Gold Strike 9

It’s another action-packed episode of Gold Strike, and there are MASSIVE implications throughout the night including TWO titles up for grabs!

Can Crosscheck Beck capitalize on his hot streak and take down King Crab Mack? Will Cory Stenson take the Silver Championship from Dr. Dean?

Also, GPW Commissioner Parker Meloche shares some MAJOR announcements regarding upcoming Season 2 finale, The Golden Moment!


Golden Pro Wrestling theme song “The Sound” by Switchfoot begins to play…






The camera fades into the FedExForum where thousands of fans have already filled into their seats on the floor, the entire lower level, and five rows of the second level.

The camera pans the arena and fans, providing shots of the ring, ramp, intro stage and Gold Screen.


Gold Strike 9 Already?!

Rudy Mac: Welcome BACK to Golden Pro Wrestling for GOLD STRIKE 9! I’m your Memphis rasslin’ expert, Rudy Mac. And sitting next to me is Memphis’ greatest user of social services, DeShawn Brannon!

DeShawn: Hey hey hey!

Rudy Mac: DeShawn, we’re NINE episode of Gold Strike 9 in!

DeShawn: I can’t believe we’re already here!

Rudy Mac: That’s right! We’ve turned the corner and now we’re headed STRAIGHT to the season 2 finale, The Golden Moment!

DeShawn: I remember when we were just bright-eyed kids at Gold Strike 1, not knowing what we were getting ourselves into.

Rudy Mac: You can say that again!

DeShawn: I remember-

Rudy Mac: I was being rhetorical, DeShawn! Anyways, speaking of The Golden Moment, I have word that Golden Pro Wrestling Commissioner Meloche is ready to make a special announcement about the event.


The Golden Moment

“E.I.” by Nelly hits the speaker system, and the expected mix of boos and cheers flow out from the fans as Golden Pro Wrestling Commissioner Parker Meloche struts out.

Rudy Mac: The original check cutter!

The young, savvy Canadian businessman makes his way down to the ring and climbs the stairs. He’s careful not to let his suit get unkempt while climbing into the ring. He grabs a microphone from the production assistant before his music dies down.

The commissioner takes a moment and looks around at the crowd.

DeShawn: I think Commissioner Meloche is soaking in the fruits of his labor!

Rudy Mac: That’s right! We started with just a few rows of fans at Gold Strike 1, and now look! GPW fans are all the way into the upper level.

Parker Meloche takes a moment while the crowd breaks into an unexpected chant.

G-P-W! G-P-W! G-P-W!

After the chant fades out, Parker speaks into the microphone.

Parker: Hello FedExForum!

The crowd gives an enthusiastic cheer back.

Parker: Can you believe we are more than HALFWAY through Season 2!?

Again, an enthusiastic response.

Parker: Now that we’re closing in on our Season 2 finale, The Golden Moment, it’s only time we start get things sorted, right!?

Rudy Mac: The Golden Moment is starting to take shape!

Back inside the right, the GPW commissioner continued.

Parker: We’re just two shows away, so it’s about time I let you in on what’s going to GO DOWN! Firstly, Violence just successfully defended his Pure Gold Championship…


Parker: And now we have to find a special, new challenger for the title, and that’s why TONIGHT we will be seeing two of GPW’s hottest wrestlers win a shot at the PURE GOLD CHAMPIONSHIP at The Golden Moment!

The young businessman lowers the mic from a moment as if in deep thought.

Parker: Now, I had to think for a moment of who deserves this opportunity tonight. One easy name came off the top of my head… now, I first met this kid in Japan, and he SURE was raw of talent!

The crowd pops big!

Rudy Mac: These guys know who he’s talking about!

Parker: I’m of course, honoring FUSE MAKOTO with this opportunity! Fuse might have lost his very first match, but since then he has been on a ROLL!

DeShawn: This kid even took down GBM at Gold Strike 7!

Rudy Mac: GBM will be “A” okay!

The GPW commissioner strolled around again as if in contemplation. Finally, he grins and holds the microphone back up to his mouth.

