Gold Strike 6

Golden Pro Wrestling is BACK!

After Season 1’s Pure Gold Championship Tournament, Violence reigns above the rest. But he’ll learn what is ahead for him to stay the champion.

Elsewhere, Dr. Dean must make his first Silver Championship defense against Corbin Fiscal in the main event.

However, that means he’ll need to leave Abel Unstable back in the van… unsupervised.


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and entire lower level of the arena stands.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


Welcome Back!

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to GOLDEN PRO WRESTLING for SEASON 2! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is the man with a negative IQ, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Well, GPW fans, the wrestling world might still be grappling with the fallout from Gold Rush, but they have not time to dwell now that we kick off the second season!

DeShawn: It just feels good to know the pecking order has been set!

Rudy Mac: You got that right! But with Golden Ben Miller defeated, that means there will be a gap for others to push for their Pure Gold title shot.

DeShawn: You know who I’m rooting for…

Rudy Mac: I can only guess that it’s the best looking man on the face of the earth!

DeShawn: The man of my strictly plutonic dreams!

Rudy Mac: Well, it’s time to get some answers for what’s in store!



How It's Going To Be

“E.I.” by Nelly hits the speakers and the crowd let’s off a nice pop in excitement.

Rudy Mac: Here comes our commissioner, Parker Meloche!

DeShawn: He ran Season 1 perfectly, and I expect more of the same for Season 2!

The young businessman comes from backstage with a microphone and stops on the stage to wave out to the crowd. His music fades out and he slowly lifts the mic to his mouth.

Parker Meloche: Golden… Pro… Wrestling… is… BACK!

The crowd gives a GREAT cheer!

Parker Meloche: Now, I know what you’re asking yourself… how can GPW follow up it’s stellar first season? After all, we had a love feud, established bitter rivalries, and witnessed an end that left many of you with a SICK feeling in your stomach after Violence snatched the Pure Gold Championship.


Parker Meloche: So, let me tell you how things are going to work in Season 2 now that we have our first slate of champions crowned. Firstly, while we now have an idea of who fits where on the ladder of skill level, I’ll be giving the RIGHT people the RIGHT opportunities for the RIGHT titles!

GPW’s commissioner pauses for a moment to let the crowd absorb.

Parker Meloche: It starts NOW! Corbin Fiscal took down Jumpstart at Gold Rush, and he’ll be getting his opportunity to take the Silver Championship from Dr. Dean in tonight’s main event!

The crowd gives a large cheer in anticipation of what should be a great match.

Parker Meloche: Now… as for the Pure Gold Championship…

“Halo” by Soil begins to play loudly from the sound system.


The Pure Gold Champion, Violence, emerges from backstage with the title belt strapped around his waist, a microphone in one hand and a middle finger already raised to the crowd.

The fans continue to boo incessantly.

The music ends, but the booing continues, which keeps Violence from speaking. Finally, the booing tapers off.

Violence: Well, hello there, commish. I heard you starting to talk about MY belt, so I figured it made sense that I had a chance to provide my valuable opinion.

Parker Meloche: Ah, Violence, thank you for joining me. I’d be happy to answer any questions about what I’m going to explain.

The GPW Pure Gold Champion smirks and extends his open palm as an invitation to speak.

Parker Meloche: Now, of course, there is ALWAYS a Pure Gold Championship match at our season finales… but you’re not just going to sit there all season waiting to wrestle.

Violence: I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Parker Meloche: In two more shows, at Gold Strike 8, you’ll be making your first title defense!

The crowd lets off a nice cheer.

Violence: Against, who exactly? I’ve already thrown four wrestlers in the trashcan… including dumbass Golden Ben Miller.

Another big pop comes from the fans at the mention of their #1 GPW hero’s name.

Parker Meloche: That’s a great question, and we’re going to find out at Gold Strike 7’s #1 contender match… between Flip Costa and yet-to-be-decided competitor!

The fans let off a HUGE pop!

Violence: Oh? An unintelligent pretty boy vs. a clown who claims to be an alien… I love it.

