Gold Strike 13

Golden Pro Wrestling experiences ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT when Fuse Makoto makes his first Pure Gold Championship title defense against none other than the Draconian.

In this action-packed show, King Crab Mack fends off another hardcore challenger, the Dominars make their in-ring debut, Abel Unstable has his first therapy appointment, and GBM is put to the test…

Let’s go!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower and second levels, and most of the upper level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

Above the ring hangs the ominous golden cage, Fort Knocks.


Abduction Imminent

The broadcast transitions to a two-shot of Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcer team.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is a man still amazed by the magic of mirrors, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: We’re approaching the middle of Season 3, and I can tell you that things are really starting to develop. We now have TWO Fort Knocks competitors locked in: Golden Ben Miller and Shotcaller.

DeShawn: Don’t color me surprised!

Rudy Mac: I won’t because I’m color blind and can’t see race! Anyways, Gold Strike 13 is going to be something of a crossroads because Fuse Makoto is going to be facing his FIRST Pure Gold Championship defense!

DeShawn: Do we know who!?

Rudy Mac: I was just informed that we would find out right away!

The lights inside the arena suddenly go dark, and the Gold Screen begins to flash bold words in golden script.


The crowd pops at the name of their champion.


Rudy Mac: Here we go!

The Gold Screen goes black, and then slowly dissolves into a picture of a feared Golden Pro Wrestling competitor.



DeShawn: Buckle up, folks!

The Gold Screen goes back to a spinning GPW logo and the lights come up while the fans pop in excitement about tonight’s main event.

Rudy Mac: Fuse Makoto! The Draconian! Pure Gold Championship… TONIGHT!


Revving The Engine

The Gold Strike 13 production transitions backstage to the rear parking lot while the crowd still buzzes to itself.

A big… lifted… ORANGE… F350 pulls up to the back entrance of the arena. Its large, shining wheels stop right in front of the chrome wheels.

The engine revs HARD and the crowd POPS!

Rudy Mac: King Crab Mack is here! The long-reigning GPW Hardcore Champion is in the arena tonight!

After the truck turns off, the driver’s door opens and shuts. The camera lifts up and King Crab Mack walks around the front of his rig wearing fully crabbing gear AND the Golden Pro Wrestling Hardcore Champion belt his waist.

DeShawn: An Alpha. A pure friggin’ ALPHA!

His big rubber boots clomp against the concrete with each step. KCM stop walking in front of the camera and then looks directly into it.

King Crab Mack: Let’s… FUCKING GO!

Without another word, the large Alaskan crab fisherman looks forward and walks into the arena doors.

Rudy Mac: He’s got a title defense against Crosscheck Beck, tonight!


Decade vs. Cory Stenson

Single Fall

The show returns back to inside the main arena of the FedExForum, and “Novacaine” by 10 Years begins to jam out of the speakers. The fans give a warm welcome to GPW’s newest wrestler, Decade, who confidently walks out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: I think everyone was pretty impressed by Decade at Gold Strike 11.

DeShawn: To be fair, I think I could beat Saga, but I don’t think I could have bailed out Cory Stenson like Decade did!

Decade warms up inside the ring, and the music switches to “Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited and the fans produce a MAJOR pop for their hometown boy.

Rudy Mac: Speaking of Cory Stenson! Here comes the former Silver Champion looking to stay on track for another title shot.

DeShawn: My heart is just swelling with pride every time this Memphis boy steps into the ring!

Cory Stenson enters the ring and eagerly holds his hand out to Decade.

Rudy Mac: Looks like Cory is saying ‘thanks’ for the help against the Psych Ward at Gold Strike 11!

Decade smiles back and returns a strong handshake. The two separate and begin to circle each other as the match gets underway. Decade starts things off by whipping his opponent into the ropes, but the larger Cory Stenson drops Decade with a shoulder block.

Cory immediately jumps and PLANTS an elbow drop.

1… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Decade ain’t no rollover!

