Gold Strike 3

The Pure Gold Championship tournament wraps up the quarterfinals and makes a pivotal shift to the second round featuring matches with Corbin Fiscal, Golden Ben Miller, Shotcaller and Violence.

Cory Stenson shares a special video message for the Golden Pro Wrestling fans AND the mysterious Draconian finally appears in person…


Gold Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and first fifteen rows of the arena stands.

As the camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.

The camera switches to a shot of the two commentators behind their ringside table with headsets on.


Things Are Picking UP!

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK! To GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is Mad Dog 20/20 enthusiast, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Well, folks, action is really picking up in Golden Pro Wrestling, and I think things are really going to turn the corner!

DeShawn: No kidding! We are wrapping up the tournament quarterfinals and kicking into gear with the second round.

Rudy Mac: And, for the first time since the Cory Stenson incident, Golden Ben Miller and Violence will be on the same card! PLUS we finally get to see this “Draconian” in-person!

DeShawn: But do you know what my favorite part of tonight will be?

Rudy Mac: What’s that, DeShawn?

DeShawn: When my favorite boss, Commissioner Parker Meloche, kicks things off! Love you, boss!

Rudy Mac: Oh, you suck up!


Turning The Corner

“E.I.” by Nelly hits the speakers and the crowd gives a warm pop for Golden Pro Wrestling’s commissioner, Parker Meloche. The young man wearing his signature grey business suit and charming smile walks onto the stage with a microphone in his hand.

After a moment, the crowd quiets down along with his catchy intro song.

Parker Meloche: Helllllooooo Memphis!

The crowd gives an obligatory cheer at the mention of the city’s name.

Parker Meloche: Listen, I’m not going to take too long out here but I do have a couple of things to cover before we get into action tonight. First, and foremost, Gold Strike 3 marks a pivotal turning point in the Pure Gold Championship tournament.

The commission takes a moment to build some suspense.

Parker Meloche: We have just two quarterfinal match-ups left, and we aren’t going to waste time… we are going to finish up tonight with TWO second-round matches featuring Corbin Fiscal vs. Golden Ben Miller…

The crowd lets out a cheer of excitement.

Parker Meloche: …and Shotcaller vs… Violence!

The crowd instantly boos in disapproval of the wrestler from Champion, Alberta.

Parker Meloche: Now, there are a couple of other odds and ends I need to mention… first, for you Cory Stenson fans, I’m happy to tell you that the young man is awake and recovering in the hospital. And later tonight he will be sharing a short video message.

The crowd cheers in relief that Cory appears to be on the mend.

Parker Meloche: Finally, folks, if you haven’t purchased your tickets for our season finale, Gold Rush, I urge you to do it now! And don’t hesitate to go and shop for some of your favorite merchandise between matches!

“E.I.” by Nelly comes back on and the commission waves to the crowd before walking backstage.


These Are Your Captains Speaking

The camera fades to backstage where GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano is standing with two men wearing airline captain uniforms. The two men look at Vicky, then look back and each other and smirk.

Vicky: Hi there, Golden Pro Wrestling fans, I’m standing here with the unbeaten tag team, Your Captains.

While Vicky is speaking, Captain Jack Cunningham leans back and checks out Vicky’s backside before giving a sneaky low-five to Captain Derek McDonnell.

Vicky: Hey guys, can you please give the fans your thoughts on the match tonight with the Wild Kards?

Captain Jack: Hello fans, these are your captains speaking, and we’re PUMPED to let you know that your excitement is about to hit cruising altitude!

Captain Derek: That’s right, passengers! You’re in for a smooth ride, while the Wild Kards and the rest of GPW’s tag team division can expect some serious turbulence on their flight to Gold Rush.

Vicky: Well, those are quite impressive puns you have there. What, specifically, do you think you have to do to beat the Wild Kards tonight?

Captain Jack: First and foremost, we know they take to the skies almost as much as we do. So, it’s going to be paramount we ground them early.

Captain Derek: And I think if you look at how we beat Endgame, then you know our air attack is relentless! Expect us to get off the ground and land the win!

Vicky: And what do you say about the rumors that you are actually Spirit Airlines pilots?

