Gold Strike 12

A distraught Flip Costa, still reeling from dooming the human race, encounters a new obstacle…

Also, Commissioner Meloche makes the first official Fort Knocks competitor announcement.

And then things get real with a Fort Knocks THREE-WAY QUALIFICATION MATCH between Violence, Shotcaller and Corbin Fiscal!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower and second levels, and several rows of the upper level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

Above the ring hangs the ominous golden cage, Fort Knocks.


What Is Happening!?

The broadcast transitions to a two-shot of Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcer team.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is someone who buys the cheapest possible toilet paper, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: I was given tonight’s card in advance, and I’m PUMPED to give a quick rundown. First, we’ll be seeing Dr. Dean back in action, although Abel Unstable still lurks amongst the bowels of the FedExForum.

DeShawn: A modern-day phantom of the opera!

Rudy Mac: Flip Costa will try to get it going again after the huge loss to the Draconian at The Golden Moment. And yes, the asteroid still continues to hurtle to Earth!

DeShawn: You can still save us, Flip!

Rudy Mac: Then the Wild Kards will make their first tag team title defense against Bounce Squad.

DeShawn: Those two brothers have to be happy to be back on TOP!

Rudy Mac: And it’s my pleasure to announce tonight’s main event… a Fort Knocks qualification match between former Pure Gold Champion, Violence, the disruptive Shotcaller, and the ever-wise Corbin Fiscal!

DeShawn: WHOA! You kept that from me until now!?

Rudy Mac: And here’s the best part, DeShawn, I have it on good authority that tonight we’ll lock in not one… but TWO competitors for Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: NICE! I just hope one of them isn’t me!

Before Rudy Mac could continue, the broadcast begins to become garbled and digitized.

Rudy Mac: What is happening!?


The Arrival

When the broadcast comes back into focus, it is a camera shot of a dark backstage hallway. The crowd buzzes to itself inside the main arena of the FedExForum in anticipation.

The dark hallway begins flicker flashes of blue light, punctuated by moments of complete darkness.

In the moments of light, hallway doors can be seen opening and slamming shut by themselves, while paper and trash is picked up and whooshed through the air by wind.

The fluorescent lightbulbs that run along the hallway ceiling all explode at once before the hallway goes completely dark.

Finally, a bright beam emanates from down the hall, which illuminates two dark figures walking forward.

One figure is slender and walks with an intelligent gait. The other figure is stronger and more athletic with a confident, slow stride.

Before the faces of the two figures come close enough to the camera to be fully visible, the broadcast fades to black.


Ejercito de Juan vs. Capt. John

Single Fall

The show transitions back to inside the FedExForum where the crowd is audibly excited by what they just witnessed.

Rudy Mac: My god! What was that!?

DeShawn: I’m pretty sure it wasn’t another of my paternity suits!

The crowd then pops mildly when the merry Mexican song of “Mucha lucha” by Chicos de Barrio begins to play. The short, but electric, luchador named Ejercito de Juan comes running out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: Here comes Tijuana’s finest!

DeShawn: I keep saying it; Juan is the silver lining to our country’s terrible border crisis!

After Ejercito de Juan one-hops over the ropes, his music is replaced by “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins. Capt. John Cunningham comes running out with his arms spread like airplane wings, and the crowd reacts appropriately.


His wingman, Capt. Derek McDonnell follows behind with a smug smile.

DeShawn: I have a feeling Gold Strike 12 is about to take off!

Rudy Mac: I think that Your Captains are looking to get back on track. They were stellar early in Season 1 but have since dropped two chances to win the tag team titles.

After the music fades out, Capt. John Cunningham and Ejercito de Juan begin the match. The two wrestlers begin with a back-and-forth affair of attempts and reversals. Suddenly. Capt. John nails a running dropkick to Juan’s face.

DeShawn: Like a heat-seeking missile!

1… 2… NO!!!

Juan recaptures control of the match and nails an amazing huracurrana without warning. The crowd oohs and ahs at the young Mexican’s speed.

Rudy Mac: Mooo cali-ente! As they say!?

1… 2… NO!!!

For several more minutes it’s up in the air as the two wrestlers go toe-to-toe.

DeShawn: Correct me if I’m wrong, but Capt. John is the more technical wrestler while Ejercito de Juan uses a more Tijuana-based methodology, which spells both havoc and irresistible respect.

