Gold Strike 8

It’s the biggest main event so far of Season 2: Violence must make his first Pure Gold Championship title defense against Flip Costa!

Shotcaller has been hounding the Golden Pros all season, interfering in matches and causing general mayhem. Now, Golden Ben Miller has had ENOUGH.

GBM thinks it’s time to call him out, but is Shotcaller going to back off? Or will he show up when the Wild Kards get a shot against Endgame for the GPW Tag Team title?


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower level, and for the first time a few rows of the second level!

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


Pure Gold On The Line

Rudy Mac: Here we go folks! Welcome back to Gold Strike, I’m Rudy Mac, your Memphis rasslin’ expert, and sitting next to me is a man one step away from homelessness, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: Tonight just may be the most IMPORTANT Gold Strike yet! Violence makes his first Pure Gold Championship defense tonight against…

DeShawn: The reflection I wish I saw in the mirror, Flip Costa!

Rudy Mac: A beautiful opportunity for a beautiful man! But first, rumor has it that Golden Ben Miller is looking for answers to the mysterious attacks by Shotcaller.



“My Hero” by the Foo Fighters blares out of the speakers and the GPW fans POP when Golden Ben Miller makes his way out from backstage.

Rudy Mac: Just what I thought, Golden Pro Wrestling’s Warhorse wants ANSWERS!

GBM makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring with a serious face. He takes a moment to climb each turnbuckle and throw up his right arm in a display of acknowledgement to his fans.

A production assistant throws a microphone into the ring, which Golden Ben Miller picks up.

G-B-M! G-B-M! G-B-M!

Golden Ben Miller takes a moment to let the organic chanting finally subside.

GBM: Memphis, thank you SO much for your ongoing hospitality. It’s why I’m here, and it’s why I represent YOU!

The crowd gives another loud cheer.

GBM: Unfortunately, YOU have been getting cheated out of some stellar matches. Of course, I’m talking about Shotcaller’s ongoing interference and TARGETING of the Golden Pros.


GBM: That’s why I’m out here right now… for ANSWERS! I’m officially calling out that gangster from LA, Shotcaller!

Golden Ben Miller looks upward toward the ramp and the backstage with anger.

GBM: Shotcaller, if you really are ‘the man’ then get your ass out here and explain yourself!

The crowd buzzes while GBM waits in the ring… finally music begins to play.

“E.I.” by Nelly.

Rudy Mac: That’s Commissioner Meloche’s music!

Indeed, the cocky young businessman in charge of Golden Pro Wrestling makes his way to the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand.

Inside the ring, GBM shakes his head in annoyance.

Parker Meloche: Ben, Ben, Ben…

GBM: What are you doing out here, Meloche? I want to talk to Shotcaller.

Parker Meloche: I wish I could oblige and bring him out here, but he hasn’t arrived at the FedExForum yet.

GBM: When will he be here? Because I’m happy to wait at the back doors and confront him then.

Parker Meloche: I’m sorry, but I can’t have you interrupt an ongoing investigation.

GBM: Ongoing… what?!

The crowd murmurs in confusion.

Parker Meloche: Don’t worry, I’m well aware of Shotcaller’s antics this season, and they’re completely deplorable. Which is why I am actively investigating his motives and am trying to remedy the situation.

Golden Ben Miller acts sarcastic.

GBM: Oh yeah? … Any leads yet?

The crowd gives a good chuckle.

Parker Meloche: Nothing I can divulge, because again, this is an active investigation.

GBM: Well, I have fifty thousand leads you can start with.

The commissioner’s eyebrows lift and the crowd begins to strongly buzz.

GBM: You might want to look into why $50,000 was pulled out of the GPW accounts right after Shotcaller missed his match at Gold Rush!

The commissioner used his left hand to motion his hand for Golden Ben Miller to calm down while pacing the stop stage.

Parker Meloche: Ben, I can assure you that the two things are not connected… at all.

