Gold Strike 10

With the Season 2 finale, The Golden Moment, right around the corner, matches are beginning to be set in stone!

Golden Pro Wrestling fans are treated to several match announcements, and a chance to see GPW’s top competitors get an early shot at each other before the big night.

Gold Strike 10 is HERE!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower level, and entire second level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


We're About To Find Out

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling for GOLD STRIKE 10! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is the man of a no talent, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Well folks, we’re down to the last Gold Strike before the Season 2 finale, The Golden Moment!

DeShawn: We only know about ONE of the matches, what kind of planning is this!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, it’s called building suspense! Our fearless leader, Parker Meloche, will be making some MAJOR announcements tonight!

DeShawn: You’re right, please edit out that last comment! I really need my next paycheck.


Announcement Night

The lights inside the arena suddenly dim down, and the border of the Gold Screen illuminates above the entrance ramp. The production feed slowly fades to a handsome man sitting at a desk in a grey suit and a big grin.

Rudy Mac: The commish is kicking things off!

Golden Pro Wrestling Commissioner Parker Meloche raises his arm out in a welcoming fashion.

Parker: Hello, Golden Pro Wrestling fans!

The crowd responds kindly to the cheap pop, and the commissioner leans forward and rests his elbows on the desk.

Parker: Now, we already settled our headline match for The Golden Moment between Violence and Fuse Makoto for the Pure Gold Championship!

The GPW Commissioner raises a finger to make a point while the fans respond wildly in anticipation.

Parker: But we have haven’t done is fill in the matches for the rest of the card, and TONIGHT, we will! And it starts with none other than finally addressing the ongoing spat between the Golden Pros and the uber talented Shotcaller.


Parker: Now, Corbin Fiscal had his chance to deliver justice to Shotcaller at Gold Strike 8, for which he failed… but the fact that Shotcaller continued his Drive By attacks only means he must answer again! And I can’t think of none other deserving then your Golden War Horse… GOLDEN BEN MILLER!

The crowd pops off HUGE at the announcement.

DeShawn: Shotcaller is in for it now!

Rudy Mac: I couldn’t agree more!

Parker: Now that we have two of The Golden Moment’s BIGGEST matches booked, I figure… why not give you wonderful fans a taste of the action TONIGHT!

Another major cheer pops out from the FedExForum.

Parker: Tonight, Shotcaller and Violence will be teaming up against Fuse Makoto and Golden Ben Miller for your main event!

Rudy Mac: This is exactly what the doctor ordered for the fans!

More wild cheering erupts.

Parker: Enjoy the show!


Golden Moment Preview: Fuse Makoto vs. Violence

The Gold Screen fades away from Parker Meloche, and transitions into a spinning GPW logo while the lights within the arena stay dim.

The crowd buzzes in excitement, and GPW action footage begins to play:

Violence holding the Pure Gold Championship at the top of the ladder from the Season 1 finale, Gold Rush 1…

Slow fade…

Fuse Makoto hitting the Nikuya Strike against Ejercito de Juan…

Slow fade…

Violence covering Flip Costa to retain the Pure Gold Championship at Gold Strike 8…

Slow fade…

Fuse Makoto hitting another Nikuya Strike, this time against Shotcaller…

Slow fade…

A sneering Violence staring into the camera while wearing Fuse Makoto’s family head band.

Slow fade…


Slow fade…


Slow fade…


The crowd cheers enthusiastically in anticipation of the Season 2 finale’s main event.


Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies

Single Fall, Tag Team

The FedExForum lights raise and the smooth hip hop song “Sittin’ Sideways” by Paul Wall begins to play. The crowd gives a nice cheer in response when the two big men of Bounce Squad emerge from backstage.

Rudy Mac: GPW’s newest tag team is back in action tonight!

DeShawn: Is it me, or do you just feel a bit safer when these two big men are around?

Rudy Mac: Chavez and Blain protect Vicky Cogliano, not you!

Bounce Squad makes their way down to the ring, and their music is replaced with “Happy?” by Mudvayne.


The Orderlies walk out onto the top ramp followed by their boss, Dr. Dean. The crowd jeers them wildly, but it’s ineffective and they march down to the ring with straight faces regardless.

Rudy Mac: Even though they know Abel Unstable is out there, perhaps watching, the Orderlies must continue to compete.