Parker Meloche: His opponent… well, let’s just say that his opponent tonight has certainly been on my radar this season! As far as his history goes… this homie…

The crowd begins to boo.

Parker Meloche: He’s had a mixed bag of results, but he BARELY lost to Violence in Season 1, and he after some mistakes outside the ring… he MANNED up and beat Corbin Fiscal at Gold Strike 8!


Rudy Mac: What a controversial pick!

The crowd boos incessantly while Parker Meloche smiles and walks around slowly.


The boos transition to cheers at the thrilling excitement of tonight’s match.

Parker: Now, now, and that’s not even Gold Strike 9’s MAIN EVENT!

The loyal GPW attendees begin to buzz with excitement.

Parker: Dr. Dean is due to defend his belt one more time before The Golden Moment, and he’s going to defend against… FROM MEMPHIS… YOUR OWN… CORY STENSON!

Another HUGE pop erupts from the fans, the commissioner pauses patiently, and then when it begins to die down, he speaks again.

Parker: We’ve barely scraped the potential of the season finale! That’s why, over the next TWO episodes of Gold Strike, we’ll be announcing NEW matches… and I’m always open for a wrestler to tell me who he wants!

With a devilish grin, Commissioner Meloche smiles to the crowd, and “E.I.” by Nelly begins to play, which signals the end of the announcements.


You Can't Hide

The broadcast fades to backstage, where GPW reporting Vicky Cogliano is standing with Dr. Dean and his two henchmen, the Orderlies.


Vicky: Hello, GPW fans! Vicky Cogliano here…

The young woman holds the microphone confidently for the interview while her protectors, Bounce Squad, stand behind.


Vicky: I’m here with Dr. Dean and the Orderlies! Dr. Dean, where are your patients?

The smart looking psychiatrist smirked.

Dr. Dean: Ah, my dear Vicky, I expected you to ask that. You see… one of my patients is in the van awaiting his match tonight. Of course, I’m speaking about the oft-understood… Sicko.


Vicky: And where is your other patient?

Dr. Dean: My other patient… Mr. Abel… is somewhere within the BOWELS of this infernal arena!

The Orderlies shift nervously, which noticeably triggers a tense response from Bounce Squad. Vicky motions for everyone to calm down before continuing on.

Vicky: And how will you catch him, Dr. Dean?

Dr. Dean: Oh, my dear Vicky, I have a couple of stratagems to employ. Tonight, you will see at least one… two if I must.

Orderly Summers and Orderly Caruso smiles and grit their jaws in the background.

The young reporter turns and smiles at the camera.

Vicky: There it is folks! Is Abel able to stay hidden?!


Big Buddha vs. Saga

Single Fall

Inside the arena, “Four Vows” by Chris Burrows beings to solemnly play, but it’s juxtaposed by the decent cheers from the fans. Big Buddha makes his way onto stage in his traditional Tibetan monk attire, and then slowly walks down to the ring.

Rudy Mac: We’ve yet to see Big Buddha since Gold Rush!

DeShawn: Let’s see if he reincarnated as a winner for Season 2!

After Big Buddha slowly climbs into the ring, he begins to patiently await his opponent. He doesn’t wait long because “I Can See It In Your Face” by Pretty Lights hits the speakers and the crowd gives a slightly warm response to the young Polynesian wrestler who walks about.

DeShawn: He claims to be from the famous Anoa’i wrestling family that produced Roman Reigns, the Rock, Rikishi and Umaga!

Rudy Mac: Unfortunately, he hasn’t found the same success as those wrestlers.

Saga jumps onto the ring apron and climbs through the ropes. His impressive 6’4” 255lb frame impresses those closest to the ring.

The bell rings, and the match begins. Saga takes a running start and hits Big Buddha with a shoulder check, which doesn’t faze the large monk.

The two go at it for several minutes, and Saga begins to get worn down by some of Big Buddha’s slow power moves. Big Buddha eventually lays out Saga and delivers a MASSIVE leg drop.

