Family Business Pt. 3

King Crab Mack’s responsibilities put him at a crossroads.

King Crab Mack’s large, orange F350 pulled up to the FedExForum parking lot. It was getting late in the afternoon, and Gold Strike 15 was only a couple hours away. Inside the cab of his truck, Mack Morrison gripped the steering wheel in frustration.

It was only yesterday that he’d gotten the call from home about his father. As to be expected, it appeared his father’s health issues were finally too much for him to continue crabbing.

For years, his father’s addiction to cigarettes had spelled a long-term disaster. Season after season of sitting in his crabbing boat’s wheelhouse, puffing away, had nearly destroyed his heart. The third heart attack was considered a ‘widow maker’ but he somehow survived. Barely.

The doctors, knowing the stresses of fishing, were adamant he would die from uncontrolled stress if he went back out to sea.

This meant that there was no one to captain the Eagle’s Take this season, which was unacceptable considering that its earnings supported his entire family.

Once parked, King Crab Mack climbed out of his pickup, and he looked into the truck’s bed where his large crabbing hook sat.

He instinctively went to pull the hook out, but then caught himself. He had no more use for it right now.

Instead, he went back to the cab of the truck and grabbed the Golden Pro Wrestling Hardcore Championship belt. He took a moment to look at it carefully.

Warts and all, the belt reflected his own unique strength. Nothing he did was pretty, and he earned everything by whatever means necessary.

He closed the cab to his truck and headed into the FedExForum.

Tonight was King Crab Mack’s last night as the GPW Hardcore Champion. He had to return to Dutch Harbor, captain the Eagle’s Take and look after the family business.

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