It Continues

Endgame enjoys their moment as GPW’s tag team champions.

Parker, Colorado

At this point, life was just flying by for Phaser, or as others knew him, Paul.

Or “Dad.”

Or “Husband.”

He wore many hats at home, but in front of the cameras and outward to the world, he was simply one half of the tag team Endgame. The first Tag Team Champions in Golden Pro Wrestling.

“Daddy?” asked his daughter as he held her hand while walking up the sidewalk together. His daughter, now attending kindergarten, wore her favorite cheetah-print dress with an orange bow in her hair.

It was a beautiful blue-sky day, and another perfect morning to walk his youngest child to school.

“What’s up, little one?”

The father-daughter duo passed by parked cars and onto the elementary school’s campus. Dozens and dozens of kids and parents walked by on their way into the building. The moment between him and his daughter felt slow and relaxed, however.

“Now that you’re the champion, what else do you do when you wrestle?” she innocently asked.

Paul thought for a moment and adjusted his sunglasses with his free hand, and he then led her toward a backside kindergarten door. “Kindies” had their own school entrance where it was less daunting to enter. It helped the little ones build confidence through their first year.

“Well, honey,” Paul replied. “Now I have to stay the champion.”

The finally got to the door, which was being held open by a school staff member. He bent down and gave her a hug.

“Just like I’m the champion every time we wrestle before bed?”

“Exactly,” Paul smiled and replied. “Have a great day, little one.”

She returned her hug and walked toward the door with her adorably large backpack draped from her shoulders to her legs.

Paul stood up and begin to walk away from the school, content with this day, his life, and the fact he was returning to Memphis as a champion.



Yakima, Washington

Ryan waited patiently in the driver’s seat of his car while the officer checked his driver’s license and insurance from inside the patrol car.

“Can he at least turn off his lights?” Ryan wondered to himself out loud.

Getting pulled over was never fun, and for some reason Ryan was particularly susceptible to it. Perhaps it was because of his 1998 Corvette went so fast?

The Yakima City Police Department officer got out of his vehicle and approached the driver’s side window. After a quick knock on the glass, Ryan pushed a button to roll it down.

“Mr. Rafferty,” the policeman began. “I’m really embarrassed to ask this but… you’re Ryan Rogue aren’t you!?”

Ryan smiled out of the corner of his mouth.

“That would be me, officer.”

“Okay, okay,” the officer gushed. “My person back at HQ told me your named looked familiar! I have got to say, we make sure we stream all of the GPW events down at the station.”

“Ah, well, that means a lot to know the boys in blue are watching me back home,” Ryan answered. “It will give me that much more motivation to defend the tag team titles.”

The officer leaned onto the window and spoke a little quieter.

“You know, I normally never do this when someone was driving as fast as you, but I’m going to let you off with a warning,” the smiling officer said.

Ryan’s eyebrows went up because he was sure this would be another $250 ticket.

“Well, officer,” he managed to reply. “It’s an honor to entertain and represent you guys.”

The officer stood up and fixed his gear-laden belt with his hands.

“Don’t get it wrong,” said the policemen, while waving one arm in a big circle in front of himself. “The honor is all over here. Have a great day, and a great next season, sir.”

The cop returned to his patrol car and waited for Ryan to pull back out onto the street first. However, Ryan needed to check his messages… he would have seen that cop sooner if he hadn’t been texting, too.

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