Gold Strike 2

The tournament rolls on with a quarterfinal matchup between two high fliers named Jumpstart and Flip Costa.

Elsewhere, Golden Ben Miller makes his in-ring debut, but his mind HAS to be on his comatose friend, Cory Stenson.

Rumor has it that he plans to confront Commissioner Parker Meloche about Violence’s actions. How will Parker defend his decision to sign that complete asshole?


Gold Strike theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and first twelve rows of the arena stands.

As the camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

The camera switches to a shot of the two commentators behind their ringside table with headsets on.


Welcome BACK!

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is general idiot, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

The camera switches to a shot of the two commentators behind their ringside table with headsets on.

Rudy Mac: We have a full slate of GPW action for you featuring THREE tournament quarterfinals match-ups, one hardcore bout, but first we’ll be kicking things off with tag team action.

DeShawn: Commissioner Meloche really has put together an amazing card, and I’m not saying that because he’s my boss, but I hope he heard that!

Rudy Mac: PLUS Golden Ben Miller makes his GPW debut, but is his mind on his match? At the end of last Gold Strike, GBM was carrying his friend, Cory Stenson, out on a STRETCHER!

DeShawn: Not to be too serious, but watching Violence hurt another Golden Pro was horrific! I had to see Dr. Dean about it!

Rudy Mac: Speaking of Dr. Dean from the Psych Ward, he’ll be making his in-ring debut against the young Japanese wrestler, Fuse Makoto!

DeShawn: To be honest, I’m most excited for the start of the show, because it features my inspirational leader!

Rudy Mac: Time to get down to business! Commissioner Parker Meloche has promised to start the show by addressing last week’s drama.


Time To Explain

The crowd finishes buzzing from the show intro and “E.I.” by Nelly hits the speakers. A lukewarm reaction comes from the crowd while Commissioner Parker Meloche enters the arena, smiling and winking to the camera.

Rudy Mac: Here comes the GPW boss, and I don’t think the crowd has made their mind up about him. On one hand, he’s putting the entertainment together, but on the other hand, he’s obviously brought in some questionable characters.

DeShawn: Sometimes you have to make tough decisions, but I think he’s making all the RIGHT ones!

Rudy Mac: You suck up…

The commissioner picks up the microphone from the middle of the ring while his intro song fades out.

Parker Meloche: Welcome everyone, to GOLD STRIKE 2!

The crowd gives a nice pop back.

Parker Meloche: I hope everyone is PUMPED for what we have tonight. I don’t want to give everything way, but I CAN tell you that we’re capping it off with two of our fastest, high-flying men on the roster. That’s right, we’ve got the veteran Jumpstart facing off against that incredible looking young man, Flip Costa.

The crowd lets out a big cheer in anticipation of the explosive potential of that match.

Parker Meloche: That said, I know that everyone wants me to talk about last show… and yes, what Violence did was completely unac-

The commissioner is cut off by “My Hero” by Foo Fighters and the arena gives a loud pop for the grandson of Golden Glen Miller.

It’s Golden BEN Miller!

The big blonde man comes walking out from backstage wearing jeans and a black GPW shirt while sporting a serious demeanor.

Rudy Mac: GBM doesn’t seem to be in a joking mood, and it might be because his friend is still in a coma.

Golden Ben Miller makes his way to the ring and gets up on the second rope to look out at the fans. He holds up his right arm to acknowledge the crowd, and the fans cheer in response. As his music fades out, he picks up a second microphone and raises it to his lips.

GBM: As much as I’m here to compete tonight… I’m also here for some answers about what happened to Cory.

Parker Meloche: Ben, so glad you came down here. I was just getting to that!

GBM: Let me help you with a prompt; why the HELL is that bastard on the roster? I don’t think these good people *waves arm across to indicate the fans* would appreciate you signing a man with a history of intentionally injuring his competition.

Parker Meloche: Okay, yes, I’ll admit, Violence does have a history of… well, violence. He might have even been thrown out of a promotion or two… or three.

The crowd boos in response.

Parker Meloche: But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve another chance, just like everyone does in life. Right?

Golden Ben Miller eyes Parker suspiciously.

GBM: It looks like he’s already blown his second chance…. Right?

