Prodigal Bastard

Violence takes a trip to honor the elders of Alberta.

Violence pushed open the door of Extendicare Vulcan, a nursing home just a few miles north of Champion, Alberta. Immediately, the lobby of the building and everyone within it came to a sudden stop.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s first Pure Gold Champion walked in confidently, while the desk receptionist let the phone drop from her should in disbelief. The middle-aged woman with brown hair stood slowly over her high desk to look at him.

He continued to walk straight forward to the elevator on the far side of the lobby.

Another nurse saw him and simply stopped walking, while the old man in the wheelchair she was pushing simply rolled away.

When the old man in the wheelchair came near Golden Pro Wrestling’s champion, Violence just pushed the wheelchair faster toward a row of seats.

On the far side of the lobby, Violence approached the elevator doors and pushed the ‘up’ button. The doors opened and Violence entered quickly before smashing the number 3 button with his fat right index finger.

A few moments later, the elevator doors opened, and he continued down the sterile hallways of the facility for elderly patients.

After reaching room 3F, Violence didn’t bother to knock, and he pushed the door open and entered the room.

On the far side of the large living area, an old man was having his adult diaper changed by a nurse after obviously soiling himself. Violence just smiled and shook his head before walking in.

The nurse gasped and recoiled in fear against the wall of the nursing home room. The old man looked embarrassed and ashamed of his vulnerable self.

“Hey dipshit,” Violence stated. “I did again. Champion. AGAIN. So, FUCK you!”

Violence lifted his hand and threw out his middle finger to the decrepit, old man before turning and walking back out to the hallway of Extendicare Vulcan.

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