Gold Strike 14

Fuse Makoto: Confirmed.

Shotcaller: Confirmed.

Golden Ben Miller: Confirmed

Three spots in the Fort Knocks match remain open, and the entire roster is eyeing their opportunity for the Pure Gold Championship!

First, Violence will get his opportunity to punch his ticket to Fort Knocks against the leaping lucha, Ejercito de Juan. Two behemoths, Awoke and Big Buddha, go toe-to-toe while Flip Costa is back in action against Saga.

And, Dr. Garran continues her mental evaluation of Abel Unstable to see if he’s fit to return to normal society.

Season 3’s finale, Fort Knocks, is starting to shape up!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower and second levels, and most of the upper level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

Above the ring hangs the ominous golden cage, Fort Knocks.


More Fort Knocks Answers

The broadcast transitions to a two-shot of Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcer team.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is a devote fan of Cthulhu, which he thinks is a candy bar, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, we’re halfway through Season 3, and we know Fort Knocks awaits this roster BUT we only know THREE of the competitors.

DeShawn: Golden Ben Miller, Fuse Makoto and Shotcaller!

Rudy Mac: That means over the next two shows, Commissioner Meloche is going to have to dial in the other three competitors.

DeShawn: Who would be insane enough to sign up for a carnage-fest inside a cage!?

Rudy Mac: Don’t worry, there’s no shortage of brave wrestlers on this roster! And the word is that Commissioner Meloche is going to make a very special address to the fans!


On Second Thought

“E.I.” by Nelly begins to pump through the speaker system and the fans give a mixed reaction when GPW commissioner Parker Meloche emerges from backstage. The ever-charming businessman carries his signature smile and points to the fans as he walks down the ramp.

Rudy Mac: Here we go! Commissioner Meloche is going to fill us in on what’s going down tonight!

DeShawn: After 13 episodes of Gold Strike, I don’t expect anything less that pure wrestling fan ecstasy!

The commissioner walks up the stairs and ducks through the ropes into the ring. A production assistant rushes in to hand him a microphone before hopping back down to ringside.

Parker: Hello, MEMPHIS!

The crowd cheers in response to what is obviously an attempt for a cheap pop.

Parker: It’s been a while since I kicked off a show myself, mostly because I don’t want to get in the way of our unbelievable talent… BUT there’s so much to cover before Fort Knocks…

GPW’s fans let loose a major cheer in excitement when Parker points upward to the hanging golden cage.

Parker: See, we still need to dial in THREE more entrants to the Fort Knocks main event where SIX total wrestlers will duke it out for the Pure Gold Championship!

The commissioner looks down for a moment, and then back to the crowd before lifting the microphone back to his lips.

Parker: However, there’s a problem. You see, last week I threw Golden Ben Miller a bone…

The crowd POPS HUGE at the mention of their favorite GPW wrestler.

Parker: He wanted to a challenge to feel like he earned his Fort Knocks shot, so I put him up against Your Captains in a handicap match… where he admittedly underwhelmed.

GPW’s fans boo knowing that Your Captains cheated to get their victory.

Parker: I really thought he’d wipe the floor with those two… which made me think that perhaps Golden Ben Miller does need to earn it. So TONIGHT, GBM is going to defend his spot at Fort Knocks.

The crowd elicits a mixed reaction. Some appear excited while others may think it’s unfair.

Parker: Now, who should have a shot against him? There’s one up-and-coming wrestler that I really think could give GBM a run for his money. Of course, I’m talking about DECADE!

A huge cheer comes out from the fans.

Parker: But first, we have ANOTHER Fort Knocks qualification match. VIOLENCE will have to beat Ejercito de Juan to get a chance to win back the Pure Gold Championship!


Parker: Plus, there will be a couple of other matches for some folks to impress me enough for a shot Fort Knocks soon… but I’m going to sweeten the pot for EVERYONE who hasn’t qualified. At our next show, Gold Strike 15, there will be a Fort Knocks qualification BATTLE ROYALE to secure the LAST SPOT!