The match continues on for a few minutes before Decade pulls Cory in for a suplex. He appears surprised by Cory’s weight, but still nails a german suplex into a pin attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: Flipping Cory backward like that must take some serious strength!

Cory gets up and clotheslines Decade down. Decade immediately pops up via a martials arts jump off of his back, which prompts some oohs and aahs from the crowd.

Decade and Cory go back at it, and Decade catches Cory with a kick to the stomach and pulls him in by the head.

Rudy Mac: MAJOR DDT!

1… 2… NO!!!

Despite the size disadvantage, Decade continues to outmuscle Cory. Finally, in an amazing feat of strength, he lifts Cory straight up and plants an inverted suplex.


Rudy Mac: That may stick a fork in Cory!

1… 2… 3!!!

The crowd cheers at the entertaining match, while Decade helps Cory to his feet. The two men smile and warmly shake hands again.


Decade via A Perfect 10


I Want To Earn It

The show returns backstage where Parker Meloche is sitting in his office on his laptop computer. The crowd lets off a MASSIVE POP when Golden Ben Miller leans in through the doorway and gives a polite knock on the door.

Parker: Ben! Good to see you, come on in.

GBM: Hey, Parker, listen… I know we’ve had some major differences in the past, but I’m ready to move past that.

The GPW commissioner produces a relieved face.

GBM: I wanted to touch base because last week you announced my spot at Fort Knocks, but I feel like it wasn’t earned yet. All I did was beat Reject.

Parker: No, no, no, Ben. I’m having to make some big decisions about who steps into Fort Knocks, and when I gave you the first spot it’s because I was looking at the full body of work.

Golden Ben Miller raises in eyebrow in interest.

Parker: I’m not going to sit here and pump your tires, but you’ve been the Golden Warhorse for GPW since day one. Not to mention the massive win against Shotcaller at The Golden Moment.

GBM: I appreciate that, but I still want to feel like I earned it this season.

The young Canadian businessman leans forward and puts his elbows on his desk while sporting a big smile.

Parker: Well, I’m not going to undo your spot at Fort Knocks, but I can give you a challenge.

Golden Ben Miller crosses his arms and nods.

Parker: I’ll slot you in tonight for a match, but I’m not going to spoil the fun. Just head out there and be ready!

GBM: Ha, okay, throw someone good at me.

GPW’s Golden Warhorse leaves the office while Parker immediately picks up his phone and starts texting.


King Crab Mack vs. Crosscheck Beck

Hardcore Championship Match

The show returns to inside the FedExForum where “Slit Wrist Theory” by 36 Crazyfists begins to play, and the crowd lets off a huge cheer. The large, orange-clad King Crab Mack walks onto the main stage with his crabbing hook and the GPW Hardcore Championship belt.

Rudy Mac: The most dominant champion in Golden Pro Wrestling history is here! Nobody seems to be able stay competitive with KCM!

DeShawn: I hope they get some merchandising figured out, because they only make King Crab Mack pajamas in kid sizes!

The Bering Sea Badass climbs into the ring and hands the hardcore championship belt to a production assistant for safe keeping. Meanwhile, the music switches over to “Bottom Of A Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul prompting a decent pop from the GPW fans.

Wearing his hockey gear and carrying a hockey stick, Crosscheck Becks walks out into the arena smiling.

Rudy Mac: This will be Beck’s THIRD time trying to take down King Crab Mack and I’m not super confident about his odds.

DeShawn: I’ll just point out that his victory over Awoke at Gold Strike 11 looked pretty great!

Crosscheck Beck climbs into the ring and the two men square off with their weapons. KCM swings his huge hook, but Beck ducks under and cracks his opponent in the back with the hockey stick. The stick immediately SNAPS from the impact.

Unphased, King Crab Mack turns around slowly.

Rudy Mac: I think that may have really POed the champ!

