Gold Strike 7

Another action packed episode of Gold Strike is here!

Flip Costa gets distracted before his Pure Gold #1 Contender match while the Pysch Ward hunts for escaped mental patient, Abel Unstable.

In other action, Golden Ben Miller takes on upstart Fuse Makoto, Sicko goes toe-to-toe with Crosscheck Beck, and the Bounce Squad makes its GPW debut against Your Captains.


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor and entire lower level of the arena stands.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


We Don't Know Anything Either

Rudy Mac: Hey Golden Pro Wrestling fans! Thanks for joining us for Gold Strike 7! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert Rudy Mac, and next to me is the financially, morally, and mentally challenged DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, we have LOADS of things to figure out tonight including figuring out who Flip Costa will face in his Pure Gold Championship #1 contender match.

DeShawn: That’s interesting and all, but what about Abel Unstable on the LOOSE!? No doubt that the Psych Ward will be in search mode like me looking for Top Ramen at 1 a.m.

Rudy Mac: AND people are still trying to figure out Shotcaller’s motivation to screw over Corbin Fiscal at the end of Gold Strike 6.

DeShawn: Only Shotcaller could know, nobody else tells him what to do!


Fan Out

The broadcast cuts to inside the back entrance doors of the FedExForum where the wrestlers enter. The doors open and Dr. Dean walks through followed by Orderly Caruso and Orderly Summers.

Dr. Dean: Alright, gentleman, we have a little bit of time before Sicko’s match to find Abel. It shouldn’t be too hard… we know he had to hide so we’ll be concentrating on the bowels of this infernal building.

The Orderlies nod to the doctor and then to each other.

Dr. Dean: And this time, did you lock the van from the outside TOO!?

Orderly Caruso nods back.

Dr. Dean: Okay then. Caruso, I want you to head to the west side of the building and start sweeping through the lower hallways. Summers, you come with me, and we’ll start on the east side. We may be able to flush out the big oaf.


Saga vs. Jumpstart

Single Fall

The broadcast returns to inside the arena where the fans begin to hear “I Can See It In Your Face” by Pretty Lights. A young man of Pacific Islander descent emerges onto the entrance stage and flexes to the crowd with a bright smile.

The fans return a polite cheer at his positivity.

Rudy Mac: We haven’t seen much of Saga since his loss to Golden Ben Miller in Season 1.

DeShawn: It looks like he’ll have another shot to impress the fans, and considering his size and strength, I wouldn’t want to mess with him!

Saga enters the ring and takes a moment to stretch out his back.

His music is replaced by the intro guitar rifts of “Destruction” by Joywave. The crowd lets out a loud cheer for their longtime favorite, Jumpstart. The older wrestler walks out from backstage and waves to the crowd on his way down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: Jumpstart couldn’t get anything going in Season 1 when he lost to both Flip Costa and Corbin Fiscal.

DeShawn: You know he’s got something to prove now!

The two wrestlers square off in the middle of the ring and the match gets underway. After an initial lockup, Jumpstart uses his quickness to gain the upperhand. He lays out Saga with dropkick and runs to the middle ropes and nails a moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: It was a nice move, but Saga won’t be put down that easily.

The match transitions and Saga unleashes a powerful combo of slams. His final move caught Jumpstart with a fisherman’s suplex into a cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Saga gets Jumpstart back up to his feet and whips him off the ropes. When Jumpstart returns to mid-ring, he is caught with a nasty clothesline.

Jumpstart is picked up onto Saga’s shoulder and DROPPED with a Fireman’s Carry neckbreaker.


Rudy Mac: That’s the first time we’ve seen Saga’s finisher!

1… 2… … NO!!!

The crowd cheers at the kickout, and the two wrestlers keep at it. Saga continues control and pounds Jumpstart in the corner before dragging him out to mid-ring.

Jumpstart escapes Saga’s control and sneaks around behind him. In a swift motion, throws Saga down with a bulldog, and runs up the corner ropes.

DeShawn: I bet he’s going for my FAVORITE move!

Indeed, Jumpstart launches into a shooting star press.


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Jumpstart did it! He’s got his first win in GPW!

The crowd cheers as Jumpstart exits the ring and walks up the ramp with a slightly noticeable limp.


Jumpstart via The Start-Up


He Was Here

The broadcast switches to a hallway deep within the FedExForum. Dr. Dean and Orderly Summers walk down the dimly lit corridor and meet Orderly Caruso, who is standing at an open door to a side room.