Parker Meloche: I’m glad you’re ready for the challenge! Now, if you would be so kind, let’s make way for the start of Season 2!

The GPW Pure Gold Champion smirks and shrugs.

Violence: There won’t be much entertainment until I’m back in the ring.

“Halo” by Soil hits the speakers once again and the two men make their way backstage.


The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies

Tag Team, Single Fall

“Lit” by Buckcherry begins to play and the crowd lets out a strong cheer when the brother-duo of the Wild Kards come out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: Alright, it’s here! The first match of Season 2!

DeShawn: You know, the Wild Kards may not have won AT ALL in Season 1, but it’s fresh start again for them.

Rudy Mac: Plus, consider that these crafty veterans have probably been studying everything about their opponents to become more competitive this season.

Seth Kard enters the ring and stretches out  against the ropes while they wait for their opponents.

A moment later, “Happy?” by Mudvayne starts blaring and Orderlies Caruso and Summers emerge into the arena. Dr. Dean follows them in his signature psychiatrist attire, but now also has the Silver Championship proudly strapped around his waist.

Boos rain down from the crowd.

DeShawn: Do your best to stay sane, Rudy!

Rudy Mac: What are you talking about, DeShawn? I’m well in control of my faculties.

DeShawn: I just don’t want you to give Dr. Dean any reason to have you committed!

Orderly Caruso enters the ring and squares off against Seth Kard to start the match.

Rudy Mac: Huge size disadvantage for the Wild Kards today!

Despite being smaller, the first couple of minutes feature Seth playing coy games and continually evading the lumbering Orderly Caruso. After a quick leg sweep, Seth jumps and nails a beautiful moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Seth tags in his brother, and Sean comes out quickly. The older Kard brother tries to hit a DDT, but Caruso reverses with an unorthodox suplex into a cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Caruso drags Sean over to his corner and tags in Orderly Summers, who climbs over the ropes and the team hits a two-man clothesline. Summers spends a minute in total control, and finally whips Sean against the ropes.

He grabs the returning Sean by the waist and throws him up in the air for a tiltawhirl slam!

Rudy Mac: Sean just got sent to Wreck Time!

1… 2… …. NO!!!

DeShawn: There’s some serious heart to kick out of that!

Summers attempts to dish out more power moves, but Sean recovers and evades. He runs over and tags in Seth, and the high-flying younger brother jumps up to the top rope. He leaps out and nails Summers with a huracurrana!

Rudy Mac: What!? Seth isn’t going for the cover?

Seth climbs back up to the same top rope and leaps out, performing a front flip and dropping his leg across Orderly Summer’s head.

Rudy Mac: The Suicide King!

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: The Wild Kards have picked up their first victory!

The Orderlies gather themselves up and gingerly retreat to backstage with Dr. Dean, while the Wild Kards hug and celebrate for a moment in the ring. Apparently relishing in finally returning to glory.


The Wild Kards via Suicide King


Get Back On Track

The camera fades to a backstage locker room, and the crowd lets out a huge cheer at the sight of Golden Ben Miller and Cory Stenson.

Cory Stenson sits in a chair wrapping his right arm in a supportive bandage while Ben stands above in jeans and a black leather jacket.

GBM: How’s your arm feeling there, Cory?

The younger wrestler flexes his arm straight for a moment, then smiles and looks up.

Cory: I’m good to go, Ben… just feeling a few nerves is all.

Golden Ben Miller smiles and sits down in an empty chair next to Cory.

GBM: Understandable. You haven’t wrestled with Gold Strike 1, but now that’s you’re 100% physically, tonight will get you to 100% mentally.

Cory: What do you mean?

GBM: You’re not going to get over what happened last season until you wrestle again and pick up a win. After that, everything in the past will be just that, in the past.

Cory: And what about you? When do you have a chance to get back on track?

Ben looks down and shakes his head.

GBM: I don’t get the luxury of a quick turnaround tonight. Parker Meloche told me that I wrestle at Gold Strike 7 against the winner of the Ejercito de Juan/Fuse Makoto match tonight.

Cory: Well, let’s keep doing this how we’ve always done it… having each other’s backs. I’ll get things started tonight, and you keep it rolling next week.

