Gold Strike 11

Season 3 is underway!

Details emerge regarding Fort Knocks, while several high impact matches are featured through the night including the debut of Decade, GBM vs. Reject, and Dr. Dean vs. Cory Stenson.

Things culminate when Jumpstart makes his first title defense against Big Buddha!

Golden Pro Wrestling’s third season starts NOW!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower and second levels, and several rows of the upper level..

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

Above the ring hangs the ominous golden cage, Fort Knocks.


Here We Go!

The broadcast transitions to a two-shot of Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcer team.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling for SEASON THREE!!!

DeShawn: Woo!

Rudy Mac: I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is a man who is literally devolving in front of my eyes, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, last time we were here at the FedExForum, we were watching Fuse Makoto ceremoniously accepting the Pure Gold Championship!

DeShawn: The Golden Moment will live rent free in my head forever!

Rudy Mac: But now the roster must turn its attention to…

Both announcers look upward, and the camera pans to the golden cage hanging about the ring, then pans back to the two announcers.

DeShawn: *gulp*

Rudy Mac: Took the gulp right out of my mouth! The only thing we know about that beautiful monstrosity is that it’s named Fort Knocks…

DeShawn: And the word is that our glorious leader, Commissioner Meloche, will be filling in the details to kicking things off.

Rudy Mac: That’s right, DeShawn. But first, I do want to take a moment to congratulate you on the birth of your new daughter during the offseason!

DeShawn: Oh, thanks, Rudy… that means a lot!

Rudy Mac: I remember when my little girl was brought into this world…

The kind, aging commentator takes a moment to wipe a tear from his eye.

Rudy Mac: To see what sort of man you’ve become as a father…

DeShawn: Again, thanks Rudy. Fortunately, I think I have a real case that this kid ain’t mine! Hopefully I can get out of this jam before the kid develops a connection to me.

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! Becoming a father is the greatest moment of personal growth and greatest source of lifelong happiness you could find!

DeShawn: You may be right, but I’ve already done it five times! This sixth one isn’t worth the hassle!

Rudy Mac: My god, DeShawn! I take it all back!


The Road to Fort Knocks

“E.I.” by Nelly begins to play across the speaker system, which immediately elicits a reaction from the crowd.


The typically handsome-looking GPW commissioner comes walking out from backstage with a neck brace on.

Rudy Mac: Commissioner Meloche is here! And it looks like he still hasn’t recovered from The Golden Moment!

DeShawn: I, for one, do not condone Shotcaller’s thuggish attack on our beloved leader!

Parker Meloche gingerly makes his way down the ramp, smiling and nodding despite the jeers he is receiving. He climbs into the ring and takes a moment to put his hand on the back of his neck as if still in pain.

A production assistant climbs in, hands the commissioner a microphone and quickly leaves to ringside.

Once the booing subsides, Parker Meloche slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.

Parker: Golden Pro Wrestling fans… welcome BACK for Season 3!!!

The crowd lets out a large cheer in excitement.

Parker: Listen, listen, listen… I get it. You’re all pissed at me for unleashing Shotcaller upon the Golden Pros last season.


Parker: I’m not going to rehash the reasons, and obviously I got my punishment.

The commissioner points to his neck while the crowd cheers and laughs simultaneously.

Parker: Now, I’m going to make it up to you…

With a grin, Parker Meloche points directly up to the golden cage hanging above the ring.

Parker: That is Fort Knocks, and it’s what awaits six brave GPW competitors at the end of the season. And I’m here to give you the details.

The fans pop off in eager excitement.

Parker: This year, at our Season 3 finale, the Pure Gold Champion will have his hands full against five of GPW’s best. There’s only one way out of Fort Knocks, and that’s the remaining survivor of an EPIC six-man free-for-all!

The cheers go THROUGH THE ROOF!

