Gold Strike 15

It’s the last episode of Gold Strike before Season 3’s thrilling finale, Fort Knocks!

BUT there are still two spots remaining. One will be determined in a one-on-one match for two deserving wrestlers while the rest of the roster takes part in an epic free-for-all BATTLE ROYALE to take the last spot.

Who else will punch their ticket for a shot at the Pure Gold Championship at Fort Knocks?



Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower and second levels, and most of the upper level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

Above the ring hangs the ominous golden cage, Fort Knocks.


Two Spots, One Show

The broadcast transitions to a two-shot of Golden Pro Wrestling’s announcer team.

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is a man who has never had an email address, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Now, DeShawn, there’s no way around it, Fort Knocks is STILL missing two wrestlers! And that has to be figured out TONIGHT!

DeShawn: I’m twisting in my chair right now!

Rudy Mac: PLUS Dr. Garran will be providing her report to Commissioner Meloche and Dr. Dean regarding her recommendation for Abel’s treatment. Will she tell Dr. Dean to let Abel go free!?

DeShawn: That whole story is driving me crazy!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! Mental health struggles are a serious issue for America, and I for one hope that anyone suffering immediately seeks-

DeShawn: Some easy action from a lady of the night! I know it helps get me out of a funk!

Rudy Mac: Sweet Jesus, DeShawn! You’re shameless!


The Gold Screen Giveth

Suddenly the lights in the FedExForum dim prompting cheers and woos from the crowd.

Rudy Mac: The Gold Screen giveth! What surprises does it have in store for us tonight!

The large screen above the Golden Pro Wrestling entrance ramp begins to display a series of words in golden script.






The crowd lets off an ELECRTIC pop in excitement for the thrilling setup, and the lights come back up inside the arena.

Rudy Mac: WHOA!

DeShawn: It was only a matter of time until our heartthrob got his chance!

Rudy Mac: And as for Awoke… WOW, what an opportunity! He had a close match against Flip Costa at Gold Strike 12, but his win over Big Buddha at Gold Strike 14 seems to have put him back on the map for Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: An in-season rematch!

Rudy Mac: Gold Strike 15, here we go!


Bounce Squad vs. The Dominars

Tag Team Match

Gold Strike 15 moves on and “Sittin Sideways” by Paul Wall begins to pump out of the speaker system. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as the two large strip club bouncers walk out from backstage. They pause at the top of the ramp and act as if hearing some communication come through their earpieces.

Rudy Mac: Bounce Squad is back in action, and I can tell you they are a serious threat no matter who they face.

The massive duo makes their way down the ramp and Blain takes his spot in the middle of the ring while Chavez stands on the ring apron in the far corner.

The FedExForum lights go dark and blue spotlights begin to pan the arena while the song “Flying Red” by EOTO.

Rudy Mac: Mysterious AND dangerous, here come the Dominars!

Dominar Fyx and Dominar Shaphre calmly emerge onto the GPW entrance stage.


DeShawn: I hope the fans’ reaction doesn’t give them a bad impression of humanity!

The newest tag team on Golden Pro Wrestling’s roster walks down the ramp and Dominar Fyx gets into the ring first. After their music fades out, the lights come back up and Chavez makes the first attack of the match.

He runs forward and tries to deliver a big boot, but Dominar Fyx sidesteps it and grabs Chavez by the head. Dominar Fyx grabs Chavez’s head and runs it straight into a turnbuckle.

Rudy Mac: Chavez’s head just got BOUNCED!

For the next few minutes Chavez is outmatched and Dominar Fyx maintains the upper hand. He finally lifts Chavez up and drops him with a fallaway german suplex. He tags in Dominar Shaphre who steps in and throws a spinning back kick to Chavez’s head.

DeShawn: It’s all Dominar right now!

Dominar Shaphre climbs up to the top rope and launches out backward into a picture-perfect moonsault.


Rudy Mac: Going for the win early!

