My Flippin' Knee

Will Jumpstart’s return end sooner than expected?

Jumpstart hated the doctor’s office by now. Sure, the guy was eminently qualified and had a particularly good bedside manner, but he never had good news. On the walls were educational materials of knees and joints identifying every bone and ligament.

The veteran wrestler knew exactly which one of those ligaments was nagging him. Not just nagging, but now hobbling him.

“Yep,” observed the doctor while he flexed Jumpstart’s knee. “It looks like you strained it pretty good.”

Jumpstart’s heart dropped. It was only his first match in Golden Pro Wrestling and he was already dealing with his knee again. He had been hoping that the prior lengthy break from the ring had been enough to get it back to near 100%.

When he tried to hit a huracaranna against Flip Costa, Jumpstart immediately knew his knee had given out. And it was enough of a setback for that kid to hit his finisher. But he had no hard feelings for Flip Costa. In fact, he thought the kid had a good head on his shoulders, and possessed a real bright future.

Ugh… Jumpstart thought. Already out of the tournament.

“Do I need to take time off again?” Jumpstart asked.

“Well, to be honest my friend, I think you should probably think about how you want to spend the rest of your life,” the Doctor replied. “I just don’t see how this is going to heal 100% if you aren’t willing to go through the surgery.”

“But that surgery isn’t guaranteed to fix it?”

“No, and if the surgery doesn’t work, you’re definitely done,” the doctor warned.

There was a moment of silence as Jumpstart thought.

“I don’t think I’m ready to make that call yet,” Jumpstart decided. “My contract has me guaranteed three matches per season over the first two seasons. If I can’t manage the next five, then I’ll think about the surgery more.”

The doctor furrowed his brow in concern.

“Listen, Jumpstart, I’ve been with you for the past five years while you’ve dealt with this,” the doctor started. “You’ve had a lot of good years. A lot. I don’t know if you have five more good matches in you with your knee like it is.”

“Thanks, doc, but I’m going to push forward for now,” Jumpstart decided. “I know I may just be being proud, but I’m not ready for the surgery or to retire.”

“Alright, bud, let me know when you need to see me again.”

Jumpstart got up from the doctor’s table, shook hands with his physician and began to gingerly limp out of the room.

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