Parker: And, inside Fort Knocks will be a collection of tools at everyone’s disposal. We’re talking about tables… chairs… ladders… or whatever anyone wants to bring with them!

Rudy Mac: My god! My god! Fort Knocks sounds traumatizing!

Parker: So, how are we going to pick the competitors? Of course, Pure Gold Champion Fuse Makoto will automatically be there…

Fuse Makoto’s name incites yet another CRAZY pop from the fans.

Parker: Now, that’s obviously if he’s still champion, because he does have to defend the title once during the regular season. As for the rest, I’m well aware of who our superstars are in Golden Pro Wrestling, so I will be announcing official Fort Knocks entrants throughout the season. BUT I don’t want to make all the arbitrary decisions, which is why at Gold Strike 15, we’ll be hosting a final battle royale for a last spot!

DeShawn: Seems fair!

The crowd maintains their enthusiasm, apparently forgetting about their hostility to the GPW commissioner.

Parker: First things first, though, folks. We have TONIGHT to take care of! Expect to see your favorite wrestlers, plus a chance to cheer on your long-time favorite Jumpstart defend his Silver Championship!

The fans return a strong mix of cheers and boos.

Rudy Mac: I don’t think Jumpstart is their favorite anymore!

Parker Meloche drops the microphone and waves to the crowd, and then makes his way out of the ring to “E.I.” by Nelly.


A Great Honor

The broadcast transitions to backstage where GPW Vicky Cogliano, flanked by Bounce Squad, stands by with Pure Gold Champion Fuse Makoto.

Fuse Makoto proudly wears his family’s warrior band around his head plus the Pure Gold Championship belt around his waist.

The fans ROAR in response from inside the FedExForum.

Vicky: Fuse! Welcome back to Season 3 as the Pure Gold Champion!

Before Fuse can reply, the fans begin to chant.


Fuse: Ah, yes, Vicky Cogliano. A great honor to be here.

Vicky: Fuse, at the end of Season 2, you ushered in the golden moment when you delivered the Nikuya Strike to Violence and won the match.

Fuse: Thank you, Vicky Cogliano. Wonderful moment for myself, and my family.

Vicky: Yes, as we understand it, your parents were home in Japan and watched the match. Did you have a chance to go back to Japan and see them afterward?

Fuse: Yes, Vicky Cogliano. My mother was very happy to see me again, and my father… very proud.

Vicky: Your father, Haru Makoto, is an honored name in Japan professional wrestling. How did it feel to return as champion yourself?

Fuse: My father has been very sick, Vicky Cogliano. But when I return, he look very strong. Very strong because of me. Make me very happy.

Vicky: As you likely just heard, Fort Knocks awaits you at the end of the season against five other competitors. We’re talking about a large golden cage with weapons, where apparently anything can happen! How do you feel knowing you it won’t be a traditional match.

Fuse: Firstly, Vicky Cogliano, I must defend belt at least once this season to be in Fort Knocks. If I am still champion at Fort Knocks, I guarantee that I will be champion after Fort Knocks.

The crowd cheers loudly at the Pure Gold Champion’s confidence.

Vicky: We can’t wait to see it!

Fuse: Thank you, Vicky Cogliano.

Vicky: Fuse Makoto, everyone!

The fans cheer one more time for their champion as the interview comes to an end.


Saga vs. Decade

Single Fall

Gold Strike 11 transitions back inside the main arena of the FedExForum, and song “I Can See It In Your Face” by Pretty Lights begins to play. The crowd gives a mixed reaction when Saga emerges from backstage.

Rudy Mac: There’s no denying this guy’s strength and athleticism, but he just hasn’t seemed to put it together in the ring.

DeShawn: He’s 0-3! Much like the paternity suits I’ve lost.

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! Parenthood is to be treasured, not contested!

Saga enters the ring, and his music is replaced by “Novacaine” by 10 Years, and the fans give a warm buzz to the unfamiliar intro song.