Golden Ben Miller smiles again and pats Cory on the back.

GBM: Deal.


Crosscheck Beck vs. Reject

Hardcore Rules, Single Fall

The camera cuts back to the arena where “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists begins to play.


From backstage, Reject from emerges with his signature spiked attire and leather mask.

Rudy Mac: I’d say I’m surprised he is willing to show his face after Gold Rush, but apparently, he’ll never actually show his face!

DeShawn: It’s probably for the best!

Reject climbs into the ring and scowls toward the fans in each direction.

“Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul takes over the speaker system and the crowd let out a pop of cheering. A hockey player in nearly full game attire walks out, even holding his hockey stick.

Rudy Mac: Now, Crosscheck Beck is one wrestler we just don’t see enough of!

DeShawn: Even though his hockey career is over doesn’t mean he can’t still drop the mitts!

The two men square up and the match begins with Crosscheck Beck swinging his hockey stick wildly at Reject. Reject uses his protective shoulder padding to block the stick, which snaps in half.

Rudy Mac: He’s bound to snap a stick every match!

The two men go back-and-forth with power moves and brute force attacks. Crosscheck Beck gets Reject cornered and climbs on top of him delivering punch-after-punch.

Suddenly, Reject picks Crosscheck Beck up, walks out and hits a monster powerbomb into a cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Reject, looking annoyed, picks up his opponent and flings Beck out of the ring. He climbs down after him and whips Crosscheck Beck into the steel stairs. Reject drags Beck over to the stairs, now detached from the ring, and proceeds to smash Beck’s head.

DeShawn: CTE appears to be a risk even after a hockey career ends!

The next few minutes feature ringside carnage, including Crosscheck Beck taking control and nailing a fisherman’s suplex on the ground.

1… 2… NO!!!

The two men struggle to get the upper hand, until Crosscheck Beck reaches under the ring and pulls out a huge cinderblock. When Reject spins to face him, Crosscheck Beck smashes the cinderblock into Reject’s head, sending him sprawling to the ground.

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Ouch!

DeShawn: And Reject thought he only got blocked on social media!

Rudy Mac: Well played, DeShawn!

Crosscheck Beck raises his hands in triumph and heads up the ramp victoriously while his music plays and the fans cheer.


Crosscheck Beck via cinderblock to head


Why Are You Here?

Vicky Cogliano appears on the Gold Screen, and the fans hoot and holler in reaction. She is holding her signature microphone and is standing next to the young Japanese wrestler named Fuse Makoto.

Vicky: Welcome back fans! It’s great to be with you again for Season 2, and to have just witnessed Reject take a cinderblock to the head!

The GPW reporter winks to the camera. She apparently still hasn’t forgiven Reject for stalking her in Season 1.

Vicky: I’m standing here with one of Golden Pro Wrestling’s lesser-known competitors, Fuse Makoto. Fuse, can you tell the fans a little bit more about yourself?

She holds the microphone up to Fuse, who looks visibly shy and nearly uncomfortable.

Fuse: Ah, yes, thank you. I am Fuse, and I have travelled far from my homeland of Japan to become best wrestler.

Vicky: And why are you here? Why do you wish to be come ‘best wrestler’ in Memphis, Tennessee?

Fuse: Since I was small boy, I watched my father compete in Japanese wrestling promotion. He was very good, very successful. I wish to become champion and make my family proud.

Vicky: So far you are only 1-1 after your matches from Season 1, and it seems as if becoming a champion will take quite a lot of work.

Fuse: Makoto family very hard workers. Never give up.

Vicky: Is there anything else you want the fans to know about you?

Fuse: I promise never let fans down, always do my best, never cheat. Also, please come to South Memphis Sushi. Very good, I make rolls.

The GPW turns and faces the camera with her signature smile.

Vicky: Fuse Makoto continues his journey tonight against Ejercito de Juan!

The crowd lets off a cheer after getting to know Fuse better.


Cory Stenson vs. Abel Unstable

Single Fall

Back in the arena the classic pump-up song “Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited jolts the fans into a loud cheer.