Parker Meloche: Don’t worry, Violence is now officially on probation! I’ve built in guardrails within his contract for this very situation.

GBM: Guardrails? Is that going to wake Cory up from his coma?

Parker Meloche: Listen, I know this isn’t going to seem like enough. But if he causes another wrestler to miss a match this season, he is TERMINATED!

GBM: Are you saying that he was given the wiggle room to only injure one opponent?

Parker Meloche: I know, I know. But I was tasked by your grandfather to put together a great roster, and Violence is undeniably talented. A businessman like me couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give these fans *gesturing to the crowd* the best possible show.

Golden Ben Miller carefully considered his next words.

GBM: My grandfather was clear, you’re in charge, and I’m not going to change that. But… I will give you a promise. When I find Violence in the ring, I will pay him back for what he’s done.

The crowd cheered at Golden Ben Miller’s threat, and “My Hero” hit the speakers once again signaling the end of the discussion.


The King Is Here

Outside the rear entrance to the FedExForum, a large orange F350 rolls in. The truck is massive, lifted, and has tinted windows hiding the driver’s identity. The crowd inside the arena cheer at the sight of the beautiful, big rig.

The door opens, and out climbs a massive man wearing orange clothing. His face is serious and hidden by a gruff brown beard. He takes a moment to survey the area before walking to the bed of the pickup. Reaching in, he pulls out what appears to be an enormous metal grappling hook, which he slings over his shoulder.

As he walks toward the door, the man looks straight into the camera following him.

King Crab Mack: Hello folks… the KING is here. I just flew in from Alaska, so let’s FUCKING go!

The crowd pops in response realizing that a certified badass was here to give them a show.


Endgame vs. Your Captains

Single Fall, Tag Team

Back in the arena, “Helicopter Mack” begins to jam over the speaker system and out walks two strong, serious looking men with matching sunglasses. They both raise their arms and point out to the crowd to show some love.

The crowd gives a warm response and they make their way to the ring.

Rudy Mac: Not a ton is known about Endgame, but the word is that they’re two serious professionals from out west.

DeShawn: There’s no place for serious around here! And I’m serious about that!

Next up, the iconic guitar sounds of “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins blares out to the crowd. Two shifty-looking men in airline captain uniforms make their way out. They stop at the top of the ramp to take turns pointing to each other. They then make airplane wings with their arms and jog down toward the ring.

Rudy Mac: So, here’s the story on Your Captains, DeShawn – these jokers were KICKED OUT of the Air Force and now spend most of their week freighting passengers for Spirit Airlines.

DeShawn: Do you know what I said about being serious? This is serious – Spirit Airlines SUCKS!

Rudy Mac: You’re supposed to be here for comedy, DeShawn. Not to tell us things we already know!

The bell sounds and Ryan Rogue kicks things off against Captain John Cunningham in the ring. They take turns countering each other’s attacks, and then Ryan Rogue gets the upper hand. He spends two minutes whipping him into turnbuckles and applying some smashing blows.

Rogue finally tags in Phaser, who goes to work on Cunningham. After a moment, Cunningham sneaks in a vicious uppercut and goes to work himself. After dropping Phaser with a clothesline, he tags in Captain Derek McDonnell.

McDonnell only has the upper hand for a moment before Phaser counters a whip and laid him out. Phaser tags in Ryan Rogue who immediately devastates McDonnell with a heavy slam.

1… 2… NO!

Rudy Mac: Ryan Rogue might need to pull a bigger move out to get a cover!

Rogue grabs McDonnell and lifts him with a full nelson and plants him down with a DDT.



DeShawn: That’ll teach Rogue to make sure he hits his move in the middle of the ring!

Ryan Rogue gets McDonnell back up to his feet and drags him over to this corner and tags Phaser back in. Phaser attempts to land a move, but McDonnell manages to duck and roll away to his corner. He tags in Cunningham and Cunningham comes out flying!

Cunningham finds a way get Phaser laid out in the middle of the ring, and then climbs to the top rope and takes off into an amazing 360 Frog Splash


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: That’s it! Your Captains pull out the win against Endgame and secure their first GPW victory!

DeShawn: That dude caught some SERIOUS air!