From backstage, a man in his late 20s donning blue wrestling gear emerges. He sports a strong jaw and good looks, and the fans are obviously impressed with his stature.

Rudy Mac: We haven’t had a chance to talk about this, but we have a new wrestler on the GPW roster! His name is Decade, and we really don’t know a whole lot about him.

DeShawn: My sources tell me that he had a strong personal reference, and Commissioner Meloche thinks this guy is a sure bet for success.

Rudy Mac: You’re such an intrepid journalist.

Decade climbs into the ring while his music fades out, and the bell rings when the two wrestlers lock up. Although Saga is slightly bigger, Decade gives no quarter and beings pounding several large moves.

Saga tries to fight back but gets caught from behind and nailed with a monster bulldog.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Decade looks in control out there!

Decade picks Saga up and whips him into the turnbuckle, then climbs up and delivers 10 hard fists with the crowd counting each one.

GPW’s newest wrestler steps back out to the middle of the ring and watches as Saga stumbles forward. The unaware Polynesian wrestler falls into Decade’s arms and is immediately lifted into a suplex.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: I don’t know if Saga is aware, but he’s actually kicking out of some of these moves.

Decade stands and smiles and holds out a fist to the crowd in confident assurance. Saga gets up and attacks Decade from behind, and quickly nails a gutwrench suplex. Saga stands above Decade and begins dropping boot-after-boot to Decade’s head.

Rudy Mac: Saga is showing what happens when the losses start piling up… that frustration is starting to pour out!


Saga lifts Decade up into a vertical suplex position, but Decade slips off behind Saga. Decade grabs Saga from behind and lifts him into an inverted suplex.


Rudy Mac: That’s our first look at Decade’s finisher!

1… 2… 3!!!

The crowd gives a warm cheer at Decade’s performance, and he obliges by climbing up on a corner rope. He holds a strong fist to the crowd and nods his head up and down.

DeShawn: It looks like Golden Pro Wrestling has a new player on the roster!


Decade via A Perfect 10



The broadcast goes backstage into a wrestler’s locker room where two members of the GPW roster are putting on their gear.

On a bench Crosscheck Beck and Reject quietly prepare for their matches, and across the room Big Buddha does light squats as a warmup. Despite their disparate temperaments, they appear to be able to share a room amicably.

The door to the locker room opens, and Jumpstart enters wearing his street clothes with a gym bag slung over one shoulder and the Silver Championship hanging from the other. The three wrestlers look up at Jumpstart and quickly look back down to whatever they were doing.

Jumpstart’s brow furrows and he makes his way over to an empty seat to drop his bag. He sits down and looks over at Crosscheck Beck.

Jumpstart: Hey Beck, no hard feelings for our exchange back at Memphis Comic Con.

Crosscheck Beck: Oh, buzz off, Jumpstart. We’ve got nothing to do with each other unless you want to step into the Hardcore division with me.

The aging veteran shakes his head and looks over at Reject with a forced smile.

Jumpstart: Hey Reject, looks like things have calmed down for you since Season 1.

Reject: Why don’t you mind your own business, old timer. At least everyone expected me to be a piece of crap.

A look of shock comes over Jumpstart’s face and he then frowns. He turns his attention to Big Buddha, who is opponent in tonight’s main event.

Jumpstart: Big Buddha, I’m looking forward to our match. Let’s have a good clean one, eh?

The large Tibetan monk slowly turns his gaze to Jumpstart.

Big Buddha: I do not accept the guarantees of a sly fox. I will maintain my awareness for when you expectedly undermine the sanctity of our calling.

Jumpstart’s eyes go wide in realization that he’s officially lost the respect of the locker room.


Golden Ben Miller vs. Reject

Single Fall

The show fades back into a large pan of the main FedExForum arena, and “My Hero” by Foo Fighters hits the speaker system. The crowd POPS when Golden Ben Miller emerges from backstage.

Rudy Mac: There he is! GPW’s Golden Warhorse!