KCM immediately charges Crosscheck Beck and the match picks up speed. The two level each other with a series of big moves before King Crab Mack catches Beck with a thunderous sidewalk slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match spills out of the ring and down onto the arena floor. Crosscheck Beck grabs ahold of KCM and slams his head repeatedly off the barricade, splitting the crab fisherman’s head open.

DeShawn: Nobody makes KCM bleed his own blood!

When King Crab Mack turns around, he’s caught with the butt end of a piece of Crosscheck Beck’s hockey stick.

Rudy Mac: Two minutes for butt ending!

Beck pulls KCM in and lifts the big man up for a jumping vertical suplex onto the floor.


DeShawn: KCM weights like 250 pounds, WOW!

1… 2… … NO!!!

King Crab Mack recovers from Crosscheck Beck’s finisher and begins to take over the match. The two wrestlers battle up the ramp, delivering several hard shots to each other’s heads.

The eventually arrive at the top of the stage and the crowd really starts to get into it with an impromptu champ.

G-P-W! G-P-W! G-P-W!

Rudy Mac: These two guys are really putting on a show.

KCM stuns Crosscheck Beck and pulls him in.

DeShawn: Here comes that jumping backbreaker!


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: He’s still on top! King Crab Mack is 6-0 in Golden Pro Wrestling hardcore matches!

The production assistant comes up the ramp and gives KCM back his belt. A bleeding King Crab Mack holds it up to the fans in recognition, prompting a final cheer before the show moves on.

Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion:

King Crab Mack via The Full Pot



Gold Strike 13 transitions to a backstage hallway where Corbin Fiscal is idly standing and looking at his phone. Corbin raises his head when Jumpstart approaches him carrying a piece of paper and the Silver Championship belt.


Corbin acknowledges the veteran Canadian wrestler with a puzzled look.

Corbin: What do you need, Jumpstart?

The current Silver Champion holds the piece of paper up to Golden Pro Wrestling’s chief bookkeeper.

Jumpstart: What the hell is this!?

Corbin: It’s your paycheck. What’s the matter, bud?

Opening the piece of paper, Jumpstart shows it to Corbin and points at a specific line of text.

Jumpstart: Deduction. One chair. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS!

After pretending like he was just catching on, Corbin then lets out a small chuckle.

Corbin: I’m sorry, but you destroyed company property at Gold Strike 11, and you’re going to need to reimburse Golden Pro Wrestling.

Jumpstart: You can’t do this! And that chair only costs $15, I bet!

Corbin: Listen, Jumpstart, I have to keep this operation above water, and I have to make sure that all property is accounted for. If you have an issue with this, take it up with Parker and Mr. Miller.

The Silver Champion throws his arms up in the air and taps his index finger against his title belt.

Jumpstart: Oh, GO TO HELL! You’re just pissed that I have this belt, and that you continue to FLOUNDER on the mid-card!

The GPW accountant raises his eyebrows.

Corbin: Well, you just gave me some new motivation because that is the next piece of GPW property I plan on deducting!

Jumpstart gives one last dirty look before walking off with an angry face.


Endgame vs. The Dominars

Tag Team Match, Single Fall

Gold Strike 13 returns back inside the FedExForum and “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis begins to jam through the speakers. The crowd gives a lively cheer for the tag team Endgame when its members, Phaser and Ryan Rogue, walk out.

Rudy Mac: It’s the return of the previous tag team champions! They’re sure to be a tough test for ANY duo in GPW’s tag team division.

DeShawn: Someone take me to Cold Stone because these guys remind me of VANILLA!

Phaser hops into mid-ring while Ryan Rogue takes his position on the outside ring apron of the corner.

The crowd’s mood dramatically changes when the arena lights darken, and blue lights pan throughout. “Flying Red” by EOTO starts bumps out of the FedExForum speakers, and two beings slowly walk out wearing similar attire to the Draconian.

Rudy Mac: Who-boy, DeShawn, the Dominars have arrived!