Dr. Dean: What have you got, Caruso?

The tall orderly points to the room and nods. Dr. Dean peers in and finds and assortment of garbage, some seat pads, a ragged blanket, and a half-drunken container of soda concentrate.

Dr. Dean: Abel was here, alright… we may not have him now, but he will know that he can’t return here again.

The two orderlies simultaneously grit their teeth and clench their jaws.

Dr. Dean: Listen, we must return to the van and retrieve Sicko for his match. Once we have Sicko back in the van afterward, we’ll resume our hunt. He’s a big, lumbering mental patient who has been driven from his hiding spot. He shouldn’t be that hard to find!


Bounce Squad vs. Your Captains

Tag Team, Single Fall

Back inside the FedExForum, “Sittin’ Sideways” by Paul Wall hits the sound system and two large, well dressed men walk out onto the stage. The crowd gives a polite cheer while the men hold their fingers to their ears as if someone is speaking into their listening devices.

Rudy Mac: These two gentlemen, Blain and Chavez, make up GPW’s newest tag team, Bounce Squad!

DeShawn: Whatever it takes to keep Vicky Cogliano protected and able to dance, I’m in!

The big men nod and make their way down to the ring. Chavez enters the middle of the ring while Blain stands outside the ropes at one corner.

Their music fades out and the iconic start of “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins begins to jam. The crowd unleashes a loud boo when the duo of Spirit Airlines pilots come running out.

Rudy Mac: Your Captains came up short at Gold Rush against Endgame, but they did manage to beat everyone throughout Season 1.

DeShawn: If any tag team can rebound, I think it’s probably these guys.

Capt. John Cunningham enters the ring and immediately flies toward Chavez and the match gets underway. His initial attempt to hit a flying clothesline fails when Chavez easily swats him away.

The early minutes of the match continue the theme of Capt. John failing to hit any move, and Chavez finally catches him in a side headlock. He lifts Capt. John up and drills him with a facebuster off his knee.

1… 2… NO!!!

Chavez drags him back to his corner and tags in Blain. Blain, a similarly large man, wallops Capt. John several times and hits him with a powerslam. He runs off one rope and attempts a large elbow drop, but Capt. John rolls away.

Rudy Mac: I’ll hand it to Your Captains, their speed is going to be a problem for Bounce Squad.

Capt. Derek gets tagged in and he immediately jumps to the top rope. When Blain gets to his feet, Capt. Derek leaps and nails Blain with a dropkick sending him down to the mat.

1… 2… NO!!!

Your Captains begin to control the match, and all is going well until Blain hits a big boot to the face of Capt. Derek. While Capt. Derek is on the ground, Blain tags in Chavez who immediately enters and lands an enormous big splash.



DeShawn: That’s being a great wingman!

The referee pulls Capt. John back to the corner, meanwhile Blain enters the ring. Chavez stands up, and the two big men tower over Capt. Derek who is laid out on the mat.

Both men jump up at the same time, and Chavez lays a leg across Captain Derek’s face while Blain drops a big knee on his stomach.


The referee turns around just in time to see Chavez going for the cover.

1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Instant success for Bounce Squad against one of GPW’s best tag teams!

The two big men give each other a pound with their fists while the crowd cheers.


Bounce Squad via Gone Clubbin’


What Does He Mean?

The video feed switches to a backstage hallway where Vicky Cogliano is holding a microphone to Shotcaller. Behind Vicky stands her protection of Blain and Chavez from Bounce Squad.

Vicky: Hi GPW fans! I’m here with Shotcaller, straight outta’ Compton.

The LA gangster scowls at the young reporter.

Shotcaller: Thaz right, gurl, you standin’ wit da real deal.

Vicky: Season 1 didn’t really go your way after being taken out in the second round of the Pure Gold Championship tournament. Then you missed your chance at Gold Rush to win a Silver Championship title shot. What do you have planned for Season 2?

Shotcaller: Lizzen, I only got bounced out of da tournament cuz I ran into that homie, Violence. Dat dood iz da bozz right now.

The young GPW reporter looks surprised to hear Shotcaller speak about Violence with such reverance.

Shotcaller: Bu’ don’ go get me wrong, I’m finna flip da script in Zeason 2.

Vicky: Wait, wait, wait. That doesn’t explain what happened at Gold Rush when you missed your match against Corbin Fiscal. There was a shot at the Silver Championship on the line!