The two airline pilots looked at each other and grin.

Captain Derek: No shame in our game. If you want to fly cheap and fast, hop on one of our planes and we’ll try to get you to another shithole city in one piece!

The crowd finally lets off some booing from inside the arena.

Vicky: Thanks… gentlemen. And good-

Both pilots raise their fingers to cut Vicky off.

Captain Jack: No need to wish us luck! It’s our privilege to serve.

The two airline captains smile and high five each other before they walk off and leave Vicky to look at the camera and shrug her shoulders.


Big Buddha vs. Awoke

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinal

Back in the arena, the solemn sounds of “Four Vows” by Chris Burrows emanate from the speaker system, and out slowly walks a girthy Tibetan monk.

Rudy Mac: I’ve heard of a fish out of water, but this might take the cake. Big Buddha, all the way from Tibet, is here to compete.

DeShawn: Amazing that our magnificent boss, Parker Meloche, was able to bring this guy half-way around the world!

Rudy Mac: Well, he’s hoping to bring some zen to the wonderful people of Memphis.

After the long walk down the ramp and slow ascension into the ring, Big Buddha’s music eventually fades out and is replaced by “Chained To The Rhythm” by Katy Perry.

To an immediate chorus of boos, a giant man with blue hair and a BLM shirt emerges. He gazes disapprovingly at the crowd from the top of the stage.

Rudy Mac: My god, did you see this guy on the news the other night leading the Roe v. Wade protest?

DeShawn: Hey now, if it weren’t for heroes like him fighting for abortions, I may end up with more kids than I want one day!

Rudy Mac: Sweet Jesus, DeShawn. Wayyy too far on that one.

Awoke finally enters the ring where a tranquil Big Buddha waits patiently. The bell rings, and the two behemoths engage in a slow, plodding affair.

Big Buddha is the first to gain the upper hand by leveling Awoke with a strong clothesline and dropping a large knee across Awoke’s chest.

The two large wrestlers get to their feet and make more long, slow attacks at each other. Eventually, Awoke is distracted by a crowd sign that says “ABORTION IS MURDER,” which immediately draws his ire.

With Awoke distracted, Big Buddha gets a chance to hit a very slow neckbreaker on Awoke, and then peacefully sits on his chest with his eyes closed.

Rudy Mac: There it is, I believe Big Buddha is in MEDIDATION!


DeShawn: I want whatever he is smoking!

Rudy Mac: I’m guessing it’s something good!


Big Buddha via Meditation


A Violent Response

The camera fades into backstage where Vicky Cogliano is waiting, microphone in hand, with the wrestler known as Violence.

The crowd instantly begins to boo at first sight of the man from Champion, Alberta.

When the booing subsides, Vicky opens with her first question.

Vicky: Hi, Violence, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Now, you’ve laid low since the Cory Stenson incident. Would you like to comment on what happened?

Violence: Wait, wait. Laying low? I didn’t have a match last show, so I would I fucking bother to show up? I’m not Golden Ben Miller with nothing better to do.

Vicky: Fair enough. And your thoughts on Cory Stenson?

Violence: He was an example. It’s that simple. When Parker Meloche came to my hometown and asked me to join, I told him straight up that his roster blows, and that I was probably going to hurt someone.

Vicky: That seems like a fair warning, and what was his response?

Violence: He told me he was counting on it. He knew exactly what was coming to Golden Pro Wrestling… an animal who gives no fucks about anyone else here.

Vicky: That’s quite an accusation; that the commissioner of Golden Pro Wrestling functionally condoned your plans.

Violence: I think that kid just wants to get Golden Pro Wrestling off the ground, and a little bit of drama is a great way to do it.

Boos crop up from the crowd at the thought of Parker Meloche engineering Violence’s outburst.

Vicky: And what do you think about Golden Ben Miller, and his vow to exact justice for Cory Stenson?

Violence: I say bring it on. I’m going to be tearing through this tournament, so the only way he’ll get a shot at me is if he meets me at the finals. And, for his sake, he better hope he doesn’t.

