Far Out Pt. 4

Flip Costa learns more about what is at stake at Gold Strike 20

He was used to this by now; the soft emanating blue lights behind the grey wall panels of the Draconian’s ship. They had been in transit for several days now from the alien world, Draconia, and presumably on their way back to Earth. 

At least, that’s what Queen Solis had told him. 

The beautiful, calculating, domineering queen. 

She had taken any pleasure she wanted with Flip Costa’s body, and then some. But that seemed like a small exercise in power compared to her ability to vanquish total civilizations. 

Flip Costa casually walked along the hallway of the Draconian’s ship with freedom, as the Draconian considered him as no threat now. However, there was something aboard the spaceship that the Draconian did consider a threat. 

Over the course of the voyage, whenever Flip Costa would pass one particular room, he could hear it. The sounds of chains clinking, and guttural exclaims of resistance, anger and desperation. 

Something was in there, and it was dangerous. 

Flip entered the bridge of the Draconian’s ship where the enigmatic, gigantic being sat stoically in his chair. He was carefully viewing some sort of tactical display, which featured a 3D hologram of another alien being. What Flip saw was concerning; a mammoth alien different than the Draconian’s species.  

Noticing Flip was now in the room, the Draconian turned off the display and continued to stare forward in silence. 

“Yo, Draco,” Flip said casually. “I have to ask, what the heck you got back there in that room? I keep hearing something, and I don’t like the sound of it.” 

The Draconian didn’t respond, and suddenly the strong voice of a familiar woman came from behind Flip. 

“That, Flip Co-stah, is your opponent,” the Queen answered. 

It started to make sense to Flip now, though most intelligent humans would have already figured it out. 

“My opponent?” Flip asked. 

The queen walked casually into the spaceship’s bridge and stood next to the Draconian’s chair. 

“Yes,” she continued. “As I told you back on my homeworld, to ensure the destruction of the asteroid heading toward Earth, you must first defeat the last of an alien race we conquered. If you can prove that you’re willing to do anything to save your people, and succeed at it, I will personally eradicate the asteroid.” 

Flip looked down and thought carefully. She had told him about this already, but with so many bizarre experiences along this trip, he hadn’t kept it all straight. 

“And what are the rules for this battle?” 

“There are no rules. We have already informed your Golden Pro Wrestling that this will take place at the end of the Gold Strike 20 event. I hope you are prepared because I would hate to think that a species like yours who can provide such… pleasure… would be annihilated by a simple cosmological event.” 

This worried Flip. 

He had little idea about what kind of opponent he would face at Gold Strike 20, but he knew the stakes were higher than they had ever been before. 

“Alright, my space babe, bring it on.” 

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