The crowd goes absolutely insane for the idea, leaving a broad smile on the GPW commissioner’s face.

Parker: I’m glad you’re as pumped as I am, so ENJOY THE SHOW!

“E.I.” by Nelly begins to bump again and Parker leaves the ring before walking up the ramp.

Rudy Mac: Holy moly! The last two shows before Fort Knocks are going to ROCK!

DeShawn: I’ve got to go and change my undies!


Endgame vs. The Orderlies

Tag Team Match, Single Fall

After Commissioner Meloche returns backstage, “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis hits the speakers and the crowd cheers. The duo of Ryan Rogue and Phaser walk out confidently with a serious demeanor before heading down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: The former tag team champions have a chance to put themselves back in the title picture.

DeShawn: These guys are pretty tight knit, so they’ll be relying on each other, for sure!

After Phaser takes his place inside the ring, their music fades out and is replaced with the hard-hitting rock song “Happy?” by Mudvayne.


The Orderlies come walking out with the ever-present Dr. Dean behind them.

Rudy Mac: Of course, the Psych Ward is in the building tonight! With everything they have going on with Abel Unstable, they’re probably not going to take a night off.

DeShawn: Hey everyone, stay ABEL STRONG!

Orderly Caruso hops in first and rushes Phaser to start off the match. Phaser does his best to fend off the attack but is ultimately overpowered. Caruso lifts Phaser up and drops him with a perfect jackhammer.

1… 2… NO!!!

While Phaser is laid out, Caruso walks over and tags in Orderly Summers. The black orderly climbs up to the top rope.

Rudy Mac: Whoa! We’ve never seen either of the Orderlies go flying!

Orderly Summers leaps out for an elbow drop but Phaser rolls away at the last second. He rushes over and tags in Ryan Rogue. Rogue runs into the ring and begins to let a flurry of fists fly.

The next couple of minutes are a slugfest between the two strong wrestlers, and Ryan Rogue eventually takes control. He raises Orderly Summers into a double underhook position.


DeShawn: Summers’ head must be spinning!

1… 2… NO!!!

Ryan Rogue looks frustrated after his finisher doesn’t get the job done. Phaser yells for a tag in, but Rogue waves him off.

Despite Ryan Rogue’s continued attack, Summers is able to reverse a whip into the ropes. Ryan Rogue returns to mid-ring and is met with a huge tilt-a-whirl slam.


1… 2… NO!!!

When Orderly Summers goes to tag in his partner, Phaser again screams for a tag-in.

Rudy Mac: Again, Ryan is declining to let Phaser get back in!

DeShawn: This could be a problem!

Orderly Caruso comes in with fresh legs and unleashes a vicious attack. Ryan Rogue, obviously getting fatigued, is caught with a kick to the stomach. Ringside, Dr. Dean gets animated.

Dr. Dean: Now, Caruso!

Ryan Rogue is lifted into a powerbomb position.


Rudy Mac: This could be trouble!

1… 2… 3!!!

The Orderlies and Dr. Dean meet mid-ring and give each other a fist bump before leaving up the ramp to their music. Phaser comes in and helps Ryan Rogue to his feet, and then gives him an expression of confusion and frustration.

DeShawn: Ryan Rogue went… rogue!

Phaser: You should have tagged me in, Ryan.

Ryan Rogue shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head in disappointment.


The Orderlies via Medication Time


Earth To Draconium

The show transitions to a backstage locker room where Flip Costa is working on a radio. The crowd cheers at the sight of the best-looking wrestler on the GPW roster.

Rudy Mac: What is Flip working on!?

DeShawn: Whatever it is, I’m sure he’s still panicking about the asteroid headed to Earth!

Rudy Mac: The Draconian and the Dominars could go blow it up whenever they want, but they’re toying with the human race!

