At Peace

Big Buddha returns to GPW after re-centering himself.

With heavy steps, the large Tibetan monk squeezed down the aisle of the 737-passenger jet. He had to turn sideways and suck in his stomach to be able to get through. The line of other passengers waited patiently behind him.

Big Buddha was returning from him temple in Tibet where he had spent the past couple of months in quiet meditation.

The meditation had not been easy after his loss at Gold Rush. He had an opportunity to achieve recognition for the Buddhist way but lost the match against Dr. Dean. And while he prided himself in maintaining a tranquil nature, he found the loss much more difficult to digest than he thought.

But eventually he was able to find his inner balance and motivated himself to recenter and return to Memphis for Season 2.

The girthy monk smiled politely to the stewardess at the door and looked into the cockpit of the plane. He noticed two pilots that looked eerily similar to the GPW tag team Your Pilots.

The white pilot looked back at the monk and sneered.

“Hey, check it out, it’s fatso,” he said to the other pilot.

The black pilot turned his head, laughed, and held out his fist, which the other pilot bumped with his own.

Big Buddha smiled and reminded himself that such vanity had no effect on his corporeal self. He was above such worldly concerns, but he did decide that he would no longer use Spirit Airlines.

After passing through the door and onto the passenger boarding bridge. He emerged into the main gate and all the awaiting travelers stopped and stared at him.

“That’s Big Buddha!” cried one little boy to his father. The father patted him on the back excitedly.

“Welcome back, Big Buddha!” the father yelled out.

Big Buddha closed his eyes and nodded with a satisfied smile.

Perhaps the judgment of the world did matter to him a small bit. He was glad to be back and continue his journey in this town they called Memphis.

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