TikTok Brain

Awoke enjoys the marketplace of ideas.

Sitting in a Memphis Starbucks, Golden Pro Wrestling’s biggest wrestler idly spent his time. Awoke’s large thumb pushed against the glass screen of his phone, forcing the stream of content to keep moving. Noticing an enticing video thumbnail, he pressed play.

On the phone, a physically neutral person with green hair began to speak into the camera.

“Hi there, I just think someone needs to say this out loud: reading is racist. For thousands of years, white American slave owners did not allow their slaves to learn to read. So next time you encounter a person of color, don’t expect them to read like you, or be able to read at all! Have a great day!”

Reading is racist! Why didn’t I think of that?!

The large, blue-haired wrestler smiled and nodded to himself while taking a sip from his Triple Grande Half-Caff Caramel Macchiato with Extra Foam, 2 Pumps of Vanilla, and a Dash of Cinnamon Sprinkle.

Awoke continued to scroll down the app until another interesting video popped up. He pressed the play button and the odd-looking individual with dyed hair and a nose ring began to speak. In the background of the video was a classroom with a large LGBTQ flag covering a smaller American flag.

“Okay, so I just got done with a parent-teacher conference, and they have NO CLUE that their child was double non-binary, gender-seasonal! As an educator, it’s my job to make sure that my first-grade students know they can come to me with any intense personal issues regarding sexuality and gender. I love my job!”

The big social justice warrior laughed out loud to himself.

Those parents shouldn’t even be allowed in that classroom!

Awoke went to scroll for another video when suddenly a voice began to speak to him.

“Hey, are you Awoke!?”

He looked up to find two gender-neutral people holding their own coffees.

“Yes, I am, and my pronouns are he/their/them” he responded skeptically.

One of the people looked at the other and smiled before looking back at Awoke.

“We are your BIGGEST fans! Our pronouns are Zim/Zer/Zey. We just wanted to say that the way you’re taking on Golden Glen Miller’s patriarchy is so inspirational!”

“Well, thank you, I had no idea anyone in Memphis was this enlightened.”

“Yes, and as a triple-reverse non-binary birthing-person, I hope you can win that Pure Gold Championship at Fort Knocks!”

Awoke shifted his wait in his seat and leaned forward.

“Actually, in the interest of inclusion, I plan on helping Shotcaller get the gold. It’s the only way to make up for the thousands of years of marginalization and systemic exclusion.”

The two fans of Awoke’s lit up with wide smiles.

“Oh, Awoke, you are so… awoke! Good luck!”

After watching them walk away, Awoke sat back and pulled his phone back up. There were more thought-provoking videos for him to watch.

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