Rudy Mac: DeShawn… that was… correct.

Capt. John attempts to toss Juan out of the ring and into Capt. Derek’s waiting arms, but Juan reverses and kicks Capt. John on the way out of the ring. The fans laugh as Capt. John trainwrecks mid-air into Capt. Derek.

DeShawn: OUCH!

When both of Your Captains stand up, they are promptly met by Ejercito de Juan’s playa.

Rudy Mac: Where in the world is Playa del Memphis!?

Ejercito de Juan throws Capt. John into the ring and continues his relentless assault. After standing Capt. John up mid-ring, he runs to the ropes and leaps away.

DeShawn: Poetry in motion!

The Mexican luchador does a moonsault off the ropes and nails another huracurrana.


Rudy Mac: I’ll take some beans and rice with that!

1… 2… 3!!!

Capt. Derek McDonnell jumps into the ring and tries to wake up Capt. John while Ejercito de Juan takes a moment to wave and acknowledge the cheering fans.


Ejercito de Juan via El Supremo


I Have To Fix This

The fans pop when the broadcast switches to backstage where Vicky Cogliano is standing by with the Pensacola Pretty Boy, Flip Costa. As always, Bounce Squad stands by as protection for GPW’s reporter.

Vicky: Flip! It’s been a long time!

Flip Costa looks nervous and scratches the back of head with his hand.

Flip: Uh, thanks, Vicky…

Vicky: Last time we saw you, you had lost to the Draconian at The Golden Moment, which means that a giant asteroid is still hurtling toward Earth!

He continues to look nervous, and perhaps even distraught.

Flip: Yes, Vicky, I know. I’ve spent the entire offseason looking at every possible option.

Vicky: Can you give us a rundown of what you came up with?

Flip: One option is to lead a space team to the asteroid, plant explosives and either alter its trajectory, or simply blow it up into pieces that will burn up entering the atmosphere.

Vicky: That sounds very familiar, Flip. Did you get that idea from the movies Armageddon and Deep Impact?

Flip: Well, yes, I watched those documentaries. If we did it already, I thought we might be able to do it again.


Flip: But then I realized that there was no way the Draconian would allow us a workaround like that. He’s too malevolent to simply let me lead a space team.

Vicky: Any other ideas?

Flip: Now, this may seem improbable, but I also considered recording a Morgan Freeman monologue regarding the value of human life, and then to direct the audio waves directly at asteroid in order to convince it to change its trajectory.

Vicky: But you didn’t pursue that because…

Flip: Morgan Freeman costs way too much money, and there’s no guarantee the asteroid would be convinced, even by Morgan’s incredible voice.

Vicky: Well, that’s two ideas down. So, what exactly are you going to do?

Flip: I only have one option left… I have to find the Draconian again. I don’t know exactly what to do after that, but I will fix this. I have to fix this.

The Pensacola Pretty Boy nods to Vicky and Bounce Squad before solemnly walking offscreen. Vicky turns her attention back to the camera.

Vicky: Flip Costa, ladies and gentlemen!


Dr. Dean vs. Trickster

Single Fall

When the show returns to inside the main FedExForum arena, “Down With The Sickness” by Disturbed begins to play over the speaker system.


Dr. Dean, flanked by the Orderlies, walks out onto the main stage with an annoyed face.

Rudy Mac: Dr. Dean is back! And you know he’s unsettled that his former patient, Abel Unstable, has been loose since the beginning of Season 2.

DeShawn: I think Dr. Dean would say that Abel Unstable is still his patient!

The psychiatrist and leader of the Psych Ward climbs into the ring, and his henchmen, Orderly Summers and Orderly Caruso, take position ringside.

The familiar opening guitar rift of “Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm hits the airwaves and the GPW fans return a mixed reaction to Trickster’s entrance.

Rudy Mac: I’m not sure what to say about Trickster. He lost the very first match in Golden Pro Wrestling history, lost again to the Draconian the next season, and has otherwise had a silent career here.

DeShawn: I’d say that if Dr. Dean is looking to get an easy win and insert himself into the Fort Knocks picture, this is his chance!

Trickster slyly climbs through the ropes and squares up with Dr. Dean. After the bell rings, the two wrestlers lock up and get after it.

