Market Research

Golden Glen Miller explains his agreement with Parker Meloche.

Ben extended his left arm and then contracted it, slightly wincing at the brief pain coming from the inside of his elbow. He repeated it one more time and decided the pain was less intense than the week prior.

The Golden Warhorse sat on a bench inside the Golden Pro Wrestling Academy locker room by himself. Most of the other wrestlers had already headed home today including Corbin Fiscal and the Wild Kards. Through the walls, Ben could still hear Cory Stenson out in the main gym polishing his rope work.

As he opened up his personal locker and sorted through his things, the door to the locker room slowly creaked open. The familiar patter of slow steps and impact of a cane made it obvious who was walking in.

The legend of Memphis rasslin’, Golden Glen Miller.

Ben turned around and smiled at his grandfather, who was wearing his casual attire today at the gym. While well past his prime, Glen remained an imposing figure at 6’8”, even if he were slightly hunched and reliant on the cane now.

“Goldpa, what’s going on?”

Glen didn’t walk far into the locker room, rather he slowly took his place at the nearest bench and sat down with an audible exhale.

“Oh, grandson, I just wanted to come and check on you,” replied Glen with his strong southern drawl. “We still haven’t had a chance to talk about what went down at The Golden Moment.”

Ben grabbed a towel from the locker room to quickly pat and dry his sweaty brow.

“Yeah, well, I’m not really sure what to say, Goldpa,” Ben carefully responded. “That man you hired, Parker Meloche, isn’t trustworthy and it put the safety of me and my friends at risk.”

Glen slowly nodded in careful consideration.

“After you beat Shotcaller, Parker tried to tell you something,” said the old man carefully. “He said that he was trying to save my legacy…”

“Yeah, can you believe that!?” Ben exclaimed. “He really knows how to twist people and make them think he’s on their side.”

“That’s the thing, Ben, Parker was telling the truth.”

Ben stopped and looked at Goldpa, and then looked down at the floor. With a sigh, Ben walked over and took a seat on the same bench as Glen and let the old man continue.

“Back when I was just running the Golden Pro Wrestling Academy, Parker Meloche approached me about the opportunity. He definitely had the bona fide business background, but he also had something else… market research.”

“What are you talking about, Goldpa?”

“The fact is, Ben, the new generation of wrestling fans don’t really know anything about me… I’m just their father’s favorite wrestler. Or even worse, their grandfather’s favorite wrestler. My name is fading to the annals of pro wrestling, which means my legacy is becoming less and less valuable.”

Ben thought carefully but wasn’t sure what to say.

“Listen, grandson, I have an obligation to leave my family in as good of a place as possible, which means I needed to find a way to capitalize on whatever value my name still has. Launching GPW is my way to set you up for a lifetime… and with that, I have to trust Parker that he will do everything to make it successful.”

GGM stopped there and let his grandson absorb everything.

“But Goldpa, you don’t have to do all that, and you certainly don’t have to trust Parker to carry out that mission,” Ben finally responded.

There was a brief moment of silence between the two men.

“Ben, I’m just going to tell you this one more time… I’ve entrusted Parker to build GPW over the long run. And yes, there will be some bumps along the way like Season 2, but I think he learned his lesson.”

“I hope so,” Ben replied.

With a loud grunt, Golden Glen Miller attempted to rise to his feet, and Ben quickly stood up and helped GGM the rest of the way. Once standing, Glen put his hand on Ben’s shoulder and looked at him in the eyes.

“Grandson, you have the truest heart on the roster and the fans love you for it. Keep doing what you’re doing, and it will all work out, trust me.”

Ben’s face softened.

“Alright, Goldpa. I’ll trust you.”

Glen gave Ben a pat on the shoulder and slowly walked out of the locker room with the aid of his golden cane. Ben looked down at the tiled floor and contemplated what was in store for him in Season 3.

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