His Day In Court

Parker must face the music for gaming the Memphis legal system.

“All rise!” the bailiff commanded.

The courtroom obliged, including Parker Meloche and Golden Pro Wrestling’s lawyer, Malcom Marshall. The young Canadian businessman, still wearing his neck brace, was quite worried about this court date. After being exposed at The Golden Moment for manipulating the criminal justice system, he knew that his legal defense was questionable at best.

But Malcom Marshall had never let Parker down when it came to legal matters.

“The Honorable Judge Fitzpatrick presiding,” the bailiff stated as the elderly judge shuffled his feet from the door to his bench.

*knock knock knock*

The judge’s gavel rapped before the bailiff announced that court was in session.

“People v. Meloche motion hearing; what have you got for me Mr. Marshall?”

The African American lawyer stood up confidently.

“Your honor, the city of Memphis is trying to paint my defendant as a scheming businessman bent on making a profit, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, he has done nothing short of attempt to rehabilitate a troubled young man before he spends decades incarcerated.”

The prosecuting attorney immediately jumped from his seat.

“Don’t believe a word of this, your honor. Mr. Meloche played games with the legal system, and then conspired to have the young man viciously attack other employees of his wrestling league.”

The judge raised his eyebrows and looked back at Malcom Marshall.

“Is this true?” the judge asked.

“While there have been allegations-”

“Allegations!?” the prosecutor asked incredulously. “He admitted it at their last wrestling entertainment event!”

“Under duress, I might add,” retorted Parker’s lawyer. “I simply ask the court to consider the precedent of the People v. Henshaw from Tennessee’s own city, Nashville. A local businessman by the name of Bryan Henshaw invested his own money in agreement with the city to selectively remove and employ charged inmates for rehabilitation. We move to dismiss.”

The prosecutor scoffed.

“The only reason Bryan Henshaw was found not guilty of conspiracy to defraud the city of Nashville was because his contributions were above bail amounts and thus considered a net benefit and ‘public good’ for whatever that’s worth.”

Malcom Marshall, undeterred, shot back.

“And my defendant, Parker Meloche, contributed above the amount of bail in his efforts to help turn this young man’s life around. And, before the prosecutor can try to taint this, the method of delivering such monetary efforts is not a consideration.”

“I’m inclined to agree, Mr. Marshall.”

“But your honor!” the prosecutor exclaimed.

“That’s enough!” commanded the judge with a stern stare at the prosecutor. “While ethically dubious throughout his efforts, Mr. Meloche did gainfully employ a charged inmate as per his intention. That’s more than I can say for the current criminal rehabilitation efforts. Indeed, the city of Memphis owes Mr. Meloche a modicum of appreciation. Case dismissed.”

*knock knock knock*

With Parker’s case officially gone, he breathed a large sigh of relief. The prosecutor through his head back in disbelief before grabbing his suitcase and storming out of the courtroom.

His lawyer, Malcom Marshall, had done it again and Parker was free to concentrate his efforts on Golden Pro Wrestling’s Season 3.

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