They Want Sicko

In Memphis, the light will soon see the darkness.

The two men at the cell door’s window peered in.

“It’s best I do not tell you his name,” whispered Dr. Dean. “There is a certain notoriety behind the events that led him to me.”

Sicko could hear them talking. Talking about Sicko.

It was Dr. Dean and a man Sicko had never seen before, and the new man was obviously evaluating Sicko with a nervous stare.

“Okay,” agreed the new man. “I’m building out a roster, and I need bodies. Period. My staff will be in touch with you to iron out the work-release details.”

They want Sicko. They will let Sicko out. They want Sicko.

Dr. Dean and the man walked away from the door, leaving the deranged mental patient in the silence of his cell. Sicko rocked back and forth rhythmically.

They want Sicko. They will let Sicko out. They want Sicko.

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