifts it to his face.

Dr. Dean: Alright, gentlemen. It’s time – please bring him out.

The Orderlies nod and each grab one of the tailgate door handles opening the van’s rear doors.

The camera follows around the side of the van and peers into it showing two men sitting in strait jackets. One man is disheveled and disorients, while the other sits with white paint over his head and darkened eyes.

The Orderlies both lean and grab the painted man by the shoulders, and then pull him out. The place him directly face-to-face with Dr. Dean.

Dr. Dean: Well, Sicko, this is your chance to show the world who you really are.

The painted man makes a sickening, twisted smile.

Dr. Dean: Orderlies, please bring him to the ring with me.

The Orderlies nod and push Sicko toward the door into the arena as the camera fades to black.


Crosscheck Beck vs. Sicko

Single Fall, Hardcore

The camera fades into the arene and “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul begins to play. Out from behind the curtain walks a fully geared hockey player without a helmet or skates. The crowd lets off a cheap pop in reaction to the Memphis Bears professional hockey team attire he is wearing.

Rudy Mac: We have a special treat for our Memphis hockey fans in attendance. Local hockey enforcer Crosscheck Beck is a full fledged member of the GPW Hardcore Division!

DeShawn: Let’s do hockey! Or perhaps ‘let’s do wrestling’ is more appropriate!

The music tails off while the arena lights darken, and the dark drumline of “Deadman” by Karnivool begins. After a short moment, the crowd begins to oo and ah at the mysterious green and black wrestler as he is escorted the Orderlies and Dr. Dean.

Rudy Mac: In of the most questionable moves by Commissioner Meloche, he struck a partnership with the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute to arrange the work release of their patients at events.

DeShawn: Maybe I can talk to that doctor about my ex-lady because that chick is mental! I mean, anyone would have to be clinically insane to dump me!

The lights come back up and Crosscheck Beck (with his hockey stick) and Sicko stand across from each in the ring. Dr. Dean stands with Orderly Caruso and then directs Orderly Summers to monitor the other side of the ring.

The referee motions down to Dr. Dean that he’s concerned with Sicko’s entourage encircling the ring.

Dr. Dean: We are keeping him on a TIGHT leash! It’s part of our responsibility to GPW!

Rudy Mac: If the Orderlies are going to be surrounding the ring for every Psych Ward match, this could cause problems.

The bell rings and Sicko rans straight at Beck. Beck fends Sicko off with a literal crosscheck to the face. The next few minutes consist of in-ring works and back-and-forth battling to use the hockey stick.

Crosscheck Beck is thrown out of the ring and Sicko follows while the Orderlies stay relatively close. Ringside action consists of Sicko pulling off assorted slams and ultimately gaining the upper hand. With the advantage, he reaches under ring and pulls out a chair.

Rudy Mac: Obviously Dr. Dean isn’t going to just hand Sicko his weapons, so it appears to be on him to find them!

After Beck gets to his feet, he turns around to receive a wicked chair shot across the head! Beck collapses onto his back.

1… 2… NO!

Sicko shakes his head and goes back to work. Before Sicko can deliver a bulldog onto the chair, Beck pushes him off and delivers a sideway slam onto the chair!

DeShawn: Now that’s helping someone take a seat!

Beck leans his hockey stick up against the side of the ring, then grabs Sicko and uses a running slam to break his stick with Sicko’s body. Sicko falls to the ground.

1… 2… NO!

Beck grunts and brings Sicko back to his feet and tries to lift him for a Major Penalty, but Sicko slipped out! He kicks Beck in the stomach and pulls him in for a full-nelson facebuster.


Rudy Mac: The Loose Screw right onto the ground. That’s GOTTA hurt!

1… 2… 3!!!


Sicko via The Loose Screw

The Orderlies to immediately grab Sicko off of Beck’s still body and begin directing him up the ramp while “Deadman” plays.

Dr. Dean: Hurry you oafs. Abel’s match is next!


Gaining Experience

The camera cuts to backstage where GPW reporter Vicky Cagliano was standing with a very tall, young wrestler.

