Standard of Living

Abel Unstable receives an upgrade to his living conditions.

The door to the FedExForum’s storage room creaked open slightly. Across the room, underneath a dirty, stained blanket laid Abel Unstable. His unkempt, sweaty hair rose with his head off the concrete floor.

He had been hiding in the FedExForum for several months from the clutches of Dr. Dean.

Unexpected light from the hallway forced the escaped mental patient to squint his eyes. Abel quickly stood up to his feet and took a defensive posture knowing that whoever opened the door may be a threat to his freedom.

A head poked into the room through the open door and quickly scanned. It was the handsome face of Golden Pro Wrestling’s commissioner, Parker Meloche.

The Canadian businessman’s head stopped when it found Abel, and softly smiled.

“Abel,” Parker said kindly. “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m not here to take you back.”

The face of Abel Unstable softened slightly, and then turned into a puzzled look. Parker opened the door the rest of the way and stood in an unaggressive stance.

“The FedExForum staff and I have known you’ve been here for quite some time,” he continued. “I’m here to give you the humane treatment you deserve.”

Parker stepped out of the doorway, and with a quick motion of his hand, two FedExForum employees entered the room carefully. The staff members were obviously trying not to startle the big GPW wrestler.

They quietly walked over and collected Abel’s “belongings,” which consisted of his dirty blanket, and assorted pieces of trash. After removing them from the room, they returned with a large sleeping cot and new bedding.

Abel watched as they set up the cot and laid out the clean sheets and beddings. The staff members quietly left and returned with a tall lamp and box of food.

“That’s almost it, fellas, just grab the last of the things and we’ll be all done here,” Parker said to the FedExForum crew.

With one last trip, the crew brought in several jugs of clean water, which was a desperate relief for Abel. The past few months he had been warily living off of soda syrup causing him to be in a ongoing state of dehydration and sugar overload.

On their way out, Parker handed each of them several hundred-dollar bills before returning his attention to Abel.

“As long as you remain free from Dr. Dean, I will continue to hide here and the staff will return every now and then with more food and water,” Parker continued. “I will also protect your location until the process with Dr. Dean has run its course.”

Abel walked over to his new bed and ran his hand over the soft blanket. When he looked back at Parker, the GPW commissioner was dangling a key from one hand.

“And this key will give you access to the locker room showers,” said Parker before walking over to hand the big man the key.

Abel held out his large calm, where then Parker carefully put it.

Before leaving the storage room, Parker looked back at Abel one more time.

“Don’t worry, big fella, you’ll have a chance to earn your freedom… permanently.”

With that, Parker Meloche closed the door leaving Abel Unstable standing in the glow of his tall new lamp, and his new standard of living.

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