Your Captains via The Red Eye

Back in the ring, Ryan Rogue helps Phaser up and they both shake their heads in disappointment while Captain Jack Cunningham and Captain Derek McDonnell run up the ramp with their arms out like airplane wings.


You Didn't Text Back

The video fades to a backstage hallway where GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano is speaking with a member of the production crew.

Vicky: That’s right, I’m going to be speaking with Flip Costa after the next match. Then I’m hoping to track down Golden Ben Miller and get his thoughts on Violence and Cory Stenson.

Behind the reporter, peeking around the corner is a large man wearing a leather mask. His face holds a twisted smile as he leers toward Vicky. Vicky turns around and sees him, which causes her to momentarily jump in surprise.

Reject: Hi… Vicky.

The wrestler slowly comes around the corner before showing his entire self to Vicky Cogliano. He is wearing an intimidating black outfit with a spiked shoulder pad on his right shoulder.

Vicky: Oh, I’m sorry, remind me your name?

He looks instantly hurt by the reporter’s lack of recognition.

Reject: You don’t remember me? You texted me to come compete in Golden Pro Wrestling. And, I noticed you stopped replying to me.

Vicky: Oh, yes! I’m sorry, I just got busy sweetie!

It was obvious that Vicky was just trying to get out of an awkward moment.

Reject: I was thinking, maybe after the show… if you’re not doing anything…?

Vicky: Oh you, I actually have to go help my mom with something after the show. Maybe next time?

She gives the man a wink, then pretends to hear something as if she was wearing an earpiece.

Vicky: Got it, got it. I’ll be right there! *yelling back to Reject as she walks away* See ya, babe!

Before Reject could say anything else, she motions to the camera man and they quickly leave the hallway. Reject stands there awkwardly trying to figure out the complexities of his social interaction before shaking his head and walking off.


Fuse Makoto vs. Dr. Dean

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“Name Of The Game” by The Crystal Method begins to play in the arena and the fans warmly pop to the familiar pump-up jam. Within a moment, a young Japanese man walks out, then stops and bows to the fans.

Rudy Mac: This kid has come a long, long way for a shot at glory in Golden Pro Wrestling! Fuse Makoto is his name, and he’s the son of a wrestling legend across the Pacific.

DeShawn: Well, I hope it works out for him in the ring, because if not, he’ll carry the shame the rest of his life!

After Fuse Makoto takes center ring, the music changes out and “Down with the Sickness” begins to play. The crowd audibly boos when they see Dr. Dean emerge flanked by the Orderlies.

Rudy Mac: No doubt that these great fans remember the major impact that the Psych Ward had last Gold Strike. Sicko overcame Crosscheck Beck in a hardcore match, and the Orderlies secured the win over the Wild Kards.

DeShawn: I just can’t forget the look Dr. Dean had when Abel Unstable was stopped by Corbin Fiscal. Abel may have gotten some extra treatment afterward!

Dr. Dean takes a moment to stroke his goatee and peer smugly at the fans, then walks down and enters the ring. The Orderlies stand down by the side of the ring while the bell rings. Dr. Dean and Fuse Makoto circle each other.

For the first few minutes Fuse Makoto and Dr. Dean engage and counter each other with a variety of quick attacks and reversals.

Fuse eventually gets the upper hand and delivers a moonsault off the ropes.

1… 2… NO!!!

Fuse stands Dr. Dean up and continues to press his attack until the Orderly Caruso gets the referees attention. With the referee distracted, Dr. Dean hits Fuse with a low blow and facebuster. Orderly Caruso backs off and the referee turns around to see Dr. Dean making the cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match continues as the two evenly matched opponents trade a variety of moves. Fuse dazes Dr. Dean and unleashes a dazzling tornado kick.

Nikuya Strike!

Rudy Mac: That blur of kicks you just saw was Fuse Makoto’s signature move!

1… 2… NO!!!

Frustrated, Fuse Makoto gets back to work but Dr. Dean manages to gain the upper hand and grabs Fuse’s legs in the middle of the ring. He twists and turns Fuse onto his belly into a high arching Boston Crab.

The Diagnosis!

Rudy Mac: There’s no way out of this one for Fuse Makoto!