Vicky: Welcome backstage where I’m standing with Golden Pro Wrestling Academy graduate Cory Stenson. Cory, how are you feeling about tonight’s match against Violence?

The young wrestler makes a friendly smile to Vicky and looks into the camera.

Cory Stenson: Well, first I just want to say hi to my parents who are watching somewhere here in the arena. Mom and Dad, I wouldn’t be here without your never-ending support for me, and I can’t wait to make you proud!

Vicky: That’s quite sweet, Cory. Now about your match…

Cory Stenson: Listen, I’m not going to stand here and tell you I’m the most experienced wrestler on the roster. I might be big, but I’m only 18, and I think there are some here that think that means I don’t know what I’m doing.

Vicky: 18 is still legal right?

The ringside report’s quip combined with a wink made Cory Stenson blush.

Cory Stenson: Anyways, I really should get back to my warm-ups, so thank you so much for ta-

The young wrestler is cut-off when his opponent, Violence walks into the camera frame. Violence is wearing a jeans and a shirt with a large Canadian maple leaf.

Vicky: Violence, thank you so much for coming! I was just wrapping up with Cory here.

Cory Stenson: You were arranging to have us both here?

Violence: Oh fuck all. What is this BS, Vicky?

Cory Stenson: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s now how you talk to a woman.

That statement caught Violence’s attention and he slowly turns his frowning face at Cory.

Violence: Listen, you little-

Cory Stenson: Violence, I’ve heard you’re one of the more experienced men on the roster, and I just want to tell you that no matter what you throw at me, you’ll only make me a better wrestler. So, thank you.

Cory reaches out with an open palm looking to receive a handshake, which Violence just looks down at, and then up again at Cory.

Violence: Listen, kid. What I do to you tonight won’t help you for shit.

Shaking his head, Violence walks off leaving Cory shrugging his shoulders to Vicky, who then turns to the camera with her microphone.

Vicky: Well, I would say that was quite an ‘experience’ for young (and cute) Cory Stenson.


Abel Unstable vs. Corbin Fiscal

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“Tear Down the Wall” by Art of Dying begins to play in the arena and the crowd turns to the top of the ramp. Out walks a behemoth of a man flanked by The Orderlies and followed closely by Dr. Dean.

Rudy Mac: And here is another one of the Psych Ward’s patients, Abel Unstable. Yet another young, deeply disturbed man, no doubt.

DeShawn: I just take a little Xanax whenever I’m feeling down, but this guy looks like he needs a horse tranquilizer.

The Orderlies take their usual position on each side of the ring while Abel pulls against the ropes to stretch out. Abel’s music fades out and is replaced with “I Chase Paper” by Plies.

Corbin Fiscal emerges and immediately throws friendly pointing fingers around to the crowd, which elicits a small pop.

Rudy Mac: This is actually one of my coworkers since Corbin doubles as the GPW bookkeeper.

DeShawn: Yeah, I was just talking to him about finding some room in the budget to double my pay!

Abel and Corbin get down to business, and Abel starts by attempting a variety of power moves. He is able to catch Corbin with a couple of crunching slams, but Corbin uses his athleticism to out move and evade Abel.

Corbin takes advantage by rushing Abel along as a high pace, hoping to tire out the big wrestler. Abel manages to catch Corbin with a huge lariat.

1… 2… NO!

The two wrestlers move one and deliver alternating sets of moves, finally leaving Corbin a chance for a cover.

1… NO!

Abel grunts and gets up with Corbin. Abel manages to drop a couple of large arm shots against Corbin’s back before slamming his head into the turnbuckle. Abel Unstable lifts Corbin into a tombstone piledriver position…


1… 2… NO!

In disbelief, Abel brings Corbin up to his feet. Corbin appears to have a new burst of energy makes a series of disorienting moves against his opponent.

Corbin Fiscal clutches onto Abel and in an amazing feat of strength, he lifts him straight in the air and hits a reverse brainbuster.


1… 2… 3!!!


