Far Out Pt. 5

Flip Costa gets some rather unexpected news from Queen Solis.

The trio of Flip Costa, Queen Solis and the Draconian corporealized on the bridge of the Draconian’s spaceship, which still calmly orbited Earth. Flip looked out at the view panel and could see North America slowly disappearing as the planet rotated.

Flip was still in rough shape from his match against Ja’vek the Dauntless at Gold Strike 20. His ribs were definitely bruised, and the blood on his back from Ja’vek’s sharp-toed stomps were still dripping.

Despite the pain, he still felt like he had to say something.

“Hey space babe,” addressed Flip to Queen Solis. “You never said you were going to vaporize the Ja’vek dude!”

Queen Solis and the Draconian didn’t acknowledge Flip’s comment, and simply went about some tasks on the bridge by checking various computer display panels. He could see the Draconium inspecting a three-dimensional hologram of the asteroid that was destined to destroy Earth. The tactical display indicated various weak points in its geological makeup.

But it didn’t matter right now. Frustrated, Flip walked up to the side of Queen Solis.

“Like, I’ve been super patient here, and I’ve done everything I’ve been asked to do. Even when it was painful to my body, and I’m not just talking about Ja’vek.”

Flip, of course, was referencing the many nights Queen Solis kept Flip in her bed chambers and treated him as some sort of slave to her physical desires.

Queen Solis stopped what she was doing and began to speak without turning her head to Flip.

“Flip Co-stah, I’m afraid your minimal intelligence is unable to comprehend what has transpired. As promised, the asteroid headed toward your Earth will be destroyed, but that is not the end of your journey with myself and my Draconium.”

“What do you mean?” Flip asked as Queen Solis finally turned to face him with her cold, domineering face.

“You see, Flip Co-stah. I am with child. Your child. And you now have a lifelong obligation to the Draconium, and to me, your future wife.”

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