The first advantage predictably goes to Dr. Dean who pulls in Trickster from the backside, delivers a german suplex into a pin attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

The two GPW competitors go back and forth before Trickster points up to the rafters.

Trickster: It’s Abel Unstable!

Dr. Dean looks upward but sees nothing, and when he returns to attention to Trickster, he is instantly met with a flying knee to the head.

Rudy Mac: Trickster is up to his old… well, tricks!

1… 2… NO!!!

After recovering from the flying knee, Dr. Dean grabs hold of Trickster and begins to beat him down with a series of fists, then whips him into the corner and kicks Trickster into a seated position.

The referee attempts to warn Dr. Dean about the illegality of the boot he is now pressing against Trickster’s neck but is distracted by Orderly Caruso attempting to climb in on the far side of the ring.

DeShawn: Now look who is up to some tricks!

With the referee distracted, Orderly Summers comes around and holds Trickster’s arms back from ringside, which keeps Trickster from getting out of the corner. Dr. Dean takes a few steps backward and runs forward to nail a running kick to Trickster’s head.

After the referee returns his attention to the match, he sees Dr. Dean innocently drag Trickster out to mid-ring before putting him in a Boston Crab position.

Rudy Mac: Dr. Dean is locking in the Diagnosis!



Dr. Dean wrenches back on Trickster’s legs for the submission attempt, when suddenly a voice emanates over the speaker system.

Abel Unstable: Hello, Dr. Dean. Having quite a match, are you?

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable is up in the rafters with a microphone!

Dr. Dean releases Trickster from the Diagnosis and stands up to stare at Abel Unstable high above the ring near the dangling Fort Knocks.

Dr. Dean: Abel, you come down here right now! You’re NOT well!

Quickly remembering he is still in a match; Dr. Dean turns back to Trickster.


The Psych Ward leader falls to the mat from the Super Kick, and Trickster pauses in a moment of shock at his own opportunity before going for the cover.

Rudy Mac: Now is your chance, Trickster!

1… 2… 3!!!

The crowd pops at Dr. Dean’s failure, and Trickster quickly rolls out of the ring and runs up the ramp before the Orderlies can catch hold of him.


Trickster via Kickery Trickery


I Was Never Crazy!

After Trickster goes backstage, the Orderlies help Dr. Dean to his feet. And once he recovers his awareness, Dr. Dean looks back to the rafters where Abel Unstable still stands.

Rudy Mac: Abel is a regular phantom of the opera up there!

Dr. Dean and the Orderlies grit their teeth in unison when Abel begins to speak again.

Abel Unstable: Nice job, Dr. Dean!

A production assistant tosses in a microphone, which Dr. Dean picks up and raises to his mouth.

Dr. Dean: Abel, come down here right this instant! You’re not well when you’re off your medication!

The former mental patient shakes his head in disagreement.

Abel Unstable: That’s the thing, Dr. Dean. Since I’ve been off your “treatment,” things have become clear again. I’ve started to… remember.

Inside the ring, Dr. Dean looks perplexed, and then concerned.

Abel Unstable: I remember you coming to my home… I remember you talking to my family… I remember you lying.

The lead psychiatrist of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Ward holds one hand up openly.

Dr. Dean: No, Abel, leaving your medication can cause confusion. It is simply confusing you, that is all. Come back and let me help you.

Abel Unstable: You never helped me because I was NEVER crazy! And I want my freedom, permanently!

The crowd cheers in response to Abel’s defiance.

Dr. Dean: I’m afraid that’s not possible because I have a legal obligation to look over you.

Abel Unstable: Possibly not anymore! I have spoken to Commissioner Meloche via a series of notes, and he is considering sponsorship of my official release!

Dr. Dean: Argh! This will never happen!

Abel Unstable: Fine! Go and talk to him and see!

Abel Unstable drops the microphone from above, which lands in the ring at Dr. Dean’s feet. In a moment, Abel disappears into the darkness of the rafters and leaves Dr. Dean fuming with the Orderlies.


Flip Costa vs. Awoke

Single Fall

After Dr. Dean and the Orderlies retreat to backstage, “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory begins to pump through the speakers and the crowd POPS for Flip Costa. The handsome wrestler emerges from backstage with a tepid smile and waves to the crowd on his way down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: The result of his match at The Golden Moment may have been ugly, but there’s no denying he’s still as beautiful as ever!