Corbin Fiscal via The Cash Out

The Pysch Ward’s Dr. Dean shakes his head at the side of the ring and motions for the Orderlies to drag Abel back to the van. Abel is clearly groggy while the doctor berates him during the walk up the ramp.

Dr. Dean: Abel, you’ve disappointed me! We’ll be going over this at our next session. Back to the van with you!


You Got This

Backstage, the camera fades into a locker room where Cory Stenson is sitting and working his knee pads onto his legs. In walks Golden Ben Miller, which causes a pop from the fans who have already seen him in marketing materials.

As the grandson of Golden Glen Miller, Ben must carefully wear the responsibility that has come with its legacy. Tonight, GBM wasn’t scheduled to wrestle so he appears in casual jeans and a t-shirt with the words “And That Is Golden!”

Golden Ben Miller: Hey bud, thought I’d check in on you.

Cory Stenson: Oh hey! Yeah, thanks for swinging by. Just trying to keep my mind focused – can you believe I’m in the first main event!?

Golden Ben Miller: Yeah, about that… I hope you’re ready for who you’re up against.

Cory Stenson: Well, I met him a little while ago, and he isn’t exactly a cheery fellow.

Ben runs his fingers through his hair before taking a seat next to Cory.

Golden Ben Miller: I’ve been asking around, and it sounds like this guy is bad news. Real bad news. He was kicked out if his last three promotions for intentionally injuring his opponents.

Cory Stenson: Yeah… I guess I’m not too surprised about that. I also heard that they’ll have to blur out his finisher move, too. The government deemed it too graphic for television or something.

The young Golden Pro Wrestling Academy graduate gives a concerned frown to Ben, who Cory looks up to like a big brother.

Golden Ben Miller: Listen, just go out there and use everything you’ve been taught. Take your time, read his defenses, and take any advantages you can.

Cory Stenson: For sure – I got this, Ben.

Ben gives Cory a pat on the shoulder and stands up. Before he leaves, he turns back to his young friend.

Golden Ben Miller: And if Violence tries to pull any of that craziness after the match, guess who he’ll be seeing? That’s right, you’ve got me here, and you’ve got Corbin and the Wild Kards in the house tonight.

Cory Stenson: Us Golden Pro Wrestling Academy folks really look after each other, don’t we?

Ben smiles at Cory, which Cory returns in kind. Two the nod before Ben leaves and Cory goes back to preparing.


The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies

Single Fall, Tag Team

“Lit Up” by Buckcherry enters the sound system while orange strobe lights roam the arena. Just by the upbeat, classic rock song’s intro, the crowd lets go a nice pop while the Wild Kards make their way down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: This duo has quite the story, DeShawn. They originally wrestled together nearly TWENTY years ago and rose to the top – champions!

DeShawn: Then what happened the last twenty years?

Rudy Mac: From what I understand, they haven’t been on speaking terms until recently and are trying to team up one more time.

Down at the ring, Seth takes a spot on the apron and gives Sean the go-ahead to start first.

“Happy?” by Mudvayne hits the air next.

Yet again, for the third time tonight, the Orderlies come down the ramp toward the ring. Of course, they’re followed closely by the observant Dr. Dean who draws boos from the fans.

Orderly Summers climbs through the ropes and walks toward center ring where Sean Kard is waiting.

The bell rings and the match gets underway! Sean does his best to out-pace the larger opponent, but eventually Summers achieves the upper hand. After applying a few strong moves, he drags Sean over and tags in Caruso.

Caruso takes the hand off and continues the beatdown on Sean. Finally, Sean can make an escape move and tag in Seth who immediately hops up to the top rope and performs a flying cross-body slam against Caruso.

1… No!

Rudy Mac: That was a little gutsy for Seth to just go for the cover off one move!

Seth continues his high-speed attack, but eventually gets caught mid-air and is driven into the mat by Caruso. Orderly Caruso, quite exhausted, tags Summers back in.

Summers lays Seth out with power move after power move, and when he attempts to deliver his signature tilt-a-whirl slam, Seth snakes out of it. He runs and LEAPS to tag in Sean.

