Thank You, Father

Fuse finally returns home to Tano, Japan as a champion.

After entering the Japanese home called a Minka, Fuse closed the sliding door behind himself. He looked around at the place where he grew up; it seemed nearly foreign to him now after his travels to America. It reminded him of a simpler time in his life, a time of youth and innocence.

He had returned a different man than the one he was when he left. He mused that he actually didn’t leave as a man, he left home as a boy.

From another room, the soft voice of a polite woman spoke out.


The woman poked her head around the corner and looked at Fuse, who had only brought a small backpack with him.

“Yes, mother, I am… home.”

Emi Makoto smiled and walked gracefully to hug her only child. She rested her head on his chest and squeezed his body tight as a sign of how much she missed his presence.

Fuse bowed his head, nearly in shame.

“I am so sorry for leaving, mother. And for not returning when you asked.”

Emi pulled her head from Fuse’s chest and placed one hand on the back of his neck, forcing him to look in her eyes.

“My son, you did what you must to both find yourself and defend the family name. I can think of little that is more honorable than that,” said Emi, while wiping a tear from her eye.

Fuse squinted his eyes to stop a tear of his own from emerging.

“And father?”

“He is in the other room, my son. And I have good news, he has recovered from his recent illness.”

Fuse’s eyes brightened in relief; he had spent Season 2 worrying about the health of his father. There were many sleepless nights wondering if sacrificing a potential last moment with his father was worth his pursuit of glory in Golden Pro Wrestling.

Emi led Fuse through the small house to the family room. Just as Fuse had left him, Haru Makoto sat quietly in his chair looking out the window. Fuse carefully grabbed another chair and slid it next to his father’s and sat down.

Haru turned his head and smiled to his young son, which surprised Fuse because many days, Haru would have been completely unresponsive.

“My son,” said Haru with a certain combination of softness and strength. “Let me… see it.”

Fuse reached into his small backpack and pulled out the Golden Pro Wrestling Pure Gold Championship title belt. He placed it gently in his father’s lap.

Haru took a moment to run his fingers over the emblems and symbols of Golden Pro Wrestling and over the letters of ‘Pure Gold’. He smiled and placed it back in Fuse’s hands.

“My son,” Haru continued. “You have become the champion and man I expected you to be. It is an honor to have you return to our home.”

Fuse felt a tear drop from his eyes, and Haru placed his hand on Fuse’s.

“Now that you have become the champion, you must stay the champion. Return to the place they call Memphis and show the world your strength.”

Fuse, incredibly impressed with his father, placed his arm around Haru. Fuse knew that it had been likely years since Haru had spoken so much and so confidently.

“Thank you, father.”

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