Still Using Hotmail

Jumpstart gets interest from GPW, but wonders if his body is able.

Jumpstart logged into his Hotmail account and checked to see if another message came through – it had been weeks of back-and-forth communication with Golden Pro Wrestling.

Unfortunately, this “Parker Meloche” character wasn’t very responsive; Jumpstart expected that they were prioritizing recruitment of younger wrestlers like most new promotions do these days.

Sitting in his sweatpants and without a shirt, Jumpstart ran a hand through his white, messy hair and picked up the cup of coffee off his desk. A nice sip of Kona blend; most people just drank any kind of coffee, but he was too mature for that at this point in his life.

Jumpstart sat the cup back down and scrolled through the email inbox.

Mostly spam. That’s what you get when your email account is 25 years old.

But there it was! An email appeared half-way down from Parker Meloche.


Hi there Jumpstart,

Apologies for the delay. I’ve been overseas.

I talked to Glen Miller, and he’s adamant how valuable it will be to have a man of your experience on the roster. He remembers you well and always admired your quick feet, athleticism and versatility.

We would be honored to have you on the roster. I’ve attached details of the contract offer and look forward to hearing back.


Parker Meloche

Commissioner, Golden Pro Wrestling


Jumpstart exhaled a sigh of relief. He hadn’t gotten much interest in his skills since the injury when he fell awkwardly and tore his ACL a couple years back.

Sure, he had told promoters he was back to 100%, but it still nagged him. There were a few moves he simply couldn’t pull off anymore, but he had tried to cover it up by introducing some other less agile moves to his repertoire.

Will Golden Pro Wrestling notice?

He took another sip of his coffee and stood up from his computer. He needed to get back in the gym and prep for his new job as much as he could.

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