Gold Strike 4

We are BARRELLING to Gold Rush and finishing up the second round of the Pure Gold Championship tournament!

Dr. Dean faces his most interesting diagnosis yet… he must face a man who thinks he’s an alien! Or is he ACTUALLY from another world?!

Also, Reject and Flip Costa continue to figure out how to manage the safety of reporter Vicky Cogliano.

Let’s go!


Gold Strike theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and first 16 rows of the arena stands.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


Return of DeShawn

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK! To GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is… well…

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, I have to ask… you DISAPPEARED in the middle of the event last time, at the same time as that Draconian fella! What happened?!

DeShawn: What happened…? I don’t know! I don’t want to ruin the show, but I’m NOT ready to talk about it!

Rudy Mac: Talk about WHAT!?

DeShawn: I don’t want to alarm the fans, or end up in the Psych Ward, but something… strange happened to ol’ DeShawn. That’s the most I can say right now.

Rudy Mac: Well, I’ll be a crop circle if you’re lost for words!

DeShawn: The great news is, we are here for GOLD STRIKE 4! That’s something I CAN wrap my head around!

Golden Pro Wrestling’s play-by-commentator holds the headset closer to his ear.

Rudy Mac: Hold on, folks… I’m hearing a signature white van is showing up outside the building’s rear entrance…


Show Me What You Learned

At the rear entrance of the FedExForum in Memphis, Tennessee, a white fan pulls up and stomps on it breaks creating a screeching halt. On the side of the vehicle is “G.M.P.I.” standing for Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute.

When the vehicle stops, two large men in blue medical uniforms exit, along with a smart looking man in dress clothes and long white doctor’s coat.

The two men, now known as Orderly Caruso and Orderly Summers, take their place near the back of the white van.

The doctor smirks and rounds to the back before peering into the van’s rear window.

*tap tap*

Dr. Dean: Hello in there, Mr. Abel.

A muffled yell is heard from the back. It almost sounds like crying.

Dr. Dean: Don’t worry, my dear friend. Your time comes soon. Your friends, Caruso and Summers, will let you, and then you and show me what you learned?

A short snort of a sound comes from inside the van. The doctor seems pleased.

Dr. Dean: Yes, this IS your chance to show the world you a ready to rehabilitate. You are recovering nicely…

The doctor’s observation is cut off with a violent yell from the occupant of the van.

Dr. Dean: Now play nice, or I won’t let you out…

The doctor turns to the two tall men in blue scrubs.

Dr. Dean: Alright, gentlemen, let’s go get ready. When we enter the arena, we are there for three straight matches. First Abel takes on Fuse Makoto, then you two will destroy Endgame, and finally, I will defeat our extraterrestrial friend, the Draconian.

The Orderlies and the Doctor all look toward the camera and smirk in unison…


Crosscheck Beck vs. Reject

Single Fall, Hardcore Rules

Back inside the arena, “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists blares out of the speakers, and the fans let out a lengthy boo when Reject emerges from backstage.

Rudy Mac: There he is, that despicable moron. I can’t believe how possessive this man is when it comes to women.

DeShawn: Vicky Cogliano is just playing hard-to-get!

Rudy Mac: More like impossible-to-get.

Reject takes his place in the ring, and “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul begins to play. The crowd lets out a nice cheer when their local hockey hero, Crosscheck Beck, comes running out waving to the fans.

Rudy Mac: Crosscheck Beck is trying to make the transition from hockey to wrestling, and I think he’s got a solid chance to succeed!

DeShawn: I love this guy! Sure, he can’t skate, but now he doesn’t need to!

The two hardcore wrestlers square up in the middle of the ring and the match begins. Things kick off with Crosscheck Beck gaining the upper hand, which he caps off by dropping Reject via a german suplex. When Reject pops up and stumbles away, Beck clotheslines him out of the ring.

Outside of the ring, the two wrestlers trade moves with Reject finally reversing Crosscheck Beck into the stairs. With Beck on the ground, Reject lifts up the stairs and throws them down on Beck’s head.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I can’t believe this hockey player kicked out!

Reject grabs a chair from underneath the ring, waits for Crosscheck Beck to get to his feet and attempts to deliver a headshot.