DeShawn: Fuse Makoto better go back across the Pacific Sea right now!

Rudy Mac: Ocean!

DeShawn: What?

Rudy Mac: Nevermind… that was a nice tournament quarterfinal win for Dr. Dean. He moves on to the next round!


Dr. Dean via The Diagnosis

The Orderlies help Dr. Dean down from the ring and they make their way up the ramp with smug, satisfied faces.


Already Jealous

The camera fades in backstage where GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano is standing with the uber handsome Flip Costa. Vicky looks visibly smitten standing next to the sublime features of Flip.

Vicky: I’m here with Flip Costa, who is going up against Jumpstart in tonight’s main event!

The crowd from the arena cheers in anticipation of tonight’s marquee matchup.

Vicky: Flip, tell us how you feel taking on Jumpstart.

Flip Costa: Well, Vicky… first, I just want to say hello to all the finnnneeeee people here in Memphis!

Another big pop from the crowd out in the arena.

Flip Costa: While I might be a rather good looking fellow, I must say, the people of Memphis are gorgeous! Especially you there, Vicky.

Another big pop from the crowd as Flip winks at the reporter. Vicky blushes and bats her eyelashes.

Vicky: That’s so kind of you, Flip!

Flip Costa: Now, about my match… when I saw that I had to take on Jumpstart, my heart skipped a beat. I’ve been a BIG fan of his for a very, very long time. In fact, he was an inspiration to me when I decided to switch from gymnastics to the ring.

Vicky: Any concerns if you can beat him?

Flip Costa: Major concerns! But I wouldn’t be in GPW if I didn’t want to test myself against the best! I hope I get a chance to bump into him and just shake his hand, because no matter what happens, this is going to be an honor.

Vicky: Well, I think the people of Memphis are wishing you the best of luck… I know I am.

Flip Costa: Thanks, Vicky. Maybe later I can bump into you too?

Vicky: Maybe!

Flip Costa smiles down at the young reporter and walks off camera. Vicky fans herself with her hand.

Vicky: Woo! Is it hot in here or is it just me, fans?

Before the camera fades back to the ring, a figure appears to have been watching the interview from down the hallway.

It’s the twisted, disfigured, masked man named Reject.

Vicky doesn’t see him, but Reject looks hurt and angry at the affection she showed Flip Costa…


King Crab Mack vs. Reject

Single Fall, Hardcore Rules

Orange lights begin to pan around the arena and “Slit Wrist Theory” hits the speaker system. Out from the back walks a strong man in orange wrestling gear while carrying a large multi-pronged hook.

Rudy Mac: GPW’s deadliest catch is here – it’s King Crab Mack!

DeShawn: Pound for pound, I wonder if he’s the toughest man on the roster!

Rudy Mac: He very well could be, and it sounds like he wants to stick to the hardcore division, so we’ll see.

King Crab Mack gets a strong, positive reception from the crowd and climbs into the ring holding his large crabbing hook. The crowd wonders how exactly he might use it in the match.

KCM’s music is replaced by “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists. After a few moments, Reject walks out and is immediately met by boos from the crowd, and while he makes his way down to the ring he looks distracted and upset.

Rudy Mac: I’m not sure if Reject is ready for this match up against King Crab Mack. It seems like watching Vicky Cogliano talk to Flip Costa is really bothering him!

DeShawn: I don’t get possessive with girls anymore, mostly because I’ve been cheated on so many times that I’m completely numb!

When the bell rings, it becomes obvious that Reject isn’t mentally ready. King Crab Mack immediately goes in and delivers a serious of bashes and power moves.

Reject attempts to counter and take control, but King Crab Mack picks up Reject and tosses him over the ropes and onto the side of the ring. KCM follows Reject to ringside and delivers a strong suplex on the ringside floor.

KCM manages to pull out a chair from underneath the ring and confronts a dazed and groggy Reject.


Rudy Mac: That chair shot might have put a crack in Reject’s mask!

1… 2… NO!!!

Reject manages to kick out, but that isn’t the end of his trouble. King Crab Mack picks Reject up and drops him with clothesline. While Reject is laid out on his stomach ringside, KCM retrieves his crabbing hook from the ring and stands over Reject.