Rudy Mac: Boy, that did sound convincing.

GBM: Let me promise you this, if Shotcaller keeps coming after us, then I am coming after HIM!

GPW’s commissioner smiled to himself before responding.

Parker Meloche: Don’t worry, GBM, I’m way ahead of you. Which is why TONIGHT, Shotcaller is going to have to answer for his actions directly to the man he screwed at Gold Strike 7. Yes, TONIGHT, Shotcaller will be facing CORBIN FISCAL!

DeShawn: WHOA!

The crowd pops and cheers at the announcement.

Parker Meloche: Is that good enough for you, Ben?

GPW’s golden boy takes a moment to consider.

GBM: Well, it’s a start…

“E.I.” by Nelly starts to play again and Parker Meloche nods before heading backstage. When his music dies down, Ben drops the mic and looks around the arena. He throws his right arm up one more time and “My Hero” plays before he leaves the ring and heads back up the ramp!


Cis White Male

The camera cuts to backstage where GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano, flanked by Bounce Squad, stands with a large, tall man with blue hair.

The fans immediately begin to boo.


Vicky: Hi Golden Pro Wrestling fans! I’m here with Awoke, GPW’s social justice war-

Before she can continue, Awoke holds his hand up and begins speaking.

Awoke: Whoa whoa whoa, I’m not a “social justice warrior,” Vicky.

Vicky: I’m so sorry, Awoke. How would you describe yourself?

The large, blue-haired man smiles.

Awoke: I am someone who fights for the equity of those who live in our society.

Vicky: Uhh… what can you tell us about your match tonight against fan favorite, Golden Ben Miller?

The crowd pops at the mention of GBM.

Awoke: Well, I’ve been fighting against cis white males since I was born and then ultimately decided to be a male.

Vicky: I’m sorry, but what does that have to do with anything?

Awoke: My point is, Golden Ben Miller just assumes I’m a male. I know this because I already know what he’s thinking.

Vicky: Wait, how do you know what he’s thinking?

The SJW from California scoffs and shakes his head.

Awoke: He’s a CIS WHITE MALE. I know what they’re ALL thinking. They’re thinking that it’s so great to be a guy, and they’re actively wondering how else they can oppress women and minorities, and even majorities. It’s how they ALL think!

Vicky: Does that include you? You are… a cis… white… ma-

Awoke: Don’t remind me! It’s bad enough I have to look in the mirror every day.

He turns and looks directly into the camera.

Awoke: But after today, Golden Ben Miller, you’re not going to be able to look in the mirror without seeing a horrifying, disfigured face… not that there’s anything wrong with being disfigured, of course. I’m not anti-ugly or anything.


Awoke shakes his head in annoyance at the confusion to his comment and walks off.

Vicky: Well, Awoke, ladies and gentlemen! He takes on Golden Ben Miller later tonight!


Trickster vs. The Draconian

Single Fall

Back in the arena, “Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm begins to rock the speakers, and out walks a lean wrestler with a smirk on his face.

The fans give a subdued, mixed reaction.

Rudy Mac: We’ve only seen Trickster once before, and it was when he lost the very first match in Golden Pro Wrestling History!

DeShawn: The only thing I remember about that match was Shotcaller hitting the Drive-By and getting the three-count.

Trickster makes his way into the ring and stretches out.

The lights go down and blue spotlights begin to pan the arena, and “The Core” by Uppermost drones into the sound system. When the beat hits, a large man-looking being walks out with black eyes.

DeShawn: *gulp*

Rudy Mac: Let me guess, DeShawn, you don’t have anything to say about the Draconian!?

DeShawn: I don’t want to admit it, but… I believe.

Rudy Mac: That’s hilarious, DeShawn!

The fans let out a rain of boos while the Draconian slowly climbs into the ring. The lights come up and the two wrestlers square off.

Trickster, sensing his size disadvantage, attempts to deftly maneuver around the Draconian’s lumbering assault.