DeShawn: I don’t have any smartass comments for this man!

Rudy Mac: There’s no doubt that Season 2 showed his intrepid courage when he defeated Shotcaller and exposed Commissioner Meloche’s conspiracy.

Golden Ben Miller walks down the ramp and into the ring before ceremoniously climbing the turnbuckle and holding an arm up to the crowd. The fans continue to cheer on their favorite Golden Pro Wrestler.

While GBM walks around and inspects the ropes, “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists begins to play.


Reject stomps out from backstage with a twisted look of anger underneath his mask.

Rudy Mac: Ever since his loss to Flip Costa at Gold Rush he has been on a downward spiral!

DeShawn: Just looking at his record, he’s actually only won ONE match out of EIGHT!

Rudy Mac: And the odds are stacked against him tonight considering this isn’t even a hardcore match up. He’ll have to play by the rules!

Reject climbs into the ring and his music fades out, and the two evenly sized wrestlers circle each other before locking up. Reject surprisingly gains the first advantage by delivering a boot to GBM’s stomach, and then nails a solid DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: It’s going to take WAY more than that to defeat Golden Ben Miller!

GBM gets up and composes himself before whipping Reject off the ropes and laying him out with a clothesline. A few more minutes go on with Golden Ben Miller firmly in control, and he eventually hits a MAJOR scoop slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: Reject isn’t giving up that easily!

A minute later, Reject clotheslines GBM over the ropes and to ringside before climbing down himself. The referee begins to count them out from inside the ring.

Rudy Mac: Oh no! They’re entering Reject’s world!

Reject reaches under the ring and pulls out a baseball bat with barbed wire.

DeShawn: If Reject hits that, it’s an automatic DQ!

The miserable incel lifts the bat above his head and attempts to clobber GBM, but the Golden Warhorse reaches up and grabs it with his hand. The referee goes to call the match as a DQ, but GBM waves his arm in disagreement.

The referee obliges and continues his count out. And despite GBM’s bleeding hand, he rips away the bat and throws it to the side. He kicks Reject in the stomach and rolls him into the ring before the referee can get to the ten-count.

Rudy Mac: Looks like GBM is going to keep this match alive!

Back inside the ring, Golden Ben Miller delivers a second major scoop slam and stands above Reject’s motionless body.

DeShawn: Please tell me I know what’s coming!

Golden Ben Miller pulls off his knee pad and throws it into the crowd where the fans wildly scramble for the souvenir. He then runs off one rope, jumps over Reject’s body and bounces off the other rope. When he gets back to the middle, he jumps in the air and drills his knee right into Reject’s head.


Rudy Mac: I’ve been waiting forever to see that again!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Great start to the season for Golden Ben Miller!

GBM gets up from the unconscious Reject and climbs to the top rope of a turnbuckle and throws his arm up. “My Hero” by Foo Fighters play again as the crowd cheers on their favorite Golden Pro Wrestler.


Golden Ben Miller via The Golden Knee


I'll Be At Fort Knocks

Golden Ben Miller

Inside of the ring, Golden Ben Miller climbs down from the turnbuckle, picks up Reject and tosses him out of the ring. The crowd cheers as Reject stumbles and limps up the ramp and backstage.

A production assistant from ringside tosses a microphone to Golden Ben Miller, and his theme music fades out so he can address the fans.

GBM: Hello Memphis!

The crowd pops, and then bursts into an unexpected chant.

G-B-M! G-B-M! G-B-M!

Golden Ben Miller waits a moment with a large smile while the impromptu chant subsides.

GBM: As you know, something awaits this roster at the end of the season, the likes of which has NEVER been seen before. I’m talking about FORT KNOCKS!

The crowd cheers in response, while Golden Ben Miller casually walks around the ring despite just having competed in a match.

GBM: I just want to let you guys know one thing… I’LL BE THERE!