KCM throws his crabbing hook to the side after using it to hit Reject in the back. He then picks up Reject and rolls him back into the ring. KCM takes his time and gets into the ring before picking Reject up…


Rudy Mac: Oof! That jumping backbreaker after the crabbing hook HAS to do it!

1… 2… 3!!!


King Crab Mack via The Full Pot

DeShawn: Well, I think we just saw what happens to Reject when he’s got a lady on his mind!

After KCM leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp, Reject is left in the ring clutching his head and cursing to himself.


You Remind Me Of Myself

Back in a locker room, a small-sized wrestler with white hair is sitting on a bench and taping up his knee. The man with the strong jaw and older appearance is none other than the wily veteran Jumpstart.

The crowd gives a small pop in recognition.

The camera pans and in walks the walking Ken Doll, Flip Costa, who looks down at Jumpstart and instantly acts shocked.

Flip Costa: Oh man, it’s you. It’s really you!

The aged wrestler looks up and smiles back.

Jumpstart: It sure is! You must be Flip Costa – mighty big of you to come find me like this before our match.

Flip Costa: I just had to come by and say hi. I remember watching you when I was younger, and when I was deciding where to take my career, I thought of your acrobatics.

Jumpstart: That means a lot. I’d like to think I’ve still got ‘it’ but we’ll see. I came to GPW without any animosity, but I brought my competitive side.

The younger wrestler smiles broadly.

Flip Costa: Don’t worry, I’m in it to win it. I just hope I’m ready to take on your array of moves.

Jumpstart: From what I’ve heard about you, you’ll have as good of a shot as any to win the tournament. But you’ve got to go through me first.

The two competitors are obviously jesting with each other.

Flip Costa: Anyways, I’ll let you get back to prepping – I’ve got to go do the same myself.

Jumpstart: Sounds good, kid. You remind me a lot of myself when I was younger, so good luck.

The two wrestlers shake hands, but before Flip Costa leaves Jumpstart makes one last comment.

Jumpstart: Hey, bud, watch your back. I think I saw that Reject guy wandering around before his match muttering your name.

Flip Costa: Weird. Thanks for the heads up.

The camera fades out and back to inside the arena.



Golden Ben Miller vs. Saga

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“I Can See It In Your Face” by Pretty Lights comes out over the speakers and the crowd gives a mild reaction to the young Samoan wrestler who emerges from back stage.

Rudy Mac: This young man named Saga is rumored to be a member of the legendary Anoa’i family, which has produced numbers of WWE superstars including The Rock, Roman Reigns, Rikishi, Umaga and more!

DeShawn: My family produced me but you don’t see them going around braggin’!

Rudy Mac: Well, I think the real problem is that the Anoa’i family won’t recognize him, but if he wins the tournament, they might take notice.

Once Saga is in the ring and stretching out, the lights fade down and golden spotlights pan the arena.

“My Hero” by Foo Fighters comes on and the crowd pops excitedly!

From the back, a serious, determined man with long golden locks emerges.

Rudy Mac: Perhaps the prize of the GPW roster, Golden Ben Miller, is finally getting some action!

DeShawn: I would be remiss if I didn’t mention his grandfather, Golden Glen Miller, and just how much I appreciate his paychecks after each show!

Rudy Mac: The question is always whether GBM gets preferential treatment, but my understanding of the arrangement with Commissioner Parker is that Golden Glen Miller takes no active role in bookings or day-to-day operations, which leaves GBM on his own.

GBM makes his way down and rolls into the ring, where he takes a moment to stand on the corner ropes and lift an arm of strength and recognition to the crowd.

Once everything dies down, the bell rings and two wrestlers begin to circle each other.

Evenly sized, Saga and Ben Miller lock up in the middle of the ring and get to work. Eventually GBM gets the upper hand and begins to press the advantage. After several slams and a big clothesline, he goes for an early cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

After getting to their feet, Saga begins to return the favor and launches GBM is a stellar german suplex. He follows it by an elbow drop from the second rope and goes for a cover of his own.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Seems like these two are going back-and-forth. If Saga pulls this off, it will probably be considered a great upset.