Rudy Mac: Cory Stenson is back!

From backstage, a tall, young man with green hair and blue wrestling attire walks out. He’s wearing the biggest smile and waves to the crowd while walking down the ramp.

DeShawn: What a comeback journey for this kid after what Violence did to him at the start of Season 1!

Cory climbs into the ring and enthusiastically climbs the corner and points to various fans in the crowd.

His music is replaced with “Tear Down the Wall” by Art of Dying. A large, behemoth of a disheveled man walks out, and he is quickly followed by the Orderlies and Dr. Dean.

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable returns for Season 2 action, and despite mixed results, he is still one of the most intriguing men on the roster.

DeShawn: If only Dr. Dean allowed his wrestlers to be interviewed…

Abel Unstable enters the ring and looks at Cory Stenson with angry, possessed eyes.

The two men lock up and the match begins. The first few minutes feature Abel Unstable mostly in control, and he hits Cory Stenson with a rather strong DDT.

Rudy Mac: Cory Stenson seems a little rusty!

1… 2… NO!!!

Cory finally gains his composure and takes control of the match. In a stunning feat of strength, he lifts Abel Unstable onto his shoulders and drops him with a slam onto the mental patient’s neck.

DeShawn: That’s shaking the rust off!

1… 2… NO!!!

Memphis’ hometown boy, Cory Stenson, looks unphased and continues his dominance. He gets Abel into the corner and takes a running charge, but Abel moves at the last second letting Cory bounce off the turnbuckle into the middle of the ring.

When he stumbles to mid-ring, Abel shows off his own feat of strength and lifts Cory into a tombstone piledriver position.

Rudy Mac: There’s no denying Abel Unstable’s power!

However, at the last moment, Cory hits Abel in the head with a knee and rolls away onto the mat. Cory crouches and then lunges at Abel Unstable to nail a massive spear.

When Abel gets up, Cory kicks him in the gut and lifts him up.


1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Biggest piledriver in the game!

“Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited begins to play and the referee holds Cory’s arm up. The Orderlies roll Abel out of the ring, and they walk up the ramp while Dr. Dean follows with a disappointed look.

Back in the ring, the young wrestler wipes away a tear from his eye, obviously overcome with emotion. He takes a moment to soak it all in while looking out at the crowd.


Cory Stenson gives the fans one last wave and exits the ring and to head back up the ramp.


Cory Stenson via Stenson Driver


You've Let Me Down

The broadcast feed switches to the FedExForum’s back entrance where the empty Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute van is parked close to the doors. The rear entrance opens and Abel Unstable is being dragged by both Orderly Caruso and Orderly Summers.

Dr. Dean follows them closely with a look of disappointment mixed with annoyance.

Abel Unstable shrieks and resists wildly, but he is little match for the strength of the two men clad in blue medical scrubs. Dr. Dean opens the back door of the van and the Orderlies stuff Abel Unstable inside.

The prestigious psychiatrist slams the door shut and looks in through the re-enforced window.

Dr. Dean: Abel, I must say. I could not be more disappointed in how you have begun this season. After all the progress you made. Tsk tsk.

Muffled screaming and yelling can be heard from inside the van, which is now shaking violently.

The Orderlies step forward as if to open the van again for disciplinary measures, but Dr. Dean puts his hand up to the two men.

Dr. Dean: No, no, gentlemen. We will deal with Abel back at the facility. For now, we must get back to the arena dressing room as my title defense is coming soon, and I shan’t be unready.

The doctor leads the Orderlies back in through the arena doors, while the Greater Memphis Psych Ward van continues to visibly shake and rock.


Ejercito de Juan vs. Fuse Makoto

Single Fall

The upbeat sounds of “Mucha Lucha” by Chicos de Barrio begins to play and the crowd gives a small pop. A short lucha libre wrestler in green and yellow attire makes his way from behind the curtains. He poses at the top of the ramp with his hands on his hips, then sprints downward and jumps swiftly into the ring.

Rudy Mac: Not much success for Ejercito de Juan so far in Golden Pro Wrestling.