1… 2… NO!!!

DeShawn: I would probably have just tapped out instead of letting one of those legs crush me!

A minute later, Saga ducks around Big Buddha, bounces off the ropes and delivers a beautiful spear, sending Big Buddha tumbling to the mat.

1… 2… NO!!!

Big Buddha and Saga get back to their feet and carry on. Displaying his impressive strength, Saga picks up Big Buddha for a powerslam, but wobbles at the last moment and falls backward.


Rudy Mac: Saga just took the full 400 pounds on top of him!

The referee slides in for the unexpected pinfall attempt.

1… 2… 3!!!

DeShawn: Bad luck seems to be Saga’s middle name! Or would it be his last name?

Rudy Mac: It’s a tough idiom to use when the person only has one name!

Big Buddha stands up and bows to the crowd before helping Saga to his feet. Saga’s face is one of pure disappointment.


Big Buddha via Body Slam


I Used To Skate, Too

The broadcast switches to backstage, where Crosscheck Beck is standing at his locker room stall. The crowd POPS for the local hockey enforcer.

Crosscheck Beck slowly tapes the foil around his fists when another hardcore wrestler walks…


Rudy Mac: King Crab Mack makes his first appearance of Season 2!

The local Memphis Bears fan smiled casually.

Crosscheck Beck: Mack, stoked to get a shot at you.

The current GPW Hardcore Champion held the crabbing hook on his shoulder and grimaced at the younger hockey player.

King Crab Mack: Listen, buddy. I’m from Alaska, and I used to skate too. And because these fans RESPECT you, I will respect you.

Crosscheck Beck: Okay, I get that. We can go do a tilt, and no hard feelings on my part.

The bigger wrestler in orange crabbing gear nodded his head in approval.

King Crab Mack: Let’s do it bud. Winner buys the beer.

The crowd cheers wildly and the newly established partnership.


Reject vs. Sicko

Single Fall, Hardcore Rules

Back inside the main arena, the sounds of “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists smashes the stereo system, and the fans begin to boo wildly.


Rudy Mac: We haven’t seen this troubled man much since last season!

DeShawn: He seems to be laying low since the shaming from Flip Costa at Gold Rush!

Reject walks out from backstage and down the ring. At this point he seems completely unfazed by the jeers from the GPW faithful.

The music dies down, and suddenly the dark melody of “Deadman” by Karnivool thumps into the arena. The crowd erupts in boos again.

Rudy Mac: The Psych Ward might have one patient on the loose, but Sicko has always seemed quite obedient to Dr. Dean.

Sicko, followed by Dr. Dean and the Orderlies, stalks down the ramp, and enters the ring. The leadership of the Psych Ward posts up next to the ring and watches as the match gets started.

Reject and Sicko, neither popular with the fans precede to trade serious moves against each other. Weapons had yet to be introduced into the match when Sicko snuck Reject into a tilt-a-whirl face slam.

DeShawn: No name for that INSANE move!

1… 2… NOOO!!!

The match finally spills outside and the two trade shots before they each have a chance to grab a weapon. Reject slithers under the ring and comes out the other side with his signature barbed wire bat.

Rudy Mac: We’ve seen that thing mess up the best-looking men in GPW!

DeShawn: You still look great, Flip!

On the other side of the ring, Sicko pulls out a folded chair and sneers with a sick, sadistic smirk.

The two combatants follow each other to the same side of the ring… they both raise their weapons and attempt a swing…


Sicko and Reject hit each other in the head simultaneously, and both stumbles backward. After a final moment, they collapse onto their backs, obviously knocked out.

Rudy Mac: My GOD!

The referee takes a moment and then begins the count…

1… 2… 3…

DeShawn: What does it mean if it’s a tie!?

Dr. Dean and the Orderlies carefully watch from the side, but don’t interfere.

4… 5… 6…

Rudy Mac: Then I don’t know who deserves the next shot at the GPW Hardcore championship!

7… 8… 9…

DeShawn: We’ve never had a double knockout in GPW history!