A roar erupts from the crowd, and GBM politely tosses the microphone back to the production assistant and waves to the crowd. “My Hero” begins to play again leaving the fans in a frenzy.


Crosscheck Beck vs. Awoke

Single Fall, Hardcore Rules

After Golden Ben Miller goes backstage, “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul hits the speaker system and the crowd cheers when Crosscheck Beck comes walking out.

Rudy Mac: The former goon for the Memphis Bears hockey team is back for Season 3!

DeShawn: He lost his shot at the Hardcore Championship late last season, but I think he’s still got a lot of potential!

Crosscheck Beck climbs into the ring with his signature hockey stick and holds it up to the fans with two hands.

His music is replaced with “Chained To The Rhythm” by Katy Perry, which elicits an immediate reaction from the Golden Pro Wrestling fans.


The music plays idly for a minute before Awoke finally emerges from backstage holding a protest sign that reads “BEING ON TIME IS RACIST”.

Rudy Mac: How insufferable! Apparently expecting people to be punctual is a sign of white supremacy!

DeShawn: Really!? I can just show up whenever I want?

Rudy Mac: Don’t think about, DeShawn! We have a social contract to respect each other’s time!

The large blue-haired wrestler climbs up the steps and into the ring to begin the match. Despite having a size disadvantage Crosscheck Beck gets the first edge by drilling Awoke in the stomach with his hockey stick.

Awoke blocks the next hockey stick swing, and then smashes his protest sign over Crosscheck Beck’s head, which ejects the stick from Beck’s hands and across the ring.

Rudy Mac: Looks like they’re going to do some old-school rasslin!

Both now weaponless, the two trade a series of moves and reversals. Awoke eventually catches Beck back the back of the neck and slams the hockey player face first into his knee. Beck falls back and onto the mat.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match spills outside the ring where Crosscheck Beck gains the upper hand. He slams Awoke’s head on the barricade, which splits the SJW’s forehead wide open.

DeShawn: Awoke is A-Bleeding!

Rudy Mac: That joke didn’t work for me!

Although he’s bleeding, Awoke fires back and nails Beck with a sidewalk slam onto the hard floor.

1… 2… NO!!!

Crosscheck Beck recovers and gets Awoke back into the ring. He lays Awoke out, grabs his hockey stick and straddles Awoke from behind. He pulls his hockey stick across Awoke’s neck with both hands as hard as he can.

DeShawn: An inventive submission move!

Awoke’s struggles to pry the stick away from his neck, but his eyes begin to close, and his arms go limp. The crowd cheers as the referee inspects Awoke’s body and shouts to Awoke to ask if he’s okay.

Without a response, the referee lifts Awoke’s arm and lets it drop to the mat.


The referee lifts Awoke’s arm one more time and it falls again.

Rudy Mac: This could be a rare end to a hardcore match!


For a third time, Awoke’s arm is lifted and it falls to the mat with a thud.


DeShawn: Looks like Awoke may be a minute late getting out of the ring!

“Bottom of a Bottle” plays over the speakers and Crosscheck Beck stands up, then picks up his hockey stick and holds it up to the cheering fans.


Crosscheck Beck via submission


You Done Been Warned, Yo

Gold Strike 11 transitions to the rear parking lot of the FedExForum, where a red hoopty rolls up. Despite the cars deteriorating condition, it has large chrome wheels and tinted windows.

The hoopty comes to a stop with the driver’s side door facing the handheld camera, and the window slowly rolls down revealing GPW’s resident thug.


The crowd’s boos can be heard all the way from the arena to the parking lot, which makes Shotcaller scowl and purse his lips.

Shotcaller: Lizzen, yo. I may have lost to Golden Ben Miller at The Golden Moment, but I’m still one of da toughest homies on dis roster. And I hurd about dis Fort Knocks for da Pure Gold Championship.

The Blood gang member spits out of the window and onto the concrete ground.