DeShawn: If only my kids looked like him!

Flip Costa jumps into the ring and begins to stretch out before his music is replaced by Katy Perry’s “Chained To The Rhythm.”

The GPW fans are incredulous when Awoke enters the arena carrying a sign that says “OPEN THE BORDERS!”


Rudy Mac: That’s it! Awoke has crossed the line!

DeShawn: Just like the thousands of poor people at the Mexico border do every day!

Awoke jeers the sign toward the fans before tossing it on the ground and climbing into the ring. The two wrestlers square up and the match gets underway.

Rudy Mac: We’re talking about nearly a 12-inch difference in height, and 140-pound difference in weight!

Despite the size disadvantage, Flip Costa is able to gain the upper hand by jumping off the top rope and using his legs to throw Awoke across the ring.

DeShawn: Huracur-something!

Flip Costa runs to the ropes and nails a picture-perfect moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

After escaping the pin attempt, Awoke strikes back by hitting a series of crushing hammer fists to the back of Flip Costa’s head, beating him down to the mat. Awoke then delivers a thunderous leg drop across Flip’s neck.

Rudy Mac: Awoke is handing Flip Costa a real brow beating!

1… 2… NO!!!

The match goes along for a few more minutes, and Flip Costa’s superior skillset begins to go off, highlighted by a tornado DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: It may not have worked, but it was beautiful like our boy, Flip!

Awoke stands up holding his head and grimacing. When Flip comes running in for a dropkick, Awoke swats him away like a fly and then picks Flip up by the back of the neck. He SLAMS Flip down face-first, then lifts Flip Costa into a fireman’s carry.


Rudy Mac: Massive Samoan Drop finisher by Awoke!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Awoke is aghast that he didn’t secure the win, and he picks up Flip for another move. At the last moment, Flip slips away and drops Awoke to the mat with a kick to the head. He scrambles up to the top rope and leaps out.


DeShawn: I’ve been waiting forever to see that senton elbow drop!

1… 2… 3!!!

Flip rolls off of Awoke’s body and climbs to his feet while the fans cheer on one of their favorite GPW wrestlers.


Flip Costa via The Flipoff


The Testing Will Commence

After Awoke and Flip Costa leave the ring and go backstage, the broadcast switches to a handheld camera in a FedExForum hallway. The crowd cheers when they see Flip Costa walking by himself.

DeShawn: We’re getting some bonus Flip time!

Suddenly, the hallway lights begin to flicker on and off, and wind seemingly begins to blow.

Flip Costa: What, like, is going on here?!

The lights go completely dark while doors repeatedly open and slam shut. Just as earlier in the show, a blue light begins to emanate from down the hall and two dark figures emerge. Flip looks alarmed.

Rudy Mac: Get out of there, Flip! It’s not safe!

Instead of retreating, Flip stands his grown and clenches his jaw.

The two figures approach him with the blue light shining until they become fully visible. They are two athletic beings in the same attire as the Draconian.

DeShawn: Oh no! There’s more than one Draconian!

Flip stands strong as the two aliens stop in front of him. The thinner being looks at Flip with dark eyes and begins to speak.

Dominar Shaphre: You are the one they call Flip Co-stah. We are the Dominars.

The win still blows all around in the dark hallway, but the blue light gives enough illumination to see their faces. The bigger, stronger alien takes a turn addressing the Pensacola Pretty Boy.

Dominar Fyx: He is weaker than I expected.

Flip: Like, what do you two guys want!? I need to speak to the Draconian, not you guys!

Dominar Shaphre: You will see the Draconian if you earn it.

Flip: Earn it?

Dominar Fyx: The one you call the Draconian is not done with you. He has summoned us to begin the next phase of your trial.

Dominar Shaphre: If you can defeat us, you will have another opportunity to save your pathetic world.

Flip: Then let’s go! Right now!

Dominar Fyx: Not during this rotation of the planet. But soon…

The two aliens turn and walk back to the blue light, eventually going out of focus and disappearing. The wind calms down and the light returns to the hallway leaving Flip Costa looking bewildered and upset.


What Is The Meaning Of This!?

Gold Strike 12 transitions to Parker Meloche’s office where the young Canadian businessman is sitting at his desk. The reflection from his laptop screen glows across his face, which is steeped in deep concentration.

