Watching the Books

GPW’s accountant finds some room in the budget.

Corbin stared at the spreadsheet on his computer screen in boredom.

The life of a financial advisor and accountant was decidedly uninteresting. This line of work seemed logical when he was in college at University of Memphis; his parents told him the key to happiness was a steady, well-paying job.

He clicked around and examined Golden Pro Wrestling’s expenses. Most of it was tied up in wrestler contracts and the agreement with the FedExForum, but now he needed to isolate a budget for marketing ahead of the big launch.

He ran a complex macro formula which spit out a 12-month marketing budget. He promptly saved the file, attached it to an email and sent to Golden Pro Wrestling Commissioner Parker Meloche.

Within his quiet business office in downtown Memphis, Corbin leaned back in his chair and thought to himself.

A minute went by before he leaned forward, grabbed his phone and started to make a call. Unfortunately, the number rang and rang before ultimately going to voicemail.

“Hey Parker,” he said over the phone. “This is Corbin. Listen, I found money in the budget for marketing expenses, but I also found wiggle room in the budget for something else. We can afford one more wrestler and I know who it should be: me. Call me back.”

After hanging up Corbin loosened his tie and scratched the back of his head. He smiled to himself because finally he was going to do something interesting with his time.


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