Vicky: To get to the finals, that means you’ll need to beat Shotcaller in tonight’s main event. Do you care to make a com-

Violence: Listen, the only reason I took this interview was to see if you were as hot as I remember form Gold Strike 1. The answer? No, not really.

The crowd boos in response to the disrespectful jab at Vicky.


Violence: Listen, tutz, tonight is just going to be another match for me. This Shotcaller guy has way more to prove than me, and sadly he’s going to get blurred out.

With that, the raging asshole known as Violence turns and walks off camera, leaving Vicky standing alone. Vicky takes a moment and then looks at the camera.

Vicky: Shotcaller, Violence, main event. We’ll see what happens, ladies and gentlemen!


Your Captains vs. The Wild Kards

Single Fall, Tag Team

“Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins hits the speaker system the crowd immediately gives out jeers and boos while Your Captains walk out on stage. In their typical fashion they spread their arms like airplanes and zoom down into the ring.

Rudy Mac: Your Captains were able to beat Endgame last week, so another win here and you have to think they’re lining up a GPW Tag Team Championship match at Gold Rush!

DeShawn: If they didn’t actually work for Spirit Airlines, I would like them a lot more!

The music is replaced by “Lit Up” by Buckcherry and the Wild Kards come out on the stage. They get a warm reception and make their way down the ring.

Rudy Mac: The Wild Kards have lost once already to the Orderlies, so they need a win here to keep their name in the mix for Gold Rush!

Seth Kard and Captain Jack Cunningham start off the match by circling each other before locking up. The two wrestlers compete with a series of reversals before Captain Jack hits german suplex and goes for a quick cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Captain Jack tags in Captain Derek Cunningham, who climbs the ropes and delivers a heavy leg to the back of a bent over Seth Kard. The beatdown on Seth continues until he manages to escape a clothesline attempt and tag in Sean Kard.

Sean gets things going by jumping off the ropes and hitting Captain Derek with a clothesline of his own. For the next few minutes things go back and forth with Sean catching Captain Derek in the Crazy Eight Leglock.

Before Captain Derek taps out, he manages to pull himself all the way to his corner and tag in Captain Jack.

Captain Jack immediately knocks Sean Kard off his partner, and then lays waste. Following a heavy tilt awhirl slam, Captain Jack goes to the top rope and launches for an elbow drop.

Sean moves which leaves Captain Jack reeling on the mat from the impact. After getting tagged in, Seth climbs the top rope and leaps into the air.


Rudy Mac: 360 legdrop! That’s gotta do it!

DeShawn: That would put me out!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Seth Kard looks shocked but keeps pressing onward. He attempts a moonsault but Captain Jack moves at the last second letting Seth take the full impact by himself. With Seth Kard in pain, Captain Derek gets tagged in and delivers a drop kick to the back of Seth’s head.

Seth collapses in the middle of the ring, which gives Captain Derek the chance to get to the top rope.


Rudy Mac: Could this be it? That Senton Bomb looked legit!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: That was it! Your Captains keep rolling through the GPW tag team division!


Your Captains via Crash Landing

Your Captains leave the ring gloating and proud of themselves, while back in the ring the Wild Kards look frustrated but not mad about the loss.


She Needs Security!?

Backstage, Vicky Cogliano is standing at a closed locker room door knocking politely. Behind her is a large man with the yellow word “SECURITY” on his black shirt.

Vicky: Mr. Fiscal? Are you available for an interview?

Before the door opens, a mangled voice comes from around the corner.

Reject: Vicky… who is that?

The hideous man wearing mask finally emerges into the hallway and menacingly looks at the security guard. The security guard looks unimpressed and stares back at Reject.

Vicky: Oh hi… him? He’s just someone helping me out tonight.

When the big security guard steps forward, Corbin Fiscal’s locker room door opens and Corbin peers out.

Corbin Fiscal: Oh hey, Vicky. Nice to see you – everything alright?

The petite GPW reporter nervously looks over at Reject, and Corbin turns to see him standing there.

Corbin Fiscal: Ah, Reject. It’s good you’re here, actually.

Reject: Oh yeah? Why’s that?

