Helping Others Pt. 3

Dr. Dean tests an experimental procedure on young Steven Albright.

Summer 2022

Dr. Dean tapped the syringe with his finger and forced a small ejection of liquid into the air. The operating room’s light was dim, and the air wasn’t particularly pleasant smelling. However, that was just the state of things at the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute.

He looked down at his patient, the young Steven Albright. Steven had only been in Dr. Dean’s care for a couple of months, but the experienced physician felt that his new, experimental treatment could truly help the young man.

On the table, Steven Albright struggled mightily against the leather restraints. Orderlies Summer and Caruso stood by as ever-watching sentinels in case Steven Albright somehow broke free.

“No! No! Please!”

“Steven, trust me, this will help you with your issues,” Dr. Dean assured his patient.

Wearing his white doctor’s coat, his arms extended through the sleeves as he reached forward. With precision, Dr. Dean slid the needle under Steven Albright’s skin and into a large vein.

It was hard for Dr. Dean not to wince at the scream that Steven let loose.

The shriek was loud enough to wake up other mental patients down the hall, prompting their own insanity to break loose. Indeed, the entire psych ward of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute erupted into deranged screaming amongst the patients.

The orderlies stepped forward and held down Steven with all of their strength as the young patient writhed and convulsed on the table.

Dr. Dean watched intently as Steven thrashed about against the leather restraints.

I shall cure this ‘sicko’ Dr. Dean thought to himself.

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