Shotcaller: I’m juz sayin’, Season 3 is Shotcaller’s time. When you don’t see it comin’ I’m finnin to roll up and hit anyone wit a Drive-By. Same shit as Season 2, except it’s whenever I want it.

The GPW ‘G’ motions a gun signal with his right hand pretends to pull the trigger at the camera.

Shotcaller: You done been warned, yo.

The tinted window on the hoopty rolls up, and the chrome wheels begin to roll as the car drives off.


Orderly Caruso vs. Cory Stenson

Single Fall

Inside the main FedExForum arena, “Happy?” by Mudvayne begins to play and the crowd boos when Orderly Caruso walks out from backstage. Behind him is his tag team partner, Orderly Summers, and his boss, Dr. Dean.


Rudy Mac: It’s interesting that Orderly Caruso is getting a shot here against Cory Stenson. After all, Cory Stenson took away Dr. Dean’s Silver Championship last season.

DeShawn: If Orderly Caruso can beat Cory Stenson, but Dr. Dean can’t… what does that say about the Psych Ward’s pecking order!?

Orderly Caruso climbs into the ring while Dr. Dean and Orderly Summers stand by ringside. The crowd then POPS when “Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited begins to pump out of the speaker system.

With a broad smile and large, athletic frame, the Memphis native Cory Stenson slowly emerges from backstage. The GPW fans cheer as he lifts both hands up with his fingers pointed skyward.

Rudy Mac: It may have been a short run, but he can firmly say he’s A CHAMPION!

DeShawn: If it weren’t for Jumpstart’s new way of doing business, he might STILL be the Silver Champion!

Cory Stenson walks up the stairs, gets into the ring and the two big men size each other up. The match begins with each taking some plodding power moves against each other, including some vicious punches to the head.

DeShawn: I hope he doesn’t split open Cory’s old wound from Violence at Gold Strike 1!

Orderly Caruso attempts a clothesline, but Cory Stenson ducks underneath and delivers a boot to Caruso’s stomach after he turns around. Cory pulls Caruso in and NAILS a heavy suplex.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match continues for a few minutes until Orderly Caruso whips Stenson into the corner turnbuckle and follows it up with a heavy charging shoulder. Stenson stumbles away from the corner and right into Caruso’s waiting arms for a belly-to-belly suplex.

Rudy Mac: He sent Cory Stenson all the way across the ring!

1… 2… NO!!!

At ringside, Dr. Dean can be sign throwing his head backwards in annoyance.

DeShawn: I wouldn’t want to see Dr. Dean’s bad bedside manner!

Cory Stenson takes back the momentum in the match and shows an incredible feat of strength when he lifts Caruso all the way above his head. He pushes up and walks away while Caruso falls flat to the mat.

The Memphis Big Boy goes for the cover, but the referee is distracted ringside by a complaining Dr. Dean. Orderly Summers climbs in from the other side of the ring and attacks Cory Stenson.

Rudy Mac: Hogwash! That’s straight up cheatin’!

While Orderly Summers beats down on Cory Stenson, the crowd POPS HUGE when Golden Ben Miller runs out from backstage!

Golden Ben Miller

Rudy Mac: Here comes GBM to set things right!

The crowd’s pop turns into buzzing confusion when Decade comes running out behind GBM, passing him mid-way down the ramp. As Decade runs past, Golden Ben Miller looks surprised and nearly comes to a stop.

DeShawn: Wait, what is Decade doing out here!?

GPW’s newest wrestler, Decade, smoothly slides in the ring, grabs Orderly Summers, and hits an inverted suplex.


Rudy Mac: It looks like Decade evened it up!

Decade then throws Orderly Summers out of the ring, and the referee turns around just in time to see Cory Stenson pick up Orderly Caruso from mat.


1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Decade is a HERO!

The crowd cheers at Cory Stenson’s victory. Ringside, Dr. Dean shouts at Orderly Summers for his failure, and Golden Ben Miller looks at Decade with a confused face.