The Pensacola Pretty Boy fiddles with the radio, carefully extending an antenna and attaching a piece of folded tin foil. He then plugs a microphone into the radio and begins to speak into it.

Flip: Come in. Come in, Draconium.

Static comes out from the speakers of the radio.

Flip: Come in! Come in, Draconium!

Again, only static returns.

Flip: Answer me, Draconium! Tell me what I need to do to stop this asteroid!

The static continues, which prompts Flip Costa to pick up and throw the radio at the wall, which breaks it into several pieces.

He runs his hands through his long, beautiful hair and then buries his head into his palms.

Rudy Mac: Gosh darn it!


Awoke vs. Big Buddha

Single Fall

When Gold Strike 14 returns to inside the FedExForum, the crowd is audibly perturbed by Katy Perry’s “Chained To The Rhythm”.


The enormous Awoke comes stomping out and heads down the ramp to the ring.

Rudy Mac: This guy has to be the WORST personality we have at Golden Pro Wrestling!

DeShawn: Condescending, rude, self-righteous… he once told me not to let your racism stop me from speaking my mind!

Rudy Mac: Don’t listen to him, DeShawn! I love your input!

Awoke’s music is replaced by the solemn sounds of “Four Vows” by Chris Burrows. The GPW fans give a warm reception to the girthy monk who walks out.

Rudy Mac: I feel at peace whenever I see this guy!

DeShawn: Big Buddha is like a human bong rip for me!

Big Buddha slowly walks down to the ring and climbs in. The two large wrestlers size each other up before engaging to start the match.

Awoke gets the upper hand early and smacks Big Buddha around. After laying out a few hard punches, Big Buddha wobbles and then falls backward onto the mat. Awoke jumps and plants a huge knee to Big Buddha’s head.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Big Buddha just kicked out after 360 pounds just landed on him!

The match plods along and Big Buddha steals back the momentum. After nailing Awoke with a running, albeit slow, shoulder block, he then stands above Awoke. Big Buddha sits down onto Awoke’s chest, puts his palms together and closes his eyes.


Rudy Mac: Big Buddha is looking for inner peace right on top of Awoke.

Gasping for air, Awoke struggles under the 400 pounds of Big Buddha.


Instead of tapping, Awoke gets his hands under Big Buddha’s legs. With a couple of attempts, he’s finally able to chest press Big Buddha off of him and over onto the mat.

DeShawn: He’s as strong as he is annoying!

Awoke gets up to his feet faster than Big Buddha and drills him with a knee to the head.

Big Buddha appears stunned and Awoke laboriously lifts him onto his shoulders. The crowd is impressed and buzzes at the feat of strength they are witnessing. Awoke falls over to his side and delivers a THUNDEROUS Samoan Drop.


Rudy Mac: Good god, what an impact!

1… 2… … 3!!!

Awoke gets to his feet and scowls out to the fans while Katy Perry begins to play through the speakers again.

DeShawn: What do you think, Rudy? Could this get Awoke some notice for Fort Knocks?

Rudy Mac: This wasn’t a qualification match but Awoke might have certainly put himself in contention!


Awoke via Cancelled



The show moves on to a backstage hallway where GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano is standing by with the Asshole from Alberta, Violence.


Bounce Squad remains behind Vicky as her ever-present protection.

Vicky: Hello, Golden Pro Wrestling fans! I’m standing here with former Pure Gold Champion, Violence.


After the boos taper off, Vicky continues her interview.

Vicky: Violence, Season 3 hasn’t exactly been eventful for you, but tonight you are getting another shot to qualify for Fort Knocks against Ejercito de Juan.

Violence: Oh, shut the FUCK UP, Vicky.

The GPW reporter looks shocked at the hostility, and Bounce Squad steps toward Violence with angry faces. Vicky waves them back and collects herself.

Vicky: I meant no disrespect, Violence. I’m just trying to down my job here.

Violence: Your job is to get on that stage down at The Gold Club and dance for dollar bills!