1… 2… NO!!!

In a sudden spurt of rejuvenation, Chavez bench presses the smaller Dominar Shaphre off of his body which sends him flying across the ring. Chavez gets up to his feet and tags in Blain.

Blain, with fresh legs, runs forward and drills a knee to the head of Dominar Shaphre. Dominar Shaphre goes spinning across the mat, and when he reorients himself, he’s met with a bear hug from Blain.

DeShawn: Is he setting up his belly-to-belly slam!?


1… 2… … NO!!!

After getting back to their feet, the two wrestlers trade moves before Dominar Shaphre gets to his corner and tags in Dominar Fyx.

Rudy Mac: Dominar Fyx is going to mix it up with Blain!

Blain appears caught off guard when Dominar Fyx takes control of the match through a series of powerslams. Blain gets back to his feet but is kicked in the stomach.

In a stunning display of strength, Dominar Fyx DRILLS Blain with a sitout inverted front powerslam.


Rudy Mac: Why isn’t Dominar Fyx going for the cover!?

Dominar Fyx tags in Dominar Shaphre, but before getting out of the ring, he pulls Blain into a wheelbarrow position. Dominar Shaphre grabs Blain by the head and hits a jumping kneebuster.


DeShawn: That’s the first time we’ve seen their tag team finisher!

Dominar Fyx climbs out of the ring while Chavez can only look on.

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: The Dominars have just delivered a huge statement to the tag team division!


The Dominars via Utter Domination


Answer Me!

Chavez helps Blain to ringside and checks on his bouncing partner while inside the ring, the Dominars meet up and prepare for their signature exit.

Rudy Mac: I guess we can expect the lights to go out and the Dominars to be gone when the lights come back up!

DeShawn: That’s how I usually sneak out of a woman’s room!

Before the lights can go out, a song hits the speaker system.

“Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory’s guitar rift throws the crowd into a MASSIVE pop. The Dominars look up to the entrance ramp where Flip Costa emerges with a microphone.

Rudy Mac: Flip’s been trying to contact Draconium for a while now, and it seems he’s got his chance!

DeShawn: Ever since Flip Costa lost to the Draconian at The Golden Moment, he’s been apoplectic!

Rudy Mac: Considering it means that an asteroid is on its path to destroy earth, Flip has understandably taken that loss to heart!

When his music dies down, Flip brings the microphone to his lips.

Flip: Dominars! You of Draconium! I demand your attention!

The Dominars quietly look at each other with blank faces, and then look back up to Flip.

Flip: What do I have to do!? The asteroid must be stopped!

Dominar Fyx and Dominar Shaphre continue to stare up to the stage where Flip stands with a look of desperation.


A moment passes and then the lights within the FedExForum go out completely, and when they come back up the Dominars are gone.

Rudy Mac: Still no answer!

Up on the stage, Flip begins to pace nervously before yelling into the microphone.

Flip: Draconian! Dominars! Draconium! ANSWER ME!

The crowd buzzes in suspense as Flip walks backstage with a desperate look on his face.


No Fear Of The Unknown

The show transitions to a backstage hallway where Vicky Cogliano is standing by with Fuse Makoto. The sight of the Pure Gold Champion prompts a massive cheer from back inside the arena.

Behind Vicky stands Bounce Squad, who still look slightly exhausted from their match against the Dominars earlier in the show.

Vicky: Hi Golden Pro Wrestling fans! I’m standing here with GPW Pure Gold Champion Fuse Makoto!

Fuse gives a respectful bow to the camera and another pop comes from the crowd.

Vicky: Fuse, you’re close to making your second title defense, but this time it’s not against one challenger, or two, or three, or four… but FIVE GPW competitors. What’s going through your mind ahead of Fort Knocks?

Fuse: First, thank you for having me on your very honorable segment, Vicky Cogliano. Fort Knocks is very new. I am very curious what experience it might bring, but whatever it is, I will be ready.