He doesn’t last long, however, and the Draconian grabs him and bounces his head off the corner. He pulls Trickster out to mid-ring and plants him with a facebuster onto his knee.

Rudy Mac: Hoo boy, I don’t think this is going to last long.

Indeed, the Draconian effortless picks up Trickster with a gutwrench lift and holds him roughly 10 feet in the air.

DeShawn: I’m telling you, don’t mess with this thing!


Rudy Mac: That’s the amazing powerbomb that we’ve seen before!

1… 2… 3!!!

The Draconian stands and gives DeShawn a slow look, then raises his hands in the air. The lights go out for a moment, and when they come back on, the Draconian is gone and Trickster is laying slumped on the mat.

Rudy Mac: Someone come grab Trickster and let’s keep this show going!



The Draconian via Abduction


Thinking Clearly

The broadcast slowly fades backstage into a dark room. Viewers can barely make out the large, dark silhouette standing before the camera.

The person reaches up and pulls the small string above them, which turns on a light bulb showing a disheveled, unkempt man. With brown stringy hair, he looks forward into the camera.

Abel Unstable: Hello, Golden Pro Wrestling… I am Abel.

The crowd back inside the FedExForum buzzes with excitement.

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable has been on the loose for weeks!

The escaped mental patient unexpectedly smiles kindly.

Abel Unstable: I know, in the past, that I have done things that have… harmed others…. And I’m sorry.

He runs his hands through his hair.

Abel Unstable: Ever since I was inexplicably freed from the grasp of Dr. Dean, I have continued to leave deep within the bowels of this marvelous facility. I have received help from… friends.

The crowd continues to buzz in confusion.

Abel Unstable: I wish to address my previous captor, Dr. Dean.


Abel Unstable: Dr. Dean, I understand that when I was committed to your care, that I was a danger to others. But since I have been without your “medication” I have begun to see clearly!

A look of tortured pain overcomes the face of Abel.

Abel Unstable: Now that I’m not bent and dulled by your treatment, I’m starting to see clearly. I’m starting to see YOU for who you REALLY are! A pathetic doctor addicted to power, and who is never truly focused on helping his patients!

The crowd lets out a cheer for recognition of what they’ve already known.

Abel Unstable: Now that I have my freedom, I’m keeping it! And… I’m coming for YOU!

A huge POP comes from the crowd!

Abel Unstable: I’m clear-headed now, and I won’t stop until my admission to your care is REVOKED!

The camera fades out from whatever mysterious location Abel was speaking from.

Rudy Mac: I hope Dr. Dean was watching!

DeShawn: I don’t think we’re anywhere close to the end of this one!


Awoke vs. Golden Ben Miller

Single Fall

The broadcast flips back into the arena where “Chained To The Rhythm” by Katy Perry hits. The lovely vocals of Katy Perry don’t drown out the boos when Awoke marches out.

Rudy Mac: Well, I just gotta say, DeShawn, this here Awoke character really gets me all wound up!

Awoke carries a large protest sign that says ‘CIS WHITE MALES NOT WELCOME’ and shows it to the fans.

DeShawn: I wish I could say “ALL lives matter” but I don’t think HIS does!

He snarls at any white person he sees before throwing the sign on the floor and climbing up into the ring. He stomps around briefly and glares toward the Memphis wrestling crowd.

The crowd suddenly POPS when “My Hero” by Foo Fighters begins to play out of the speaker system. Golden Ben Miller walks out from backstage with a look of intensity and purpose.

DeShawn: GBM might not be the champ, but there’s no doubt he’s still seen as a top dog on the roster!

Rudy Mac: Took the words right out of my mo… DeShawn! Have you been reading my prep notes again!?

GBM takes a moment in the ring to go to all four corners and acknowledge the good people of Memphis. Finally, the music fades out and the two competitors go at it.

Awoke uses all 7 feet of his frame to begin smashing and clobbering Golden Ben Miller. He drops several hammer fists on his back before delivering a major powerslam to GBM.