A visibly upset Vicky Cogliano blushes as the mention of her regular job outside of Golden Pro Wrestling.

Violence: I’m just going to state some facts here. FACT, I deserve an outright shot at Fuse Makoto for his bullshit performance at The Golden Moment. FACT, Fort Knocks is just a gimmick by that dipshit commissioner to put more morons in the seats. FACT, tonight I’m going to make this spick want to leave town and go back to Mexico.



Violence: FACT, I’ve got more to say once I put this broom-pushing, dishwashing, beaner into the mat.


Vicky Cogliano still appears wordless as the absolute disrespect and racism that she just heard. Violence looks back at Vicky with a smiling snarl.

Violence: I’ll see you in The Gold Club, sweetie.

He drops the microphone and walks off-screen.

Vicky: …Violence, ladies and gentlemen.



Saga vs. Flip Costa

Single Fall

The show goes back inside the FedExForum where the song “I Can See It In Your Face” by Pretty Lights begins to play. The crowd gives a mixed reaction to the young Polynesian wrestler who emerges from backstage.

Rudy Mac: Saga is back in action, and he must be desperate to pick up his first Golden Pro Wrestling win!

DeShawn: If he wants the Anoa’i family to recognize him as a legitimate member, then he needs to do SOMETHING to get on their radar.

Saga takes his place in the middle of the ring and tilts his head side-to-side in a stretching fashion.

Suddenly, the rhythmic pulses of a recognizable guitar rift begin to play.

The crowd POPS to the tune of “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory, and Flip Costa comes jogging out from backstage. He stops at the top of the ramp and points a finger out to the fans with a big smile.

Rudy Mac: Forced or not, that smile will likely show up in our dreams tonight!

DeShawn: If only we could be so lucky!

Flip Costa continues his jog down into the ring before jumping and sliding in under the top rope. He quickly pops to his feet, leans forward and then blasts upward into a standing backflip.

Rudy Mac: What a showman!

The match begins with an aggressive rush by Saga, which Flip Costa easily sidesteps. The first couple of minutes feature Saga acting as a raging bull while Flip imitates a matador easily confounding his opponent.

DeShawn: Saga must be seeing red as he is unable to get a hold of our boy!

After another charge by Saga, Flip Costa grabs hold of his head and jumps into a wonderful tornado DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Saga manages to get up to his feet as fast as Flip and the match continues. Over the next couple of minutes Saga is able to gain some ground, catching flip with a clothesline, and then picking him up from behind and delivering an atomic drop.

Rudy Mac: Don’t take away Flip’s ability to procreate!

Flip hops around holding his groin, and when he turns to Saga he’s met with a CRUSHING spear. He then lifts Flip up onto his shoulder and delivers a fireman’s carry neckbreaker.


DeShawn: Will that be enough!?

1… 2… NO!!!

Saga looks upset but continues his attack. He pulls Flip to the corner and begins to deliver punches until Flip falls, which prompts Saga to start stomping the trapped Flip Costa.

The young Polynesian wrestler takes a few steps back and rushes in for a knee to the head, but Flip rolls away at the last moment. Saga’s impact into the corner stuns him, and he turns around and immediately receives a drop kick from Flip.

DeShawn: Go now, Flip!

Flip drags Saga out to mid-ring and quickly climbs to the top rope before jumping out into a spectacular senton elbow drop.


Rudy Mac: Always a beautiful move!

1… 2… 3!!!

Flip pops to his feet while the crowd cheers wildly, and Saga rolls around on the mat still stunned.


Flip Costa via The Flipoff


Second Session

Gold Strike 14 transitions back to a FedExForum office somewhere inside the building where Dr. Garran sits in a large soft chair. Across from her is Abel Unstable in another chair looking overall relaxed.

Dr. Garran: And so, Abel, after Dr. Dean came to see you what happened?

The large mental patient looks down at the floor.