DeShawn: I’d say if he can’t clean things up in GPW, he can probably get a gig simply cleaning somewhere else.

Rudy Mac: Inappropriate, Rudy! Mexican immigrants and their cheap labor provide you the cushy life you enjoy!

The music is replaced by the suspenseful intro of “Name Of The Game” by The Crystal Method. When the beat drops, Fuse Makoto walks out stoically into the arena. The fans welcome him with modest cheering.

DeShawn: Now this kid really won me over with his interview earlier.

Rudy Mac: You know what, D? He did the same for me! It’s great to see a wrestler who is focused, humble and hard working.

DeShawn: But all jokes aside, he’s got quite a way to go if he wants success in America!

The two wrestlers face off in the middle of the ring and the match ensues. The two wrestling styles complement each other nicely between high flying lucha moves and Fuse Makoto’s quick, precision-based maneuvers.

The crowd subsequently finds itself in awe of the two wrestlers’ skill level.

Rudy Mac: These two boys are sure flying all over the place!

Fuse evades a moonsault playa and catches Ejercito mid-air with a knee to the head.

1… 2… NO!!!

A few moments later, Fuse attempts a flying spear off the top rope, but Ejercito does a back handspring at the last second letting Fuse crash onto the mat. The Mexican lucha rolls forward, stands up and, jumps and drills a frog splash from mid ring.

DeShawn: Muy caliente!

1… 2… NO!!!

Fuse recuperates and begins to take the match back to Ejercito de Juan. The jaw-dropping reversals and countermoves leave the crowd in a frenzy.

Rudy Mac: I don’t think ANYONE expected to get this level of action from this match!

After Ejercito de Juan is temporarily stunned with running elbow, Fuse climbs to the top rope and jumps out into the air. He spins a full 360 degrees and plants the heel of his foot directly across Ejercito’s jaw.


Rudy Mac: Fuse is going to a new level tonight!

1… 2… 3!!!

After Fuse has his arm raised by the referee, he kneels down to check on his opponent. Ejercito de Juan groggily rises to his feet and give Fuse a handshake and nod.

In mutual respect, Fuse points to his opponent and gets a positive reaction from the crowd before they both leave the ring and head backstage.


Fuse Makoto via Nikuya Strike


When The Van Is A Rockin'

The broadcast switches to security camera footage of the back parking lot.

Rudy Mac: Folks, it looks like we’re getting a live look-in at the wrestler entrance to the FedExForum!

The Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute van is still parked by the rear entrance doors and is visibly rocking back and forth.

DeShawn: What on earth is going on back there!?

Presumably Abel Unstable is still inside, and apoplectic about his match and treatment by Dr. Dean.

Rudy Mac: I noticed that when the Orderlies stuffed Abel into the van, they didn’t bother to put him in a straitjacket or strap him into a seat!

The van stops rocking, and suddenly the back door can be seen jolting. The rear window begins to crack, and dents begin to appear outward.

DeShawn: Rudy, if he gets loose, we’re all in BIG trouble!

Rudy Mac: Are we in trouble, or could it be Dr. Dean!?


Corbin Fiscal vs. Dr. Dean

Silver Championship, Single Fall

The broadcast cuts back to the FedExForum and gives a slow pan of the whole arena.

Rudy Mac: Alright folks, we’re down to our MAIN EVENT! Corbin Fiscal. Dr. Dean. Silver Championship on the line!

“I Chase Paper” by Plies hits the sound system and the crowd gives a large cheer for Golden Pro Wrestling’s accountant/active wrestling. From backstage, Corbin Fiscal emerges and throws an enthusiastic point to each side of the arena.

DeShawn: Do you remember how he beat Jumpstart at Gold Rush?

Rudy Mac: How can we forget? He caught Jumpstart mid-air and delivered an insane brainbuster to earn this title shot!

Corbin Fiscal takes his place in the ring and awaits his opponent.

He doesn’t wait long and “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed begins to play, and Dr. Dean emerges at the top of the ramp accompanied by the Orderlies. The Silver Championship belt is strapped neatly around his waist.