Vicky: Now, we know that Fort Knocks is a six-man match inside an enclosed cage with a variety of weapons and tools. Have you ever been in a match with weapons?

The Pure Gold Champion looks down in deep thought, and then back up to the camera.

Fuse: No, but I will be bringing a bo to the Fort Knocks match.

Vicky: A bo? Is that something you’re familiar with?

Fuse: Yes, Vicky Cogliano. I have trained with a bo in my youth, and I feel confident that I will use it to earn victory and retain my Pure Gold Championship.

Vicky: And how exactly do you plan to use it vs. other weapons such as chairs?

Fuse: I cannot reveal my strategy, but it will provide me extra opportunities to strike that most traditional weapons may not.

Vicky: Well, we are all excited to see your abilities on display, and excited for the raucous adventure to come at Fort Knocks.

Fuse: Thank you, Vicky Cogliano. And then you Golden Pro Wrestling fans.

The GPW reported looks back to the camera with a big smile on her face.

Vicky: Pure Gold Champion Fuse Makoto, ladies and gentlemen!

The crowd cheers at the end of the interview.


Corbin Fiscal vs. Reject

Silver Championship #1 Contender Match

The show returns to inside the FedExForum, and the crowd pops to the sounds of “I Chase Paper” by Plies. The affable Golden Pro Wrestling accountant comes walking out from backstage and down the ramp. As he walks, he mimics counting money with his hands.

Rudy Mac: Corbin Fiscal is back in action after his loss to Shotcaller in the main event of Gold Strike 12.

DeShawn: Fortunately, unlike Jumpstart, my paychecks have been for their full amount. Thank you, Corbin!

Rudy Mac: More importantly, Corbin has a chance to earn a Silver Championship title shot at the Season 3 finale!

Corbin stands confidently in the ring before “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists begins to blare out of the speakers.


The fans acerbically react to the sight of GPW’s most freakish, masked wrestler, Reject.

Rudy Mac: Oh god! Here he is again!

DeShawn: My eyes! He’s got to be HIDEOUS under that mask!

Reject snarls at the Golden Strike 15 crowd on his way down to the ring. He climbs in and measures up Corbin Fiscal. The match begins with the two trading a series of reversals and slams. Reject gets the first upper hand after spiking Corbin in the face with a big boot.

Rudy Mac: Those boots must be size Ugly!

GPW’s masked freak pulls Corbin into the air and drops him with a lifted DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

After kicking out, the two get back to their feet and the match continues.

Corbin comes storming back into the match using his athleticism to deliver a bicycle kick. He climbs to the top rope and jumps out for a booming leg drop.

DeShawn: Cha-ching!

1… 2… NO!!!

The GPW accountant from Memphis continues his assault. He grabs Reject and pulls him into a camel clutch position.

Rudy Mac: We haven’t seen Corbin pull out this submission move!

The referee gets onto his knees to see if Reject is willing to submit verbally or tap out.

TA… TA… TAA…. NO!!!

Reject breaks the lock, gets to his feet, and takes control of the match. He levels Corbin out with a series of crossbody chops, and then pulls the dazed Corbin in close.

The masked freak lifts Corbin into the air for a double knee gutbuster position.

Rudy Mac: Looks like Reject is going for his signature, the Left Swipe!

At the last moment, Corbin reverses the position and lifts Reject straight into the air.

DeShawn: Is this that reverse brainbuster!?


1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Corbin did it! He’s going to face Jumpstart at Fort Knocks for the Silver Championship!

DeShawn: Jumpstart must be pissed! Reject must be pissed…. But everyone else is stoked!

“I Chase Paper” plays in the background, and the crowd cheers on while Corbin Fiscal gets to his feet and acknowledges the crowd.