Inside the ring, Orderly Caruso and Blain square up to start.

DeShawn: There has to be almost 1200 pounds of wrestler competing in this match!

The competition begins with Caruso and Blain trading a series of big, albeit slow, moves. Caruso gains the first advantage with a big boot to Blain’s chest, which he follows up by dropping a strong elbow on the downed bouncer.

1… 2… NO!!!

Orderly Caruso tags in Orderly Summers, who then gets to work. He picks Blain back up and delivers a few plodding moves of his own.

Rudy Mac: While these are ALL big men, I would give the edge in athleticism to the Orderlies!

Summers obliges the observation by attempting to lift Blain for a sidewalk slam. Blain reverses and hits a large knee to Orderly Summer’s stomach, and then tags in Chavez.

Chavez, still in his bouncer suit, hits a running clothesline, followed up by a HUGE standing big splash.

Rudy Mac: The Cover Charge!

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: If anyone can kick out of the Cover Charge, it’s one of the Orderlies!

The two men stand up, and Orderly Summers and Chavez both tag in their respective partners. The original matchup gets back to work, and again Orderly Caruso gets the best of Blain. In an amazing feat of strength, he lifts Chavez into a halfway powerbomb position.


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: There it is! The Orderlies overcome the new guys!

Dr. Dean grins ringside while the Orderlies climb down from the ring and walk backstage while “Happy?” by Mudvayne pounds through the speakers.


The Orderlies via Medication Time


The Golden Moment: Tag Team Championship

After the Bounce Squad makes their way backstage, the lights dim down again, and everyone’s attention turns to the Gold Screen.

More GPW action footage begins to play:

Your Captains making their way onto the stage and zooming down the ramp with their arms spread outward like wings.

Slow fade…

Seth Kard hitting The Suicide King against Orderly Summers.

Slow fade…

Phaser and Ryan Rogue holding up the tag team title belts at Gold Rush.

Slow fade…


Slow fade…


Slow fade…


The crowd goes wild!

Rudy Mac: Wow! GPW’s first three-way tag team match, and it’s for the belts!

DeShawn: I love three-ways!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! Don’t ruin this!


Reject vs. Awoke

Hardcore Rules, #1 Hardcore Championship Contender Match

The arena’s lights return to normal and the vicious rock song “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists hits the speakers.


Rudy Mac: Not this jerk, again!

Wearing his signature leather mask, spiked shoulder pad and carrying his barbed wire bat, Reject emerges from backstage. He snarls at the crowd and proceeds to walk down and climb into the ring.

His music switches out and is replaced by Katy Perry’s “Chained to the Rhythm,” which elicits a negative reaction from the crowd again.


DeShawn: These fans can’t catch a break! They have to watch two wrestlers they hate!

Awoke walks out from backstage with a large picket sign that says “I HATE MEN-PHIS” as an obvious afront to the local Tennessean crowd.

Rudy Mac: I don’t know what’s crazier… Awoke entering the hardcore division, or the fact that he has a shot for a title match against King Crab Mack at The Golden Moment.

The blue-haired social justice warrior gets into the ring, and the men face off with their weapons. Reject gets the first bit of momentum by shattering Awoke’s sign with his baseball bat. He grabs Awoke, much heavier than him, but can’t lift him off the ground.

DeShawn: Awoke is one of the biggest wrestlers on the roster, and Reject is finding out!

Awoke drills Reject with a knee to the face and throws him down face first with a vicious non-jumping bulldog.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match moves on and Awoke gets ahold of Reject’s bat. He smacks Reject in the stomach, which shreds Reject’s clothing and causes blood to appear. Awoke attempts another move, but Reject reverses and trips Awoke onto his back.

Reject grabs the bat and climbs the ropes, leaps, and nails his bat onto Awoke’s face.

1… 2… NO!!!

Both men, now bleeding, climb to their feet.

DeShawn: I believe Awoke is finding out Reject is no joke!

Rudy Mac: Nice rhyme, DeShawn!

The match continues for a few minutes with each trading moves back and forth. Finally, Reject swings his bat at Awoke’s head but misses. Awoke pulls Reject up onto his shoulder and hits an incredible Samoan Drop.


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Gosh darn it! Awoke is getting a shot at the Hardcore Championship at The Golden Moment!