Decade smiles and waves to the fans before heading backstage.


Cory Stenson via Stenson Driver


Hey I Got That, Man

The broadcast transitions to right behind the entrance curtains where Decade is standing and breathing heavily, and then Golden Ben Miller then comes jogging through.

Golden Ben Miller stops his steady gate while still looking perplexed and he then puts his hand on Decade’s shoulder and turns him around.

GBM: Hey I got that, man. I mean, you did fine, but me and my guys are good. I had that.

The newest GPW wrestler smiles awkwardly and looks at the Golden Warhorse with a concerned look.

Decade: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to step on anyone’s toes. I just saw a situation… and I reacted.

GBM: Ah, now worries, buddy. In Season 1, I was just reacting like you. It got me into some serious situation, but I appreciate you trying to help, so let’s stay in touch.

Decade: Yes! Just let me know if you need me.

Golden Ben Miller gives a half smile, and then extends his open palm in a forthright manner. Decade looks at it a moment and then takes grip before shaking it.

After GBM walks away, Decade begins muttering to himself in a sour, sinister voice.

Decade: He doesn’t need you… you’re a pawn.

His voice returns to normal.

Decade: I don’t think he needs me; I just want to help.

The sinister voice returns.

Decade: Nobody will ever respect you on this roster….

The wrestler, somewhere in his 20s, shakes his head and says one last thing to himself.

Decade: You’ve beat this. That isn’t real. I am real.

The broadcast dissolves away as Decade walks down the hallway.


Big Buddha vs. Jumpstart

Silver Championship, Single Fall

Inside the FedExForum, “Four Vows” by Chris Burrows begins ceremoniously play, and the crowd reacts with an enthusiastic cheer. The large, girthy Tibetan monk named Big Buddha slowly walks out and lowers his head in a respectful bow to the fans.

Rudy Mac: Big Buddha has certainly proven that he’s a player on this roster.

DeShawn: Yeah, but I wonder if he’s made peace with his 2-3 record.

Rudy Mac: It doesn’t matter now, because he’s got his second shot at the Silver Championship after losing his first chance to Dr. Dean at Gold Rush.

Big Buddha climbs into the ring and gives another bow before his music is replaced by Joywave’s “Destruction”. Jumpstart walks out from backstage with the Silver Championship strapped around his waist.


Jumpstart looks sincerely shocked at the negative response as he walks down the ramp.

Rudy Mac: It looks like the fans are finally turning on their once beloved hero!

DeShawn: I’m thinking about throwing my Jumpstart pajamas in the trash!

Jumpstart hops onto the ring apron and then quickly makes another hop cleanly over the top rope. He walks around the ring and suspiciously eyes the GPW crowd before handing the Silver Championship belt down to a production assistant.

Rudy Mac: Here we go! Gold Strike 11’s main event for the Silver Championship!

The smaller, quicker Jumpstart attempts to outmaneuver and outwit the slower Big Buddha. He deftly moves from side to side, snapping several kicks to Big Buddha’s right leg.

DeShawn: Seems like a good strategy to concentrate on the big boy’s leg!

Jumpstart goes for another leg kick, but Big Buddha anticipates it and slams Jumpstart with a large forearm. He picks Jumpstart up and lifts him into a crossbody position before falling forward onto Jumpstart’s body.


1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Jumpstart might be a pancake now, DeShawn!

Big Buddha doesn’t relent and spends the next few minutes throwing Jumpstart around the ring. Jumpstart, acting dazed, surprises Big Buddha with an elbow to the head, and then runs off the ropes to return with a dropkick.

The large Tibetan monk wobbles for a moment before falling on his back with a huge thud. Jumpstart senses an opportunity and delivers a moonsault off the ropes.

1… 2… NO!!!