Beck gives Reject a kick to the stomach and pulls him in with his arms.

DeShawn: Is he going for that jumping vertical suplex!?


1… 2… … NO!!!

Beck shakes his head and pulls Reject up to his feet, and the two continue to go at it. Finally, Reject gets the chair again and SMACKS Beck over the head. The dazed Crosscheck Beck is lifted up by Reject and dropped with a powerful Double Knee Gutbuster!


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: This gives Reject his first win, and Crosscheck Beck’s second loss!

DeShawn: I think Crosscheck Beck just lost his chance for a shot at the Hardcore Championship at Gold Rush!

The masked incel looks into the ringside camera and sneers.

Reject: That one is for you, Vicky!

He takes one last look at Crosscheck Beck and heads up to the ramp while his music plays and the fans boo.


Reject via Left Swipe


How You Holding Up?

Backstage, Vicky Cogliano watches a broadcast monitor when Reject says, “That one is for you, Vicky!” and her shoulders slump. Her security detail stands off to the side while keeping a lookout.

Behind her, Flip Costa approaches, already wearing his signature grey and green wrestling attire, and is seemingly approved by the security guard to approach. Flip taps her on the shoulder and Vicky instinctively jumps in surprise. She turns around to see the most handsome man she’s ever met.

Vicky: Oh, thank God it’s you, Flip.

Flip Costa: Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, babe.

Vicky: I’m just a bit jumpy because of this thing with Reject. You know, Commissioner Meloche asked me to text Reject once, just to get him interested in joining Golden Pro Wrestling. I’m basically being stalked now!

Flip Costa: Don’t you worry, babe. I know you have your security guard, but I’ll be keeping a close eye out too.

The Golden Pro Wrestling reporter smiles kindly, but then begins to frown.

Vicky: But what about when you’re out there wrestling tonight? I trust my security guard and all… but Reject is capable of anything.

The beautiful man from Pensacola, Florida rubs his chin in thought.

Flip Costa: How about this? You come ringside and sit with Rudy Mac and DeShawn so I can keep an eye on things. In the meantime, I’ll get them to assign you another security guard while I warm up.

Vicky: Oh, Flip… thank you.

GPW’s token female employee leans in and gives Flip a thankful hug.

Flip Costa: Alright, babe, I gotta go and finish getting warmed up for tonight. I have to take on that big boy from Tibet.

With a final wink, Flip leaves the room and Vicky takes a step closer to her security guard with a worried face.


Fuse Makoto vs. Abel Unstable

Single Fall

Back inside the arena, “Name of the Game” by The Crystal Method plays, and the fans give a warm welcome to a young Japanese wrestler who emerges from backstage.

Rudy Mac: Fuse Makoto is back for another match despite losing to Dr. Dean a few weeks ago.

DeShawn: Now we’ll see how he does against Dr. Dean’s patient, Abel Unstable!

After Fuse Makoto gets down to the ring and begins to warm up, “Tear Down the Wall” by Art of Dying hits the speakers.

The crowd gives a mixed reaction for the obviously tortured mental patient, but ultimately begin to boo when Dr. Dean and the Orderlies appear behind Abel.

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable is obviously frothing at the mouth to get a win tonight!

DeShawn: I’m pretty sure he’s frothing at the mouth for multiple reasons. Good thing Dr. Dean and his men are keeping a close eye!

The match starts off as a serious clash in styles. The quick Fuse Makoto ducks and dodges Abel’s clumsy attacks and strikes a dart-like kick from the top rope.

1… 2… NO!!!

Abel is encouraged by Dr. Dean to get back to his feet.

Dr. Dean: Come on, Mr. Unstable. Grab and SLAM!

The large mental patient does as he is ordered and picks up Makoto. After a heavy lift, he drops Fuse with a devastating jawbreaker!

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Abel got caught in his last match by trying to get a cover too early, I hope he learns!

Abel Unstable’s doctor continues to provide advice.

Dr. Dean: Wait to cover him until AFTER your finisher!

Fuse Makoto manages to slide between Abel’s legs, and when the large man turns around, he’s suddenly met with a vicious spinning heel kick. Despite stumbling, Abel grabs hold of Fuse and lifts him for his signature move.

DeShawn: Here it comes… that tombstone piledriver!