Sean gets Summers into a variety of poor positions, and as he nearly has Summers in the Crazy 8 Leg Lock, the referee becomes distracted. Outside of the ring, Dr. Dean is arguing with Seth Kard.

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Orderly Summers is tapping his hand against the mat to submit the match.

Seeing the referee’s lack of focus, Orderly Caruso climbs into the ring and delivers a hard boot to the back of Sean’s head. Caruso sneaks out of the ring, and when the referee turns around, he sees Summers deliver that signature tilt-a-whirl slam.


Rudy Mac: Classic distraction move by Dr. Dean – this could do it!

Seth screams at the referee for missing the interference by Caruso, but it’s too late at this point.

1… 2… 3!!!


The Orderlies via Wreck Time

Dr. Dean looks absolutely pleased with himself and congratulates his two gigantic employees as they climb out of the ring. The crowd, now tired of seeing the smug Dr. Dean and his two Orderlies, begin to boo.

Inside the ring, Seth helps Sean to his feet where they give each other a friendly shrug and pats on the back.


Back In The Van

The broadcast cuts to the back of the arena near the rear entrance where the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute van is parked. From the van can be heard shouting and yelling, and perhaps crying. An additional, wicked sound of someone laughing can also be heard.

The rear entrance doors bust open and the Orderlies emerge with Dr. Dean.

They walk up to the car and Dr. Dean looks over his two giant employees. Summers stops and bends down to rub his knee, obviously affected by Sean Kard’s Crazy 8 Leg Lock.

Dr. Dean: I’d ask if you’re okay, Summers, but I’m afraid we don’t have time for all of that.

Orderly Summers: All good, doc.

Orderly Caruso: Doc, we have those two freaks all secure in the back, so we’re ready to go when you are.

A moment passes before Dr. Dean checks his phone.

Dr. Dean: Hold that thought – I need to run inside for a moment and then I’ll be right back.

The doctor jogs back through the rear entrance doors while the two Orderlies take a moment to themselves.

Orderly Caruso: So what do you think, Summers?

Orderly Summers: Seems easy enough. We make sure those freaks get to the ring and then back in the van, then we go smash shit up.

Orderly Caruso: More fun than just throwing patients around in their cells.

Orderly Summers: Much. Much. Much more fun.

The rear entrance door opens one more time, and the doctor returns but this time with an envelope in hand. When he reaches his orderlies, he pulls out two stacks of cash held secure with rubber bands and gives one to each of his men.

Dr. Dean: Well done, gentlemen. There is a little something extra in there as a reward for your triumph at the end.

The orderlies examine the cash and smile to themselves.

Dr. Dean: Alright, back in the van, chop chop. We need to get these patients back to their cells and resume their medications.

As they climb in, they can hear the tortured yell of Abel Unstable in the back of the van. Without even checking on the patient, the group drives off and out of the parking lot.


Cory Stenson vs. Violence

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

The high-tempo, classic pump-up song “Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited hits the speakers and the crowd instinctively pops in excitement. The incredibly young-looking Cory Stenson makes his way out from behind the curtain and onto the intro stage.

Rudy Mac: Boy, this kid is sure loaded with potential!

DeShawn: Well, I’m loaded with MD 20/20 malt liquor! What’s your point!?

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! First of all, no drinking Mad Dog while we’re working. And if you must, you gotta pour a little in Ol’ Mac’s cup!

DeShawn: Deal!

The crowd appears to settle down while Cory Stenson walks around the ring and attempts to limber up.

“Halo” by Soil begins to play and a particularly nasty looking man marches from the back. Violence raises both arms up to his sides and extends a middle finger to the crowd on both sides without looking in either direction.

Rudy Mac: Here’s a guy from Champion, Alberta, but if he doesn’t watch himself, he may not be around long enough to be a champion! He has been fired from THREE straight promotions!

DeShawn: It’s easy to be the champ if everyone else is hurt!