Jumpstart looks frustrated but not deflated. He continues to concentrate on Big Buddha’s right leg for the next couple of minutes, eventually ducking under Big Buddha’s clothesline. When he comes back from behind Big Buddha, he slewfoots Big Buddha’s leg out from under him.

The veteran highflyer climbs to the top rope and leaps out.

Rudy Mac: Jumpstart is going for his signature Shooting Star Press!


At the last moment, Big Buddha rolls away, and Jumpstart hits the mat with a thud. The Tibetan monk pulls Jumpstart by the arm to the corner, lumbers up to the second rope and jumps backward. His enormous rear end lands on Jumpstart’s chest.

DeShawn: Oof!

Big Buddha remains in place, squeezing the air out of Jumpstart’s lungs, and the monk closes his eyes peacefully.


The referee checks on Jumpstart to see if he wants to tap out.


Rudy Mac: Incredible veteran stamina from Jumpstart!

Big Buddha calmly stands up after the referee slaps on his back that Jumpstart has gotten ahold of the ropes to break the submission move. When Jumpstart gets up, he begins to berate the referee for taking too long to break the hold.

Sensing an opportunity, Big Buddha turns Jumpstart around and hits him with a large fist. Jumpstart responds by attempting to whip Big Bhudda to the ropes, but he instead sends Big Buddha crashing into the referee.

DeShawn: The ref might be knocked out!

Big Buddha looks surprised when Jumpstart scampers out of the ring and reaches under the ring apron. He searches around until he pulls out a chair and climbs back into the ring. With the referee still knocked out, Jumpstart swings the chair, but Big Buddha blocks it.

Rudy Mac: Nice defense!

Unfortunately, Big Buddha is too slow to react to the second swing.


The Tibetan monk lands flat on his back from the chair shot.

Rudy Mac: Hogwash!

Jumpstart quickly climbs to the top rope with the chair in hand and launches out at Big Buddha’s prone body.


Rudy Mac: Devastating Shooting Star Press with a weapon!

The referee comes back to consciousness as Jumpstart goes for the cover.

1… 2… … 3!!!

The crowd is incensed by Jumpstart’s cheating, and more so when he stands up triumphantly.


Rudy Mac: I’ve had enough, and so have the fans!

Winner and STILL Silver Champion:

Jumpstart via The Start-Up


I Don't Need You Anymore

As Jumpstart looks down at Big Buddha’s unconscious body, the crowd breaks into a chant.


Rudy Mac: The GPW fans are really letting Jumpstart have it now!

The veteran Canadian wrestler looks bewildered and upset. He walks over to the ropes and glares out at the fans who are taunting his age.

Once a fan favorite, Jumpstart grits his teeth and motions for the ringside production assistant to toss in a microphone, who immediately obliges. Jumpstart, with microphone in hand, picks up the dented chair and shows it off.

Jumpstart: Okay, okay! I see it now! I give you all YEARS of entertainment and this is how you repay me!?


DeShawn: He’s like a different person now!

Back inside the ring, the newest GPW bad guy shakes his head in annoyance.

Jumpstart: I see then. But if you haven’t figured it out, I’m STILL a champion regardless of you moronic Memphis hillbillies!


Jumpstart: And if it’s not clear yet… I DON’T NEED YOU ANYMORE!

The crowd continues to boo when Jumpstart tosses the dented chair and microphone on the ring mat before hopping out onto the ringside floor. The GPW production assistant goes to politely hand the Silver Championship to Jumpstart, but Jumpstart aggressively rips it away.

Rudy Mac: Well, it’s finally happened! Jumpstart has turned his back on the fans!

DeShawn: Now I’m DEFINITELY throwing my Jumpstart pajamas in the trash when I get home!

Rudy Mac: Thank you for tuning in to Gold Strike 11, folks! We’ll see you next time!

Jumpstart walks up the ramp with the Silver Championship slung over his shoulder and jeers Golden Pro Wrestling’s fans as the broadcast fades to black…

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