Is It Permanent?

Flip Costa is forced to face an ugly reality.

The doctor slowly unwrapped the bandages from around Flip Costa’s head, intertwining his hands to do it as smoothly and carefully as possible. He dared not to pull too fast and disturb any of the stitches.

In the room, three beautiful women watched with held breath. It was a tight squeeze in the patient room, especially considering the women’s enormous busts.

“Almost there, Flip,” the doctor updated.

The doctor, a top notch plastic surgeon, unraveled the last of the bandage from around Flip’s forehead…

“Ah!” screamed one of the women.

The second woman fainted to the floor.

The third one began to slowly cry.

“The mirror…” Flip commanded.

“Flip, before you look, I just want to say-”

“The mirror.”

The doctor grabbed the small mirror and shakingly gave it over to the young professional wrestler. The doctor bit his lower lip in nervousness for Flip’s reaction.

Flip raised the mirror and gazed at his reflection. There were several small cuts across his nose and cheeks, and one larger gash across above his eyes. His eyes narrowed and counted the number of stitches. Twenty-five in all.

Inside him, rage began to burn.


Flip threw the mirror across the room, and it shattered against the wall. The doctor and the two women who were still conscious all flinched at the impact.

“Can you fix this?” Flip asked between gritted teeth.

“Well, it’s hard to say, Flip,” the doctor answered. “If I get to work straightaway, definitely. If you wait until after the season then it’s much, much more difficult.”

Flip thought carefully to himself. On one hand, he felt obligated to protect Vicky and he wanted to exact retribution on Reject.

On the other hand, without his looks, he was nothing.

“Thank you, doctor.”

Flip got off the patient bed and scooped up the unconscious women and headed out the door with the other two gorgeous women behind him.

He had decided.

He wanted revenge. Now.

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