Medicine Time

Abel’s work release opportunity is approved.

He took the pill out of the tiny wax cup and popped it into his mouth followed by a brief sip of water.

Within moments, Abel felt his blood pressure begin to lower, his muscles relax, and a comforting relief wash over his mental state. This would be the highlight of his day within the padded room he called home.

Otherwise, he lived a sad, lonely existence in the small cell of the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute. He held no ill will to the staff of the facility because their care of him was exemplary.

The therapy sessions with Dr. Dean were always productive, the orderlies were tough but fair, and the medicinal regimen kept his rage under control.

Also, he knew he deserved to be here.

He was dangerous to others. Yes, he understood that now.

And thank goodness for the Memphis justice system. They could have sent him to prison for his crimes, but instead they recognized Abel’s mental defects and put him in a position to rehabilitate himself.

Outside his cell door, a face appeared in the window.

It was Dr. Dean wearing a smile.

“Mr. Abel,” the doctor said through the window. “I wanted to let you know some exciting news.”

Abel nodded back silently, now tranquilly sedated.

“Your work release has been approved, and I couldn’t be more excited for your progress. This is your chance to assimilate back into society and prove your worth.”

With effort, Abel attempted to make a smile.

“I’ll check back in with you next week when I know more about timing. Congratulations.”

The doctor’s face disappeared from the window, and Abel laid down across his tiny bed. Despite his medicinally dulled disposition, there was a flicker of excitement welling within his chest.

He didn’t want to be scary or violent, and this was his chance to show people the kind person he could be.

Unfortunately, he would soon find out that Dr. Dean had the exact opposite intention in mind.

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