Suddenly the door opens, and GPW’s commissioner begins object until he sees that it’s Orderly Caruso. The large Psych Ward henchman holds the door open for Dr. Dean, who walks in briskly.

Dr. Dean: Mr. Meloche! I take it you saw the hysterics of my earlier match!?

Commissioner Meloche leans back in his seat and smiles.

Parker: Yes, Dr. Dean. I’m well aware, and I expected you would swing by my office this evening.

Dr. Dean: I assume you also expect me to ask what in carnation Abel is talking about!? Sponsorship of his official release!?

The Canadian businessman points his two index fingers together against his chin in deep thought.

Parker: Let’s assume for a moment that Abel is right, that he actually isn’t crazy. And let’s also acknowledge that I have an obligation to the health of my wrestlers. Then I believe unnecessary psychotropic medication could actually be harming him and my business.

Dr. Dean: We had an agreement! I bring my patients to boost your business, and you let me manage their affairs!

GPW’s commissioner gets an alarmed look on his face and holds both palms out toward Dr. Dean.

Parker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, that sounds like a potentially illegal agreement. I have the utmost concern for my wrestler’s safety and health.

The Psych Ward leader grits his teeth and leans forward with his hands on Parker’s desk.

Dr. Dean: Then what are you going to do to get Abel back into my care? That is what is best for his safety and health.

Parker: I think I’m going to dot my Is and cross my Ts. We have a resident doctor on staff who will make an independent evaluation of Abel at Gold Strike 13, and if she finds him to be competent, then I believe Abel should have an opportunity to become… free.

The head doctor of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute throws his arms up in frustration.

Dr. Dean: Unbelievable! Your doctor isn’t qualified to make such a decision!

Parker: On the contrary, Dr. Garran is accomplished in several medical fields including behavioral.

Dr. Dean: Blasted! Fine! I apparently have no recourse! Let your Dr. Garran meet with Abel. I’m sure she’ll find him has mentally reprehensible as I do!

Parker sits back and smirks as Dr. Dean storms out of his office. He returns his gaze to the laptop screen, which shows a rough draft of a promo graphic with the words “Abel Unstable Freedom Match.”


Bounce Squad vs. The Wild Kards

Tag Team Championship, Single Fall

Back inside the arena, the song “Sittin’ Sideways” by Paul Wall begins to play and the crowd gives a mixed reaction for Bounce Squad.

Rudy Mac: HUGE opportunity for these two. A tag team title shot!

DeShawn: I just hope the dancers back at the club are safe while we’re taping this!

The two large strip club bouncers walk out and pause at the top of the ramp. They each take a moment to hold their fingers to their earpieces as if receiving important information, and then head down to the ring where Chavez takes his place as the first wrestler.

After their music quiets down, the crowd POPS when “Lit Up” by “Buckcherry” hits the speaker system. The Wild Kards jog out from backstage with big smiles and the tag team title belts strapped around their waists.

Rudy Mac: Well De-

DeShawn: Excuse me if I take a crack at the first comment here…

Rudy Mac: Go right ahead!

DeShawn: I LOVE these two! They’re like Jumpstart without being pieces of sh-

Rudy Mac: Whoa! DeShawn, I might agree but I think it’s best I take on the first intro comments from now on! Now, these two crafty vets HAVE stayed true to themselves and not used shenanigans to overcome their age.

The Wild Kards hand off the titles to a production assistant, and Sean Kard climbs into the ring to face off against Chavez.

The tag team title match begins with Chavez throwing around the smaller Sean Kard with ease. Sean attempts to dodge, but Chavez hits a massive gutwrench suplex.

1… 2… NO!!!

Chavez tags in Blaine, and Chavez takes a moment to hold Sean while Blaine delivers a heavy kick to the gut. Blaine drags Sean out to mid-ring and continues to force the issue with a series of hammer fists, eventually knocking Sean to the ground.

When Blaine goes to deliver a leg drop, Sean rolls away and tags in Seth. Seth quickly hops up to the top rope and leaps out to hit a flying drop kick.

Rudy Mac: Veteran moves like those are the reason these brothers are still competitive!

Blaine gets back to his feet slightly while slightly woozy. Seth runs by and uses an ankle roll to drop the big strip club bouncer to the mat. He climbs again to the top ring and launches out.