The crowd begins to boo in response to the double knockout, seemingly both annoyed and angered by their result.

Rudy Mac: This jacks up the whole Hardcore division!


Draw, Double Countout


I'm On To You

The camera feed switches backstage, where Parker Meloche is sitting in his FedExForum office. While small, he still has a professional desk and setup.

The crowd mixes boos and cheers for the GPW match maker.

But then, the door to his office opens and the crowd definitely CHEERS!

Rudy Mac: Golden Ben Miller!

The GPW war horse, GBM, enters the room in his standard street attire: jeans, white t-shirt, and leather and gold jacket.

Commissioner looks slightly surprised.

Parker: Ben! What can I do for you?

GBM: Parker. We need to talk.

Parker: For you, of course!

Ben looks unimpressed before taking a chair in front of Parker’s desk. Finally, he sits down and rests his palms on his knees, and the nervous buzz goes across the crowd inside the arena.

GBM: Listen, buddy… it’s time I set something straight…

The young Canadian businessman smiled and leaned back.

Parker: And what’s that, my friend?

GBM: I think… YOU… are up to no good with SHOTCALLER!

The crowd erupts at the confrontation!

G-B-M! G-B-M! G-B-M!

Parker: Whoa whoa whoa…

The smaller Parker stands up and puts his hands on his hips defensively.

Parker: I don’t know what you’re saying here, bud. But I have been a 100% straight shooter since YOUR grandfather hired me and I have always delivered SUCCESS!

The tall, golden stallion scoffed.

GBM: What do you expect us to think? Money goes missing, Shotcaller shows up EVERYWHERE, and now he’s getting a chance to headline The Golden Moment?

The crowd boos and cheers in frustrated confusion.

Parker: Listen, Ben, Shotcaller is one of the best athletes we’ve had, and it’s MY job to know our talent and plan out matchmaking accordingly. It’s my JOB.

Sensing an impasse, Golden Ben Miller stands up and walks back toward the door. He pauses before leaving the office, with one final thought.

GBM: You say you have always delivered success, but exactly what IS your measure of success, Mr. Meloche?

The crowd in the arena awaited with pensive breath to learn more Parker Meloche’s character.

Parker: Fans. Entertainment. I’m here for your fans, my fans… GPW fans!

GBM: I know something is going on here, and I’m going to figure it out. You may have the fans in mind, but there’s more to this.

GPW’s warhorse, Golden Ben Miller, leaves the commissioner’s office with a face full of frustration.


Crosscheck Beck vs. King Crab Mack

Hardcore Championship

The show switches back to inside the FedExForum, where “Bottom of a Bottle” by Smile Empty Soul begins to play. The crowd produces a lively cheer when local hockey enforcer, Crosscheck Beck, emerges onto the entrance stage.

Rudy Mac: Our favorite frozen pugilist has really earned this chance!

DeShawn: He’s been on a roll this season and the Hardcore Division could get another shakeup tonight!

Crosscheck Beck climbs into the ring and waits with his hockey stick for his opponent to arrive.

The crowd POPS when “Slit Wrist Theory” by 36 Crazyfists blasts out from the speakers. A large, impressive man in orange attire walks out carrying a large crabbing hook.

Rudy Mac: This is King Crab Mack’s first title defense!

KCM walks up the ring stairs and climbs onto the outside of a corner and lifts his crabbing hook to the crowd. The fans cheer back in response.

After the music dies down, King Crab Mack hands off his title belt to a production assistant and the match begins.

The two clash right out of the gate with their weapons. Crosscheck Beck gets aggressive and snaps his stick over KCM’s back, which KCM repays by slamming his crabbing hook into the challenger’s face.

DeShawn: I think he just cut Beck’s face!

Crosscheck Beck wipes away some blood trickling down his forehead and gets back to work. The match spills outside of the ring where KCM lifts Beck up and nails a spinebuster onto the ringside floor.

1… 2… NO!!!

When the two wrestlers get back to their feet, Beck whips KCM into the steel stairs. He follows up by pulling KCM along and hitting a neckbreaker.

