Status Report Two

The Draconian requests the “Dominars” for Season 3.

The Draconian stood on the dark bridge of his spaceship, with dark grey panels along the walls which occasionally glowed blue. In the background, the ever-present hum of the engines. If the Draconian was sentimental about anything, it was the stability and environment of his vessel.

The alien being stared at his view screen, which featured footage from his match at The Golden Moment. Specifically, it showed Flip Costa becoming distracted by his own image, so much that he became unaware of his surroundings. Indeed, the Draconian had grabbed him, destroyed him with a gutwrench powerbomb and won the match.

The footage continued, and the Draconian noticed that Flip Costa looked genuinely surprised and upset with the result.

Flip Costa apparently cared. Flip Costa had realized the world may end because of him.

Perhaps it had evolved him.

Interesting he thought.

“Begin status report,” said the Draconian, and a receptive beep emanated from a control panel. “The hu-mahn Flip Co-stah failed to defeat me, and Earth’s destructive destiny remains in place.”

He turned and looked out the window and down toward Earth. It was a sight he was becoming more and more familiar with, and at times, less hostile toward.

“While his vanity was ultimately his downfall, there is a slight chance that there was some sort of… mental growth. Interesting.”

The Draconian pondered and held his hand up to his chin in deep thought.

“During the next phase, I plan to introduce more complexity to the hu-mahn’s challenges, which requires additional resources. I request and summon the Dominars.”

A moment went by and the Draconian considered if there was anything to add in his message back to Draconia.

There wasn’t.

“Send transmission.”

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