DeShawn: Don’t worry, that just gives King Crab Mack a shot at some social justice!

Awoke walks from corner-to-corner with his arm up in the air ala BLM icon while the crowd boos incredulously.


Awoke via Cancelled


No More Hiding

The broadcast switches to backstage, where Vicky Cogliano is standing by with Dr. Dean, the Orderlies and Sicko. Vicky looks visibly uncomfortable with Sicko nearby, but she’s backed up with the protection of Bounce Squad.

Bounce Squad remains calm and professional, despite having lost to the Orderlies earlier that evening.

Vicky: Hello GPW fans! I’m here with Dr. Dean, the Orderlies, and his patient… Sicko.


Vicky: Dr. Dean, I was told you wanted to a chance to address the fans?

Dr. Dean smiles and uses his index finger and thumb to stroke his goatee.

Dr. Dean: No, no, my dear Vicky. I’m not here to address those miscreant viewers.


Vicky: I don’t understand…

Dr. Dean: I’m here to address my misguided patient, Abel Unstable.

The crowd pops in support of the escaped mental patient who escaped at the beginning of Season 2.

Dr. Dean: Abel, my friend, you need help. Help that only I can provide… and don’t worry, I’m not upset about you costing me my Silver Championship. I will regain it in due time, but first I must turn my attention to YOU.

Vicky: And what do you have planned to recapture your former patient?

The leader of the Psych Ward glares at Vicky.

Dr. Dean: He is not my former patient! He is still under my care!

Vicky: My apologies, Dr. Dean…

The smart looking mental physician looks back at the camera.

Dr. Dean: And, Abel, since you’ve been unwilling to return voluntarily, I must turn to an extreme measure which I regret.

He gestures to the demented Sicko.

Dr. Dean: I’ve been given the all-clear by Commissioner Meloche to have your dear friend, Sicko, find you within the bowels of the FedExForum at The Golden Moment. He agreed that if Sicko can defeat you, then FedExForum security would assist in your removal from the arena and return you to the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute.

The crowd pops in excitement at the prospect of a Basement Match between Sicko and Abel Unstable during The Golden Moment.

Vicky: There it is folks! Abel Unstable vs. Sicko at The Golden Moment!

The interview concludes with a closeup of Sicko smiling wickedly.


Jumpstart vs. Ejercito de Juan

Single Fall, Silver Championship #1 Contender Match

Gold Strike 10 returns to the main arena and “Destruction” by Joywave begins to play, which creates a big rush of cheering from the GPW fans. The smaller Canadian wrestler enters from backstage with a big smile.

Rudy Mac: Crowd favorite Jumpstart is getting back into the ring!

DeShawn: I was just playing with my Jumpstart action figure last night!

After hopping onto the ring apron and flipping over the ropes, he paces around the wrestling mat and waves to the crowd.

His music dies down and “Mucha lucha” by Chicos de Barrio fires up. The crowd gives a warm reception to GPW’s only lucha libre who runs out onto the stage, down the ramp and slides into the ring.

Rudy Mac: This is a huge opportunity for Ejercito de Juan and Jumpstart! This is for the Silver Championship #1 Contender status and a chance to win the belt at The Golden Moment!

The two small, quick wrestlers give each other a nod of respect and begin to circle each other. The fans aren’t let down when the two men perform a series of acrobatic moves against one another.

DeShawn: I can barely follow along this blur of excitement!

Jumpstart lays out Juan on the mat and nails a perfect moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Ejercito de Juan begins a comeback, and flings Jumpstart to the ropes. When Jumpstart comes running back, Ejercito de Juan pulls Jumpstart into a headlock, jump and spins.

Rudy Mac: Flawless tornado DDT!

1… 2… NO!!!

The crowd buzzes when Jumpstart floors Juan with a dropkick and scrambles to the top rope. He launches out into a Shooting Star Press.


1… 2… … NO!!!

Jumpstart looks shocked and frustrated and tries to press the advantage, however Ejercito de Juan attempts a flying lariat. Jumpstart ducks under, and Juan crashes into the referee.

With the referee temporarily stunned, Jumpstart sneaks behind Juan and throws his arm between Juan’s legs.

Rudy Mac: LOW BLOW!