Fuse slips out of Abel’s hold at the last second and delivers an electric tornado kick.


Abel Unstable stands dazed for a moment before slowly falling backward and slamming onto the mat. Fuse quickly goes for the cover!

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Oh no! Fuse just picked up his first victory, and nobody from the Psych Ward looks happy!

DeShawn: I’m sure Dr. Dean has pills for that!

Fuse Makoto quickly exits the ring while his music plays, and the Orderlies pick up the limp Abel Unstable while Dr. Dean shakes his head.


Fuse Makoto via Nikuya Strike


Have A Seat

Inside the ring, the Orderlies hold Abel up in front of Dr. Dean, who gently feels his goatee while looking at Abel. The large mental patient looks dazed yet distraught and embarrassed.

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable can barely even look at his doctor!

DeShawn: What the heck are they gonna do with him? The Orderlies have a match next, and then Dr. Dean is wrestling after that!

Dr. Dean motions to the Orderlies with a simple nod, and they escort Abel out of the ring. Orderly Caruso reaches under the ring and first pulls out a metal chair, which he unfolds.

The leader of the Psych Ward, Dr. Dean, then reaches under the ring and pulls out a large straitjacket. The docile Abel Unstable obeys and lets the Orderlies secure the straitjacket over his arms and around his body.

DeShawn: Thank God they’re going to restrain him if they don’t have time to take him back to the van!

Rudy Mac: TOTALLY agree, my friend!

Dr. Dean helps Abel sit down into his chair ringside, then whispers something into the large crazy man’s ear. After he gives another nod to the Orderlies, they enter the ring and await their opponents.


Endgame vs. The Orderlies

Tag Team, Single Fall

While the Orderlies wait in the middle of the ring, “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis begins to pump from the speakers. The tag team Endgame, consisting of Ryan Rogue and Phaser, walk out from backstage and receive a decent reaction from the crowd.

DeShawn: Remind me, Rudy, do I like these guys?

Rudy Mac: If you’re a fan of in-your-face, no-nonsense, in-it-to-win-it wrestlers, then YEAH, you do!

The match starts off with Ryan Rogue grappling against Orderly Caruso. The size advantage is in the Orderlies’ favor, but Endgame is the more polished product, which helps Ryan Rogue get out to an early advantage.

The first big connection is when Ryan Rogue drops Caruso with a spinebuster!

1… 2… NO!!!

Rogue grabs Caruso and carries him to Endgame’s corner, but rather than tag in Phaser, Ryan Rogue decides to keep attacking.

Rudy Mac: That’s not a great idea! Perhaps Ryan Rogue should stick to the plan and tag in Phaser!

Caruso finally counters and levels Rogue with a clothesline, and rushes to tag in Orderly Summers.

Summers comes out on a mission, and lays into Ryan Rogue with a series of bashes, kicks, and slams. Unfortunately for him, Rogue summons his inner guile and rolls away for a quick tag to Phaser!

DeShawn: Here comes fresh legs!

Phaser’s technical style outmaneuvers Orderly Summers, and he leverages a fisherman’s suplex for a cover attempt.

1… 2… NO!!!

Suddenly, Dr. Dean climbs onto the side of the ring and pulls away the referee’s attention, which gives Summers enough time to nail Phaser with a low blow. He tags in Caruso who picks up Phaser right when the referee turns around.


Rudy Mac: Nice sit out powerbomb!

1… 2… …. NO!!!

After Phaser miraculously kicks out of the big move, he sneaks away and tags in Ryan Rogue. Rogue looks incensed and immediately takes it to Caruso. He finally kicks Caruso in the gut and underhooks his arms…


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: What a comeback! Nice job for Endgame to pick up their first win in Golden Pro Wrestling!

Down on ringside, Dr. Dean runs his fingers through his hair in frustration after Psych Ward loses its second straight match.


Endgame via Rogue DDT


Alien Personification

After Endgame walks backstage, the twice-defeated Psych Ward is left out in the arena for the third of their consecutive matches.

Dr. Dean paces back and forth inside the ring while the Orderlies climb to their feet, and Abel Unstable sits in a straitjacket ringside with a deranged look on his face.

DeShawn: The Doc looks like he could use a chill pill!

