We Were Summoned

The Dominars arrive to do the Draconian’s bidding.

Upon the dark bridge of the Draconian’s starship, the Draconian sat in his captain’s seat. The dark bridge of the vessel kept a low, mellow hum from the engine. The dark walls emitted its cool blue undertones, and the control consoles in the room beeped occasionally.

A new, more excited beep emanated and the Draconian waved his hand in front of himself. The view screen on the far wall switched to new view, an image of an approaching space vessel. With a concentrated demeanor, the Draconian pressed two buttons on the control panel next to his chair.

The Draconian clenched his jaw while two beings slowly materialized in front of him.

One was an alien being of obvious strength and a slight smirk on his face, while the other was skinnier with an inquisitive look.

The Draconian stood up and nodded slowly toward the two.

“Dominars,” said the Draconian in his deep voice.

The two aliens looked at each other for a moment before returning their shared gaze at the Draconian.

“General,” they replied in unison.

The Draconian took a step toward his two compatriots.

“I have summoned you for a complicated task,” addressed the Draconian. “The hu-mahns are now aware of their destruction… And their warrior has failed his opportunity to save them.”

The two Dominars nodded and continued to listen.

“However, I believe their warrior, Flip Co-stah… has somehow mentally evolved. Realizing his defeat, I believe he demonstrated an unexpected moment of psychological growth, and as such, I command that we test him further.”

“And what will your lordship have use do?” asked the stronger Dominar.

“Dominar Fyx,” the Draconian replied. “He will be tested against the most guiling and grueling team of Draconia… the Dominars.”

“Ah, he will regret the day he has heard of our superior species,” chimed the skinnier Dominar.

“Indeed, Dominar Shaphre, he will.”

The Dominars looked to each other and nodded rather emotionlessly.

“As you command, General,” replied the Dominars in unison.

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