Waking Up

Cory Stenson’s mother waits patiently in the hospital room.

… when will he wake up?…

… we’re not sure…

… oh, my Cory… my Cory…

The warbles and clicks of the medical equipment sounded softly in the dark hospital room while the doctor left and gently closed the door.

It was past 9 p.m., and Janet Stenson had refused to leave. Fortunately, as an immediate family member, she was allowed to spend as much time in her son’s room as she wanted.

Ever since the match against Violence, which horrified Janet and her husband Bill, they had barely left the hospital. The image of her son taking the disturbing impact of the Blur Out three times was replaying in her mind over and over.

She curled up on the short pull-out couch for guests under a hospital blanket. She wouldn’t leave her son’s side until he had awoken, even if it meant she would wither and wane from lack of food and sleep. Though, most nights her exhausted worry finally led to 3-4 hours of uneasy rest.

Bill had gone home to feed the dogs and let them out before he would return to the hospital. Bill had almost spent as much time at the hospital as Janet, except he took on an added burden of trying to keep their lives going.

He’s a good man Janet thought to herself.

Her eyes were dry, and she was feeling the drowsiness kick in from another long day without answers.

At the very least she knew that Cory’s arm, while broken, would heal. And the stitched cut above his eye would heal, as well.

Otherwise? There was no telling what brain damage he might have received at the hands of that lunatic, Violence. That miserable character had tried to kill her son, Janet was sure.

Her eyelids drooped further, and she blindly found the plug for her phone charger. With one last ounce of effort, she managed to plug her phone and place it on the short table next to the couch.

Just as her mind began to shut off, it happened.


Janet received a jolt of energy and looked over to the bed. Cory was weakly trying to sit up in the hospital bed, obviously groggy and disoriented.

Cory was finally awake.

Thank you, Jesus she thought.

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