
Queen Solis reveals her plans for Earth and its humanity.

The cool blue lights emanated from behind the dark grey wall panels of the bridge of the Draconian’s ship. A quiet hum from the ship’s engines filled the air where the Draconian, Queen Solis, Flip Draco and the Dominars stood.

Queen Solis proudly observed the army she had assembled.

Initially she had only sent her general, the Draconian, to cross the galaxy and investigate humanity. Then she deployed the Dominars to aid him in the mission.

And finally, she converted the man known as Flip Costa into Flip Draco. The man who was also the father to her soon-to-be child.

They were here to find out if humanity was worthy.

Worthy of what? Subjugation.

The empire of Draconium had many needs, including natural resources, manpower and water. All of which were required for Queen Solis to maintain the galactic dominance of her stellar empire.

“My loyal servants,” Queen Solis stated coolly to her warriors. “The hu-mahns have concluded their ‘Season 4’, and we must wait until their ‘Season 5’ begins.”

After a moment of silence, her general spoke.

“And what are your commands for the hu-mahn’s ‘Season 5’?” the Draconian asked flatly in his deep monotone voice.

A small smirk turned up from the side of Queen Solis’ mouth.

“My commands are that we will overtake all of Golden Pro Wrestling. Every championship belt will be ours, and once we have done that, the spirit of humanity will be broken.”

The Dominars looked down at the Golden Pro Wrestling Tag Team Championship belts around their waists.

“Yes, Dominars,” Queen Solis nodded in acknowledgement. “You have done well. However, the Hardcore Championship, Silver Championship and Pure Gold Championship are still to be acquired. And once we have broken humanity’s spirit, their pathetic planet will be ready for our control.”

The Draconian, Flip Draco, and the Dominars nodded to their queen.

Queen Solis gripped her scepter in her hand, which manifested the power within her.

“Invasion. Destruction. Domination. Those are my commands.”

“Yes, my queen,” they all replied in unison.

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