Shotcaller: Sometimez da game callz and you gotta pick up da phone, ya know wha’ I mean!?

Golden Pro Wrestling’s reporter looks into the camera in puzzlement.

Vicky: Moving on, Shotcaller. Everyone in the locker room wants to know why you sabotaged Corbin Fiscal at Gold Strike 6?

The ‘G’ with the red bandana looks down and sighs before speaking.

Shotcaller: Let me make dis real clur to the locker room den. I call da shots round hur! If I don’ wanna let some Uncle Tom win a belt, den he AIN’T gonna win da belt!

Vicky looks surprised when Shotcaller grabs the mic from her hands and looks straight into the camera.

Shotcaller: YA KNOW WHA’ I MEAN!?

He drops the mic on the ground and walks off before Blain and Chavez can step in to check him. Vicky picks the microphone back up off the ground and looks at the camera with a smile.

Vicky: Shotcaller, folks! Let us strive to know what he means!


Sicko vs. Crosscheck Beck

Hardcore Rules, Single Fall

The scene cuts back to inside the FedExForum and the familiar dark intro to “Deadman” by Karnivool starts to play. The crowd boos when the green and black-clad wrestler named Sicko slowly walks out. He is shortly followed by the Orderlies and Dr. Dean.

Rudy Mac: Sicko is back and looking to return to his path of terror after losing against King Crab Mack at Gold Rush.

DeShawn: I just hope the Orderlies don’t let Sicko escape like they did with Abel Unstable! Two mental patients on the loose is something NO ONE wants to see!

Sicko enters the ring, and the rest of the Psych Ward takes their place a short way from the ring.

The initial guitar rift of “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul hits the speakers and the crowd gives a loud pop. From backstage, Crosscheck Beck emerges and holds his stick above his head to the fans.

DeShawn: My dude is here! Crosscheck Beck always gets love from Memphis.

Rudy Mac: As one of the Memphis Bears hockey team’s greatest goons, he’ll always have a spot in the hearts of GPW fans.

As this is a hardcore match, Beck enters the ring with his hockey stick in hand to start. The match begins, and Sicko approaches without emotion.

Rudy Mac: I don’t think that hockey stick scares him ONE BIT.

Indeed, Sicko absorbs a solid whack across his shoulder, and the hockey stick breaks in half. Beck tosses the other half of the stick out of the ring and goes for a hockey fight attack. He clutches Sicko with one hand and throws short haymakers with another.

The next few minutes of the match are a frenetic race between the two for an upper hand. Sicko spears Beck through the ropes and outside the ring.

DeShawn: I think we’re going to see some hardcore action here!

Sicko reaches under the ring and pulls out chair, and then delivers a powerful blow to Crosscheck Beck’s head.


Rudy Mac: Sicko always knows where that chair.

1… 2… NO!!!

The match continues as the two deliver a series of powerful slams onto the side of the ring. Sicko fells Beck with a running forearm, and then climbs to the top apron. He flies out to land an elbow drop but Crosscheck Beck moves at last second.

With Sicko laid out from the impact, Beck goes for the cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Sicko got the win last time these two fought, but Beck looks like he wants his turn!

The two continues through a few moments of reversals until Sicko grabs the chair one more time. When he attempts to use it, Beck kicks Sicko in the stomach at the last moment.

Crosscheck Beck pulls Sicko up into a vertical suplex position, then jumps and drops Sicko directly onto the chair.


1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: I think Crosscheck Beck just gave him a game misconduct!

Rudy Mac: Don’t look twice, but Crosscheck Beck has two wins already to start this season!

The crowd gives Crosscheck Beck a decent cheer as he walks up the ramp and backstage as his music plays.


Crosscheck Beck via Major Penalty


Flip Co-Stah

The broadcast switches to a backstage locker room, and the crowd lets off a huge cheer when they see Flip Costa sitting and putting on his wrestling boots. In the crowd, women swoon, and men question their own manhood.

On a small speaker, he listens to his own intro song, “Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory.

As he leans over, his long brown hair hangs over his face, which he gives a simple shoulder shrug to re-show his face. Another laudable cheer erupts.

Suddenly, the lights inside his locker room begin to flicker. He sits straight up with a concerned look and watches as the lights flicker more.

The lights go completely black in his locker room and the crowd falls into a hush. Flip’s mini speaker is no longer playing.

When the lights come back on, a wrestler is standing above Flip Costa.

The Draconian.