Corbin Fiscal via The Cash Out


Heading Home

Gold Strike 15 transitions backstage to the Golden Pro Wrestling Commissioner’s office where Parker Meloche is typing away at his laptop behind a desk. He smiles at something that apparently pleases him on the computer screen, but the fans will never know what it is.

A strong knock comes from his closed door and Parker looks up.

Parker: Come in!

The door opens and the crowd gives a large pop when they see the Bering Sea Badass, King Crab Mack.

Parker: Mack! Please, come in.

The hulking Alaskan crab fisherman and GPW Hardcore Champion enters with his weathered belt over his shoulder.

KCM: Listen, Parker, I’ll keep this short and sweet.

The young Canadian businessmen gets a concerned look on his face.

Parker: What is it, Mack?

KCM: Some stuff has come up back home in Alaska, and I’ve got no choice but to return. No matter how much this belt, this opportunity… and these fans mean to me.

A collective gasp can be heard from the crowd back inside the main arena of the FedExForum. The commissioner sits back in his seat with a defeated look on his face.

Parker: Do you mind if I ask what is so important that you need to drop GPW and leave?

KCM: My dad. He’s sick, and there’s no one else who can carry on the family business. If I don’t go back and run my family’s boat, then everyone goes broke. It’s that simple.

Parker: Well, the Eagle’s Take is a beautiful boat. Remember when I landed on it in the middle of the Bering Sea to offer you the job?

King Crab Mack cracks a very rare, very small smile.

KCM: I do, and it meant a lot. And it’s why I came, and it’s why I will return.

Parker: Just so you know, by leaving indefinitely, it means you will be vacating your Hardcore Championship, and I’ll have to open up the opportunity to the rest of the hardcore division.

The crab fisherman looked at the belt on his shoulder for a brief moment before giving it a pat with his hand and then placing it on Parker Meloche’s desk.

KCM: I get it.

Parker: Now don’t worry, it will be here when you get back, and you’ll be prioritized with a title shot immediately.

King Crab Mack looks down for a moment and then back up to Parker Meloche with a serious face.

KCM: That’s alright. What I return, I’ll be looking to win something else… something a LOT bigger.

From inside the FedExForum, the Golden Pro Wrestling fans pop into a cheer, and then an impromptu chant.

K-C-M! K-C-M! K-C-M!

Parker: You hear that? Those fans want you back, but I think we all support you taking care of your family.

The GPW commissioner stands up and extends his hand outward. King Crab Mack grabs it and gives it a strong grip before looking into Parker’s eyes.

KCM: Thanks, Parker. I’ll see you when I’m back.

King Crab Mack turns and walks out the door, leaving Parker with a melancholy expression.


Flip Costa vs. Awoke

Fort Knocks Qualification Match

Gold Strike 15 transitions to inside the main arena of the FedExForum, and the crowd POPS to the sound of “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s best-looking wrestler, Flip Costa, walks out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: I’m overheating!

DeShawn: Me too! Fan me!

Flip, normally wearing a smile, carries a serious face as he makes his way down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: There is so much riding on that young man’s shoulders. He’s still trying to figure out how to stop the impending asteroid AND he is trying to secure a spot in the main event at Fort Knocks!

The Pensacola Pretty Boy’s music fades out and is replaced by the melody “Chained To The Rhythm” by Katy Perry.


Awoke stomps out onto the entrance stage carrying a sign that reads ‘GOOD LOOKING PRIVELEGE MUST BE STOPPED’. The crowd jeers the blue-haired wrestler.

Rudy Mac: Unreal! He has to be the only person in the world to take issue with Flip’s great looks!

DeShawn: This time he has gone TOO far!

Rudy Mac: I guess it doesn’t matter now, because despite losing to Crosscheck Beck and Flip Costa earlier in the season, he’s inexplicably got a chance to be at Fort Knocks!

The two wrestlers, already familiar with each other, enter into a lopsided lockup. The much larger, much stronger Awoke throws Flip Costa to the mat. Awoke then keeps control of the match for the first few minutes.