When he picks Golden Ben Miller back up, he is caught with a knee to the stomach, and GBM takes control. He drills a couple of cross-body chops and lifts him for an equally epic powerslam!

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I’d say that GBM has the superior powerslam out of the two!

The two trade more bigman moves for a few moments until Awoke stuns GBM with a European uppercut. He grabs Golden Ben Miller and lifts him up into a gorilla press, and then DROPS him down to the mat.

DeShawn: Awoke must have let him fall from 9 feet up!

1… 2… NO!!!

Awoke senses the advantage and continues to pound away but gets caught off guard when GBM delivers a boot to the face. Awoke falls to the mat with a huge crash and Golden Ben Miller takes a spot standing above him.

DeShawn: This might be it! The most lustrous move in all pro wrestling!

GBM takes off a knee pad and throws it into the crowd, then runs off both ropes and back to Awoke’s body…


Rudy Mac: Beautiful AND deadly!

1… 2… 3!!!

The crowd cheers wildly while Ben gets to his feet and raises his arm up to the fans and “My Hero” plays over the speakers.


Golden Ben Miller via The Golden Knee


Vanity & Humanity

After Golden Ben Miller and Awoke make their way backstage, the lights cut out inside the FedExForum. Eerie blue spotlights pan around the arena…

Rudy Mac: We already saw Draconian once tonight, so what’s going on here!?

DeShawn: Just hold my hand and make sure I don’t disappear again!

Rudy Mac: I’ve GOT you, DeShawn!

The Gold Screen above the stage begins to glitch and finally the feed crystalizes. It appears to show some sort of dark control room with blow glowing panels and a mesmerizing background hum.

The crowd murmurs in confusion and concern.

In the middle of the control room is a large, dark chair with someone sitting in it. As the camera zooms closer, everyone can now see it’s the Draconian.

DeShawn: See! I told you it was real! That’s exactly how it looked!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, did he take you there?!

The large, dark being stands up from the chair and approaches the camera.

The Draconian: Attention hu-mahns of Earth. I am the Draconian, and I shall continue to test your pathetic world.


The Draconian: At this time, my people are curious about your obsession with physical appearance. On Draconia, all Draconians are equally impressive.

The crowd buzzes upon hearing details of the alien world.

The Draconian: To show you the weakness of your vanity, I am challenging Flip Co-stah to… SAVE you.


The Draconian: This pathetic world does not even understand the danger it is in… But soon I will show you, and only Flip Co-stah will be able to save you.

The feed on the Gold Screen goes back to a spinning GPW logo.

DeShawn: He means what he says! Something terrible is going on and we gotta hope Flip can figure it out!

Rudy Mac: This feels like some sort of movie!


Shotcaller vs. Corbin Fiscal

Single Fall

While the crowd buzzes from the Draconian’s message, their buzzing turns into jeers when 2pac’s “Ambitionz Az A Rider” begins to play. Shotcaller walks out from the back with a gangster limp.

He pauses at the top of the stage and throws a ‘W’ across his chest with his hand.


Rudy Mac: This man certainly has a lot going on! He’s systematically targeted and interfered with the Golden Pros every chance he’s gotten!

DeShawn: It sounds like he has to pay the piper tonight against one those he’s screwed over!

Shotcaller enters the ring and stretches his neck and shoulders for the match. His music is then replaced by “I Chase Paper” by Plies, and the crowd SHEERS in response.

Rudy Mac: GPW’s accountant is now here to make Shotcaller pay up!

DeShawn: Well, I say he’s here to hold Shotcaller accountable!

Rudy Mac: Let’s do more puns NEXT TIME!

Corbin Fiscal emerges from backstage and points with his hands out to the crowd. He smiles broadly and walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring.

The two wrestlers shuffle and circle each other before locking up in the middle of the ring.