Jumpstart hooks Ejercito’s leg for the three-count, and the referee comes back to consciousness.

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Why Jumpstart!? Why!?

Rudy Mac: I’ve never seen Jumpstart cheat before!

DeShawn: Well, now he has a chance for the Silver Championship at The Golden Moment!

The fans begin to boo the underhanded efforts of their former favored wrestler. Jumpstart puts his hands on his hips as if surprised by his own actions.


Jumpstart via Low Blow


A Matter of Honesty

The Gold Strike 10 broadcast fades to backstage where Commissioner Meloche is sitting at his desk typing away on a laptop computer. The crowd buzzes with interest, and the door to the office opens which generates a HUGE pop from the crowd.

Golden Ben Miller walks in with a large smile on his face, and Parker Meloche looks up at him.

GBM: Got a second there, commish?

GPW’s commissioner smiles and closes the laptop, and then gestures for GBM to sit at the chair across from the desk.

Parker: Sure thing, Ben. I always have time for GPW’s Golden War Horse!

Ben smiles again and shakes his head.

GBM: Don’t worry, Parker, I won’t be here long… but I do need to run something by you.

Golden Ben Miller throws an envelope on Parker’s desk, which slides across and lands in the lap of the young businessman. Commissioner Meloche holds it up and looks at Ben with a puzzled face.

Parker: What’s this?

GBM: That right there, is a matter of honesty.

Parker: What are you talking about?

Golden Ben Miller leans forward and puts his hands on the desk.

GBM: I told you that I would figure this all out. AND. I. DID!

Commissioner Meloche opens the envelope, unfolds a piece of paper, and begins to read it. His eyes go wide in surprise.

Parker: What is this!?

GBM: Oh, you know what it is!

The commissioner leans back and stuffs the piece of paper back in the envelope. Parker tries to act relaxed and comfortable with the situation.

Parker: I don’t know what kind of stunt you’re trying to pull here. You already have a match on the book for The Golden Moment.

GBM: I appreciate you giving me that chance to deliver justice to Shotcaller, but now I know that he’s just a part of your game.

Parker: Wherever you’re going with this, this piece of paper will never see the light of day.

GBM: Well, then I say we make a little wager… if Shotcaller beats me at The Golden Moment, we’ll bury that piece of paper and I’ll never bring it up again.

Parker: And what if you win?

GBM: When I win, you have to read it to the ENTIRE FedExForum after the match!

The crowd lets out a MONSTER cheer in anticipation and excitement, and the GPW commissioner takes a moment to think about it to himself.

Parker: And I suppose if I don’t agree…

GBM: Parker, Parker, Parker… c’mon, bud. If you agree to this… imagine the ratings.

The young Canadian businessman contemplates the situation.

Parker: You got yourself a deal, Ben.

Golden Ben Miller and the two men shake hands, but after a brief second, Ben yanks the envelope out of Parker’s hand and pulls him in close across the desk.

GBM: You’re about to come clean… and THAT IS GOLDEN!

The fans cheer wildly at Ben’s inherited catchphrase from his grandfather, Golden Glen Miller.


Dr. Dean vs. Flip Costa

Single Fall

Gold Strike 10 returns inside the main arena of the FedExForum, and “Down with the Sickness” hits the speaker system.


Rudy Mac: Dr. Dean is back in action for what is likely his last match of the season!

DeShawn: But it sure isn’t the last we’ll see of him; he has orchestrated a Basement Match between Sicko and Abel Unstable at The Golden Moment!

Dr. Dean walks out from backstage flanked by his trusted Orderlies and makes his way down to the ring. The Orderlies take position to the side of the ring in a watchful manner.

Rudy Mac: The Orderlies seem on high alert knowing Abel Unstable is still out there.

The music switches to “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory and the crowd begins to cheer wildly. The Pensacola Pretty Boy jogs out onto the main stage under the Gold Screen with a big smile.

Rudy Mac: My god, Flip Costa is somehow better looking today!

DeShawn: Get me some ice, I’m overheating!

Flip Costa continues his jog down to the ring, slides under the ropes and takes a moment to wave to the crowd on each side of the ring.

The match begins with Dr. Dean and Flip Costa locking up, but it quickly turns into the Flip Costa show. He methodically outmaneuvers Dr. Dean, and then hits a backflip into a DDT.