Flip Costa finally reverses a throw off the ropes and hits a spinning back kick. Awoke drops to the floor and Flip pulls off a standing senton.

Rudy Mac: Always love seeing new moves!

1… 2… NO!!!

Awoke pulls himself back into the match by again overpowering Flip Costa. He and Flip battle into the corner where they slowly climb up to the top rope together.

DeShawn: Awoke on the top rope!? I don’t like the look of this!

The blue-haired social justice warrior lifts Flip to his side and jumps out to the ring, drilling a THUNDEROUS flying sidewalk slam.

Rudy Mac: What IMPACT!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Flip battles back after the kickout, and jumps off the middle rope, twisting Awoke’s neck to the ground with a stunning huracurrana.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: I think Flip’s sensing some advantage here!

The Pensacola Pretty Boy scrambles up to the top rope and prepares to launch out for his signature senton elbow drop. Suddenly, the lights go out and everyone’s attention turns to the Gold Screen above the entrance ramp.

A garbled transmission finally crystalizes showing the Draconian’s sitting on the bridge of his spaceship.


Rudy Mac: The Draconian! The Draconian! He’s finally contacting Flip Costa!

From the top rope, Flip watches intently.

The Draconian: Flip Co-stah. We have received your communications. We have made our decision. Come to Fort Knocks where your journey will begin.

The transmission ends and the lights come back up. Both the crowd and Flip Costa are caught off guard when they see Awoke standing at the corner where Flip is perched.

Awoke pulls Flip off the turnbuckle into fireman’s carry before DEVESTATING Flip Costa with a massive Samoan Drop.


Rudy Mac: Hogwash!

1… 2… … 3!!!

DeShawn: Unreal! Awoke is going to Fort Knocks!

Awoke climbs to his feet and raises his arms triumphantly with a smug look on his face.


Awoke via Cancelled


Fort Knocks Announcement

Awoke stands over groggy body of Flip Costa, and the lights inside the arena dim. The Gold Screen above the entrance ramp begins to stream a series of words in golden script.










The lights come back up and the crowd is apoplectic at the turn of events.


Awoke sneers and jeers back to the Golden Pro Wrestling fans.

Rudy Mac: God help us! Awoke’s got a real shot to win the Pure Gold Championship at Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: What injustice!


He's Insane!

Gold Strike 15 moves backstage once more, this time to a crowded conference room. Sitting at the main table is Commissioner Meloche, Dr. Tabitha Garran, and Dr. Dean. The Orderlies stand by the door with their arms crossed.

Dr. Dean: I must tell you both, this entire exercise has been a complete waste of time.

Dr. Garran: A waste of time!? You’ve been holding Abel Unstable captive and forcing him to take medicine without any diagnosis!

The young Canadian businessman holds his hands out in front of him.

Parker: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s not hurl any accusations around just yet. I am willing to stipulate that Dr. Dean may have had good reason to initially take Abel under his care… but based on the report Dr. Garran has provided, I’m not sure I see the reason to continue his captivity.

Dr. Dean: Listen, I respect you, Dr. Garran. However, you have not seen his full case file, nor do you know the reasons why I was brought in to help him by his own family.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s lead physician shakes her head.

Dr. Garran: Like Mr. Meloche said, even if you had your initial justification, I see something different about Abel Unstable today. What I saw was a wounded animal, just in need of some nurturing to regain his true self.

Dr. Dean: Ah, you got one part right. He’s an animal, and a danger to society. Under my careful watch, I have helped channel his rage issues into a productive outlet… the ring.

Dr. Garran: Channel his rage issues? Now that he’s been off of your medicine for two seasons of Golden Pro Wrestling, exactly how many times has he lashed out?

The GPW commissioner decides to interject once more.

Parker: Okay, it’s obvious that there will be no professional agreement. So, what do we propose to decide Abel’s fate once and for all?