It’s an athletic affair and they go back and forth with magnificent attacks and reversals. Corbin Fiscal gains the first advantage with a beautiful bulldog mid-ring, which he capitalizes by shooting himself off the ropes with a moonsault.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I’d say whoever wins tonight might have some bigger opportunities coming up!

Shotcaller gets back in the match by nailing Corbin Fiscal with a dropkick from the top rope. He lets the dazed Corbin Fiscal get to his feet before attempting his signature move.


At the last moment, Corbin Fiscal pushes Shotcaller off of him and sends him to the mat. The match goes one with each hitting a few great moves.

Eventually GPW’s accountant whips Shotcaller into the corner. Corbin climbs up and drops a few hammer fists down, then purposefully pulls Shotcaller up to the top rope with him.

He lifts Shotcaller up in the air vertically while camera flashes go off from the crowd.

DeShawn: The Cash Out from the top rope!?

Corbin Fiscal launches out for a reverse brainbuster off the top rope, but Shotcaller reverses it into his own move mid-air.


1… 2… 3!!!

Shotcaller quickly scrambles and pulls over Corbin Fiscal’s leg.

Rudy Mac: These two are evenly matched but Shotcaller appears to have been the win this time!

Shotcaller looks down at Corbin Fiscal with a sneer, and then throws a ‘W’ across his chest toward the booing fans.


He rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp with his gangster limp.


Shotcaller via The Drive-By


In Your Honor

The broadcast feed switches to somewhere inside the FedExForum.

It’s a dark lit, narrow arena hallway.

A dank, foul, unwelcoming arena hallway.

And from time-to-time, GPW’s biggest asshole has been seen down there.

Violence steps out from a side-door with the Pure Gold Championship strapped around his chest.


The current Pure Gold Champion sneers into the camera and stairs straight at it.

Violence: Hey, dipshits!


The champion points at the belt and smiles.

Violence:  This means you HAVE to listen to me!


Violence: Listen, tonight, I’m not evening bothering to think about. I’m going to flick Flip Costa like a fly off my ASS!

The champion looks down to his belt and laughs to himself.


Violence: So, if I don’t care about Flip Costa, then what do I give a SHIT about!?

The crowd buzzes to itself inside the main arena.

Violence: I care about… honoring the greatest wrestlers of ALL TIME!

Again, the confused fans in their seats listen on.

Back in the dank hallway, Violence smirks and continues.

Violence: You see, I’m a HUGE fan of Japanese wrestling! You know, the big body slams with stories you’ll never understand!?

The crowd both laughs and boos the sentiment.

Rudy Mac: Japanese wrestling is VERY respected, even in Memphis!

Back inside the hallway, the Pure Gold Champion continues.

Violence: To show I’m a fan, I did my research and chose a proud representation of their spirit to guide me.

GPW’s biggest asshole pulls a bandana out of his wrestling gear and ties it around his head.

DeShawn: That’s straight-up DISRESPECT!

It is colored red and white and themed like the Japanese flag. The headband is amazing and beautiful; however, it is disgraced by the insincere jerk wearing it. Violence’s face contorts.

Violence: I’ve been keeping my eye on a certain kid in GPW… by the name of FUSE MAKOTO!

The crowd POPS at the name of GPW’s fastest risers!

Violence: Hey, Fuse… I’m sooo honored to be in GPW that I will wear this to HONOR your father from now on.

Rudy Mac: That’s a DIRECT shot at the kid from Japan!

DeShawn: But isn’t Fuse’s father a LEGEND!?

Inside the broadcast feed from the backstage hallway, Violence points his finger to the camera.

Violence: Your father… HARU Makoto… is a SITTING VEGETABLE from all the headshots he took during his career…


Rudy Mac: Low-blow! Haru Makoto is respected!

Violence: So, for the rest of the season, I am wearing this bandana…

The crowd buzzes until the GPW champion points up at the Japanese-styled bandana and then grins at the camera.

Violence: … until I get to SNUFF YOU OUT!

GPW’s biggest asshole grins again at the camera and the broadcast fades to black.