DeShawn: If they’re friends of the Draconian, then I’m going to keep my mouth SHUT!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! When are you going to tell us what the Draconian did to you in his spaceship!

DeShawn: Never!

Dominar Fyx climbs into the ring and cooly walks over to Phaser. Dominar Shaphre emotionlessly takes his place on the ring apron of the far corner.

Phaser sizes up Dominar Fyx, who is a good five inches taller, and decides to take the first shot. Dominar Fyx returns the attack with a series of his own punches, kicks, and a knee to the gut. He throws Phaser off the ropes and then DRILLS him with a gutwrench facebuster.

Rudy Mac: Looks like the Dominars have some skill!

Dominar Fyx keeps pressing his attack and throws Phaser into the corner with Dominar Shaphre. Shaphre climbs in after being tagged and proceeds to nail Phaser with a front kick to the face.

Shaphre pulls Phaser out to mid-ring and continues his assault, but is caught off guard by an uppercut, which prompts a cheer from the fans. Phaser hooks Dominar Shaphre by the leg and delivers a fisherman’s suplex into a pin attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: These guys probably don’t even sleep, let alone get pinned!

Phaser tags in the larger Ryan Rogue who starts to pummel Dominar Shaphre. He grabs Shaphre by the head, underhooks his arms and hits a thunderous full-nelson DDT.


1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Resilience on display!

Shaphre turns the tables and sneaks an illegal punch against Ryan Rogue, and then tags in Dominar Fyx. Dominar Fyx wastes no time and lifts Ryan Rogue into a sitout inverted front powerslam.


Rudy Mac: My production notes tell me that’s Dominar Fyx’s finisher!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: What!? Already!?

Rudy Mac: Quick and effective! The Dominars are a force to be reckoned with!

Phaser helps Ryan Rogue to his feet while the Dominars meet mid-ring and stare out toward the crowd with their dark, black eyes.


The Dominars via Interdiction


Psych Evaluation

The show transitions to a backstage meeting room where a beautiful doctor sits in a soft, brown chair. Her legs are crossed, and she holds a clipboard above her lap.

There is a soft knock at the door, which prompts her to look up and smile.

Dr. Garran: Yes, come in.

The door cracks open slowly, and a large mangy-haired head pokes through. The crowd pops from inside the FedExForum when they realize its Abel Unstable.

Abel: Doctor… Garran?

The doctor smiles warmly and beckons Abel into the room.

Dr. Garran: Yes, Abel, please come in. Don’t worry, there’s no trap here and Commissioner Meloche has guaranteed me that Dr. Dean is unaware of the time and location for our meeting.

The big man warily enters. His Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute patient clothing is ripped, torn, and beyond dirty, which prompts a slightly concerned look from the doctor.

Dr. Garran: Please have a seat and we’ll get underway.

Abel: Okay, doctor.

The former mental patient sits down in the chair, which creaks under his enormous weight.

Dr. Garran: So, the purpose of this meeting is for me to get a better idea of who Abel is. I’m not concerned about who Abel was. Does that sound okay?

Abel: Well… okay.

The GPW official physician relaxes and glances down to her clipboard.

Dr. Garran: To confirm, you’ve been away from Dr. Dean’s care since the beginning of Season 2?

Abel: Yes, doctor.

Dr. Garran: And since that time, you have not received or taken any medication, drugs, or alcohol?

Abel: No, doctor. I have been mostly living off of uncooked hot dogs and soda syrup.

The doctor’s eyes go wide at the grotesque diet.

Dr. Garran: Okay, well I’m not going to prescribe anything other than a healthy diet. Commissioner Meloche has assured me that he will find a way to provide you better meals while you remain in hiding.

The enormous escaped mental patient’s eyes softened at the gesture of kindness.

Dr. Garran: Now, since you’ve been sobered of Dr. Dean’s prescribed medications, have you been hearing voices or seeing things that weren’t really there?

Abel: No, no voices or visions.