Dr. Garran: It’s obvious, there must be an investigation by Tennessee health officials.

Dr. Dean: Blasted, woman! He’s insane, and I can prove it!

Parker: How do you intend to prove it?

Dr. Dean: Put me in the ring with him, Mr. Meloche. You will see the fury, the blind rage, the absolute insanity that lives within this monster. I invite you both to watch ringside as he shows his true self.

Dr. Garran: That makes no sense! Of course, he’ll want to tear your limb-from-limb. Anyone would!

Dr. Dean: If he is so even keeled, then provide an assortment of weapons in the ring with the explicit rule that he cannot use them. I have no doubt that he will lose his tranquility and assault me with anything he can get his hands on.

Both GPW’s head physician and commissioner look at each other.

Parker: I hate to say it, but I think that makes sense. We’ll settle this at Fort Knocks; if Abel Unstable loses control and attacks you with a weapon, I will allow you and the Orderlies to take him back.

Dr. Garran: This is ridiculous!

The head of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute smiled and shook his head before standing up from the conference table.

Dr. Dean: No, Dr. Garran, this is how I help others.


Fort Knocks Qualification Battle Royale

The show transitions back to inside the main arena of the FedExForum where the crowd is in a restless buzz. The GPW logo spins on the Gold Screen above the entrance ramp.

Rudy Mac: Here we go, folks! ONE LAST SHOT to get into the Fort Knocks main event for the Pure Gold Championship!

DeShawn: This is going to be the storm before the storm!

Rudy Mac: We have SEVENTEEN wrestlers across the roster eligible for the final Fort Knocks Qualification battle royale! Because we don’t have all night, they’ll be streaming down soon and entering the ring.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s theme song, “The Sound” by Switchfoot, begins to play and the crowd is forced into an alternation of boos, cheers and mixed reactions once the GPW competitors flow out from backstage.

First is the duo Bounce Squad, Chavez and Blain. They are followed by Big Buddha, then Your Captains, Phaser and Ryan Rogue, and Jumpstart.

Rudy Mac: Boy, if Jumpstart pulls this off, then he’ll have to defend the Silver Championship against Corbin Fiscal and somehow pull off an upset inside Fort Knocks for the Pure Gold Championship!

The GPW wrestlers continue to come out from backstage including Crosscheck Beck, Saga, Cory Stenson, and Corbin Fiscal.

DeShawn: Looks like same goes for Corbin Fiscal! He could take both the Silver and Pure Gold Championships in one night!

Trickster emerges from backstage next, and then the stream continues with Reject and then Sicko (accompanied by the Orderlies).

Rudy Mac: THIS JUST IN! The Orderlies won’t be competing tonight because they’ll be having a TAG TEAM TITLE SHOT again the Wild Kards at Fort Knocks!

DeShawn: Sounds like a clash of styles!

The crowd all stands inside the ring while giving each other dangerous looks.

Rudy Mac: We’re missing ONE more wrestler!

The crowd POPS huge when Golden Ben Miller walks out from backstage. Though he still maintains his usual confident look, his demeanor is serious.

Rudy Mac: GBM had his Fort Knocks spot confirmed early in the season, but then lost it last week to Decade! This is his chance to put himself back in the game!

Once Golden Ben Miller enters the ring, the official music of Golden Pro Wrestling fades out and the wrestlers anxiously look across and one another.

Then the bell rings, and all hell breaks loose.

DeShawn: How are you going to keep track of all this, Rudy!

Rudy Mac: By the seat of my pants!

Inside the ring, it’s immediate carnage. The wrestlers quickly pair off and lob punch after punch against one another. Several wrestlers get pinned into corners and beaten on, and inside the middle of the ring, Trickster unleashes a powerful superkick against Blain.


The impact of the kick sends Blain tumbling over the rope and onto ringside.

Rudy Mac: Blain is the first eliminated!

