Status Report One

The Draconian shares what he’s learned and what comes next.

The room was dark with the exception of the blue glowing panels around the room. On the panels featured scan visualizations, strange symbols, and images of astrophysical phenomenon.

In the center of the room, he sat in the large central seat looking out the main viewing panel at the planet below him. The planet was predominantly blue with masses of green and brown, and above it all gently flowed white vaporization.


Sitting in his command chair, the Draconian furrowed his brow while looking at the planet Earth.

“Begin status report,” his deep voice bellowed. “First contact was successful, and initial combat was simplistic.”

The large alien being felt his hair resting over his shoulders. The Draconian people were known for their regal, long black hair. If a Draconian were to not have this hair, they would face ostracization, of course.

“Initial dominance not achieved,” the Draconian continued. “These hu-mahns have proven to be quite resourceful. They use mental maneuvering against one another. Not always direct like our people.”

The Draconian stood from his chair before walking toward the viewing port and looking down at the planet Earth.

“Their species is simple, yet complex. I am intrigued by their vanity and will endeavor to learn more if this can be exploited for our eventual incursion.”

The Draconian closed his eyes and clenched his jaws.

“During the next phase, I will target the one they call Flip Costa.”

He gives Earth one more look before turning back and walking toward his seat.

“Send transmission.”

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