Corbin Fiscal: As Golden Pro Wrestling’s bookkeeper, I was able to find some money in the budget to hire Vicky a personal security guard.

Reject: She needs security!? From who!? I’ll kill them! It’s that Flip Costa, I bet!

Vicky and Corbin Fiscal look at each other for a moment before Corbin continues.

Corbin Fiscal: No, it’s protection from you. Now, you need to stop texting, following or otherwise harassing her for doing her job!

Reject: This is ridiculous!

Corbin Fiscal: Listen, bud, I talk to Commissioner Meloche every week, and we’re on the same page. You leave Vicky alone or you won’t make it past Season 1.

Reject: Oh yeah? This ain’t right – me and Vicky have history!

The security guard protectively puts an arm around Vicky and escorts her down the hallway.

Corbin Fiscal: Last warning, bud. Keep your distance.

After Corbin closes the door to his locker room, Reject begins muttering to himself.

Reject: Oh… I’ll keep my distance, Corbin… NOT!

The camera fades out to black while Reject smirks and laughs to himself.


Ejercito de Juan vs. The Draconian

Single Fall, Tournament Quarterfinals

“Mucha lucha” by Chicos de Barrio happily plays into the arena and out runs a small luchador wrestler in his yellow and green outfit. He sprints down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope.

Rudy Mac: Ejercito de Juan is here, and he’s supposedly the best luchador from Tijuana. Great roster acquisition by Commissioner Meloche!

DeShawn: Hold on, I forgot to write a joke about Mexicans!

Rudy Mac: That’s probably for the best.

The arena suddenly goes quiet and then completely black before blue lights begin to pan the crowd. The dark beginning of the song “The Core” by Uppermost begins to play.

The beat finally kicks in and an incredibly large being walks out onto the stage. He has jet black hair, black eyes, and wears a grey and blue outfit.

Rudy Mac: Oh my, ladies and gentlemen. This is the “Draconian” who announced himself to the fans last week… he is apparently an alien? Or, at least that’s his claim!

DeShawn: Sorry, but I don’t believe a single word of that! Aliens don’t exist, let alone wrestle in Memphis!

The Draconian makes his way down to the ring and slowly enters. Once inside the ring, the lights go back to normal, and the match begins.

Ejercito de Juan quickly attacks and attempts a crossbody, but he is easily caught mid-air by the Draconian. The Draconian lifts him up and drops him down for a backbreaker and Juan rolls away writhing in pain.

The Draconian, completely emotionless, follows and picks Ejercito de Juan up with one hand. He ragdolls Juan with a series of power moves and slams.

There is a sudden burst of energy, and Ejercito de Juan attempts a Huracanrana, but his legs simply slip off the Draconian’s head. The Draconian snags Juan up into a gutwrench lifts and drops a MASSIVE power bomb.

Rudy Mac: Oh my! I just got handed some paperwork that says that move is called Abduction!

1… 2… 3!!!


The Draconian via Abduction


The Abduction

While the Draconian stands above a limp Ejercito de Juan, the ringside commentary is getting lively.

DeShawn: Abduction? Yeah, right! That’s a straight-up powerbomb by a human!

After hearing DeShawn refer to him as a human, the Draconian looks down from the ring at the announcers.

DeShawn: *gulp*

Rudy Mac: You might have done it now! The Draconian is looking right at you!

DeShawn: If he touches me, I sue!

The Draconian simply continues to stare at DeShawn Brannon until the arena lights completely cut out. After a moment of darkness, the lights come back on, but the Draconian is no longer in the ring.

Rudy Mac: Well, I guess you got lu-

Next to Rudy Mac is an empty seat where DeShawn was sitting just seconds ago.

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, where’d you go!? Someone help! DeShawn just disappeared!

Rudy spins around to the fans directly behind them who all shake their heads and hold their palms up in the air.

Rudy Mac: I don’t want to interrupt the show because we have a big match and then a very special message coming up from Cory Stenson, but someone needs to help find DeShawn!


Good Luck, Man

The camera fades backstage behind the stage curtains where Golden Ben Miller and Corbin Fiscal are waiting for their match.