Abel: Well, he… he told my family that there was no hope for me to be a functional member of society if they didn’t release me to his care.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s lead physician, Dr. Tabitha Garran, makes a concerned face.

Dr. Garran: And they complied?

Abel: I believe they had to. After my most recent episode, the police said that I was becoming a threat to the public.

Dr. Garran: And so, you left Little Rock with Dr. Dean and came to Memphis.

Abel: Dr. Dean said that I needed to leave Arkansas completely in order to “heal.” And that my family would not be able to visit until he deemed it appropriate for my recovery.

Dr. Garran: Exactly what did Dr. Dean diagnosis you as?

Abel: He never actually gave me a diagnosis. He simply took me away and began giving me medications which made me foggy… and sad.

Dr. Garran: What!?

Abel looks down quietly, as if he already knew. Dr. Garran, realizing her surprise might have unsettled the big man, recomposes herself.

Dr. Garran: Abel, you’ve been off of his “medications” for quite some time, and what I see in front of me is a composed, albeit afraid, gentle man. Whatever issues you had in your past were not likely due to an underlying psychological condition.

Abel’s eyes look up softly portraying a moment of vulnerability.

Dr. Garran: I am going to recommend your freedom to Commissioner Meloche, but until I do, I recommend you stay hidden.

It didn’t take anything else before Abel gets up and quickly walks to the door, perhaps worried he’d stayed in one place too long. He opens the door and glances both ways down the hallway, but then takes one final look back to Dr. Garran.

Abel: Thank you…

After Abel rushes out the door, Dr. Garran begins taking more notes on her doctor’s pad.


Violence vs. Ejercito de Juan

Fort Knocks Qualification Match

Inside the FedExForum, the song “Halo” by Soil belts out of the speakers prompting a strong, immediate reaction from the crowd.


Violence comes stomping out with his hands already held up displaying both middle fingers.

Rudy Mac: The disrespect! The disrespect! I am so sick of Violence disrespecting the good people of Memphis!

DeShawn: I only accept this level of contempt from my parents!

Violence angrily climbs into the ring and shakes the ropes on each side of the squared circle with animosity.

Meanwhile, his music fades out and is replaced with “Mucha lucha” by Chicos de Barrio, and the fans respond with an appropriately mild pop. With a light jog, the masked luchadore comes out from backstage and poses at the top of the ramp with his hands on his hips.

Rudy Mac: MASSIVE opportunity for Mexico’s finest export to go to Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: Um, have you seen Breaking Bad!? Their finest export were the two assassin brothers who died when trying to kill Hank!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! I’m watching Breaking Bad now and haven’t gotten that far in the show, so no more spoilers!

Juan does a quick hop onto the ring apron, and then another hop over the ropes before taking a defensive position across from Violence. The music fades out and the match begins with Ejercito de Juan deftly ducking an attack by Violence.

The Bastard From Alberta finally grabs hold of Juan by the back of the neck and plants him with a facebuster to the knee. Juan pops up and stumbles, which leads him directly into a spinebuster by Violence.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: It looks like Ejercito de Juan doesn’t want to let this opportunity for a Fort Knocks qualification slip away!

Violence lifts his opponent into a suplex, but Ejercito de Juan snatches back the moment by somehow reversing and pulling Violence’s head down into a snapping, falling DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

It’s Violence’s turn to take the advantage, which he does by drilling a sprinting Juan with a huge elbow. Juan falls to the mat stunned, and Violence quickly, yet awkwardly climbs to the top rope.

Rudy Mac: Thunderous elbow drop from the big guy!

1… 2… NO!!!

Juan appears rejuvenated after the kickout attempt and uses his speed to dodge and frustrate the larger Violence. Violence tries to smack away at Juan, but the Mexican luchadore continues to evade him.

DeShawn: I hate it when I can’t kill a fly!

Rudy Mac: That must be how Violence is feeling.

The crowd begins to get amped up by Juan’s unexpectedly strong performance. Violence stops and looks out to the GPW fans with disgust at their reaction.

