This Is It

Golden Ben Miller turns for advice ahead of Gold Rush.

Seven… eight… nine… ten.

Inside the Golden Pro Wrestling Academy gym, Ben pushed the weight above his chest.

Bench press. A natural stress reliever for the blue-blooded wrestler from Memphis.

He set the bar back on the rack above him and sat up while sweat drops down from his brow onto his black GPW tank top.

“Gettin’ ready there, Ben?” a gentile, southernly voice asked.

Ben looked over his shoulder to the weight room’s door and smiled. His grandfather, Golden Glen Miller, casually leaned on his golden cane with a smile.

“I think I’m already ready,” Ben replied. “Right now, I’m just managing a little stress, to be honest.”

Glen nodded slowly in a moment of understanding.

“Squats,” replied Glen while Ben made a confused face. “I always did a couple rounds of squats per day leading up to a big match.”

Ben’s frow eased up.

“Listen, Ben,” Glen continued. “This bein’ your first big match and all, I thought I’d drop by and give you some unsolicited advice.”

The younger Miller pivoted on the workout bench and raised his eyebrows with interest.

“I’m all ears, Goldpa,” Ben admitted.

“It’s going to be easy to let emotions overwhelm you when you walk down that ramp to the ring,” Glen conferred. “And you’ll already be thinking about the ramifications of winning… or losing.”

“I don’t plan on los-”

“I know, I know,” said Glen, nodding with eyes closed. “I just want to remind you that this won’t be the only big match of your career. Ride this wave and absorb the experience from this very moment to the end of the match.”

Ben rested his elbows on his knees and looked back up at his grandfather, while the advice continued to come from the legendary wrestler.

“And one thing about this ladder match,” Glen continued. “Just when you think you’re about to grab that belt… that’s when he’ll try to hit you with his big move.”

“Are you saying fake the grab, and then counter the Blur Out?” Ben asked.

“Just something to think about…” Glen answered. “I’ll let you back at it.”

Ben’s grandfather kindly turned around and limped back out of the weight room with his cane. After a few moments absorbing the advice, Ben laid back down on the bench and lifted the bar back above his chest.

One… two… three…

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