A pop from the crowd arises as the site of GBM and Golden Pro Wrestling’s bookkeeper/wrestler.

The two wrestlers take a moment to chat before their names are announced.

GBM: Hey Corbin, if I win tonight, don’t dock my pay, please!

Corbin Fiscal: Haha, no promises. But if I win, no throwing me under the bus to your grandpa.

GBM: Listen, I’m looking forward to a friendly match against you. Win or lose, one of the Golden Pros is going to punch their ticket to the final four.

Corbin Fiscal: No doubt, bro. And if we’re lucky, one of us is going to get a shot at Violence in the finals.

GBM: You just gave me some added incentive.

A Golden Pro Wrestling staff member with a headset and a clipboard leans in between them.

Producer: Alright, guys. You’re on next!

The two wrestlers give each other a fist bump and await their intro music while the camera fades back out to the arena.


Corbin Fiscal vs. Golden Ben Miller

Single Fall, Tournament Second Round

“I Chase Paper” by Plies comes on over the speakers and the crowd rises to their feet and cheers for the GPW accountant, Corbin Fiscal. Wearing his standard green and yellow wrestling singlet, he waves to the crowd and makes his way to the ring.

Rudy Mac: Corbin Fiscal got past Abel Unstable in the quarterfinals, so look for him to try and make a spla… I’m sorry folks, I’m just incredibly worried about my missing telecast partner. Where are you, DeShawn!?

The rap lyrics of Plies fade out and are replaced with the deep drums of “My Hero” by Foo Fighters, which draws an ENORMOUS pop from the Memphis fans!

Rudy Mac: Alright, stay focused here, Rudy. Here is Golden Ben Miller, fan favorite, and man on a mission to find vengeance on Violence. But first, he’ll have to get past his training partner, Corbin Fiscal!

GBM takes his time to stand on the corner ropes and throw up his right hand in acknowledgement to the crowd. Each time he changes corners, he gets another set of cheers.

When the music dies down, the bell rings and two get on with their match.

Rudy Mac: I bet these two boys know all of each other’s moves!

Indeed, the two begin to trade reversals before Golden Ben Miller drops Corbin Fiscal with a body block. The first few minutes of the match feature several slams, and a couple of moments where Corbin Fiscal catches GBM off guard.

Rudy Mac: I bet DeShawn would LOVE this match if he were here! Where are you, DeShawn!?

Corbin Fiscal punctuates the middle of the match by nailing a superplex on GBM and going for the count.

1… 2… NO!!!

The two continue to trade moves until GBM gets Corbin Fiscal caught with a heavy sidewalk slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

Golden Ben Miller carries on his attack and throws Corbin Fiscal off the ropes and clotheslines him down in the middle of the ring.

Rudy Mac: I think this is a set up for that big move!

GBM stands over Corbin’s prone body before taking off his knee pad.

He runs off one rope, then the other…


Rudy Mac: Beautiful carnage, indeed! That might do it!

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller is heading onto the final four! He is the first wrestler to get past the second round!


Golden Ben Miller via The Golden Knee

GBM takes a moment to help Corbin Fiscal to his feet. The two men embrace in a bro-hug and head up the ramp together to the sounds of “My Hero” by Foo Fighters and cheering from the fans.


Message From Cory Stenson

The lights in the arena slightly dim, and the Gold Screen above the stage illuminates. After a moment, it fades into a hospital room where Cory Stenson is sitting up in his bed.

The crowd erupts for their fallen local wrestler.

Rudy Mac: It seems like the crowd hasn’t forgotten about this kid! We’ve got a live feed with Cory Stenson for the fans!

Big Cory Stenson smiles broadly, albeit still in a hospital gown with stitches and bandages on his head, and his arm in a cast.

Cory Stenson: Hi there, folks… remember me?

The crowd pops again in response.

Cory Stenson: I know that Gold Strike 1 didn’t go down like I hoped, but don’t worry. I want everyone out there to remember that you don’t learn from your successes, you learn from your failures.

The fans let out a small cheer in agreement.

Cory Stenson: I’m not going to let what Violence did derail my dreams. I’m going to be back out there, wrestling again… maybe not this season, but one day.