Rudy Mac: The crowd might be getting into Violence’s head now!

Taking advantage of Violence’s distraction, Juan nails a running lariat, which drops Violence to the mat. When Violence stands up, Juan backflips off a middle rope to deliver his signature huracurrana.


Rudy Mac: Oh no! Violence just caught Ejercito de Juan in midair.

Violence lifts Juan up onto his shoulders, and the broadcast becomes unviewable.


Rudy Mac: CRAP!

The view comes back into focus and Violence is going for the cover.

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: That’s it! Violence just delivered on his promise!

Violence stands up, puts his hands on his hips and begins laughing.


Violence via The Blur Out


Fort Knocks Announcement

The lights in the FedExForum darken while Violence is still laughing in the middle of the ring,  Everyone’s attention turns to the Gold Screen where words begin to appear in a classic golden script.










The lights come back up and Violence has a smug, satisfied look on his face. He looks down at Ejercito de Juan and gives the luchadore a slight nudge to the head with his foot. Juan’s masked head limply rolls from side-to-side.

Violence looks back up at the crowd and presents his signature middle fingers before heading out of the ring to the sound of “Halo” by Soil.


What It's All About

The show transitions to a backstage locker room where the fans see Golden Ben Miller pulling up a black kneepad with the gold ‘G’ on it. The crowd instantly POPS at the sight of their biggest hero, the Golden Warhorse.

The door to the locker room opens and Memphis hometown boy Cory Stenson enters in street clothes, which produces another (albeit smaller) cheer from the fans.

GBM: Cory, hey man.

Cory: Ben, thought I’d check in with you before the match. ANOTHER main event!?

Golden Ben Miller chuckles to himself while lacing up one of his boots.

GBM: Heh, well, they certainly do keep me busy around here.

The younger, aspiring wrestler takes a seat on the bench next to Ben.

Cory: Just wanted to know how you felt about having to re-earn your chance to go to Fort Knocks? I know you and Parker seemed to have let the dust settle, but now he’s messing with you again.

GBM: Messing with me? No, I actually respect his approach here. I failed last week against Your Captains, no matter how you look at it.

Cory: Bull… those two clowns had to resort to dirty tricks.

Despite Cory looking concerned, GBM rests his elbows on his knees and looks over to his best friend.

GBM: Regardless, I straight up told Parker I wanted to earn it and he’s got every right to make me. If it means losing my chance to go to Fort Knocks… then that’s what it’s all about.

Cory: This is why I look up to you, man.

Golden Ben Miller throws a light slap across Cory’s chest and goes back to tying his laces.

GBM: Don’t pump my tires too much here. I still got to take down Decade, and that dude seems like the real deal.

The Memphis hometown boy lifts his eyebrows and nods in agreement.

Cory: No doubt, but maybe it’s time someone gave the new guy a spanking.

GBM: Ha, well, here we go.


Decade vs. Golden Ben Miller

Fort Knocks Qualification Match

When the show returns to inside the FedExForum, the crowd begins to cheer in anticipation of the main event.

Rudy Mac: Alright, folks! This is it! Decade and Golden Ben Miller are going to duel it out for a shot at Fort Knocks!

“Novacaine” by 10 Years begins to rock through the speakers and the fans give a lively cheer for Golden Pro Wrestling’s newest competitor. The strong, stalwart man comes from backstage in his blue wrestling gear.

Rudy Mac: What a story this guy has been. Since he’s joined GPW, he’s been relatively unstoppable!

DeShawn: Unstoppable like me trying to cash a paycheck!

Decade walks up the ringside stairs and enters the squared circle before pointing a finger up to the golden cage with a serious face.

The music switches to “My Hero” by Foo Fighters and the crowd LETS LOOSE with a massive cheer for Golden Ben Miller. The hulking good guy walks out onto the ramp and throws his right arm up with a fist in recognition of the fans.