Dr. Garran: Have you been feeling anxious or having issues with rest?

Abel: I… sleep on a cardboard box without a certain future.

Dr. Garran: My goodness, Abel! I will speak to Commissioner Meloche about finding you at least a cot to take wherever you like in the FedExForum.

Abel: Thank you.

GPW’s doctor smiles softly and rests her clipboard on her lap.

Dr. Garran: Listen, Abel, I don’t think I can fully evaluate you until you’ve been eating better and getting more rest. I’m going to pause today’s session and we’ll meet again at Gold Strike 14 when you’ve recuperated.

Abel sniffles from a moment of emotion before Dr. Garran leans forward in her chair.

Dr. Garran: It’s okay, Abel. From what I can tell, I think you have a case to remain free forever.

A loud bang goes off in the hallway, which startles Abel. He jumps from the chair, takes one last look at Dr. Garran before running out the door and down the hallway.

Dr. Garran studies her clipboard with the end of her pen tapping against her pursed lips.


Golden Ben Miller vs. Your Captains

Handicap Match

When the show goes back inside the FedExForum main arena, the crowd POPS HUGE as “My Hero” by Foo Fighters begins to play.

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller is HERE!

GBM walks out onto the main stage and down the ramp, nodding and acknowledging the fans on his way. He gets into the ring and climbs to the top of one of the turnbuckles, then lifts an arm with a clenched fist prompting the fans to cheer even harder.

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller knows that Commissioner Meloche lined up a challenge for him, but we don’t know who!

DeShawn: The only challenge GBM could face is… facing himself!

“My Hero” quiets down and there is a suspenseful pause. All the fans look toward the stand, and then “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins begins to jam through the speaker system.

The duo of Your Captains run out from backstage with their arms spread out like airplane wings.


Rudy Mac: I’ve just got handed this note! It’s a HANDICAP MATCH for GBM against Your Captains!

DeShawn: Of course, these two dingbats would take this assignment on. They haven’t won a match since Season 1!

Capt. John Cunningham enters the ring while Capt. Derek McDonnell takes his place outside of one of the corners to await his turn. GBM scowls at his assignment but makes the first attack.

For the first couple of minutes, Golden Ben Miller methodically works Capt. Derek with a series of plodding smashes and kicks before eventually decimating Capt. Derek with a monstrous scoop slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Capt. Derek just passed a big test! Kicking out of a Golden Ben Miller scoop slam!

Despite continuing to control the match, Capt. Derek whips GBM into his teammate’s corner. Capt. John holds Golden Ben Miller from behind and Capt. Derek delivers a powerful running shoulder to his opponent.

GBM stumbles to mid-ring while Capt. John is tagged in. He quickly hops to the top rope, and when Golden Ben Miller turns around, he’s hit with a flying cross-body block.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Now Your Captains have fresh legs, so we’ll see what GBM has in the tank!

Capt. John stays in control for the next couple of minutes, and even smokes GBM with a facebuster, and then wows the crowd with a picture-perfect 360 frog splash.


1… 2… … NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Epic resiliency from the Golden Warhorse!

Capt. Derek gets tagged in and starts to deliver his own brand of high-flying action. After laying GBM out with a drop kick, he climbs to the top rope and flies out for his senton bomb finisher.


Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller rolls away at the last second, beautiful!

GBM climbs to his feet while Capt. Derek lays motionless in the middle of the ring from his failed move. With a smile, Golden Ben Miller pulls off his knee pad and whips it out of the ring.

DeShawn: I hope I’ve led a good enough life to deserve to witness this!

Golden Ben Miller runs and bounces off one rope, then sprints over the prone Capt. Derek to bounce off the other rope. When he returns to mid-ring, he jumps high in the air and drills a knee into Capt. Derek’s head.


1… 2… … NO!!!

At the last moment, Capt. John pounces on GBM’s back to interrupt the count. The referee grabs Capt. John and forces him back to the corner while Golden Ben Miller stands up with an annoyed look.