The crowd begins a small, organic chant.


The injured kid from Memphis waits patiently, apparently aware of the sounds coming from the arena.

Cory Stenson: And, I do have a specific message to Violence. When I come back, I’m coming for you!

The arena screams in delight!

Cory Stenson: However, I think my good friend might get a piece of you first! Yep, I’m talking about my boy Golden Ben Miller. He’s already promised me that you’ll regret the day you tried to blur me out!

Another HUGE pop comes from all the fans inside the FedExForum.

Cory Stenson: To the Golden Pro Wrestling fans, thank you so much for your support. The flowers, cards and well wishes are helping me recover every day. I’ll be seeing you!

The camera feed goes out leaving the fans buzzing in the arena.

Rudy Mac: It sure does seem hard to keep that kid’s spirits down! And those were some direct words for Violence, who is just moments away from getting into the ring, himself!


Special Guest Co-Host

“E.I.” by Nelly hits the speakers and the crowd gives a mixed reaction to Commissioner Parker Meloche.

Despite wearing a smile, the commissioner seems to know that there is some fan angst about his management of Violence. He makes his way pointing and winking to the crowd until he comes around to the commentator booth.

Rudy Mac: My, oh my! Commissioner Meloche, what a pleasure it is to have you down here!

The young businessman grabs the absent DeShawn Brannon’s headset, puts it on and sits down at the announcers’ table.

Parker Meloche: Hi there, Rudy!

Rudy Mac: What a treat and an honor! Unfortunately, my partner, DeShawn, isn’t here right now. I know he’d love to see you more than anyone!

The GPW commissioner gives Rudy an empathetic hand on the shoulder.

Parker Meloche: Don’t worry, Rudy. We’ve got everyone looking for him, and when we have news, you’ll be the first person I talk to!

Rudy Mac: You know, I think it was that Draconian fella. He was giving ol’ DeShawn the evil eye right then, and… I just don’t know how this all happened! What do you know about that big wrestler?

Parker Meloche: I know about as much as you do. The Golden Pro Wrestling office got some strange paperwork already pre-signed about a big foreign wrestler. It all seemed legit so I brought him on… but I must say his presence has been unusual.

Rudy Mac: Agreed! Now, I’ve gotta ask about your relationship with Violence. What do you think about his claim that you expected him to intentionally injure other wrestlers?

Parker Meloche: That’s a fair question, Rudy. Violence does have a sorted past, and I did tell him I expected him to live up to his reputation. BUT it’s what it is in writing that matters. And the fact is, he is on a very short leash… if I see him intentionally injure an opponent again then he will be on the bus back to Alberta from where he came!

Rudy Mac: Alright, boss, you’re in charge here!

Parker Meloche: And, as a matter of fact, I’m going to sit right here through the main event and keep a close eye on Violence myself!

Rudy Mac: You heard it folks, we’ve got a very special co-host for the main event!


Violence vs. Shotcaller

Single Fall, Tournament Second Round

“Halo” by Soil blares jarringly from the FedExForum audio system, and the crowd begins to relentlessly boo.

With a scowl and two middle fingers up, Violence emerges from backstage and starts mouthing ‘fuck you’ to all the fans. He plods along down and gets in the ring.

Rudy Mac: We’ll see what Violence can do tonight, because I think his opponent has some serious potential!

Parker Meloche: The fact is, Violence is one of the most experienced wrestlers on the roster, so if he is knocked out in the second round of the tournament, that would be HUGE!

The hard rock music is replaced with the sound of 2pac’s “Ambitionz Az a Ridah,” which bumps melodically to the fans. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as the young, black man from Los Angeles shows up throwing a large ‘W’ with his fingers.

Rudy Mac: What can you tell us about Shotcaller? We’ve only seen him once, and that was when he won the very first GPW match against Trickster.

Parker Meloche: He’s got a lot of baggage, too. But I think you’ll see him do some REAL big things over the long run in Golden Pro Wrestling.

The wrestlers circle each other in the ring as the match begins and it gets underway. Shotcaller is younger, faster, and more athletic, but Violence is brutish veteran.

