Under Observation

Jumpstart gets some medical advice from Dr. Greene.

Jumpstart hopped off the doctor’s table and instantly regretted it after his knee began to sting and ache from the impact. He kept a straight face and hid it, at least.

“See doc?” asked Jumpstart, hoping the Golden Pro Wrestling doctor didn’t notice the temporary discomfort.

Dr. Tabitha Garran, Golden Pro Wrestling’s head physician, nodded slowly and typed some notes into her laptop. Jumpstart wished he could peer over her shoulder and see what she was typing.

“Well, Jumpstart,” Dr. Garran began. “I’ll be honest with you. I’m not 100% convinced your knee is completely healed, but I don’t see enough evidence that you shouldn’t be cleared to wrestle.”

Jumpstart felt in an immediate rush of relief across his body, which let his shoulders visibly relax. Dr. Garran noticed.

“I know you’ve been dealing with this nagging injury, and per your contract, your personal orthopedic physician disclosed that he has recommended surgery multiple times.”

The aged, veteran wrestler nodded quietly in acknowledgment.

“But doc,” Jumpstart replied. “I can still compete. Sure, Corbin Fiscal hit me with a nice move at Gold Rush, but it had nothing to do with my knee.”

“You can say that all you want, but I’ve seen your tapes,” Dr. Garran explained. “You’re not as quick as you used to be, and I don’t think it can be chalked up to simple aging. Your knee needs real repair to get back to the level you wrestled at in your prime.”

“But ‘repair’ means taking a gigantic risk,” answered Jumpstart, who began to feel his throat constrict from anxiety. “If it doesn’t work, then I’m done… for good.”

Dr. Garran stayed silent for a moment in thought.

“You’re cleared to wrestle for Season 2,” she said. “But I’m going to be watching your matches closely, and if I think you need to be pulled, you’ll be pulled. After that, it will be up to you to get surgery, wrestle somewhere else… or retire.”

Jumpstart raised his eyebrows in consideration and nodded his head.

“Deal,” he replied. “But I’ll give you a commitment of my own. By the end of Season 2, I’ll have a belt around my waist.”

A polite smile appeared on Dr. Garran’s face.

“Okay then, I’ll submit the paperwork. Good luck out there.”

Jumpstart showed an expression of appreciation, gathered his things, and left the doctor’s room.

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