No Choice

Jumpstart takes a long, hard look in the mirror.

The sound of the razor clanked as Jumpstart tapped it against the sink. He looked into the mirror and held the razor back up, making a clean pass across his right cheek. His Windsor, Ontario apartment was quiet with the exception of the running bathroom sink in front of him.

Shaving was a chore, but Jumpstart never minded it. It was always a moment to stop, look at himself and think.

Look at himself and think… he was struggling with that part of the process this time.

I can’t believe I did that.

His mind flashed back to his match at Gold Strike 10 vs. Ejercito de Juan. Sure, the young lucha libre was fast, but he was fast too.

Used to be fast.

He thought about his knee and could still feel it aching, and he became immediately annoyed. It’s what drove him to do what he did.

I couldn’t keep up.

Jumpstart held the razor under the water and gave it a rinse, then made another pass across his jawline. In his mind, he visualized delivering the low blow to Juan.

He’s a good wrestler, good kid.

After beating Ejercito de Juan, it meant that Jumpstart had a shot at the Silver Championship at The Golden Moment. A chance to redeem himself, though he knew the odds were stacked against him. The new Silver Champion, Cory Stenson was HUGE and wouldn’t go down easy.

What will it take?

He clenched his jaw in frustration, which disturbed the smooth stroke of the razor causing it to slice into the skin slightly. Jumpstart felt the sting and pulled the razor away, then watched in the mirror as a small bit of blood begin to trickle out of the cut.

Jumpstart dabbed at it with a small piece of toilet paper, and his mind went back to his current predicament. He was now facing Cory Stenson for the Silver Championship, and he wasn’t sure if he could win the match.

He definitely has the size advantage… and I don’t have the speed advantage I used to.

After the quick Canadian finished shaving, he took two hands of warm water from the sink and splashed it over his face. He took a last look into the mirror and watched the water run down his face and dribble off his chin.

I’ll do what I have to. I don’t have any choice.

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