Rudy Mac: Just like he asked, Golden Ben Miller must now prove that he’s earned a title shot at Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: He was a shoo-in for me, but I’ll take all the GBM action I can get!

GBM walks down while his music plays and confidently enters the ring. He and Decade size each other up and give a final respectful nod. The match kicks off with them entering into a lock-up, from which Golden Ben Miller gets the upper hand.

The Golden Warhorse manages to stun Decade and drop him with a powerful scoop slam.

Rudy Mac: Vintage Golden Ben Miller!

Decade gets back to his feet and hits GBM with a shoulder block. For the next couple of minutes, the match goes back and forth before Golden Ben Miller NAILS Decade down with a clothesline.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: That clothesline didn’t hang Decade out to dry!

Rudy Mac: Excellent pun, DeShawn!

After a couple of more minutes, it’s Decade’s turn to dominate. He whips GBM into the corner, and then Decade pulls him out, turns him around and delivers a superb german suplex into a pin attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Expect to see more of those from Decade. He’s a real suplex expert!

DeShawn: Let’s call him the Suplexpert!

Rudy Mac: Again, a fine verbal contribution, DeShawn!

GBM kicks it into gear and wallops Decade with a series of power moves. The two battle it out, but Golden Ben Miller muscles Decade into the corner and the two carefully scale to the top rope together.

Rudy Mac: What are those two doing on the top rope! They’re not aerial artists!

Golden Ben Miller lifts Decade up and throws him down to the mat off the top rope.


GBM climbs down the ropes and goes for the cover.

1… 2… … NO!!!

Looking slightly fluster, Golden Ben Miller picks Decade up and throws the dazed wrestler off the ropes. When Decade returns, GBM grabs him and hits a devastating tilt-a-whirl slam.

1… 2… … NO!!!

DeShawn: Resiliency in action!

Again, GBM looks slightly frustrated knowing that he has Decade on the proverbial ropes but can’t close out the match.

He drags Decade out to mid ring and stands above his body before raising his arm up to the crowd.

Rudy Mac: We all know what’s coming!

GBM pulls off his knee pad and runs to one rope. He runs back across the fallen Decade and bounces off the other rope. When he returns to midring, Golden Ben Miller jumps up and comes down with his knee.


Rudy Mac: Unreal! Decade just rolled away at the last second!

Decade gets up to his feet while GBM cultches his knee from the impact to the mat. After pulling Golden Ben Miller back to his feet, Decade lifts him up into an inverted suplex position.


Golden Ben Miller hits the mat with a loud slam and Decade quickly goes for the pin attempt.

1… 2… … … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Fort Knocks! Fort Knocks! Decade just took Golden Ben Miller’s spot at Fort Knocks!

Decade rolls off of GBM’s body while the crowd gives a very mixed reaction. He stands up and walks over to the ropes facing the Gold Screen.


Decade via A Perfect 10


Fort Knocks Announcement

Golden Ben Miller slowly climbs to his feet and walks over to the ropes to stand next to Decade. The two look over to each other with serious faces and then back up to the screen above the entrance stage.

As expected, the FedExForum lights dim, and the Gold Screen begins to show a series of words in golden script.










The lights come back up inside the arena while the crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Rudy Mac: Even though these fans like Decade, there’s no doubt they’re disappointed that GBM just lost his spot at Fort Knocks.

DeShawn: I’m all torn up inside!

The two wrestlers look at each other again and Golden Ben Miller can be heard speaking to his opponent.

GBM: You won fair and square. Good luck in that cage.

Golden Ben Miller climbs out of the ring while Decade’s music plays. Decade takes a long look up toward the golden, enclosed Fort Knocks cage hanging above the ring.

Rudy Mac: Even though GBM lost his spot, he has one final opportunity at Gold Strike 15 in the main event battle royale! See you there!

The camera zooms in for a close up of Decade’s face, who looks proud of his accomplishment before the broadcast finally fades to black…

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