They spend the first few minutes trading moves back and forth, highlighted by Shotcaller nailing a dropkick, then jumping off the top rope for a flawless leg drop.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: It’s going to take more than that, I think!

Violence starts to get the upperhand and spends a significant amount of time pounding Shotcaller’s head into the turnbuckle and stomping him down. He attempts a running knee into the corner, but Shotcaller moves and Violence goes bouncing away in pain.

Shotcaller quickly grabs Violence’s head…


Parker Meloche: We were scouting that neckbreaker out in LA!

1… 2… … NO!!!

Rudy Mac: It’s a potent move, but Violence’s neck might be too thick!

The two competitors continue throwing big moves at each other to the amazement of the crowd. Violence grabs a charging Shotcaller and plants him with a NICE spinebuster.

Violence then climbs the ropes and delivers an unexpectedly athletic elbow drop.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: You’ve got to wonder when Violence is going to get to his finisher!

Violence, on cue, throws Shotcaller up on his shoulders while the camera begins to blur out. Only veiled motion can be seen and then the camera vibrates from the impact.


Parker Meloche: I’m sorry we can’t show that on TV, but the FCC fines would be HUGE!

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: That does it! Violence has punched his ticket to the final four of the Pure Gold Championship tournament!

Parker Meloche: I’m not surprised! This guy has got the goods!


Violence via The Blur Out

The crowd begins to scream as they see Violence once again picking up Shotcaller into the Blur Out setup.

Rudy Mac: Oh no, Commish! Violence is going to test that paperwork of yours!


Not Again

Golden Ben Miller

Right as Violence goes to drop Shotcaller with another Blur Out, “My Hero” by Foo Fighters pops loudly into the FedExForum.

The crowd goes NUTS!

The camera goes back into focus when Violence simply drops Shotcaller off his shoulders, and Golden Ben Miller can now be seen sprinting down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: This is it! Golden Ben Miller isn’t going to sit back and watch Violence abuse this roster!

Violence gets into his wrestling stance to prepare for the attack, but it comes faster than he thinks. In an instant, GBM slides under the bottom rope at full speed, pops up to his feet and NAILS Violence with a big boot-style kick!

Violence goes bouncing back against the ropes, and when he come stumbling into the middle of the ring, he is met with a follow-up running knee to the face. This sends Violence spilling out between the ropes and down to the announcers’ table.

Rudy Mac: Commish! Get back, get back! These boys are going at it!

Both play-by-play commentator Rudy McClintock and GPW Commissioner Parker Meloche throw off their headsets and duck away from the announcers’ table.

Golden Ben Miller grabs Violence up by the head and rolls him onto the announcers’ table and gives Parker Meloche an intense look.

GBM: If you aren’t going to stop this maniac, THEN I WILL!

Without another word, the strong man with long blonde hair climbs on top of the announcers’ table, standing above the laying Violence.

The crowd begins screaming in excitement at what might come!

Golden Ben Miller looks around at the fans and smiles before jumping and aiming his knee down at Violence’s head…


The table splinters and breaks, while television monitors and head sets are strewn about. The crowd is in an absolutely FRENZY over the instant justice delivered to Violence!


Golden Ben Miller rolls away, gets up to his feet and looks down at Violence. Violence is firmly knocked out cold, and Parker Meloche is standing nearby with his jaw dropped.

GBM doesn’t even look at the GPW commissioner before climbing back into the ring by himself. He takes a moment then gets up on the corner rope and holds his signature arm up in the air.

Down ringside, Rudy McClintock manages to find a working headset.

Rudy Mac: That’s gotta be it, folks! Violence just got knocked out, and that may end up being the wake-up call he needs! He’s gotta learn he can’t just do whatever he wants!

Back in the ring, Golden Ben Miller climbs the opposite corner and throws his arm up, which elicits another POP!

Rudy Mac: On the next Gold Strike we’re going to have to figure all this carnage out, plus we have more second round matches, and we gotta’ find DeShawn. Where are you DeShawn!? Good night!!!

The camera fades out with Violence unconscious on the ground, and Parker Meloche standing with his hands on his head in shock…

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