While Golden Ben Miller is distracted, Capt. Derek awakens and sneaks up behind GBM before nailing a low blow.

Rudy Mac: Just what you’d expect from one Your Captains!

The referee turns around to see Capt. Derek launch off the top rope and hit his senton bomb.


1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Despicable! Disgusting!

DeShawn: I hate Spirit Airlines for employing these clowns!

Your Captains meet in mid-ring and celebrate their unexpected victory.


Your Captains via The Red Eye


Decade To The Rescue... Again

Capt. John Cunningham and Capt. Derek McDonnell finish high fiving each other and look down at Golden Ben Miller, who begins to climb to his feet from the mat.

The two Spirit Airline pilots smirk to each other and simultaneously kick GBM in the back, returning him to the mat.


Rudy Mac: Unbelievable! They cheat during a handicap match, and now they’re kicking ol’ Ben when he’s down!

Capt. Derek and Capt. John both climb up opposing corners and leap off simultaneously to deliver identical five-star frog splashes at the same time.


DeShawn: NO!

Rudy Mac: Hogwash! Hogwash! Hogwash!


Suddenly, music hits the speaker system.

“Novacaine” by 10 Years.

Rudy Mac: Decade!

GPW’s newest wrestler sprints out from backstage and rushes down the ramp. In one move, he slides into the ring, stands up and delivers a double clothesline to both of Your Captains.

The crowd POPS HUGE!

DeShawn: Even the best superheroes need backup!

Capt. Derek climbs to his feet but is met with an inverted suplex by Decade.


Decade stands up while Capt. Derek groggily rolls out of the ring. When Capt. John gets to his feet, he’s met with the same justice.


Capt. John’s impact sends him rag dolling out of the ring, as well. GPW’s fans are on their feet in response to Decade’s heroics.

Rudy Mac: Look at these fans! Decade has whipped them into a frenzy!

Your Captains grab a hold of each other make their way up the ramp and backstage. Meanwhile, Decade helps GBM to his feet. Golden Ben Miller collects himself and looks Decade in the eye, and with a respectful nod, he extends out a hand with a clenched first.

Decade looks at it with an earnest smile, and then gives fist bump back.

Rudy Mac: You love to see mutual respect between two of GPW’s fan favorites!

Golden Ben Miller and Decade make their way out of the ring and up the ramp, but Decade’s intro music plays rather than GBM’s.


The Draconian vs. Fuse Makoto

Pure Gold Championship Match, Single Fall

The crowd stirs restlessly knowing what awaits them next.

Rudy Mac: Here we go folks! Gold Strike 13’s main event! The Draconian gets a Pure Gold Championship title shot!

The lights in the arena go dark, and blue lights begin to pan around the crowd. “The Core” by Uppermost begins to drone through the speaker system, and the giant-sized Draconian slowly walks out.


Rudy Mac: This intergalactic threat might be the most imposing competitor that Golden Pro Wrestling has!

DeShawn: I hope Fuse knows what he’s doing!

After an agonizing minute, the Draconian climbs over the ropes and stands motionlessly in the ring. The lights come back up, “Name of the Game” by The Crystal Method kicks into air, and the crowd STARTS TO CHEER WILDLY!

Rudy Mac: The Pure Gold Champion is here!

Fuse Makoto walks out onto the stage below the Gold Screen with the Pure Gold Championship strapped around his waist, and the Makoto family headband strapped around his forehead.

DeShawn: I’ve changed my whole life because of this man! The inspiration is next level!

Rudy Mac: Exactly what did you do to change your life!?

DeShawn: I travel back to Japan and speak to old people now!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! That’s making a mockery of Fuse’s heart-touching story!

Fuse cooly walks down the ramp and enters the ring. He ceremoniously bows to the fans before taking the Pure Gold Championship belt off and handing it to a production assistant. His music fades out and he walks straight up to the Draconian.