1… 2… NO!!!

KCM reverses the momentum with a few moves of his own. Sensing an opportunity, he grabs his hook from the ring and ties it to the outside of a ring rope. He picks up Beck and precariously attaches him to the hook so that Beck’s feet are dangling.

DeShawn: KCM is really ‘hooking’ up Crosscheck Beck with a new experience.

King Crab Mack proceeds to take a running start, jumps and SPEARS the dangling challenger. He pulls Beck off of the hook, then lifts him up.

Rudy Mac: Jumping backbreaker!


DeShawn: That looks like it’ll do it!

1… 2… 3!!!

Showing some respect, KCM helps Crosscheck Beck up from the mat. Beck, still bleeding from his head, nods to the champion and shakes his head in disappointment at himself.

Winner and STILL Hardcore Champion:

King Crab Mack via The Full Pot


The Disrespect Ends

After King Crab Mack and Crosscheck Beck return backstage, the broadcast feed switches to a pre-match ready room. The crowd POPS when they see Fuse Makoto standing with his head down and his fists by his side.

Rudy Mac: This young man certainly has to be focused on his shot for #1 Pure Gold Contender status!

Fuse Makoto’s lips moved quietly, obviously talking to himself.

DeShawn: Get in there, cameraman! Get the microphone up to him!

On cue, the camera closes in, and Fuse’s words can be heard.

Fuse: …in honor of my elders, please give me the strength to oppose Violence… let me defeat this Shotcaller, and then regain the symbol of my father.

Rudy Mac: He’s talking about that headband Violence has on!

DeShawn: Fuse Makoto’s father wore that headband when he was a wrestler in Japan, right!?

The young Japanese wrestler’s eyes opened with a look of intensity.

He takes a deep breath and walks past the camera…


Fuse Makoto vs. Shotcaller

Single Fall, Pure Gold Championship #1 Contender Status

As the camera fades from backstage into the arena, “Name Of The Game” by The Crystal Method begins to pump into the arena speakers.

The crowd POPS!

Rudy Mac: Fuse Makoto, darling of Season 2, is here to punch his ticket for The Golden Moment!

Fuse Makoto makes his way out from backstage and doesn’t stop before heading down to the ring.

DeShawn: He’s got one tough opponent to go through first!

Inside the ring, Fuse stretches his neck out with his eyes closed while waiting for his opponent.

“Ambitionz Az A Ridah” by 2Pac starts to play, and the crowd lets out a torrent of boos. Shotcaller walks out onto the main stage and throws his signature ‘W’ across his chest.

DeShawn: Nobody has figured out what Shotcaller is up to this season!

Rudy Mac: If you ask Golden Ben Miller, he’ll tell you that Commissioner Meloche is connected to him.

Shotcaller struts down to the ring with a perturbed face before climbing into the ring and facing up to Fuse. The two wrestlers stare at each other while the bell rings in the background.

The wrestlers finally break their stare, and the match begins. The equally athletic competitors put on a show for the fans with a series of reversals, attempts and counters. The first big spot is hit when Shotcaller hooks Fuse’s leg and lifts him backward.

Rudy Mac: Fisherman’s suplex!

1… 2… NO!!!

A minute later, Shotcaller comes in for a charge, but he’s met with a sharp dropkick by Fuse. Fuse rushes up to the top rope and launches himself.

DeShawn: Did you see the airtime on that elbow drop!?

1… 2… NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I’d say that these are two evenly matched opponents!

The contest continues, and Shotcaller catches Fuse with a spinning elbow. He follows it up by hitting a scissor kick down Fuse’s neck sending him to the net.

1… 2… NO!!!

Fuse makes the next move by jumping off the middle rope and TWISTING Shotcaller to the mat with a beautiful huracurrana.

Rudy Mac: A new move out of Fuse Makoto’s belt!

1… 2… …. NO!!!

DeShawn: This might be the best pure wrestling match we’ve seen in Golden Pro Wrestling!