Back inside the ring, Saga lifts Crosscheck Beck into a fireman’s carry position and drops the former hockey player into a neckbreaker.


Elsewhere, with Reject’s back against the ropes, Cory Stenson picks him up and lobs him out of the ring.

DeShawn: Reject barely made it two minutes!

In the middle of the ring, Golden Ben Miller goes on a savage warpath delivering scoop slams to several other wrestlers.

Rudy Mac: It’s a scoop slam spree!

Ryan Rogue grabs Saga by the head and delivers a massive full-nelson DDT.


When Saga pops up, Ryan Rogue levels him with a big boot to the face which sends Saga flying over the ropes.

DeShawn: I guess Saga’s story ended a little early tonight!

The chaos continues, and Crosscheck Beck picks Ejercito de Juan up and attempts to throw him over the rope, but Juan counters with a huracurrana, whipping the local hockey player out of the ring.

Rudy Mac: Crosscheck Beck has just been tossed from the game!

Ryan Rogue runs at Ejercito de Juan with a big boot, but Juan ducks and Ryan Rogue’s momentum makes him flip over the top rope and out of the ring.

Juan watches as Ryan Rogue tries to get to his feet at ringside but is then picked up by the massive Cory Stenson and is THROWN through the air to ringside. Juan lands on his feet unhurt but appears let down by his elimination.

DeShawn: Rogue and Juan just got taken out back-to-back!

In the middle of the ring, Sicko pulls Trickster in and delivers a full-nelson facebuster.


Elsewhere on the side of the ropes, Jumpstart jumps off and flips backwards to the middle of the ring. He nails a twisted drop kick against Cory Stenson’s chest. The unexpected impact sends Cory spinning and tumbling out of the ring.

Rudy Mac: That’s why Jumpstart is such a tough competitor! He’s got thousands of moves from his years in the ring!

DeShawn: We’re down to TEN wrestlers!

Golden Ben Miller pounds away on Chavez in one of the corners, and then pulls him to the side of the ring. The rest of the roster stops to admire the strength of GBM has he picks up and scoop slams Chavez over the top rope.

Rudy Mac: BOOM! Chavez is eliminated!

The duo of Your Captains double team Phaser, laying him out in the middle of the ring. They run to opposite corners and scale to the top rope. Despite other wrestlers rushing to knock them off, they both jump and land simultaneous five-star frog splashes.


Your Captains roll away and Sicko rushes in. The deranged mental patient lifts Phaser off the ground and forcefully ejects him to the ringside floor.

DeShawn: Phaser just got phased out!

Sicko turns around and is instantly drilled with a superkick from Trickster.


The Psych Ward member’s head snaps back and he falls backward over the top rope.

Rudy Mac: That’s another elimination at the hands… well, the FOOT of Trickster!

DeShawn: He’s really come to play!

Across the ring, Your Captains both try to lift and roll Big Buddha over the top rope, but they simply aren’t strong enough. Over in the corner, Jumpstart smashes his boot into Corbin Fiscal’s face and neck.

Trickster finally gets caught when Golden Ben Miller lifts and delivers another eliminating scoop slam over the top rope.

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller is showing off some serious traditional skills!

Corbin Fiscal and Jumpstart’s battle goes to mid-ring where the GPW accountant drills the Silver Champion with a reverse brainbuster.


Jumpstart is picked up by Corbin Fiscal and forcefully pushed over the top rope, but at the last second, Jumpstart grabs Corbin Fiscal in a headlock and pulls him with him. At ringside, the two wrestlers get to their feet and glare at each other.

DeShawn: This just set up the Silver Championship showdown at Fort Knocks!

Rudy Mac: Those two have been at each other’s throats all season, so it’s got to be a great one!

Inside the ring, only four wrestlers remain. Your Captains, Big Buddha and Golden Ben Miller.

Your Captains, who were already working on Big Buddha, finally muscle the girthy Tibetan monk over the top rope. Big Buddha lands on his back with the loudest thud of the night.