Rudy Mac: Beautiful!

1… 2… NO!!!

Dr. Dean seems to come back to life and takes control. After softening up Flip, Dr. Dean delivers a shady uppercut, stunning his opponent.

DeShawn: That’s gotta be illegal!

The leader of the Psych Ward hits a running shoulder block, which drops Flip Costa to the ground. Dr. Dean grabs Flip’s legs, spins him over and begins to lean back into a Boston Crab.

Rudy Mac: He’s got Flip in the Diagnosis!


Using his athleticism, Flip manages to shake Dr. Dean off his legs and continue the match. A few moves later, he drills Dr. Dean with a dropkick and hits a standing moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Flip Costa, undeterred, lets Dr. Dean get up and nails him with jumping clothesline off the middle ropes. The referee becomes distracted when Orderly Caruso hops up onto the ring apron and attempts to climb in.

On the other side of the ring, Orderly Summers enters and attacks Flip Costa. Flip ducks under Summers’ arm and hits a neckbreaker, prompting Summers to roll out of the ring in pain.

Flip scrambles up to the top rope and flies off into a Senton Elbow Drop onto Dr. Dean.


The referee turns around and sees Flip going for the cover.

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: A lovely finish!

The Orderlies look apoplectic at their failure and grab Dr. Dean. Dr. Dean scowls to his henchmen as they make their way up to the ramp.

Inside the ring, Flip Costa climbs to the top rope and looks out at the crowd with his hands on his hips.

DeShawn: I can’t get enough of that magnificent smile!


Flip Costa via The Flipoff


The Golden Moment: Save The Earth Match

Before Flip Costa leaves the ring, the lights inside the FedExForum dim, and the Gold Screen slowly fades to a dark, rocky, brown spinning sphere with a black background.

Rudy Mac: That looks like an asteroid hurtling through space!

Slow fade…

Footage of the Draconian standing on the bridge of his spaceship.

Slow fade…

Flip Costa in midair performing the Flipoff.

Slow fade…


Slow fade…


Slow fade…


The crowd POPS and the lights come back up. Back inside the ring, Flip Costa is still standing on the corner ropes with a serious face.

DeShawn: Save us, Flip Costa!

Flip climbs down, gives one last arm up with a pointed finger and heads backstage in serious concentration.


GBM & Fuse Makoto vs. Shotcaller & Violence

Tag Team, Single Fall

The broadcast switches back inside the FedExForum and the fans wait patiently for more action to begin.

Rudy Mac: Here we go! The boys are going to get it on early with this tag team match between Golden Ben Miller and Fuse Makoto vs. Shotcaller and Violence!

DeShawn: Let’s let it pop!

The baseline of “My Hero” by Foo Fighters pumps into the main arena, the crowd goes absolutely NUTS!

Rudy Mac: GPW’s Golden Warhorse is here!

DeShawn: I’m barely half the man he is!

Rudy Mac: That’s being generous!

Golden Ben Miller walks out slowly with a serious face and throws his arm up to the crowd in recognition. He walks down and climbs into the ring without much else ceremony.

“Name Of The Game” by The Crystal Method kicks off, and the crowd unleashes another LOUD cheer. From backstage walks the young Japanese wrestler on the rise.

Rudy Mac: Fuse Makoto. Young. New. Ready for his shot!

DeShawn: We could just be a short time from a new Pure Gold Champ!

Fuse Makoto runs and slides into the ring and gives GBM a respectful nod. GBM gives him a happy smile and climbs out of the ring.

Rudy Mac: Looks like GBM is gifting Fuse the start to the match!

Fuse Makoto’s music is replaced by “Ambitionz Az A Ridah” by 2Pac.


Rudy Mac: Shotcaller is here! And he’s going to have to face the prelude to the music against GBM!

Shotcaller struts out like a homie and throws his signature ‘W’ across his chest at the top of the ramp. He walks down and climbs into the ring, unafraid of Fuse Makoto or Golden Ben Miller’s presence.

Then “Halo” by Soil attacks the ears of the Golden Pro Wrestling fans.


The crowd reacts furiously when Violence marches from backstage. On his head is the Makoto family headband, which is an obvious sign of disrespect. Inside the ring, the young Fuse Makoto squints his eyes in annoyance.