Violence unceremoniously climbs up and into the ring, and before his music an even end he’s on the attack.

The bell rings a couple of seconds later, but by then Violence is already in command. He spends a few minutes lugging the much-bigger Cory from corner to corner where he smashes Cory’s head into the turnbuckles.

Cory manages to fight back and level Violence with a strong cross-arm. From there, Cory gets a series of strong, superior power wrestling, including a crowd-pleasing backbreaker.

DeShawn: He’s gonna need a backiotomy!

1… 2… NO!

Violence is next to steal momentum, and he manages to toss the colossal Cory Stenson around with a series of suplexes. To the surprise of many, Violence takes to the top rope and lands a ring-shaking elbow drop.

Rudy Mac: I can’t believe what we just saw! There’s nothing about top rope moves in his scouting sheet!

1… 2… NO!

Looking pissed, Violence pulls Cory Stenson over to the corner and pounds away. With Cory seated in the corner, Violence charges for a running knee but Cory ducks out just in time.

When Violence stumbles back and turns around, he gets a kick from Cory in the stomach and pulled up in the air by his hips.


Rudy Mac: This could be a HUGE upset!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Cory Stenson sits up shocked and takes a moment to collect himself. He had just hit his best move and it didn’t do the job – with nowhere to go but forward, Cory pulls Violence back to his feet.

Violence, seemingly dazed, comes roaring back to life and grabs Cory. He lifts Cory Stenson into the air…

The camera blurs out the wrestling move, but when the footage comes back into focus, Cory is laid out in the middle of the ring with Violence standing over and laughing.


Rudy Mac: I’m sorry for the folks at home, but we cannot legally air that move. Nor may I describe it in words or writing. We apologize… but WOW!

Violence bends down to get the cover.


The crowd buzzes with confusion as to why Violence stopped covering his opponent. Violence then bends down and helps Cory Stenson to his feet… the camera goes blurry again.


DeShawn: My god! Is that LEGAL!?

Violence doesn’t even go for the cover, instead he lifts Cory from the mat again.

And yes, again, the screen becomes unviewable.


Violence looks down at the bleeding, immobile Cory Stenson and laughs. He falls to a knee and calmly places his fist on Cory’s chest.

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Someone call the friggin’ medics! Call the medics!

DeShawn: Seriously, no joke! Where are the medics!?


Violence via The Blur Out (3x)


Too Late

As “Halo” by Soil fills the air, Violence takes a moment to enjoy his victory by raising his middle fingers out to his sides and then slowly spins in a circle. The crowd is relentlessly booing their new villain while they also try not to look at the damaged Cory Stenson.

Rudy Mac: I must say, if this isn’t above and beyond injurious, to the point of disciplinary action, THEN I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS!

DeShawn: Maybe your old school Memphis wrasslin’ just got taste of a different brand!

The crowd suddenly POPS!

Golden Ben Miller, Corbin Fiscal and the Wild Kards all come racing out of the back and down the ramp.

Rudy Mac: Here comes the cavalry! The rest of the Golden Pro Wrestling Academy group is here!

As they each jump and slide into the ring, Violence senses his disadvantage and climbs out the other side of the ring. Rather than chase Violence, GBM, Corbin Fiscal and the Wild Kards all stop and kneel to check on Cory.

Cory is lying unconscious in a pool of blood with one arm bent in the WRONG direction.

Rudy Mac: Where are the medics!?

Soon medics are rushing down the ramp into the ring while the victorious Violence walks backwards, keeping an eye on the situation.

Golden Ben Miller stands up from Cory and walks over to the edge of the ring and grabs the ropes. He scowls darkly back up the ramp at Violence who is holding up two middle fingers in return.

Rudy Mac: That’s all for tonight folks, we gotta go! Join us next week when Memphis’ own Golden Ben Miller starts his tournament run! And, of course, we’ll have a full update on Cory Stenson! GOOD NIGHT!

The broadcast ends with Violence turning and walking away smiling, while in the ring Golden Ben Miller and the paramedics carefully load Cory Stenson onto a stretcher…

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