Awoke v. Tennessee

Awoke leads a march against Tennessee’s tyranny.

“What do we want?!”


“When do we want them!?”


The small group of protestors that Awoke had rallied together at the Tennessee State Capitol were very engaged, and eagerly following Awoke’s prompts over the megaphone.

Ever since Awoke came to Tennessee, he had been amassing thousands of new followers on TikTok. He rants about genocidal hate speech and the intolerant ways of Memphis-folk had really struck a chord with his followers.

Indeed, most of the people at his rally today weren’t Tennesseans. Many of them had flown in from California and New York or driven from Chicago to help the cause.

The cause today? Abortion.

The fact that Tennessee had completely banned abortion in August of 2022 absolutely incensed Awoke. Abortion was a right.

“Whose fetus!?”


“Whose fetus!?”


Just like he had asked on TikTok, his followers had shown up wearing red clothes from head-to-toe. They each held their own acerbic and snarky protest sign, which was perfect because the news reporters were finally starting to show up.

One news reporter, a white cis man, got to Awoke first.

“Hey, you, with the megaphone,” the reporter said while holding up his mic. “Can you tell us about your protest here today?”

Awoke turned and scowled, then looked past the reporter and directly into the news camera.

“Oh, I’ll tell you exactly what we’re here protesting today!” Awoke responded. “WE are sick and tired of cis, het, old white men telling us what we can and can’t do with our bodies! We have a right to abort a baby whenever we want!”

The reporter’s face became confused… this wasn’t the normal way Roe v. Wade supporters articulated their point.

“That’s very interesting-” the report said before being cut off by Awoke.

“And here’s another thing for you intolerant Tennessee people,” growled Awoke. “If you have a problem with this, then come to Memphis and find me at Gold Strike 3 because that’s where I’ll be protesting next!”

“Wait, are you talking about Golden Pro Wrestling?” the reporter asked.

“Yes!” Awoke yelled. “I’ll be at the next event protesting the commercialization of violence!”

“And how do you plan to do that?”

“By beating the shit out of them!”

The reporter quickly turned to cameraman and motioned with his hand to his throat to stop rolling. Awoke grabbed his megaphone and went back to his crowd.

“What do we want?!”


“When do we want them!?”


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