No More Dancing

Reject tries to stop Vicky Cagliano’s side hustle.

The rain beat down on Reject’s dark green rain jacket. His long, wet, stringy hair hung down around his shoulders and over the front of his mask.

It has been raining in Memphis for several days straight, but that wasn’t what had Reject in such a somber mood this night. He had recently found out from an anonymous source that Vicky… his Vicky



a stripper.

Reject clenched his jaw and fists at the same time. There was no way that he was going to let his girl be dancing in front of a bunch of perverts.

He squinted through the raindrops falling on his face and looked at the front door of the The Gold Club, Memphis’ finest gentleman’s bar. He could hear the pulsating beats of the music through the walls of the establishment.

Reject shook his head and pulled the door open into the small room where a large, overweight bouncer was casually sitting on a stool.

“Alright, bro, welcome to the Gold Club,” he said half-heartedly. The bouncer held his hand out expecting to receive an ID to check.


The bouncer’s head impacted against the wall and his body slumped down to the ground unconscious. The door into the main dancing room swung open and another large man stuck his head through.

“What’s up…” said the second bouncer before seeing he his coworker on the ground. “Oh fuck.”

Reject lunged at the second bouncer, but he didn’t have the element of surprise this time. In a short moment, he and the second bouncer were struggling and tussling in the small waiting room outside of the main entertainment area.

“No more dancing!” Reject yelled emotionally.

Posters and club memorabilia fell to the ground as the two threw each other against the walls.

“The FUCK you are talking about!?” the second bouncer yelled back between punches.

For a split second, Reject was on top of the second bouncer throwing punches as fast as he could. However, the first bouncer came back to his senses and pulled Reject to his feet.

The music from the main room turned off and more Gold Club staff swarmed into the waiting area. Sensing his disadvantage, Reject pushed both bouncers off of him and crashed out through the front door.

The bouncers, not necessarily fit men, made no effort to engage in a foot chase. Instead, they bent over on the sidewalk coughing from exertion and checked various parts of their faces for blood.

When they finally looked up, they only saw Reject’s shadow slip into the dark, rainy Memphis night.

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