Rudy Mac: Let’s go Seth!

1… 2… … NO!!!

DeShawn: It takes a big man to kick out of that move, literally!

Seth tries to lift Blaine up but is met with a knee to the head. While Seth spins backward holding his head, Blaine tags in Chavez who immediately runs into the ring and drops Seth with a clothesline.

For a few minutes, Chavez has his way with Seth, eventually laying him out and delivering a MASSIVE standing big splash.


Rudy Mac: Could this be it!?

1… 2… … NO!!!

Chavez shakes his head in surprise and brings Seth back up to his feet. Seth surprises Chavez with a quick kick to the gut and tags in Sean. The Wild Kards lay Chavez out with matching reverse elbows, and Sean puts Chavez in the Crazy Eight Leg Lock.

DeShawn: Are they going to go for it!?

Seth climbs to the top rope and delivers a Suicide King while the fans loudly cheer on.


Sean rolls Chavez over for the cover while Seth throws his arm up to the fans with each referee count.

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: The Wild Kards retain their tag team belts in SPECTACULAR FASHION!

DeShawn: Take notes, Jumpstart! That’s how you beat old age!

“Lit Up” by Buckcherry plays as the Wild Kards are given back their title belts and celebrate in mid-ring while Bounce Squad gathers themselves without animosity.

Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions:

The Wild Kards


Fort Knocks Announcement

Once the Wild Kards and Bounce Squad have exited the main arena, the lights quickly darken, and the Gold Screen above the entrance stage begins to flash three words in golden script.







Rudy Mac: Here we go, DeShawn! We’re about to find out who the first wrestler confirmed for Fort Knocks is!

DeShawn: Just looking up at that beautiful monstrosity of a golden enclosed cage is giving me the chills!

The Gold Screen goes black, leaving the entire arena dark and the fans in an excited buzz.

“My Hero” by Foo Fights begins to player.


Golden Ben Miller

The Gold Screen lights up with dramatic footage of Golden Ben Miller highlights including dropping the Golden Knee on Violence through the announcers table at Gold Strike 2, scoop slamming Shotcaller, and drilling Dr. Dean with a big boot to the face.

Wrestling highlights transition back into large golden words flashing across the screen. The crowd is riled and crazy while they cheer on the big announcement.




The Gold Screen goes back to a spinning Golden Pro Wrestling logo and the lights come back up while the crowd goes absolutely NUTS for the moment.

Rudy Mac: There it is! GPW’s Golden Warhorse is the first confirmed entrant of Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: Just knowing he’ll be entering that cage with an assorted cast of characters makes me feel better already!


Violence vs. Corbin Fiscal vs. Shotcaller

Triple Threat, Fort Knocks Qualification Match

“Halo” by Soil begins to blare through the arena speakers, which prompts an expected crowd reaction.


The Asshole from Alberta comes stomping out onto the entrance ramp, and takes a moment to soak up the GPW fan’s jeers before making his way to the ring.

Rudy Mac: Violence! Violence is back for Season 3, and he has his eyes on going to Fort Knocks so he can reclaim his Pure Gold Championship!

DeShawn: God help everyone else if Violence gets his hands on weapons!

After the former Pure Gold Champion climbs into the ring and sneers, “I Chase Paper” by Plies takes over the speaker system. The crowd pops in adulation for GPW’s accountant, and high-level athlete, Corbin Fiscal.

The smart black man walks out and puts his hands on his hips before jogging down the ramp.

Rudy Mac: We’ve seen what Corbin is made of with that stellar finish to Jumpstart at Gold Rush.

DeShawn: That was way back in Season 1. After that, he was winless in Season 2, so we’ll see if this match can catapult him!

Inside the ring, Corbin Fiscal and Violence warily give each other space. The music transitions to “Ambitionz Az A Ridah” by 2Pac, which bump throughout the arena. For the first time, the fans give a relatively mixed, and even warm, reaction to Shotcaller.

DeShawn: Shotcaller is still the same ‘G’ he’s always been, but do you think the fans are starting to respect his independent nature?

Rudy Mac: Independent nature!? He spent a whole season letting Commissioner Meloche call his shots!

Shotcaller throws a ‘W’ across his chest to the fans and struts with a limp down to the ring. He walks up the stairs and climbs through the ropes, and then the three wrestlers begin to circle each other. The referee points to each of them and gestures to get started.

