Final Treatment

Dr. Dean and the Orderlies administer the last dosage to Abel Unstable.

Outside the patient’s cell, Dr. Dean narrowed his eyes and looked at his henchmen.

“Caruso, Summers,” Dr. Dean addressed them. “Abel is just one treatment away from being turned loose upon the Golden Pro Wrestling roster. However, I expect this last dosage to be a very… volatile experience.”

Dr. Dean held up a syringe and carefully tapped it with a finger from his other hand.

The two orderlies both nodded in understanding.

The leader of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute smirked to himself. He enjoyed these opportunities to test out his theories on patients whom society had discarded.

Of course, GPW’s Dr. Garren and that insolent young reporter, Vicky Cogliano, hadn’t stopped hounding him all season.

Dr. Dean turned and stepped toward Abel Unstable’s door before furrowing his brows.

No matter he thought.

At Season 4’s finale, Allegiance, Abel Unstable would re-emerge to the public stronger than ever, meaner than ever, and more Unstable than ever.

The leader of the Psych Ward nodded over his shoulder, and Orderly Caruso stepped forward to unlock the door, and then carefully opened it.

“Arrghhhh,” came a voice from inside the room. “Arghhhh!”

With another nod from Dr. Dean, both Orderlies rushed inside the room to restrain the wild patient.

“We got him!” exclaimed Orderly Caruso, obviously exerting effort.

“Get in here quick!” yelled Orderly Summers. “We’re not sure how long we can keep him down!”

Dr. Dean stepped into the room with his syringe to deliver Abel’s final treatment.

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