The two wrestlers go back-and-forth, trading move for move. Finally, Shotcaller makes a lightening quick dart toward Fuse Makoto and grabs him by the neck…


Rudy Mac: That’s it, I guess…

1… 2… … NO!!!

Rudy Mac: I was wrong!

Shotcaller looks annoyed but picks Fuse back up from the mat to keep his attack going. He attempts his next move, but Fuse shifts out of the way.

Fuse stuns Shotcaller with straight kick to the chest. When Shotcaller tries to approach Fuse again, Fuse jumps high up in the air and rotates his body 360 degrees with a leg sticking out…


Rudy Mac: BEAUTIFUL tornado kick!

1… 2… … 3!!!

The crowd cheers wildly, and Fuse Makoto stands up. As the referee raises his arm, Fuse lowers his head and speaks quietly to himself.

DeShawn: We can only guess what Fuse is saying to himself!

Rudy Mac: I bet it has the name ‘Violence’ in it! He’s got himself a shot at the Pure Gold Championship at THE GOLDEN MOMENT!

Fuse takes a moment to raise an arm in recognition of the fans while his music plays.


Fuse Makoto via Nikuya Strike


Incoming Threat

After Fuse Makoto and Shotcaller return backstage, the arena suddenly goes completely dark. The crowd buzzes in confusion and anticipation.

Rudy Mac: Someone check the circuits!

DeShawn: …Rudy, I think I know what’s happening…

The Gold Screen monitor at the top of the stage begins to glitch and go fuzzy. It finally comes into focus, and it shows the dark, mysterious bridge of the Draconian’s spaceship.

Rudy Mac: Not this again! B-level TV production!

DeShawn: I know that no one will believe me, but that place is REAL!

The Draconian steps into the camera shot of his spaceship’s bridge.


Despite the jeers, the mysterious large wrestler approaches the camera and looks into it with his dark, black eyes.

The Draconian: Attention hu-mahns. I am the Draconian and I have a simple message.


The Draconian: I have challenged the one you call Flip Co-stah to a match at The Golden Moment.

The crowd pops at the mention of GPW’s most handsome wrestler.

The Draconian: The stakes are quite simple… if I win, life and destiny for this pathetic planet continues as normal. But that destiny is not kind for your pathetic hu-mahn race…


The Draconian: You see, the very fate of your ‘dinosaurs’ awaits you, as well.

The camera feed switches from the Draconian’s ship to a crystal-clear image of a dark, brown asteroid rotating and turning in space. The crowd collectively gasps while the Draconian narrates to the footage.

The Draconian: In 150 years, this asteroid will collide with your Earth, and no matter your attempts you cannot stop it.


The broadcast switches back to the Draconian, who stares at the camera with his dark, black eyes.

The Draconian: If your Flip Co-stah can find a way to defeat me, my people will obliterate this harbinger of doom. If he cannot, this pathetic hu-mahn race will know its fate is unavoidable.

The transmission cuts out, the Gold Screen goes back to normal, and the lights come back up.

Rudy Mac: DeShawn! We’re doomed!

DeShawn: If anyone can keep us alive, it’s Flip Costa… right!?


Cory Stenson vs. Dr. Dean

Single Fall, Silver Championship

After the arena has returned to normal, the classic pump-up song “Get Ready” by 2 Unlimited pounds out of the speakers and the crowd cheers loudly.

From backstage, Cory Stenson emerges and stands at the top of the stage. He gives a wave with both arms while carrying a huge smile.

Rudy Mac: What a comeback story for Cory Stenson in Season 2!

DeShawn: Despite the setback in his very first match that ended his entire first season, he’s got a shot to win the Silver Championship!

Cory Stenson confidently walks down to the ring and climbs over the top rope. His large 6’8” frame impresses the ringside fans.

His music is replaced by “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed, which causes a chorus of boos from the fans.


Dr. Dean emerges in his classic wrestling attire, and is followed by his henchmen, the Orderlies. The Silver Championship is tightly strapped around his chest.