Rudy Mac: It’s on now! Triple threat match for a shot to go to Fort Knocks!

The wrestlers hesitate, but then Violence rushes Corbin Fiscal, who ducks under the clothesline only to walk straight into a boot by Shotcaller. Violence returns and helps Shotcaller lift Corbin Fiscal up.

DeShawn: They’re targeting the guy who cuts my checks! No!

The first couple of minutes focus mostly on Shotcaller and Violence double teaming Corbin Fiscal. Finally, Shotcaller whips Corbin into a spinebuster by Violence, who attempts to hold on for a cover.

1… NO!!!

Shotcaller quickly interrupts the pin attempt, and then engages Violence with a series of his own moves. Violence reverses one of Shotcaller’s whip attempts and delivers ANOTHER spinebuster. Just like before, he goes for a pin.

1… NO!!!

This time Corbin Fiscal was the one to stop it.

Rudy Mac: That just shows how fickle these three-way matches can be!

Violence and Corbin Fiscal go at it, and Corbin puts his athleticism on display by launching into a cross body block.

1… NO!!!

Shotcaller stomps on Corbin’s head repeatedly, then jumps into a standing moonsault onto both Corbin and Violence.

DeShawn: WOW!

Shotcaller lays an arm over both Violence and Corbin.

1… 2… NO!!!

Both Violence and Corbin Fiscal kick out at the same time. The three collectively climb to their feet and re-engage, continuing on for a few minutes before Corbin Fiscal lifts Violence up into a reverse brainbuster position.


Rudy Mac: The Cash Out in hopes to cash IN!

Instead of going for the cover, Corbin gets up and throws a shoulder block at a charging Shotcaller. He pulls in Shotcaller for another reverse brainbuster…


DeShawn: Whoop whoop, raise the roof!

1… 2… NO!!!

Shotcaller kicks out at the same time Violence is getting to his feet. Corbin looks surprised and gets to his own feet. Violence stuns Corbin and whips him toward Shotcaller, who immediately grabs Corbin Fiscal by the neck.


Shotcaller jumps up with a rush of energy throwing the ‘W’ down at Corbin’s body, but when he turns around, Violence grabs and lifts him onto his shoulders.

Rudy Mac: Oh no! We haven’t seen this move in a hot second!

The camera feed goes blurry, but viewers at home can still see Shotcaller’s body fly off of Violence.


Rudy Mac: Always a disgusting act of Violence to witness firsthand! I’m just glad the FCC won’t let us air this to the viewers at home!

Once the broadcast comes back into focus, Violence pulls Corbin’s limp body up off the mat and onto his shoulders. Again, the camera goes unviewable.


Violence goes for the cover, which is a sure thing at this point.

1… 2… … NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Break up by Shotcaller at the last, last, LAST moment!

Violence gets up with a bewildered, apoplectic look. Shotcaller temporarily stuns Violence with a spinning elbow and throws a big ‘W’ with his hand before grabbing Violence by the neck.


Shotcaller covers Violence and hooks his leg, and then nods his head with each slap of the referee’s arm against the mat.

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Fantastic finish! Shotcaller just locked in a trip to Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: Chaos, carnage, and cathartics! Violence isn’t just going to walk his way to the Pure Gold Championship!

Rudy Mac: Amazing alliteration!

Shotcaller pops up from Violence’s body and struts around the ring with a serious-yet-satisfied look on his face. The fans respond with a mix of boos and cheers for Shotcaller’s accomplishment while “Ambitionz Az A Ridah” bumps through the speakers.


Shotcaller via The Drive-By


Fort Knocks Announcement

Shotcaller’s music fades out and the lights quickly darken. The crowd watches while the Gold Screen above the entrance begins to flash three words in golden script.







Rudy Mac: Looks like it’s about to become official!




The lights come back up and Shotcaller is standing at the top of a corner rope throwing his signature ‘W’ to the fans. Inside the ring, Violence and Corbin Fiscal still groggily roll around.

DeShawn: This show ROCKED in my book!

Rudy Mac: We’ve got two out of the six spots at Fort Knocks secured! Gold Strike 12… DONE! See you next time, folks!

The camera hangs on Shotcaller and zooms into his hand holding the ‘W’ across his chest before fading to black.

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