The Wild Kards vs. Endgame

Tag Team Championship Match

Gold Strike 8 returns to inside the FedExForum, and the sound of “Lit Up” by Buckcherry takes over the sound system. The crowd cheers loudly when the brother duo of the Wild Kards emerge with smiles.

Rudy Mac: After a less-than-stellar first season, the Wild Kards started this season with a big win over the Orderlies, and it looks like they’re being rewarded with a title shot!

Sean Kard climbs in the ring while Seth Kard takes his place outside the ropes of one corner.

Their music is replaced with “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis, and the crowd gives a strong reaction to the current Golden Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions, Endgame.

DeShawn: What they don’t have in personality, they make up for with great teamwork and overall wrestling acumen!

Phaser and Ryan Rogue come out with their beautiful tag team title belts strapped around their waists. When they get down to the ring, they hand the titles off to a ringside official and Phaser hops into the ring and squares up with Sean Kard.

The technical match-up doesn’t disappoint, and the two grapple for several minutes. Phaser gets the first upper hand by catching Sean Kard with a powerful german suplex into a cover.

1… 2… NO!!!

Phaser tags in the bigger Ryan Rogue, who gets to work slamming and abusing Sean Kard. Sean finally escapes and slaps Seth’s hand. Seth quickly scrambles to the top rope and launches himself at Ryan Rogue.

Rudy Mac: He just DRILLED Ryan Rogue with the top rope lariat!

1… 2… NO!!!

Ryan Rogue recovers and gets ahold of the smaller, faster Seth Kard. When Ryan lifts Seth up for a powerbomb, Seth gets loose and whips Rogue using his legs.

DeShawn: Beautiful huracurrana!

Seth skips the pin attempt and tags in Sean. Sean attempts to press the advantage and grabs Ryan Rogue’s legs, spins him over and locks in his submission move.

Rudy Mac: Will Ryan Rogue give in to the Crazy 8 Leg Lock!?

Rogue looks like he’s about to submit…


The crowd begins to boo loudly, and the Wild Kards both look to the top of the ramp.


DeShawn: Oh no! Shotcaller is going to try and screw the Wild Kards, too!

Sean Kard releases his leg lock and walks over to the ropes to see what Shotcaller is going to do. With Sean’s back turned, Ryan Rogue recovers and sneak attacks. Sean Kard is unprepared when Rogue pulls him in for a double underhook headlock…


1… 2… 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Unbelievable! Shotcaller didn’t even have to get his hands dirty this time!

Shotcaller smirks and walks back behind the curtains with his gangster limp while Endgame pulls Sean up to his feet and pats him on the back. Phaser gestures to the top of the ramp and shrugs his shoulders.

Winner and STILL Tag Team Champions:

Endgame via Rogue DDT


Joining The Announcers

After Endgame and the Wild Kards return backstage, the crowd is hit with the sounds of “E.I.” by Nelly, which prompts a mix of boos and cheers.

The young businessman in charge of GPW, Parker Meloche, emerges and waves to the crowd while he walks down the ramp.

Rudy Mac: Commissioner Meloche is coming out, and from the sounds of it, some fans are becoming a bit weary of our glorious leader!

DeShawn: I’m just hoping Mr. Meloche is here to tell us we are getting a raise!

Parker Meloche comes around ringside and grabs the empty seat at the announcers’ table. He puts on the extra headset with a big smile.

Parker: Hey boys! So glad to be here!

Rudy Mac: Welcome to ringside, Mr. Meloche!

DeShawn: Always a pleasure, and an honor!

Parker: Considering this is the very first Pure Gold Championship title defense, I couldn’t help myself for the chance to see it UP CLOSE!

Rudy Mac: Well, the last time you came down ringside ended with Golden Ben Miller dropping a Golden Knee on Violence through this very announcer table!

Parker: I’ll admit, I was a bit shocked by the turn of events… but the fans loved it, so I loved it!