Rudy Mac: Fuse is going for a stare down!

The Draconian stands tall and allows Fuse to visually take in his opponent. Finally, both competitors back up from each other and get into their wrestling stances. Things start off with Fuse charging the Draconian, who simply shoulder blocks Fuse away and onto the mat.

Rudy Mac: Violence may have been a strong competitor at The Golden Moment, but Fuse now has to deal with this behemoth named the Draconian!

The first couple minutes of the match feature Fuse trying several different ways to gain an advantage, but the Draconian powers him away each time.

The Draconian eventually grabs hold of Fuse and delivers a massive bulldog and follows it up with a thunderous elbow drop into a pin attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: If I were Fuse, I’d let the Draconian take the belt and cut my losses!

The Draconian stands up and looks down at Fuse who does a ninja-style jump to his feet prompting a cheer from the Golden Pro Wrestling fans.

Over the next couple of minutes, Fuse begins to make some headway against the larger opponent by continually kicking the Draconian in the right leg. At one point, the Draconian’s leg buckles.

Rudy Mac: Now’s your chance, Fuse!

Fuse rushes the stumbling Draconian, grabs the alien being by the head, and rotates his body around and plants a beautiful tornado DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Fuse quickly gets to his feet before jumping and nailing a standing moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Fuse is throwing everything he has at the Draconian!

After surviving two pin attempts, the Draconian starts to retake the momentum. He throws Fuse into the corner and stands over him. He plows down several punches to Fuse, leaving him sitting in the corner.

DeShawn: I don’t like the look of this!

The Draconian backs up and then rushes back, slamming his boot into Fuse’s face. The crowd cringes at the impact, and then the Draconian pulls Fuse up to his feet before carrying him to mid-ring.

In one move, the Draconian lifts Fuse Makoto via gutwrench into a powerbomb position.

Rudy Mac: Here comes that signature powerbomb that has stopped so many GPW competitors!


1… 2… … … NO!!!

Rudy Mac: What a kickout!

The Draconian wastes no time and lifts Fuse Makoto off the mat into another powerbomb position.

DeShawn: Another Abduction!?

Before the Draconian can deliver the powerbomb, Fuse begins to punch him in the head repeatedly while the fans begin to count them. When Fuse reaches ten punches, the Draconian’s arms go down to his sides and Fuse falls backward for a perfect huracurrana.

Rudy Mac: That’s how you take the momentum back!

Fuse stands in the middle of the ring while the Draconian begins to get up. When the Draconian reaches his knees, Fuse jumps and unleashes a powerful tornado kick.


The Draconian falls backwards against the mat, and Fuse goes for the cover.

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous title defense by Fuse Makoto!

The crowd cheers wildly while a production assistant hands the Pure Gold Championship belt to the referee, who promptly straps it around Fuse Makoto’s waist.

Winner and STILL Pure Gold Champion:

Fuse Makoto


Fort Knocks Announcement

The lights go out of the arena, and when they come back on a moment later, the Draconian has disappeared from the ring.

Fuse Makoto’s music tapers off, and the lights slightly darken. Everyone’s attention turns to the Gold Screen where words begin to appear in a classic golden script.







Rudy Mac: I think this is to be expected!




The lights return to normal while the Golden Pro Wrestling faithful cheer on in excitement. Fuse Makoto takes a moment to bow to each side of the arena.

DeShawn: That makes Golden Ben Miller, Shotcaller and Fuse Makoto confirmed for Fort Knocks!

Rudy Mac: Right you are, DeShawn! Fort Knocks’ roster is half-full, and we got two more great episodes of Gold Strike to find out who the other three are!

DeShawn: I think I have some idea who they will be!

Rudy Mac: Then you’ll have to wait until Gold Strike 14 because Gold Strike 13 is a WRAP! Good night, folks, and we’ll see you next time!

The broadcast fades to black with Fuse Makoto waving to the crowd while he walks back up the ramp.

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