The heavy clothesline knocks Saga over the rope and out to the arena where GBM follows, and the referee begins the 10 count. GBM takes a moment to slam Saga’s face on the side of the ring and roll him back in with a couple of seconds left.

Back in the ring, GBM lifts Saga into a gutwrench throwaway slam and goes for another cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

The next couple of minutes include a couple of back-and-forth moments until GBM delivers an magnificent scoop slam in the middle of the ring, which leaves Saga momentarily knocked out.

GBM quickly lines up and stands above Saga’s head and begins to pull off his kneepad, and then throws it out to the crowd and he whips the fans into a frenzy.

Rudy Mac: Oh, this could be it! Ben Miller’s modified tribute move to his grandfather’s legendary Golden Elbow!

Ben Miller runs and bounces off one rope, then runs and bounces off the other before returning to Saga’s still body. GBM jumps high in the air and aims his knee down at Saga’s head…


Rudy Mac: My GOD! Saga might be knocked out cold!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Out of all the special finishers we’ve seen, that HAS to be the most epic with all due respect to Violence’s Blur Out!


Golden Ben Miller via The Golden Knee

GBM takes a moment to point his finger out to all the fans in appreciation. The crowd responds the same in return before leaving up the ramp while “My Hero” plays.


Incoming Transmission

After Saga and Golden Ben Miller return backstage, the lights inside the arena begin to flicker. Finally, the lights completely go out which leaves the crowd in pitch black buzzing and talking to themselves.

Then white static begins to appear on the Gold Screen until it finally crystalizes, and a clear picture emerges. On the Gold Screen is now what appears to be a dark room. In the room are low blue lights, control panels and screens featuring graphs and strange symbols.

In the center of the room is a single large chair facing the screen, and over the speakers could be heard a low hum.

After a moment, a large dark figure walks into the center of the room and turns whatever is recording this scene. The being wears a blue and gray full-body suit, has long black hair, white skin, and dark black eyes.

The crowd is completely silent.

Rudy Mac: I’m sorry folks, we don’t know what this is all about – it’s not on the schedule at all!

The large being walks forward until only its upper body is visible within the Gold Screen. After a moment, it speaks in a deep, ominous voice.

The Draconian: Attention, hu-mahns. I am the Draconian and I have travelled far to reach this pathetic planet.

The crowd buzzes in surprise of what their witnessing.

The Draconian: We have received the transmissions of the one you call Golden Glen Miller and have accepted your challenge. I have been sent to demonstrate the physical, psychological, and genetic superiority of our species.

Finally, the crowd collectively gathers itself and begins to boo.

The Draconian: At your next Gold Strike event, I will begin this demonstration.

The transmission begins to flicker and finally goes back to white static before the spinning GPW logo appears on the Gold Screen. The lights go back to normal, and the crowd goes back to buzzing in conversation with one another.

Rudy Mac: My god, what the hell is this all about?

DeShawn: An alien?! I think he’s just a crazy man using Geek Squad to plug into our feed!

Rudy Mac: Odds are he’ll end up in the Greater Memphis Psychological Institute under the care of Dr. Dean!

DeShawn: No doubt!

Rudy Mac: Anyways, we’ve got to get ready for our main event!


Jumpstart vs. Flip Costa

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“Destruction” by Joywave begins to pound out of the speaker system and the Memphis-faithful wrestling fans begin to cheer. Beloved veteran Jumpstart enters the arena from backstage and receives a wonderful pop from the crowd.

Rudy Mac: I think we ALL were delighted to hear that GPW was able to sign Jumpstart onto the roster. What a treat for wrestling fans young and old!

DeShawn: Respect! I had Jumpstart sheets on my bed… and I still do!

Jumpstart makes a quick jog down to the ring and slides in under the bottom row before hopping from corner to corner. He stops to recognize all sections of the crowd.

The music quiets down and is then replaced with “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory. The crowd gives a slightly smaller pop for the incredibly good-looking Flip Costa.

DeShawn: Is it just me, or did it get better looking in here!

Rudy Mac: Well, I must say, that’s one handsome fella’. And from the scouting report, it sounds like he’s just as acrobatic as his opponent tonight.

The young man from Pensacola, Florida hops onto the ring apron and then easily hops again over the ropes. He takes a moment to do a round of fan recognition much like Jumpstart did.