The Pensacola Pretty Boy looks surprised at first, but then quickly finds his nerve.

Flip Costa: Like, what the heck, man!? How did you get in-

The fan favorite is cut off by the deep voice of the Draconian.

Draconian: Flip Co-stah. Pathetic hu-mahn.

Flip stands up to face him, but winds up only being chest-height versus the Draconian’s powerful body.

Flip Costa: Dude, why are you coming in my room, man? Did the legends of my great looks travel all the way to your planet?

Laughter can be heard from the crowd, and the large wrestler who claims to be from another world stands silent for a moment.

Draconian: Yes, I have reported to my homeworld about you. The hu-mahn whose physical traits command such awe from others.

Flip Costa: Nice… Flip has gone interstellar!

The crowd laughs again.

Draconian: No more of your simplistic thoughts, Flip Co-stah. I am here with a message.

Flip Costa: And what’s that, my big bro from another cos-mo?

Draconian: By the end of this season, I will… destroy you.

The lights in the room begin to flicker and then go completely out. When the lights come back on, Flip is standing by himself and the Draconian is nowhere to be seen.

Flip looks downward confused, shakes his head after a moment and sits down to finish getting ready.


Golden Ben Miller vs. Fuse Makoto

Single Fall

The broadcast cuts back to the main arena of the FedExForum where the fans are still buzzing in confusion of what they had just seen. Suddenly, they are JOLTED back to life when they hear their favorite song.

“My Hero” by Foo Fighters.

Rudy Mac: He’s here! GBM is here for Season 2!

Golden Ben Miller walks out from backstage in his wrestling gear and heads down to the ring while acknowledging the fans along the ramp. He climbs into the ring and takes a moment to stand on the ropes in each corner and throw his signature arm up.

DeShawn: I can never get enough of this!

GBM gestures to a production assistant for a microphone, which is promptly thrown into him. He picks it up and his music fades out.

An impromptu chant breaks out.


Ben looks genuinely moved by the crowd and overtly nods his head to the fans, mouths ‘thank you’ and uses his hand to get them to calm down.

GBM: Hellloooo, my Memphis family!

The crowd pops at the prompt.

GBM: Now, I just wanted to take a quick moment before my match to give you all a VERY clear message. I know I let you all down at Gold Rush, but you have my WORD…

The fans are mostly silent while the occasional ‘woo’ punctuates the atmosphere.

GBM: I will NEVER give up until Violence is no longer the Pure Gold Champion!

The crowd erupts in appreciation for GBM’s fidelity to the fans. He hands the microphone back to the production assistant and continues to wave and mouth ‘thank you’ to the fans.

Rudy Mac: Despite losing the biggest match of his career at Gold Rush, we all know that Golden Ben Miller has his grandfather’s heart.

DeShawn: If only we’d be so blessed to see Golden Glen Miller in-person again!

“Name of the Game” by The Crystal Method begins to pump through the speakers, and the crowd gives another big cheer. The young Fuse Makoto walks out with a serious, focused look.

Rudy Mac: Fuse Makoto looked really good vs. Ejercito de Juan at Gold Strike 6.

DeShawn: It’s safe to say that Commissioner Parker Meloche likes what he sees. He’s going up against Golden Ben Miller, and those opportunities don’t just get handed out!

The two wrestlers square off in the middle of the ring and take a moment to size each other up. They finally engage and the match gets underway.

Golden Ben Miller gets the upper hand early on and slams Fuse down with a large clothesline. He picks Fuse back up off the mat and tosses him back down with a power slam.

Rudy Mac: Vintage Miller-style wrestling!

1… 2… NO!!!

A minute later, Fuse finds an opportunity and hits a running elbow to the GBM’s head, then jumps off the middle rope to hit and backflip elbow drop.

DeShawn: HOLY!

1… 2… NO!!!

The match rolls on and the two trade their share of reversals and momentum shifts. Golden Ben Miller picks Fuse up onto his shoulders and rolls him off into a monster sidewalk slam.

Ben lifts Fuse up and throws him toward the ropes. Fuse ducks under Ben’s big boot, grabs GBM by the neck and does a backflip into an over-the-shoulder DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Is that a move that Fuse brought from Japan? I’ve never seen it in all my days covering wrasslin!

GBM gets ahold of Fuse again and drops him with a backbreaker in the middle of the ring. Sensing his moment, Golden Ben Miller stands above Fuse and pulls off his kneepad, which he then whips out into the crowd.

Rudy Mac: He’s going for the Golden Knee!