Sensing his frustration, the crowd begins jeering and booing the group, which only annoys Dr. Dean even further. He signals to a ringside production crewmember and has a microphone tossed into the ring, which he promptly picks up.

The doctor waits a few moments while the crowd breaks out into an organic chant.


After the chant dies down, the doctor composes himself before raising the microphone to his lips.

Dr. Dean: Ladies and gentlemen, I do implore you to tap into the rational side of your psyche.


Dr. Dean: While tonight has not been kind to my esteemed patient and typically reliable Orderlies, we do not fret! For I shall compete next!

Rudy Mac: That’s right! He’s got his tournament match against the Draconian!

DeShawn: …oh god.

The leader of the Psych Ward gets a smirk on his face.

Dr. Dean: And I can tell you this, my opponent tonight is obviously delusional. He actually… fashions himself as an extra-terrestrial!

The doctor laughs at the absurdity, and the crowd gives a mixed reaction in reference to the Draconian.

Dr. Dean: Now, the psychosis of assigning alien personification to oneself as a being from another wo-

Suddenly, the lights go out completely in the arena and blue lights begin to pan around.


Dr. Dean vs. The Draconian

Single Fall, Tournament Second Round

While the arena stays in pitch black with blue lights panning around, the intro to “The Core” by Uppermost begins to play. The fans reach deep into their bellies and let out their displeasure.


Out from backstage walks a towering being who wears a blue and grey suit, and an emotionless, blank face.

Rudy Mac: Well, here he comes folks. The Draconian is back and he’s looking to move past the second round of the Pure Gold Championship tournament!


Rudy Mac: DeShawn, I noticed you aren’t saying much. Are you okay after last week?

DeShawn: I’m a little at a loss for words around this guy… he scares me!

The Orderlies clear out of the ring and the Draconian enters to face off against Dr. Dean. When the lights come back up, the two men begin to engage in combat. Dr. Dean is obviously outsized by nearly 10 inches.

The Draconian draws the first advantage with a whip off the ropes into a big boot. He takes a moment and drops an enormous leg across Dr. Dean’s chest. The Draconian plods along and delivers a series of large slams, punctuated by an especially strong belly-to-belly throw.

1… 2… NO!!!

Dr. Dean gets to his senses and quickly outmaneuvers the big man. He jumps off the middle rope and hits a big bulldog, and in a split second he takes to the top rope.

Rudy Mac: Dr. Dean high flying!? We haven’t seen this yet!

The leader of the Psych Ward goes up in the air and hits an elbow drop.

1… 2… NO!!!

The next few minutes see the two wrestlers go back-and-forth with a variety of moves, and counter each other with different tempos that suit their means.

DeShawn: One thing I can say about the Draconian, he is here to prove a point!

The Draconian catches Dr. Dean by the throat, lifts him up and holds him with a one-handed chokehold. Dr. Dean struggles to breath before the Draconian ragdolls and throws him haphazardly. Dr. Dean’s body smacks into the referee, which knocks him down to the mat.

Rudy Mac: The Draconian with some sloppy work there. He just knocked out the man who would probably be giving him the three-count soon!

While the referee is knocked out and Dr. Dean is trying to catch his breath, both of the Orderlies enter the ring to help their boss. The Draconian turns to them, only to be met with two large boots to the stomach.

The Orderlies, with mighty effort, lift the Draconian and drop him with a two-man powerbomb!


Rudy Mac: Those two just interfered in a tournament match!

The Orderlies slip out of the ring, and Dr. Dean lays his body on the Draconian just as the referee comes to his senses.

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: I wish I could say this means the Draconian is human, but he just lost due to cheating!

Rudy Mac: Unbelievable! Dr. Dean is in the final four of the Pure Gold Championship tournament!

The lights go black for a moment, and when they come back on, the Draconian is no longer in the ring. The Psych Ward tiredly looks at each other, and they gather themselves to head backstage. The Orderlies escort the still straitjacketed Abel Unstable, while Dr. Dean grins on his way up the ramp.


Dr. Dean via interference


Words Are Violence

The camera fades into a dark backstage hallway, and toward the end the hallway is a single illuminated lightbulb. Underneath the lightbulb is a large, thick man with his head down, wearing jeans and a leather jacket.