Violence stops at the top of the ramp and throws two middle fingers out to the entire arena. As he walks downstage, he mouths an expletive to the handheld camera.

DeShawn: I try to not to be a hateful man… BUT C’MON!

Violence climbs into the ring and nods to Shotcaller. Shotcaller nods back and gets out, which lets Violence start the match against Fuse Makoto.

Fuse Makoto and Violence kick things off, and the styles are an immediate clash between athletic finesse vs. brute power. Brute power gets the early advantage when Violence DROPS Fuse with a spinebuster.

Rudy Mac: A taste of things to come at The Golden Moment!

A minute later, Violence is caught off guard by Fuse Makoto’s knee to the head.

1… 2… NO!!!

GBM yells for Fuse to tag him in, which the Japanese wrestler complies. Golden Ben Miller climbs into the ring with a head of steam and begins to lay a beatdown on Violence.

DeShawn: Finally! GBM is getting his licks in after Gold Rush in Season 1!

Violence finally lashes out and cracks GBM with a series of moves, culminating in a MASSIVE sidewalk slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

The weary Violence tags in Shotcaller, and Shotcaller gets an immediate advantage. Shotcaller throws GBM of the ropes, and…


Rudy Mac: If GBM kicks out, that bodes well for The Golden Moment!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Golden Ben Miller kicks out at the last moment. After both wrestlers get to their feet and trade moves, GBM manages to slap Fuse’s hand to tag him in.

DeShawn: Fuse Makoto’s legs look fresh!

After a minute, Fuse Makoto stuns Shotcaller and jumps for his signature spinning tornado kick.


Shotcaller ducks back at the last minute, and despite missing the kick, Fuse lands softly on both legs. He stares at Shotcaller, who backs up slowly and calmly tags in Violence.

The Bastard From Alberta climbs into the ring without urgency and smirks.

Rudy Mac: He’s still got that Makoto family headband on!

Violence suddenly charges Fuse, and the two men begin a series of major reversals and moves. Violence finally gets a hold of Fuse and throws him up onto his shoulders. The camera begins to blur.

DeShawn: Oh no! Not the Blur Out!

At the last moment, Fuse wiggles off Violence’s shoulders. At that time, Shotcaller unexpectedly enters the ring and charges Fuse. Fuse rolls away and tags in GBM.

The two men square up while the referee pounds on Shotcaller’s chest.

Rudy Mac: Shotcaller isn’t the eligible wrestler!

Violence runs and it nails Golden Ben Miller with a POWERFUL spear! Shotcaller backs out slowly and lets the two continue. After they get to their feet, GBM and Violence begin to deliver their classic match up of moves.

GBM scoops up Violence and turns him over into an INCREDIBLE power slam. Standing over his body, Golden Ben Miller pulls off a knee pad.

DeShawn: My favorite move is coming up!

The Golden Warhorse runs and bounces off one side of the ropes…

Shotcaller jumps in the ring about to interfere…

Fuse Makoto appears out of nowhere to hit his signature move on Shotcaller!


Golden Ben Miller bounces off the other side of the ropes…


Rudy Mac: Beautiful!

1… 2… 3!!!

The crowd POPS at the win for Golden Ben Miller and Fuse Makoto, who both greet each other in the middle of the ring. Shotcaller and Violence roll out of the ring and walk up the ramp separately.


Golden Ben Miller and Fuse Makoto via The Golden Knee


The Moment Before

A sweaty Golden Ben Miller gestures for a production assistant, and a microphone is tossed into the ring. The crowd quiets down, yet still buzzes before their hero speaks.

GBM: Now folks, I’m going to have my hands full at The Golden Moment taking down Shotcaller…

The crowd cheers in response, and Golden Ben Miller subsequently opens his palm and points to Fuse Makoto next to him.

GBM: But THIS young man is going to be taking down VIOLENCE!

The crowd goes NUTS!

GBM: Let’s hear it for the NEXT Pure Gold Champion!

Again, massive cheering erupts from the Golden Pro Wrestling fans. Fuse Makoto looks honored and humbled by the recognition from the Golden War Horse.

Rudy Mac: This is it, folks! Last Gold Strike of the season! We’ll see you at The Golden Moment when everything FINALLY shakes out!

GBM shakes Fuse’s hand and pats him on the chest, and the broadcast fades to black.

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