DeShawn: The most illustrious move in professional wrestling!

Ben runs and bounces off of one rope, and then goes to bounce against the other ropes.


GBM’s body hits the mat as his legs are pulled out from under him by someone outside the ring.

Rudy Mac: SHOTCALLER! Shotcaller just disrupted the Golden Knee, and I don’t think the referee saw it!

Golden Ben Miller gets up and scowls out of the ring at Shotcaller, who walks backward and stares toward GBM in the ring.

Fuse Makoto finally gets to his feet and sees that GBM is distracted.

DeShawn: Fuse could go hit a Pearl Harbor!

Rudy Mac: Too soon! And I don’t think Fuse’s honor would allow him!

GBM turns around to the ring and sees that Fuse didn’t sneak attack him. He gives Fuse a nod of respect and the two wrestlers start going at it again.

A minute later, Fuse Makoto ducks under a clothesline, and when GBM turns around he’s met with a spectacular tornado kick.


1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Unexpected! Fuse Makoto just beat Golden Ben Miller!

DeShawn: And he did it without dishonoring himself.

Rudy Mac: I don’t know what this kid’s ceiling is, but he has more potential than anyone thought!

GBM gets back up to his feet and congratulates the young Japanese wrestler. The two head back up the ramp to the cheers of the crowd.


Fuse Makoto via Nikuya Strike


Ching Chong Bring It On

The broadcast cuts to a production area directly behind the curtain where Golden Ben Miller and Fuse Makoto enter together. The two men are dripping with sweat after the match they just concluded.

GBM: Hey Fuse, I’ve got to hand it to you there. Not only did you beat me, but you beat me clean.

Fuse Makoto: It was honor to face you, Golden Ben Miller. Won’t forget match. Won’t forget you.

Golden Ben Miller pats Fuse on the shoulder.

GBM: Same here. Good luck this season, and I hope to get a rematch soon now that I know what you’re truly capable of.

Fuse bows his head in respect, and GBM walks off and around the corner. Fuse prepares to leave in a different direction when he hears a menacing voice.

Violence: Hey there, sushi boy. I see you picked up another win.

The reigning Pure Gold Champion, Violence, walks into the scene wearing his Canadian tuxedo of jean pants and a jean jacket. His face looks both amused and annoyed.

Fuse Makoto: Mr. Violence, sir, thank you for your acknowledgment. Means lot coming from Pure Gold Champion.

Canada’s Bastard smirks.

Violence: Don’t confuse this with respect, sushi boy. I just wanted to give you a warning.

Fuse Makoto: Warning? Much appreciated. What must I know?

Violence: You see, if you keep winning, then your road is going to hit a dead end. Me.

The young Japanese wrestler looks confused at first, and then concerned.

Fuse Makoto: I see. Please understand, I am here for family honor and my dreams. If my dreams lead me to you, then that is where I must go.

Violence: Family honor and dreams!? Ha! Well, then let me tell you this… CHING CHONG BRING IT ON!

With a grunt and a muffled laugh, Violence walks away and leaves Fuse scowling at the disrespect.


Flip Costa vs. Cory Stenson

Single Fall, Pure Gold #1 Contender Match

Gold Strike 7 jumps back into action inside the FedExForum, and the camera makes a slow pan across the entire crowd.

Rudy Mac: The main event is here! Flip Costa knows this is a match for the Pure Gold #1 Contender status, but he doesn’t know who Commissioner Meloche picked for his opponent!

DeShawn: There’s so many talented wrestlers to pick from on this roster, it could be ANYBODY!

“Midnight Voyage” by Ghostland Observatory hits the speakers and the crowd POPS BIG for Flip Costa. The handsome wrestler from Florida walks out and presents his charming smile and incredible physique to the crowd.

DeShawn: Someone get me some ice, I’m overheating!

Flip Costa winks and points to the ladies along the ramp and barricades, and then climbs into the ring. He does a quick boxer’s shuffle to get his legs warmed up.

His music fades out and he pensively waits for his opponent…

“Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited bursts into the arena and the crowd unleashes another torrent of cheering.

Rudy Mac: Cory Stenson! Cory Stenson is getting an opportunity to go for the Pure Gold Championship!

DeShawn: Seems a bit early for him, but who am I to disagree with the commissioner?!

The big hometown boy from Memphis struts out to the stage and pumps his fists in rhythm with his intro music. He walks down the ramp and climbs in before extending a hand to Flip Costa. Flip gives him a firm handshake back as the music fades out.