Because of the lighting, it’s difficult to make out exactly who this man is. The camera steadily approaches until it’s gets close enough…

The man lifts his head…



The crowd really lets him have it after the carnage he wrought in Golden Pro Wrestling’s young history.

His face is contorted with anger and contempt.

Violence: I normally wouldn’t address those as insignificant as Memphis wrestling fans…


Violence: But after what happened at last Gold Strike, I just have to get a couple things off my chest. Now, since I came to this shithole state called Tennessee, I’ve been harassed and hounded for DOING MY JOB.

The crowd unleashes another torrent of disapproval, which can be heard all the way into the back hallway that Violence is standing in.

Violence: Golden Ben Miller bum-rushed me after I just finished a match. Real courageous! Now, next week we are both in the final four of this Pure Gold Championship tournament, and let me tell you something, GBM… I hope you win.

The crowd buzzes inside the arena while Violence continues on.

Violence: Because if you win, then I’ll get my shot to kill two birds with one stone at Gold Rush.

Using his fingers, he itemizes his points.

Violence: One, I’ll get to strap that hulking title belt around my waist. And two, I’ll get to snuff you out and send you back to the bottom of the card.

A small laugh escapes Violence’s lips.

Violence: Good luck next week, Ben. I MEAN IT!

The camera fades back to the arena.


Vicky Joins Ringside

The camera goes live in the arena with a shot of the commenting crew with a very special guest, Vicky Cogliano. She is sitting with Rudy Mac and DeShawn, wearing her own headset.

Rudy Mac: Joining us ringside is Golden Pro Wrestling’s reporter, Vicky Cogliano! Vicky, we are so glad to have you down here!

Vicky: Oh, thank you! It means so much to me that Flip Costa thought it was safer to have me ringside than in the back with GPW security.

DeShawn: Tell us, Vicky, why do you think Reject considers you to be HIS property? I mean, aren’t you Flip Costa’s property!?

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! That’s not how you talk about a lady! But please, Vicky, answer the question.

Vicky: Well, Commissioner Meloche originally asked me to reach out to Reject to get him interested in GPW. And, well, maybe I did a little too good of a job, because it earned me a stalker.

Rudy Mac: I just hate these modern men. They spend all their time on the interwebs looking at naked ladies, and then they think that’s all they’re worth!

DeShawn: You know, old fashioned men like me and Rudy prefer the old way… go to the club to see the naked ladies. The internet has ruined EVERYTHING!

Vicky: In a way, you guys are right. But then again, you meet someone like Flip and you realize they can’t ALL be that bad…

DeShawn: Oh, you don’t have to convince us! We just hope he notices us tonight!

Rudy Mac: Alright, well we got a match coming up and now’s all of our chance to catch his eye!


Flip Costa vs. Big Buddha

Single Fall, Tournament Second Round

“Four Vows” by Chris Burrows begins to play through the arena speakers, and the crowd gives a warm reaction when the very large (fat) Tibetan monk emerges.

Rudy Mac: Here he is folks, BIG BUDDHA! He’s ready for his first GPW main event, and a shot to reach the final four of the Pure Gold Championship tournament!

DeShawn: What’s a unique physical specimen! I can’t wait to see how Flip Costa tries to take this big boy down!

After what seems like an eternity, Big Buddha slowly climbs into the ring and takes a few plodding jogs and bounces off the ropes to warm up. The ropes nearly break.

His music fades out…

“Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory hits the speakers and the crowd POPS when Flip Costa emerges from backstage. He beams a beautiful smile and waves to the fans as he skips down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: My goodness! Did it just get better looking in here!?

DeShawn: It’s like a breath of fresh air every time I get to look at him!

Vicky: Easy fellas. If he’s taking any GPW staff member home, it’s ME!

Flip Costa spends a moment to stand in the center of the ring and spin with a finger pointing out to the cheering masses. He takes another moment to lean over the ropes and throw a finger point and a wink to Vicky.

DeShawn: He was pointing to me!

Rudy Mac: BS, DS!

Finally, the bell rings and the two unevenly sized opponents begin to face off.

Flip Costa starts things off by using a few minutes attempting to tire out Big Buddha. He manages to duck and weave and hit a variety of athletic moves. It’s all working out nicely until Big Buddha catches hold of Flip Costa by the neck and throws him down face first!