DeShawn: He’s already successfully defended the belt once against Corbin Fiscal!

Rudy Mac: I think Dr. Dean is looking to diagnosis himself as a resilient champion!

He spares no time and walks down to the ring in a business-like fashion. The Orderlies post off to the side of the ring while Dr. Dean hands his Silver Championship belt to a ringside production assistant.

The match kicks off and the two wrestlers begin to go at it. Cory Stenson is eight inches taller, and immediately takes advantage of his size advantage.

Cory Stenson opens things up with a THUNDERING fallaway slam.

1… 2… NO!!!

The two continue to engage, and Dr. Dean’s smarts take center stage. He lands a series of kicks to Cory’s right leg, which finally buckles him down to one knee. With Cory Stenson on one knee, Dr. Dean rushes forward and NAILS a knee to the head.

1… 2… NO!!!

The contest continues and Cory Stenson grabs the next advantage by lifting Dr. Dean up and dropping him down with a powerslam. Cory goes for the cover, but Orderly Summers hops up on the ring apron which distracts the referee.

With the ref distracted, Orderly Caruso sneaks in the other side and attacks Cory Stenson.


Cory, caught off guard, gets lifted up by Orderly Caruso…


Rudy Mac: What a screw job!

Orderly Caruso drapes Dr. Dean over Cory Stenson while Orderly Summers backs off. The referee turns around just in time to start a three count…

1… 2… … NO!!!

DeShawn: Cory kicks out!

Dr. Dean doesn’t waste a second and immediately grabs Cory Stenson’s legs and pulls into a Boston Crab position.

Rudy Mac: The Diagnosis! Will Cory tap!?


Cory Stenson, with a look of serious focus, begins to pull himself across the ring with Dr. Dean still in position. He finally reaches and grabs the ropes, and the referee is forced to make Dr. Dean break the hold.

Rudy Mac: What a stud! What resilience!

Dr. Dean and Cory Stenson get back to their feet, and the Orderlies attempt to pull the same move. This time, Orderly Caruso distracts the referee, but when Orderly Summers tries to get into the ring, he’s suddenly pulled off the apron!

Rudy Mac: Abel Unstable!

The crowd POPS when Abel Unstable drops Orderly Caruso with a large arm across the chest. Abel climbs into the ring and tries to pull Dr. Dean in for his signature move.

Rudy Mac: Is he going to hit Dr. Dean with the Unstablizer!?

Cory Stenson steps in and taps Abel on the shoulder while shaking his head profusely. Abel stops for a moment before letting go of Dr. Dean and rolling himself out of the ring.

The referee turns around just in time to see Cory Stenson pick up Dr. Dean with his head between his legs…


DeShawn: No way! Is this going to happen!?

1… 2… … 3!!!

Rudy Mac: Cory Stenson! We have a new Silver Champion!

The crowd POPS huge at the turn of the events, and Cory Stenson is obviously overcome with his emotion while the referee raises his hand.

Winner and NEW Silver Champion:

Cory Stenson via Stenson Driver


I Want My Freedom!

Inside the ring, Cory Stenson is elated, but the aftermath of Abel’s interference continues ringside.

With Orderly Caruso already knocked out, Abel charges Orderly Summers. The two exchange blows before Abel gets the upper hand. He grabs Summers in and flips the large man upside down…


Rudy Mac: Tombstone Piledriver right onto the ringside floor!

Dr. Dean groggily gets to his feet and sees both of the Orderlies knocked out, and suddenly looks at Abel Unstable with wide eyes.

The escaped mental patient’s face twists with rage.

Abel Unstable: I WANT MY FREEDOM!

Despite his large, girthy size, Abel Unstable runs quickly up the ramp and backstage while the crowd cheers on.

Inside the ring, Cory Stenson looks down at the Silver Championship strapped around his waist.

Rudy Mac: That’s it for Gold Strike 9! See you at the next episode when the Psych Ward will try to regroup, and The Golden Moment matches are announced!

Dr. Dean looks around confounded and apoplectic and the broadcast fades to black…

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