Dear Fans

A letter from Golden Glen Miller to the people of Memphis.

First, I want to tell you how excited this old dog is to bring local professional wrestling to you great folk.

The city of Memphis raised me, supported me, and gave my life a greater purpose. When I was in the jungles of ‘Nam, whenever I was scared, I thought about my family and friends back in this is great town.

It’s why I’ve spent the past two decades since I stopped wrestling to give back. Funding parks, youth programs, advocating for city improvements, and anything else I could do. I’d hand the shirt off my back to any of you.

Now, the one thing this city has been missing is homegrown pro wrestling, and launching Golden Pro Wrestling truly gets my heart pumping. Don’t worry though, that heart is still in good enough shape to handle it.

For many of the younger fans, you may not remember me. I’m just your dad’s favorite wrestler. And that’s fine – I’m not going to be out in the ring.

And to be honest, I’ll be staying out of the way as much as possible. We have an incredibly gifted young man to run the show, Parker Meloche.

I just wanted to check in here and let you know this group of wrestlers are going to give it their all every match. Just like I did.

So, please, enjoy the show.


Golden Glen Miller

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