Rudy Mac: We’ll see what kind of fireworks tonight’s main event has!


Flip Costa vs. Violence

Single Fall, Pure Gold Championship

The broadcast cuts to the top of the ramp, and the intro to “Midnight Voyage” begins to pulse out of the speakers, which unleashes a MAJOR pop from the fans.

Rudy Mac: Here he comes folks! Ladies, keep in control of yourselves!

DeShawn: Men, don’t feel weird if you have conflicted feelings!

The Pretty Boy from Pensacola walks out in his signature green and gray attire, and his beautiful chestnut brown hair drapes down around his shoulders.

Parker: I did take his good looks into account when I hired him!

Flip Costa jogs down the ramp and hops on the ring apron before sliding in between the ropes. He does a boxer shuffle in the middle of the ring and awaits his opponent.

The music fades out and is replaced by “Halo” by Soil, prompting a torrent of boos from the Golden Pro Wrestling fans.


Violence walks out confidently with the Pure Gold Championship around his belt and the Makoto family headband around his head.

Rudy Mac: It looks like Violence is true to his word! He’s got the Makoto headband on!

DeShawn: Fuse Makoto may be a nice kid, but this HAS to be a huge SLAP in the face!

Violence goes down the ramp and enters the ring. He takes a moment to hold the belt up to the fans before handing off to a production assistant to hold on.

Parker: This is what it’s about boys! The FIRST Pure Gold Championship defense!

The bell rings and the two men square up. Violence has the obvious size advantage but that doesn’t deter Flip Costa from making the first move. He catches Violence with forward roll into a drop kick sending Violence wobbling backward.

When Violence stumbles back to mid-ring, Flip Costa jumps and PLANTS Violence with a tornado DDT.

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: Bit early in the match to go for a cover!

The match carries on for a few minutes with Flip Costa literally running circles around Violence and hitting a few nice moves. However, Violence catches him by the back the scruff and drops Flip Costa with a facebuster onto his knee.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: I hope that didn’t hurt Flip’s nose!

With Flip still down, Violence climbs to the top rope and jumps out and lands and elbow drop HARD!

Rudy Mac: We’ve seen Violence show flashes of top rope skill before!

1… 2…   NO!!!

A few minutes later, Flip takes back the advantage with a jumping elbow to Violence’s head, which sends Violence crashing down to the mat.

The Pensacola Pretty Boy runs to the ropes and does a backflip and NAILS a knee to Violence’s stomach. The Pure Gold Champion clutches his stomach.

DeShawn: That’s a new move from Flip!

1… 2… … NO!!!

In a moment of frustration, Flip gets to his feet and scrambles up to the top rope… he leaps out for his signature senton elbow drop…

Rudy Mac: This move is a KILLER!


Violence rolls away at the last moment, which forces Flip Costa to impact the ring mat HARD. Violence grunts as he gets back to his feet, and then scoops Flip up onto his shoulders…

The broadcast feed goes completely blurry…


The scene comes back into focus with Violence holding Flip Costa’s leg for the cover.

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Violence retains the Pure Gold Championship!

DeShawn: His reign of terror continues!

Violence climbs to his feet with his signature twisted grin. The production assistant slides the belt to him from ringside, which Violence picks up and smiles downward to.

Parker: It wouldn’t say much of Season 1 if the ultimate winner lost his first title defense!

Winner and STILL Pure Gold Champion:

Violence via The Blur Out



The Asshole from Alberta raises the Pure Gold Championship belt with one hand and lifts a middle finger with the other. When the broadcast zooms in closer, Violence snarls directly at the camera and points to the Makoto family headband.

Rudy Mac: What a SHOT across the bow!

Parker: I can’t condone it, but honestly, I can’t stop it!

Violence smirks again and gives a sarcastic Japanese bow of respect before lifting a middle finger to the camera.

Rudy Mac: That’s it for Gold Strike 8! See you next time, Memphis rasslin’ fans!

The broadcast fades to black…

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