Rudy Mac: This is it! Your Captains are going to try and take care of Golden Ben Miller, and then figure out the rest between themselves!

The two arrogant airplane pilots smile to each other and rush the stalwart GBM. GBM sidesteps the two and they crash into the corner turnbuckle together. When they return to mid-ring, Golden Ben Miller delivers an epic double clothesline.

Your Captains, laying side-by-side in the middle of the ring, groggily watch as Golden Ben Miller stands above them. GBM removes BOTH kneepads in preparation for his signature move.

DeShawn: Double Golden Knee?! Let’s go!

GBM bounces off one rope and rushes across. He bounces off the other rope and when he returns, he jumps with both knees pointed at Your Captains’ heads.


Your Captains both roll out of the way and GBM goes down clutching his knees from the impact of hitting the mat. Capt. Derek McDonnell and Capt. John Cunningham scramble up to the top of opposite corners.

Rudy Mac: Here it comes!

The both fly off for five-star frog splashes.


At the last moment, Golden Ben Miller hops to his feet and catches them by their necks. The crowd POPS as GBM holds them up by the neck simultaneously while Your Captains’ feet kick around in futile fashion.

Rudy Mac: GBM has a shot at Fort Knocks AND some revenge for the handicap match earlier this season!

Golden Ben Miller then runs with both of Your Captains in his hands and tosses them over the top rope at the same time.

DeShawn: The Golden Warhorse did it!

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller just secured his spot at Fort Knocks!

The crowd screams in elation and GBM looks around and takes in the moment of his success.


Golden Ben Miller


Fort Knocks Announcement: Golden Ben Miller

Golden Ben Miller

At ringside, all of the eliminated wrestlers watch on warily while the lights of the FedExArena dim. The crowd buzzes in anticipation of what they expect to come.

Indeed, while Golden Ben Miller stands watching from inside the ring, golden words begin to appear on the Gold Screen above the entrance ramp.










The lights come back up and the crowd unleashes an elated torrent of cheers to the crowd.

Rudy Mac: He’s in! He’ll be there! Golden Ben Miller is getting his shot to win the Pure Gold Championship at Fort Knocks!

Most of the wrestlers from the battle royale make their way up the ramp and out of the arena, however Golden Pros Corbin Fiscal and Cory Stenson enter the ring.

Each of them gives GBM a handshake and a hug, plus a couple of indecipherable words of encouragement. With a couple of final pats on the shoulder, Corbin Fiscal and Cory Stenson head out of the ring, leaving Golden Ben Miller alone while the crowd chants in unison.

G-B-M! G-B-M! G-B-M!

Golden Ben Miller climbs a corner turnbuckle and holds up his signature right arm with a tight fist.

DeShawn: Fort Knocks is going to rock!

Rudy Mac: You got that right! We’ve got the Wild Kards vs. the Orderlies for the tag team titles, a Hardcore Championship up for grabs after KCM took a leave of absence, the Silver Championship match between Jumpstart and Corbin Fiscal, and Abel Unstable has his chance to win his FREEDOM!

DeShawn: Aren’t you forgetting the biggest match!?

Rudy Mac: Don’t worry, DeShawn! I’m just building some suspense to close Gold Strike 15 out!

DeShawn: You’re a pro!

Rudy Mac: AND THE FORT KNOCKS MATCH! Six Golden Pro Wrestling competitors will enter the golden cage with weapons aplenty. We’re talking about Shotcaller, Awoke, Decade, former Pure Gold Champion Violence, Golden Ben Miller, and current Pure Gold Champion Fuse Makoto!

DeShawn: That’s like 5 titles defenses in one night!

Rudy Mac: Get your tickets! Buy your pay-per-view! You won’t want to miss FORT KNOCKS! Good night, rasslin’ fans!

The show fades to black with a close up of Golden Ben Miller looking out to the crowd with his arm raised.

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