A Text?

After years of silence and pain, Reject gets contacted by a girl.

Eharmony. Deleted.

Zoosk. Deleted.

Elite Singles. Deleted.

Perfectdating.com. Deleted.

Facetoface. Deleted.

Tinder. Deleted.

Bumble. Deleted.

OkCupid. Deleted.

Hinge. Deleted.

Match.com. Deleted.

Grindr. Never installed, but probably wouldn’t work anyways.

Her. Not applicable, but probably wouldn’t work anyways.

Reject sat on the couch in his one-bedroom apartment and thumbed through the Google Playstore. He didn’t have much: some clothes, some basic pots and pans and kitchenware, a bed, a couple of tall lamps, his couch, and of course, his computer.

It’s all bullshit! These women only want money.

Unfortunately, he had very little. His shifts at the 711 barely paid for rent and his wrestling academy dues. What was left went to generic brand food from the grocery store.

He took the bus every day, he had to use Pert Plus as a body wash, and his phone was at least two generations old.


Reject stood and walked past his bathroom, and briefly glanced in the mirror.

Unlovable freak.

His reflection was a dejected man of relatively modest appearance. Sure, he had a strong frame, but his face looked like a worn leather glove.

Reject winced and continued to his computer and logged in, and his browser loaded its homepage.


It was still early in the morning, but why not?

Scrolling past the thumbnails was always a little depressing for him, though. Why couldn’t he have a woman like on this site? Absolutely stunning and beautiful, and willing to do anything he wanted.

Why couldn’t dating be like a search bar?

He buried the insecure thoughts to give himself this three-minute break from pain when he heard the vibrating of his phone on the coffee table.

Reject redid his belt and went back and grabbed his phone. It was a text message?

Not just one. His phone was blowing up!


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