Rudy Mac: It feels risky for the Orderlies to be here instead of ensuring Abel Unstable is under control. That van at the rear entrance looked like it was about to bust open!

The Orderlies take the Silver Championship belt for safekeeping, and the two competitors square off in the middle of the ring, and the first title defense in GPW history gets underway.

The two men have slightly different styles, and Corbin Fiscal uses his athletic advantage to gain the upper hand. After mostly dominating the first couple of minutes, he nails Dr. Dean with a tornado DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Dr. Dean comes back to life and begins to get the better of Corbin Fiscal. He ducks under a clothesline, kicks Corbin Fiscal in the stomach and hits a Russian sweep.

1… 2… NO!!!

The back-and-forth continues, and after Corbin Fiscal gets Dr. Dean on the grand, he jumps to the top rope and leaps out. When he comes into land a flying leg drop, Dr. Dean moves and lets him crash into the mat.

Dr. Dean grabs Corbin’s legs and turns him over on the mat into a Boston Crab position.

Rudy Mac: He’s got Corbin Fiscal in the Diagnosis!


Corbin Fiscal uses his strength and begins to pull himself across the ring, and with a lengthy stretch he manages to grab hold of the ropes. The referee is forced to break up the submission hold!

DeShawn: Nothing appears out of Corbin’s reach!

Corbin gingerly holds his back and gets to his feet, but he’s met with a running boot to the face by Dr. Dean. Dr. Dean lifts Corbin up for a suplex, but it’s reversed and Corbin lifts Dr. Dean straight in the air for one of his brainbusters.

The Orderlies step up on the ring apron as if to help, which pulls the referee’s attention away from the two competitors.

From the other side of the ring another wrestler emerges and climbs in!

Rudy Mac: Shotcaller is out there! What the hell is he doing!?

Shotcaller runs straight at Corbin Fiscal, who is still holding Dr. Dean straight up in the air, and SPEARS Corbin in the stomach. Corbin is forced to drop Dr. Dean from the impact but manages to get to his feet.


DeShawn: Shotcaller! Why!?

With Corbin Fiscal dazed, Shotcaller takes another run at him and hits a nasty neckbreaker.


Shotcaller slips out of the ring just in time to turn around and see Dr. Dean drape an arm over Corbin Fiscal.

1… 2… 3!!!


Rudy Mac: Undeserved victory by Dr. Dean!

DeShawn: Why Shotcaller?! Why!?

“Down with the Sickness” begins to play and Shotcaller throws a ‘W’ with his fingers on his way up the ramp. The Orderlies climb into the ring and pull Dr. Dean to his feet and hand him the Silver Championship.

Winner and STILL Silver Champion:

Dr. Dean via Drive-By


He's Loose!

Dr. Dean’s music is cut off, and everyone’s attention turns to the Gold Screen.

On the large television display, the crowd, Dr. Dean and the Orderlies watch a security camera feed of the FedExForum’s rear entrance.

The Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute van continues to rock side-to-side.

Rudy Mac: That van seems to be holding together, and perhaps even Abel Unstable can’t bust his way out!

Suddenly, a man wearing all black and a black ski mask walks up to the back of the van. He grabs the handle and opens the door, then quickly runs out of the scene.

Inside the ring, Dr. Dean looks stunned and alarmed.

The door slowly opens all the way, and Abel’s head emerges and looks around. Seeing that there was no one to stop him, he tumbles out of the van to the pavement. He gets up and makes a lumbering run away and out of the security camera’s view.

The fans inside the FedExForum let out a large cheer in support of Abel Unstable’s freedom.

Rudy Mac: He’s loose! Abel Unstable is loose!

DeShawn: I don’t know if this a good thing or a bad thing!

The infamous leader of the Psych Ward turns to the Orderlies in the middle of the ring.

Dr. Dean: Don’t just stand there, GO GET HIM!

The Orderlies obey and climb out of the ring, run up the ramp and backstage as fast as they can. Dr. Dean runs a hand through his hair in distress.

Rudy Mac: That’s it for Gold Strike 6! We’ll be back next time when the number one contender status is on the line for the Pure Gold Championship!

The broadcast fades to black…

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