Things Happened

Jumpstart receives feedback on his recent actions from Crosscheck Beck.

The crowd at the Golden Pro Wrestling booth began to wane. Despite Jumpstart’s hopes, very few people stopped by for an autograph from him at this year’s Comicon Memphis.

Was it a sign of his struggling appeal?

Sure, his last two matches were a little bit off-kilter for a man like him.

First, he had to use some unforeseen shenanigans to dispatch of Ejercito de Juan, but it was worth it if it got him the Silver Championship title shot.

The at The Golden Moment, he may have used some wily veteran trickery to overcome Cory Stenson.

But the fans wouldn’t hold that against him, right?

Jumpstart scoffed, stood up and put on his leather jacket; to his side the GPW marketing team was packing up boxes of unsigned merchandise. Most if it had Jumpstart’s face on it, he noticed.

“Hope this isn’t a sign of a slowdown for GPW in Season 3,” said Jumpstart, hoping someone might reaffirm his casual remark.

To his side, Golden Pro Wrestler Crosscheck Beck laughed.

“Slowdown!? I never signed this many autographs before, even in my hockey playing days!” the young goon-turned-wrestler responded.

Jumpstart furrowed his brow because Beck was right, he had seen how many fans were clamoring for his signature today.

“You know, Jumpstart,” said Crosscheck Beck. “You might have been popular back in the day, but fans don’t like cheap shots, even from their own guy.”

That comment caught the veteran Canadian wrestler off guard.

“Cheap shots?” Jumpstart asked incredulously while slinging the Silver Championship belt over his shoulder.

Crosscheck Beck turned and faced him while still wearing his Memphis Bears hockey jersey.

“Yeah, bud,” scoffed Beck. “We all saw what you did to Juan to earn your title shot, and then what you did to Stenson to get that belt.”

Jumpstart took a quick look at the belt and back at Beck.

“Hey junior, I was winning belts like these while you were still playing peewees.”

“Whatever floats your boat, pal, just don’t step into the Hardcore Division with any of that shit,” warned Beck. “Or else I’ll have to send you to the dentist to get some dentures to go along with that old-as-shit body.”

A GPW marketing staff member chuckled quietly to the side, apparently overhearing the entire exchange.

“Oh, fuck off,” Jumpstart retorted while pushing past Beck and the GPW staffer.

Jumpstart knew he didn’t have to cheat to win the Silver Championship.

He was still on top of his game, it’s just that… things happened… right?

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