The two began to circle each other, the bell rings and the Gold Strike 7 main event gets underway!

Rudy Mac: Cory Stenson is eight inches taller and weighs nearly 70 pounds more, so we’ll see if he can use his advantage.

Unfortunately for Cory, Flip’s experience and superior quickness helps him out to an early lead. After ducking several power moves by Cory Stenson, Flip Costa pops off the ropes for a leg across Cory’s head.

Flip scales to the top rope, but Cory Stenson quickly meets him. Cory climbs up the ropes, as well, and lifts Flip for a massive superplex.


DeShawn: That superplex sent Flip across the whole ring!

1… 2… NO!!!

Cory pulls Flip back up, and then lifts him directly above his head. He rotates Flip and drops him with a massive powerslam. After taking a bounce off the ropes, Cory attempts a leg drop, but Flip rolls away at the last second.

Sensing an opportunity, Flip drills a dropkick to Cory’s head. Without hesitating, Flip jumps and backflips into a standing moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: If Flip Costa can hit moves like that at will, then I don’t know if Cory Stenson’s size will save him.

The two go back-and-forth for a couple more minutes, and Cory eventually catches a running Flip Costa and DRILLS him with a spinning spinebuster.

1… 2… NO!!!

Flip Costa takes control of the match again and ragdolls the big Cory Stenson with an impressive hurracuranna. Unfortunately, Cory Stenson’s body whipped directly into the referee sending him sprawling to the mat.

Rudy Mac: The referee looks like he’s out-of-commission!

The Pensacola Pretty Boy goes to check on the referee, and Cory Stenson slowly gets back up to his feet. Cory looks at Flip Costa and the referee when suddenly screaming can be heard from the crowd.

Rudy Mac: He’s back! He’s back!

Shotcaller runs down the ramp and slides smoothly into the ring. Cory turns around just in time for Shotcaller to grab him by the head for his signature jumping neckbreaker.


In one smooth motion, Shotcaller drops Cory Stenson and slides out the other side of the ring. Flip finally gets the referee to his feet and the two turn around to see Cory still fully laid out. Flip lunges for the cover not realizing what transpired behind him.

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: What is Shotcaller’s deal!?

Rudy Mac: This is the THIRD match he’s interfered in this season!

DeShawn: Either way, this means that Flip Costa will get a Pure Gold Championship title shot at GOLD STRIKE 8!

Flip Costa gets up and notices Shotcaller still standing by the side of the ring with a smirk on his face. Flip does a double take between Shotcaller and the groggy Cory Stenson before realizing what must have happened.


Flip Costa via The Drive-By from Shotcaller


Golden Pros Assemble

The crowd roars to life when Golden Ben Miller, Corbin Fiscal and the Wild Kards rush out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: All the Golden Pros are here! They’re taking a stand against this unchecked aggression!

DeShawn: Shotcaller has to be stopped, right!?

When they reach the bottom of the ramp, Corbin Fiscal slides into the ring and immediately begins to check on Cory Stenson. GBM goes one way around the ring and the Wild Kards go the other in an attempt to trap Shotcaller.

They quickly close in on both sides of Shotcaller in front of the announcers’ tables.

Rudy Mac: There’s no way Shotcaller is getting out of this now! He’s trapped.

In a instant, Shotcaller runs and climbs into the ring leaving GBM and Wild Kards scrambling to follow. Corbin Fiscal isn’t even aware that Shotcaller is now coming his way mid-ring until…


Rudy Mac: My god! Shotcaller is out of control!

DeShawn: He’s systematically targeting the Golden Pros for no good reason!

Flip Costa attempts to grab hold of Shotcaller but he’s too late, and Corbin Fiscal’s body rolls limply to the side while Shotcaller quickly exits the ramp-side of the ring. Seth and Sean Kard attempt to help Cory Stenson and Corbin Fiscal and GBM stands at the ropes staring at Shotcaller.


Shotcaller walks backward up the ramp throwing a ‘W’ across his chest with his fingers in defiance.

A chorus of boos rain down while empty cups and cans are thrown at Shotcaller.

Rudy Mac: That’s twice! Twice Shotcaller has spoiled a main event this season!

DeShawn: I demand answers at Gold Strike 8!

Rudy Mac: Gold Strike 8! Flip Costa. Violence. PURE GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP! See you there!

The broadcast fades to black and a spinning GPW logo…

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