Frailty of Earth

The Draconian explains his challenge to Flip Costa.

Inside the parking garage next to the FedExForum, Flip Costa walked out to his car with his gym bag slung over his shoulder. The car beeped when he unlocked it remotely, and the trunk popped open.

Flip threw the bag in the trunk and shut it before walking around to the driver’s side door. He cranked his neck to one side and stretched it out, as it was in serious discomfort from receiving Violence’s Blur Out.

Although he had lost his GPW Pure Gold Championship title shot earlier in the evening at Gold Strike 8, he felt like that wouldn’t be his last chance.

He reached out to open the door, but the lights within the parking garage began to flicker. He cocked his eyes around in concern before the lights went out completely.

Then, total silence. Flip couldn’t see anything.

A long moment later, his eyes were adjusting to a new illumination and environment, and it wasn’t the parking garage he had been in a second before.

He was now standing in a darkened room with a low hum permeating the background. He attempted to orient himself, while noticing the dark gray panels along the walls and blue electronic screens with strange symbols.

Along one wall was a window, and outside the window… Earth.

“Co-stah,” a deep, dark voice bellowed behind him.

Flip turned around and looked the Draconian, who towered over the Pretty Boy from Pensacola.

GPW’s best looking wrestler was shocked for a moment, but then realized that the Draconian didn’t appear to be threatening him. Flip relaxed his guard.

“Dude, what the heck!?” he exclaimed.

The Draconian tilted his head down without emotion, his black eyes piercing Flip’s psyche.

“Look at your pathetic planet,” the Draconian ordered.

Flip obliged and looked back out at Earth. He could see South America… or wait, was that Africa? Flip never paid attention in geography class.

“Like, what about it?” he asked back.

The Draconian stepped forward to Flip’s side and joined him in observation of the planet below.

“Millions of years ago, an asteroid impacted this world, killing nearly everything,” the Draconian replied. “However, life would still flourish and the hu-mahns came to be.”

“Yeah, so?” Flip replied.

“What if I were to tell you that another asteroid is coming, and this time it will kill everything?”

Flip thought carefully to himself for a moment.

“Well, like, that would be a total bummer, dude.”

“A bum-ah?” the Draconian asked. “Your species admires your physical appearance, and you rely on it for your self-worth.”

Flip turned his head with annoyance.

“Listen, my bro from another cosmo. I thought you were just a crazy dude, but like, you got me up here and I’m starting to be convinced this isn’t some weird thing. Now, why you all over me?”

“My people sent me here to learn more about the hu-mahns. And, I have decided to test if human vanity can be surpassed to save your pathetic frailty.”

“What are you talking about!?”

“As I said, another asteroid is coming to your planet. And, if you can find a way to defeat me, I will destroy it.”

Flip opened his mouth to reply when the lights cut out from all around him. The same eerie silence returned, but then his senses came back to him.

He was again standing at his car door, perplexed, and concerned about what he just experienced.

This was getting more serious with the Draconian because now the fate of the entire planet was apparently in his beautiful, well-manicured hands.

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