The match goes slow while Big Buddha controls the flow and uses his weight advantage by dropping a large leg drop across Flip’s chest.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Big Buddha is here tonight, and he really wants to get to the final four!

After both wrestlers get to their feet, Flip Costa nails a flying dropkick and then launches for a moonsault!

1… 2… NO!!!

It’s back-and-forth the next few minutes as they each use their unique attributes to swing the momentum in their favor. Flip eventually lands a difficult-looking bulldog in the middle of the ring, which gives him a chance to climb to the top rope.

DeShawn: Is this it!? Are we going to see the Flip Off!?

Flip Costa jumps up into the air and NAILS his senton elbow drop!


He goes for the cover…

1… 2…

Vicky Cogliano: Ah! Reject!

Flip Costa jumps off Big Buddha before he can get the three-count and runs to the edge of the ring. Standing next to the steel steps and peering at the announcer’s table is the masked freak named Reject.

Rudy Mac: My god! Reject has a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire!

Reject begins to approach the table and Flip Costa quickly jumps down from the ring and puts himself between Reject and Vicky Cogliano.

Referee: ONE!

DeShawn: Oh no! Flip has to pick between the match and protecting Vicky!

Referee: TWO!

Flip Costa and Reject simply stare at each other, each waiting for the other to make a move.

Referee: THREE!

Reject pretends to go forward but stops.

Referee: FOUR!

Flip Costa: Get the HELL out of here, Reject! Vicky wants NOTHING to do with you!

Referee: FIVE!

Big Buddha is back on his feet and now leaning heavily against the ropes watching the standoff.

Referee: SIX!

Reject: Vicky might not want me, but I want her! And I’ll HAVE her!

Referee: SEVEN!

Flip shakes his head and scowls.

Flip Costa: It’s ugly men like you that give ALL men a bad name!

Referee: EIGHT!

Reject: You better hop back in that ring or you’re out of the tournament!

Referee: NINE!

Flip Costa: I’ve got better things to do, like kicking your ass!

Referee: TEN!


Big Buddha via count out


I Love You, Vicky

Flip Costa lunges at Reject, easily knocking away the barbed wire bat and taking Reject to the ground, and the crowd POPS in response!


The “Pretty Boy From Pensacola” rains down punch after punch on Reject, who responds by booting Flip in the chest off of him. The two rivals get to their feet and Reject whips Flip into the steel stairs sending them clanking away.

Flip, grabbing his back in pain, is lifted to his feet by his hair.

Rudy Mac: Holy smokes! He’s going to rip those beautiful brown locks right out of Flip’s head!

Flip counters by striking Reject in the gut with his knee, which sends Reject stumbling back along the side of the ring. Golden Pro Wrestling fans lean over the barricades yelling and cheering at the moment.

With only a second to spare before Flip attacks again, Reject grabs the barbed wire bat off the ground and turns around…


Vicky: Flip!

Rudy Mac and DeShawn: NOOO!!!!

The crowd gasps as Flip Costa is laid out on the ground with blood gushing from his head. He’s dazed and trying weakly to get back to his feet while Reject stands above him with a twisted smile on his face.

Reject: Heheheh!

Suddenly, Golden Pro Wrestling security and staff come swarming down the ramp and around the far side of the ring. Sensing being outnumbered, Reject runs the other way around the ring and back up the ramp.

At the top of the ramp, Reject scoops up an errant microphone while still holding his barbed wire bat.

Reject: Vicky… oh, Viiiicky….

Back at ringside, Vicky helps up a bleeding Flip Costa and looks up the ramp at her tormentor.

Reject: Vicky… I love you.

The masked incel contorts a twisted grin, drops the microphone, and heads backstage.

Rudy Mac: This was a crime against humanity! Flip Costa’s looks may have been PERMANENTLY ALTERED!

DeShawn: Where do I donate for the plastic surgery!?

Rudy Mac: We’re so sorry to leave on this note but join us for Gold Strike 5 when the tournament finalists are determined, and we try to get some GOD DAMN JUSTICE for Flip’s face!!!

The camera fades out to a shot of Flip, who is failing to apply pressure to his wound,

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