Rudy Mac: These two sure do seem alike! It sounds like there’s a lot of mutual respect in there tonight.

The bell rings and the fans cheer in anticipation of the potential fireworks. They aren’t disappointed when Flip makes the first move and lunges at Jumpstart.

Jumpstart quickly dodges and begins a series of reversals, quick jumps, and countermoves. After a couple of minutes of speedy action, the two stand still in front of each other.

DeShawn: It must be like wrestling a mirror!

Jumpstart then rushes Flip and hits him with a running back elbow. He manages to hit a leg drop, and then rushes to the ropes for a splendid moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Flip Costa’s kickout doesn’t particularly bother Jumpstart, who simply picks Costa up and throws him to the ropes. When Costa returns, he delivers a running dropkick that ejects Jumpstart through the ropes and out of the ring.

As Jumpstart gets to his feet ringside, Flip Costa scrambles up to the top rope, launches and hits Jumpstart with a flying crossbody block!

Rudy Mac: Well, this is for certain, Costa ain’t afraid of any height!

Flip Costa rolls Jumpstart back into the ring and continues to press the advantage. He manages to drive a couple of knees into Jumpstarts stomach, but Jumpstart reverses an attempted bulldog. Jumpstart then picks up Flip and plants him back down with speedy brainbuster.

Rudy Mac: That’s some incredible strength from the older, smaller wrestler!

Jumpstart scales the ropes and points out to the crowd.

DeShawn: Is he going for it?!

Rudy Mac: I think he is! Here comes his signature Shooting Star Press!


1… 2… … NO!!!

Jumpstart looks shocked that Flip kicked out of his classic move.

Rudy Mac: I bet not many wrestlers can say the Start-Up didn’t finish them!

The two wrestlers get back to their feet where they begin trading multiple shots back and forth. Jumpstart attempts to land a Huracarrana but his left knee buckles on takeoff, which sends him down to the mat writhing in pain.

Flip Costa looks down at him for a moment in surprise before realizing his advantage. He quickly climbs up to the top rope and takes off for a Senton elbow drop!


Rudy Mac: It looks like it was Flip Costa’s turn to go airborne!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Oh man, what happened to Jumpstart there? He was doing great, and then it seemed like his knee buckled!

Rudy Mac: I sure hope this isn’t a sign of age catching up on him!


Flip Costa via The Flip Off


She's Mine!

Inside the ring, Flip Costa checks on Jumpstart and helps him to his feet. Suddenly, the crowd begins to scream in panic when a figure pushes his way through and jumps the barricade.

Rudy Mac: Reject! Reject! Reject is coming in from the crowd!

Reject slithers into the ring, but before he can attack Flip Costa from behind, Jumpstart pushes him out of the way and takes the brunt of Reject’s attack! Jumpstart is completely floored and knocked out from the impact.

Flip Costa spins around to see the chaos behind him and wastes no time going on offense with a lightning-fast spear!

DeShawn: Oh, now it’s on!

Reject and Flip Costa get back onto their feet where they continue to trade blow after blow. Reject quickly gets the upper hand, which allows him to toss Flip up in the air for a double knee gutbuster!


Rudy Mac: Dear god!

Reject gets up and looks down at his new nemesis with a sick twisted smiling appearing from behind his leather mask. He begins to scream at the fallen Adonis.

Reject: She’s mine! She’s mine! She’s mi-

His yelling is interrupted by Jumpstart what was able to deliver a running dropkick to the back of Reject’s head.

The crowd POPS at Jumpstarts heroics!

DeShawn: He’s still got it after all!

Reject rolls out of the ring and holds his head as he makes his way up the ramp. Back in the ring, Jumpstart helps Flip Costa back to his feet, while the crowd chants.


Rudy Mac: It must feel good for Jumpstart to know the fans still have his back!

DeShawn: We always will!

Rudy Mac: And we’ll see what happens between Flip Costa and Reject, because there’s no way this is finished business! Alright folks, join us for the next Gold Strike when Violence is back in action, and we see the first of this “Draconian”!

The camera fades out to the crowd cheering Jumpstart and Flip Costa in the middle of the ring.

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