Personal Reference

Commissioner Meloche signs a new wrestler named Decade.

“I see, I see,” said Parker Meloche thoughtfully. The GPW commissioner carefully studied the man sitting in front of his desk.

“Yes, sir,” the wrestler continued. “As you can tell, I’m well experienced, I’m able bodied, and I’ll give you everything I can every single match.”

Parker squinted his eyes and tried to understand this eager wrestler. The guy was somewhere in his mid-20s yet looked somehow both young and old at the same time.

The man had a chiseled jaw and superb muscle structure. That would do well with women.

“Okay, just to let me make sure I have this straight; your name is… Decade?” the commissioner asked.

“Yes, sir,” Decade replied.

“And where do you see yourself on the Golden Pro Wrestler roster? We have some big names, and a long pecking order.”

The unemployed wrestler thought carefully to himself.

“Sir, I don’t see me anywhere on your roster. I wouldn’t dare suppose I was better than the best or worst than the worst. Let me come and show you where I fit.”

Parker leaned back and thought carefully. It was only an hour before this that he had gotten a personal request to field Decade’s interview, and he was unsure if this was a good idea.

“Okay, listen,” replied the commissioner, sitting forward and resting his forearms on his desk. “I’m signing you to a one-year deal because I think there is more to you than meets the eye.”

The wrestler immediately beamed with surprise.

“I won’t let you down, I won’t!”

Before Parker could say more, Decade stood up from his chair, threw Parker a strong yet quick handshake and briskly walked out of the office.

That was quick… almost too quick.

Parker ducked around his desk and cracked open his door to see Decade standing by himself and looking straight at the hallway wall.

“I did it!” Decade said straight to the wall.

“You mean you didn’t blow it,” he replied to himself in a throaty, sour voice.

After a moment, Parker watched Decade shake his head and collect himself.

“You don’t bother me anymore, goodbye,” Decade stated flatly while still staring at the wall.

Decade walked off down the hallway and Parker slowly shut the door.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s commissioner audibly sighed and asked himself what he had just done.

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